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'I like waterboarding a lot', says Donald Trump


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>He's got a fetish alright, my bet it's he wears frilly ladies briefs.<

He is not as sick as you IMO

You're either not watching him or don't know me.

Like to keep it that waylaugh.png .

Here, have a cyber hug Hugo.

We re probably like long lost cousins ;)

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Anyone who tells you the solution to violence is more violence is either an idiot or trying to to pull the wool over your eyes

Too true SB But little Donald has already proven he's an idiot, a million times. He only shuts up long enough to change feet.

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Ex-CIA boss Hayden: I'd be 'frightened' by Trump presidency

The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency says he would be "frightened" of a Donald Trump presidency, based on what the Republican frontrunner has said about Mexicans, immigrants, and preventing Muslims from entering the US.


What a pussy.

H2O boarding is proven to work. When the terror-mongers are planning another bombing you want to ask them pretty-please? Where are you going to set off the bombs?

Yeah. Right...

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Ex-CIA boss Hayden: I'd be 'frightened' by Trump presidency

The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency says he would be "frightened" of a Donald Trump presidency, based on what the Republican frontrunner has said about Mexicans, immigrants, and preventing Muslims from entering the US.


What a pussy.

H2O boarding is proven to work. When the terror-mongers are planning another bombing you want to ask them pretty-please? Where are you going to set off the bombs?

Yeah. Right...

H20 boarding is proven to work??? In what alternate universe do you live?

I love when the wingnuts tell each other nonsense and they all jump in collaborating it. Quotes like this from Trump give his minions hardons.

Despite claims by Darth Cheney, it doesn't work. It's illegal and in a country that should be a world leader in moral leadership, Trump spews this bullshit. It's shameful.

Jesus and Buddha wept. Proven to work...facepalm.gif

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The money quote from the article cited above:

"... when a terrorist like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is captured, and he has set in motion a series of terrorist plots, he has not been disarmed. Even in captivity, he still holds the power to kill thousands simply by withholding information. We have a moral obligation to stop him."

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What wrong with it? The Old Testament say: "An eye for an eye". This is a Jewish Holy Scripture. Can you disagree with god's words in the holy scripture?

Yes, I can, Others too. Next.

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Let's face some facts here. We are no longer dealing with combat as we did in WWII where most countries abided by the Geneva convention.

One problem. Your "facts" are incorrect. Much as no one wants to admit it, torture has always been used during warfare and that includes WW II. It was not just the Axis powers either. Great Britain and America used it too. Only very naïve, politically correct types think that it will stop being used by the military any time soon, but publicly admitting it has been very stupid indeed.

A slight air of unreality has permeated the debate over “enhanced interrogation techniques” in the war against terror, with historians embarrassedly studying their toecaps over the issue. For the truth is that there has not been a war in history in which torture has not been employed in some form or another, and sometimes to excellent effect. When troops need information about enemy capabilities and intentions—and they usually need it fast—moral and ethical conventions (especially the one signed in Geneva in 1929) have repeatedly been ignored in the bid to save lives.

In the conflict generally regarded today as the most ethical in history, World War II, enhanced interrogation techniques were regularly used by the Allies, and senior politicians knew it perfectly well, just as we now discover that Nancy Pelosi did in the early stages of the war against terror. The very success of the D-Day landings themselves can largely be put down to the enhanced interrogation techniques that were visited upon several of the 19 Nazi agents who were infiltrated into Great Britain and “turned” by the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) between 1939 and 1945.


It is true that torture techniques was, is and will be used.

The link provided, though, does not really offer support for the notion that waterboarding, by itself, ought to be a preferred way of getting accurate and timely information. Those held by the SIS were subjected to a lengthy regime of psychological pressure, not quite the ticking bomb metaphor sometimes used as a justification for waterboarding.

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"If things were left up to the politically correct crowd here on TV"

If things were left up to the politically correct there would be no war in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria and ISIS, Guantanamo and the global refugee crisis would not exist. The War mongers took over and screwed up the world as usual. Trump's solution is lets start torturing people and executing innocent people that will solve the problem. What a dipshit.

About as naive as it gets. There would have been other conflicts, atrocities and horrors. Pinning all that's wrong in the world on right wing politics is quite a stretch.

