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Kazakhstan elected to U.N. Security Council, beating Thailand in a second round of voting


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Kazakhstan vs. Thailand for a UN security council seat. Dammed if you do

dammed if you don't. Does either side have the moral or ethical high ground?

Can you abstain on this vote.? blink.png

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Little UK England will lose his place at the UN Security Council, then no more member of G7, G10 enough. But new Center of off-shore business.

No English team in the Champions League. The freedom to be English, to be proud misused by Brexit gangsters and their lemmings.

Self-castration is not a reason to be proud, sovereign, independent. The basic power is missing now.

Well all I've got to say to that is this


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Oh really ????

So that is why Kazakhstan was elected ????

Quote from Wiki: "Human Rights Watch says that "Kazakhstan heavily restricts freedom of assembly, speech, and religion"

And their leader: "The current President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has been leader of the country since then, and is characterized as authoritarian, with a government history of human rights abuses and suppression of political opposition"

Great choice by the UN...

Pick the other candidate country, substitute its name and its leader's name, and all the other factors and particulars equally apply.

But still, crushingly beat out by K-stan??? That says a lot!

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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What else could you expect. Human rights - gone. Military government, censorship, slavery, illegal detentions etc. And when a former Russian state beats Thailand on these basic human rights, something is drastically wrong with the country. In everyones eyes except the Elite - always profiting - and the army/government.

I've worked in Kazakhstan. Now, that doesn't by any means mean i am any sort of expert on the country. I've also worked in Thailand and worked with Thais. I'd work with a Kazak and work in Kazakhstan over a Thai 7 days a week and twice on a Sunday.

Kazakhs are educated and know how to work hard.

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Seems the PM was right.

Mr Moon and the UN understand exactly was going on in Thailand .

Looking forward to Friday's lecture.

They should never have tried to get a seat on the Security Council. Everyone knows a country that does not have a democratically elected government will in truth not even be considered. If they were considered it would be giving legitimacy to non-elected governments around the world and that would be totally opposite to the UN way of working

Oh really ????

So that is why Kazakhstan was elected ????

Quote from Wiki: "Human Rights Watch says that "Kazakhstan heavily restricts freedom of assembly, speech, and religion"

And their leader: "The current President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has been leader of the country since then, and is characterized as authoritarian, with a government history of human rights abuses and suppression of political opposition"

Great choice by the UN...

Have you been to Kazakhstan? I have I lived there for 3 years and there is a lot more freedom of speech than you think. They also have elections were the public go to vote.

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Thailand could have learned from Australia's experience in obtaining admission to the UN Security Council. It is all about money.

When the previous Australian Labor government sought admission to the Council it sent out emissaries with suitcases full of money to all parts of the globe, particularly the poorest countries, to buy their "YES" vote when it came voting day. And yes you guessed it. They gained admission; no problems.

Evidently bribery did not occur to Thailand. How could that be?

Did New Zealand do the same?

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The question, Kazakhstan vs Thailand, did oil rich Kazakhstan spend more than Thailands 600 million baht (reported in Thai newspapers) on bribes? Doubt that, most countries find it difficult to vote for a military dictator no matter the money, the vote wasn't that close.

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B600 million squandered on lobbying for this seat- just shows that the UN is as corrupt as other organisations.

Countries should be appointed on merit, not how much grease is provided.

"Among the "huge expenditure" items were first-class air tickets for special Thai envoys, free Bangkok trips for senior UN officials from New York and a reception on a cruise run by a five-star hotel for diplomats in New York".

"We had anticipated that," Gen Prawit said. "Never mind. Next time."

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Who do you think wanted Kazakhstan on the security council? Why Russia of course! It pays to have friends in high places who value your company. Now what friends does Thailand really have?

And Thailand's new best friend China didn't seem to bother.

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