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Questions re the new questionaire at Jomtien immigration.


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I'm still curious as to what use the information was going to be and how it was going to be stored. As I pointed out, the information was only as good, ie truthful, as the person filling out the form, because other than things like address, phone number etc, there would be no way of verifying any of the other information.

Why would anyone want to give false information. unless they had something to hide. Immigration has most of your facts on file anyway, i.e. Bank details, vehicle details, etc. The notes on the form states that giving false info is an offense.

Have you been around a while? False information spewed by (many/most?) expats is is like waking up and taking a long P coffee1.gif

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As a form designed to give foreigners apprehension so they feel harassed...priceless...the information is virtually useless...the affect on the foreigner lingers long after the form is completed...wai2.gif

Do not forget: Whose your Daddy, while you stay in Thailand...

Yeah, that's what I thought the address reports were about. Reminding us of our station on the Thai order. But this form is kind of over the top.

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Hua Hin are not asking for this info and when I did my 90 day report a couple of weeks ago, I asked about the forms. "Hua Hin will not be using these forms". I asked if I reported to another immigration office, say Phuket, could I refuse to fill in the form. "Of course. It's not an immigration requirement".

Lends weight to the argument that it was the brainchild of one man. The same guy who tried to ban alcohol sales within 300/500 metres of an educational institution later to be amended to 'near'!

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Here's another delightful scenario: After a while of collecting the forms in cardboard boxes in the storeroom, they decide they are unnecessary and will start using them as recycle material for forms to present to applicants, i.e. next time they give you a Form TM.87 or TM.28 or whatever, flip it over and you will find some other farang's personal data.

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I did my yearly retirement extension this afternoon. They have a Farang volunteer doing all the paperwork checking now. I asked him about this new form and he grinned and shook his head. Perhaps they have decided it's a waste of time, or are discussing its merits. Either way I was not asked to fill one out today.

There were 2 other forms they asked me to sign. One was about the blacklisting for overstayers, the other was about agreeing to the conditions of the extension (dependants, marriage status etc). They just love paperwork. They'll throw these into a big box and store them somewhere. Why do they bother getting us to sign these forms? If someone is caught overstaying can they avoid blacklisting on the technicality that they hadn't read and signed the form?

I am suspicious that these forms do indeed sit in a box somewhere and nothing ever happens.

It might just be an exercise to make you think they are watching and have a close eye on you when in fact they have little control over the majority of people in the country. How else can you get people overstaying by 5 years? Would they not have been round to his "registered place" and arrested him / her long before that. And if it is a legal requirement for hotels and condo managers to register people living their surely it would be easy to find those overstayers?

Just another exercise in Bureaucracy.

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I did my yearly retirement extension this afternoon. They have a Farang volunteer doing all the paperwork checking now. I asked him about this new form and he grinned and shook his head. Perhaps they have decided it's a waste of time, or are discussing it's merits. Either way I was not asked to fill one out today.

Strange that they can't seem to make up their minds if it's to be used or not. Perhaps they have come to the conclusion that the information that people give may be total BS.

I don't think this is strange. Any patchiness will be to do with a normal national "roll out"...the high tourist traffic areas will normally get such new forms first as training is often involved; administrators need at least to be briefed! This is assuming the scheme isn't being 'piloted' somewhere and it could be more than one place! And we don't know that, do we? We could be in the pilot phase so that they can assess the value of asking such information.

Clearly, the adminitrators don't understand the psyche of the average Brit though, do they? Privacy rights off the scale....compared to the rest of Europe, that is. You don't know how lucky you are in the UK!

Suggestion from one of the participants on this forum, take a photo of the first form you fill in and maybe the date. My suggestion is to take a blank form, complete it, scan it and just take a few copies with you each time you enter...leaving the date open if necessary. How hard is that? No queues, just a bit of planning! Trust me, applying for an Australian visa or an Indian visa is far more laborious!

Edited by Seraphina
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My next door neighbour went to Jomtien for 90-days, was given the form, and told he could fill in and return "next time".