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Anyone who tells you the solution to violence is more violence is either an idiot or trying to to pull the wool over your eyes

One liners for the win.

There are times when violence is the only answer for violence. It might not always be a very good answer, but perfect answer exist only in the imagination of those framing their world according to one liners.

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Ex-CIA boss Hayden: I'd be 'frightened' by Trump presidency

The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency says he would be "frightened" of a Donald Trump presidency, based on what the Republican frontrunner has said about Mexicans, immigrants, and preventing Muslims from entering the US.


What a pussy.

H2O boarding is proven to work. When the terror-mongers are planning another bombing you want to ask them pretty-please? Where are you going to set off the bombs?

Yeah. Right...

Indeed....not nearly as tough as Trump, or some TVF posters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Hayden_(general) coffee1.gif

Proven how?

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It works fine if you're not a left-wing Loon. A bleeding heart Liberal who needs to understand why those bad terror people want to kill you...whistling.gif


Even the link provided does not support the notion that waterboarding by itself, leads to extraction of valuable information. It is presented as means to coerce and get the cooperation of a person under interrogation. There is no concrete example given, as far as I can tell, of a situation where it resulted with on the spot, timely and accurate information.

And again, that line between accepting some nasty means are used, and "loving" them.

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sad to hear these from someone playing for presidency in such an important country like US which decides the fate of most people and politics around the globe.

waterboarding is a form of torture therefore it is count as war crime. just bc there is no blood in this torturing process, it does not mean it is different than other bloody torture techniques like beating someone or removing nails or teeth etc.

moreover, waterboarding creates short and long term damages too such as lung and brain damage and mental trauma in the long run. some victims of waterboarding state that they even get scared to take a shower or swim or walking under rain!

i feel not secure, as a non US guy, as next possible US president allegedly confessing that he likes people tortured or maybe he likes to torture?

And as Americans, how can you be sure that these torture tactics will not be a part of standard procedures of US Police and applied on you or your family for confession or interrogation? Because once fascism comes, it comes for everyone, not for some jihadist terrorists only!

Edited by Galactus
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sad to hear these from someone playing for presidency in such an important country like US which decided the fate of most people and politics around the globe.

waterboarding is a form of torture therefore it is count as war crime. just bc there is no blood in this torturing process, it does not mean it is different than other bloody torture techniques like beating someone or removing nails or teeth etc.

moreover, waterboarding creates short and long term damages too such as lung and brain damage and mental trauma in the long run. some victims of waterboarding state that they even get scared to take a shower or swim or walking under rain!

i feel not secure, as a non US guy, as next possible US president allegedly confessing that he likes people tortured or maybe he likes to torture?

And as Americans, how can you be sure that these torture tactics will not be a part of standard procedures of US Police and applied on you or your family for confession or interrogation? Because once fascism comes, it comes for everyone, not for some jihadist terrorists only!

That's actually a very good point. To these Trump supporters/pro-torture folks, when can torture be applied? Only to non-US citizens? The Orlando shooter would be exempt then. Only to cases involving suspected terrorism? Why not other cases involving human trafficking, kidnapping, murder, rape, etc? I think we should start with Trump. Torture his sorry ass until he confesses to raping that 13 year old 20 years ago. With Trump, it shouldn't take much.

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I just wonder how many people here would accept the fact that a rabid dog has jumped the fence, entered their home and killed members of their family. Would you call for help hoping he gets full and doesn't want to kill anymore until help arrives or would you do everything in your power to kill the rabid mongrel?

The DEMs would have you toss doggy treats at it in hopes of suddenly making him your friend, Then, they would force you and your neighbors to accept a few more possibly infected mongrels into your neighborhood all in the name of brotherhood and globalization.

It's time to wake-up to the fact that this world breeds people who need to be found and cleansed from the gene pool.

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Anyone who tells you the solution to violence is more violence is either an idiot or trying to to pull the wool over your eyes

One liners for the win.

There are times when violence is the only answer for violence. It might not always be a very good answer, but perfect answer exist only in the imagination of those framing their world according to one liners.

Probably, but 'force' would be a better term for the response than 'violence'. Force implies some intelligence whereas violence doesn't.

