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Israeli teenager stabbed to death in her bed by Palestinian


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Am I reading this correctly! I cannot believe my eyes, are you seriously trying to tell us that a rock throwing 10 year old is fair game to be shot?

He did not say that. YOU did. Get off the moral high-horse. Justifying the murder of a teenager girl is demented.

WRONG! On two counts. Please cut and paste any text on this thread where anyone at all is even remotely trying to justify the murder of the teenage girl.

Secondly, Jingthing implied exactly, that there was justification for shooting rock throwing 10 year olds. Absolutely 100% clear. My bold as you seem to find it hard to find.

Jingthing, on 01 Jul 2016 - 23:25, said:snapback.png

amja, on 01 Jul 2016 - 23:08, said:snapback.png

Offcourse it is a hideous crime, I compare it to Israeli military shoot 10 year old, just for throwing some stones at their former home that the Israeli decided to make a "Settlement"



Your suggestion of an equivalency is VOMIT inducing.bah.gif

Rock throwing Palestinian kids have killed people.

A teenager sleeping in her bedroom murdered in cold blood motivated by some kind of insane Ramadan incitement ... digest that.

The entire situation is madness. YOU and your cohorts are always trying to justify when Israeli's shoot anyone. I have never ever heard you condemn anyone that has been shot by an Israeli, whether they were children or unarmed - or indeed both. You always have a ............But ! When will people start to sondemn these atrocities on both sides? Tit for Tat and worse will keep it going for the next 200 years.

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Secondly, Jingthing implied exactly, that there was justification for shooting rock throwing 10 year olds.

No. He didn't. He merely relayed the FACT that people have been killed by the Palestinian stone throwers. There is no justification for the murder of a teenage girl.

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Please cut and paste any text on this thread where anyone at all is even remotely trying to justify the murder of the teenage girl.

This is the most glaring example and - despite all the crocodile tears proceeding it - a justification is exactly what it is.

still, i believe cause of murder this murder again fault of Israel, years of occupation and oppression created some depressive, angry, ready to murder youngsters at palestinian side.

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The entire situation is madness. YOU and your cohorts are always trying to justify when Israeli's shoot anyone. I have never ever heard you condemn anyone that has been shot by an Israeli, whether they were children or unarmed - or indeed both.

Only because you are purposely ignoring the fact that I have done so a number of times. However, there are plenty of times that Palestinian terrorists are shot in self-defense. I certainly defend that.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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