After looking over the form, and also downloading it, I note there is no "TM" number. Surely all OFFICIAL forms concerning the Immigration

Dept have TM numbers?


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The more I think of it....it sounds like a survey performed by some university to find out more about the backgrounds of the people visiting the Kingdom.

IF that's the case a brief explanation from the handing-out officer would clarify the lot and most people would be quite willing to fill out the form without BS.

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They wanted the names of my parents. Shame they did not ask for their address too. Not sure if a cemetery has a postcode.

I am on a retirement visa extension.

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Why would anyone want to give false information. unless they had something to hide. Immigration has most of your facts on file anyway, i.e. Bank details, vehicle details, etc. The notes on the form states that giving false info is an offense.

So if they ask next, for all your Thai bank account numbers , is that ok with you ?

So if they ask next for all Bank account numbers for foreign transfers to Thai bank accounts, is that ok with you ?

The list can be very long for this BS.

Will it still be ok for you, with nothing to hide ?

Remember its an offense to lie on the forms !!!!!!!.

We also have fantastic roll modules for the truth in Thailand.

See where this is going !!!!!!

The only reason to keep gathering info like this is to use it as a lever against you down the road at

some point in time, They are not your friends or buddies. wai2.gif

Immigration already have a note of my Thai bank account as I have provided them copies of my passbook whenever I do my annual extension. However, if I was asked for the account number when I next do my 90 day report later this month, I will have to put "not known" as I have no idea of what it is. I don't carry my bank card with me as a matter of routine.


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I filled out the information form at Jomtien Immigration this week.

(Was unable to process online (AGAIN!).

Was not happy with the surprise, whinged and cursed, but filled out the form using basic information i had on hand.

When they took my paperwork, the woman barely glanced at it.

The biggest grief with the new info form was the need for a photo. Jumped out to the shop next door, they charged 100 baht for 2 photos, and ran back inside -- Finished in 2 minutes and back out the door with my passport..

On a related matter - Many people have noted here how easy and fast Jomtien Immigration is, I agree -- especially when compared to Singapore or back home in the USA.

Has anyone collected an address where I might send an actual letter to them?

Like anyone else, the people who work there might appreciate an honest thanks you ...

regards - k

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Why would anyone want to give false information. unless they had something to hide. Immigration has most of your facts on file anyway, i.e. Bank details, vehicle details, etc. The notes on the form states that giving false info is an offense.

So if they ask next, for all your Thai bank account numbers , is that ok with you ?

So if they ask next for all Bank account numbers for foreign transfers to Thai bank accounts, is that ok with you ?

The list can be very long for this BS.

Will it still be ok for you, with nothing to hide ?

Remember its an offense to lie on the forms !!!!!!!.

We also have fantastic roll modules for the truth in Thailand.

See where this is going !!!!!!

The only reason to keep gathering info like this is to use it as a lever against you down the road at

some point in time, They are not your friends or buddies. wai2.gif

All expats on retirement extensions and marriage extensions have all their bank details recorded - it's a requirement. I don't see this as a problem.

If you've got multiple bank accounts I'd only list the one you have on record. Even on the extensions using the income method they still have your bank account on record as you must provide it for your first extension.

I don't know how you can state that. If one uses the monthly income verification, then NO bank account is needed that I am aware of. Now granted, I hear someimmigration offices end up asking some sort of monthly transfer or other such thing. But I would just produce my ATM slip showing I withdrew money from my overseas bank(s). And those slips don't contain the entire bank account number.

I already explained how I can state that. When I did my first retirement extension a requirement was to get a Thai bank account and bank letter stating I had a bank account - this was using the income method. This was in 2010 - perhaps they've changed the procedure or different offices have different requirements, I don't know.

Either way, I don't see any problem with giving immigration your bank details when they already have them.

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I dont get this at all.when i went to do my 90 day report in KK,i was given the form and had my photo's done.Whilst waiting,i filled in the form and gave it to the lady at the desk.She handed it back to me and said that the form was only for when renewing my retirement visa,not for a 90 day report.