Discipline is a degree of force, and everyone approves of that, to a degree.

In any case, even as President, Trump wouldn't have a free hand to do whatever he wants. He'd never get the worst of his excesses through Congress.

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Of course he says this because it resonates: and why wouldn't it after Paris, Brussels, Orlando and Istanbul. The greatest irony in this campaign is that it is a fight between Clinton, largely responsible for the rise of Isis through her absurd policies in Libya, during the Arab Spring and her unquestioning support for the ragbag loonies who form part of the opposition in Syria , and Trump. Americans deserve a better choice. Sanders V Rubio would have been interesting. Clinton V Trump is plumbing the depths.

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The use of waterboarding ,the American CIA and other agencies in the world have found out information from terrorist that prevented the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of citizens in many countries..To protect my self and my family ,I am all for it.Waterboarding along with the removal of finger nails leave no permanent physical scars.One is mental the other is physical. The IRA's favorite was drilling into the knee caps.These methods are Protecting Your Ass people..Get over it.

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Liberals change there tune real fast after becoming victims of crime. Esp if they are beaten or have a family member murdered.

Right between the eyes and not one waco lib replies, completely ignored.

Got that right

.*chirping crickets*

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It works fine if you're not a left-wing Loon. A bleeding heart Liberal who needs to understand why those bad terror people want to kill you...whistling.gif


There is no concrete example given, as far as I can tell, of a situation where it resulted with on the spot, timely and accurate information.

Au contraire

.'KSM (khalid sheikh mohammed) gave up more 'goods' after being H2O boarded which halted other terror attacks after 9/11

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The use of waterboarding ,the American CIA and other agencies in the world have found out information from terrorist that prevented the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of citizens in many countries..To protect my self and my family ,I am all for it.Waterboarding along with the removal of finger nails leave no permanent physical scars.One is mental the other is physical. The IRA's favorite was drilling into the knee caps.These methods are Protecting Your Ass people..Get over it.

Simply not correct.

'Humane Interrogation Techniques' show far better interrogation results than torture.

Anyone advocating torture are simply unaware of research results.

Trumps remarks are simply to incite the far Right Wing loons and get media attention and nothing to do with addressing terrorism.

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The use of waterboarding ,the American CIA and other agencies in the world have found out information from terrorist that prevented the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of citizens in many countries..To protect my self and my family ,I am all for it.Waterboarding along with the removal of finger nails leave no permanent physical scars.One is mental the other is physical. The IRA's favorite was drilling into the knee caps.These methods are Protecting Your Ass people..Get over it.

Simply not correct.

'Humane Interrogation Techniques' show far better interrogation results than torture.

Anyone advocating torture are simply unaware of research results.

Trumps remarks are simply to incite the far Right Wing loons and get media attention and nothing to do with addressing terrorism.

Trump does know his audience. He sure has incited the Right Wing loons on this forum.

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Ok here goes as I am sure to catch hell for this post. I personally have no problem with water boarding in certain circumstances. Many say that waterboarding does not work but if in cases it does work and information is gained then why not. It might be preferable to cutting of their balls to get information. Let's face some facts here. We are no longer dealing with combat as we did in WWII where most countries abided by the Geneva convention. That was basically thrown out the window a long time ago with regards to these guys masquerading as soldiers. The villains of today who pretend to be soldiers are nothing but scum that needs to be exterminated. Personally if I were the Iraqi army fighting these guys I would take no prisoners and I would be using whatever method to get information from those captured before using a firing squad on them. Sometimes you just have to exterminate vermin. Sorry but I just don't consider most of these terrorists as human. Having some notion that they are makes us weak to the point we can't ever win in this situation. We can certainly witness how much worse things have gotten with our current philosophy with regard to fighting terrorists. Everything is worse now than it was in 2008. So while Trumps comments are meant to draw a certain response from some, the liberal press will make more out of it than it is. Waterboarding isn't cutting off someones head for no reason at all, is it?

If things were left up to the politically correct crowd here on TV, nothing would ever be done about anything. I'm surprised that a more PC word has not been coined to replace terrorist.

Finally...we have a realist.

Seeing coffee and donuts does not work so well.

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