Does anyone understand this 'cos i dont.

I can confirm that at Jomtien, on Friday afternoon, July 1, they did not ask me to fill out this form for my retirement extension renewal. Perhaps they will ask me to fill it out when I pick up my passport tomorrow - we will see.

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I am going to Jomtien immigration for 90 report next week , I will never fill out this form , I will never give them my FB address or any bank account details. This is my right to privacy even if I'm a guest in this country.

Nothing will change , if they try to enforce it I will open a fake FB page.

Facebook does not respect your privacy LOL. If you open an account under a fake name, sooner or later FB could lock your account and ask you to show government ID to unlock it. This happened to me twice. I don't have a FB account in my real name, so it's easy to answer this question honestly.

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Hua Hin are not asking for this info and when I did my 90 day report a couple of weeks ago, I asked about the forms. "Hua Hin will not be using these forms". I asked if I reported to another immigration office, say Phuket, could I refuse to fill in the form. "Of course. It's not an immigration requirement".

Lends weight to the argument that it was the brainchild of one man. The same guy who tried to ban alcohol sales within 300/500 metres of an educational institution later to be amended to 'near'!

I would not recommend refusing to fill out this form if asked. You (we) are already skating on thin ice here in Thailand - there's no need to make yourself a target. Sure, this form gives many of us a bad feeling, but it's not worth getting upset over.

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I am going to Jomtien immigration for 90 report next week , I will never fill out this form , I will never give them my FB address or any bank account details. This is my right to privacy even if I'm a guest in this country.

Nothing will change , if they try to enforce it I will open a fake FB page.

Facebook does not respect your privacy LOL. If you open an account under a fake name, sooner or later FB could lock your account and ask you to show government ID to unlock it. This happened to me twice. I don't have a FB account in my real name, so it's easy to answer this question honestly.

Same Same and Email as well, ( got tired of spam a long time ago ) thumbsup.gif

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What's all the fuss about? I've just filled in the form and most of the information they already have. The only confidential item is my bank account details which they have anyway as i use it to do my 800k return. If they want to know the name of my dead parents no problem. I don't use Facebook or Twitter.

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What's all the fuss about? I've just filled in the form and most of the information they already have. The only confidential item is my bank account details which they have anyway as i use it to do my 800k return. If they want to know the name of my dead parents no problem. I don't use Facebook or Twitter.

No fuss. Read my questions again.

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Went and did 90 day report....handed this idiotic form to fill in.... I did some sections in my worst handwriting, left all the social media sections blank and also about the bank accounts etc...

Nothing said when I handed it back...but I had to go to Section 2 to get a re-entry permit - I was handed this form again and insisted it was filled in again....I bit my tongue said nothing and did the same nonsense again.

But, what annoys me and I cannot be the only one...... random photocopies of random docs needed. The 90 day report they wanted a random page of my Passport copied - 5 baht at the front of the building. Re-entry permit, front page of passport copied again 5 baht at the front of the building.... I also noticed nearly everyone was being stung for this.

One poor Thai woman with her elderly ex-pat husband had to go out to their car 3 times to get yet another document and get it photocopied each time...when she already had copies she was handing in....!!!

Even at the front desk the young females, shuffle through the docs and pick a page and say "Need Photocopy." and won't take no for an answer.......

If its not Jet Skis they will get you somewhere, somehow.....what a shower of.....

With all those 5 bahts there will be some Xmas party this year for them....

btw....The young lady dealing with my 90 day had to go and get my file out from a storage area, it was bundled up with 5 other applicants. The pile was was so heavy she could barely lift it onto the desk...... Computers, who needs them ....

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Went to get a re-entry visa. given the form, which I immediately declared as BS much to the annoyance of the tame Falang "assistant" but I had to go home again to get yet another photo.

Informed then, as I am on a retirement extension, they have my bank details Etc. and most BS on the form.

Also I have already submitted 26 copies of the same passport over the last three years as per their requirements, for just about anything. F#*k me, they wanted another copy.

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Went and did 90 day report....handed this idiotic form to fill in.... I did some sections in my worst handwriting, left all the social media sections blank and also about the bank accounts etc...

Nothing said when I handed it back...but I had to go to Section 2 to get a re-entry permit - I was handed this form again and insisted it was filled in again....I bit my tongue said nothing and did the same nonsense again.

But, what annoys me and I cannot be the only one...... random photocopies of random docs needed. The 90 day report they wanted a random page of my Passport copied - 5 baht at the front of the building. Re-entry permit, front page of passport copied again 5 baht at the front of the building.... I also noticed nearly everyone was being stung for this.

One poor Thai woman with her elderly ex-pat husband had to go out to their car 3 times to get yet another document and get it photocopied each time...when she already had copies she was handing in....!!!

Even at the front desk the young females, shuffle through the docs and pick a page and say "Need Photocopy." and won't take no for an answer.......

If its not Jet Skis they will get you somewhere, somehow.....what a shower of.....

With all those 5 bahts there will be some Xmas party this year for them....

btw....The young lady dealing with my 90 day had to go and get my file out from a storage area, it was bundled up with 5 other applicants. The pile was was so heavy she could barely lift it onto the desk...... Computers, who needs them ....

LOL. That 10 baht for photocopies must really have stung.

I've applied for many re-entry permits over the years. They are very fussy about photo copies for these. I doubt there were any "random pages" being copied as you called them. I've also had to go out to get some additional copies on more than one occasion. I wasn't really too concerned about the extra 5 baht, but happy they had a photocopy center to take care of it quickly while the clerk waited for me inside.

Here's a checklist:

1. Front passport ID page

2. Current extension

3. Latest entry stamp.

4. TM 6

5. Original visa (eg Non-O)

6. First entry after or before original visa was obtained (depending if you bought it here or abroad).

Hey, I'm no fan of this questionnaire either, but consider your actions over dramatic. They (Thailand Immigration) have requirements and you have to suck them up whether you like them or not. They are entitled to make up any "silly" questionnaires they like - it's their country, their rules. Just refusing is not a very smart move and I'm not surprised they asked you to fill it out again. You're lucky no one scolded you over it. How would you feel if you were the immigration officer and some foreigner acted like you did? They don't make these rules, they are handed down from above. Would you do that in your home country when filling out government forms?

I've had to fill out plenty of "silly" forms all over the world - it's just part of travelling and living in different countries.

What is the huge concern over bank account details? They could probably find out in 5 minutes how many bank accounts you owned.

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Went to get a re-entry visa. given the form, which I immediately declared as BS much to the annoyance of the tame Falang "assistant" but I had to go home again to get yet another photo.

Informed then, as I am on a retirement extension, they have my bank details Etc. and most BS on the form.

Also I have already submitted 26 copies of the same passport over the last three years as per their requirements, for just about anything. F#*k me, they wanted another copy.

You actually went home to get another photo? Talk about doing things the hard way. You can have 1 photo taken at the photocopy centre for 50 baht. They're not the best photographers, but they do the trick. It's very fair pricing. They used to do a 4 photo minimum for 200 baht, but now they're just 50 baht each.

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LOL. That 10 baht for photocopies must really have stung.

I've applied for many re-entry permits over the years. They are very fussy about photo copies for these. I doubt there were any "random pages" being copied as you called them. I've also had to go out to get some additional copies on more than one occasion. I wasn't really too concerned about the extra 5 baht, but happy they had a photocopy center to take care of it quickly while the clerk waited for me inside.

Here's a checklist:

1. Front passport ID page

2. Current extension

3. Latest entry stamp.

4. TM 6

5. Original visa (eg Non-O)

6. First entry after or before original visa was obtained (depending if you bought it here or abroad).

Hey, I'm no fan of this questionnaire either, but consider your actions over dramatic. They (Thailand Immigration) have requirements and you have to suck them up whether you like them or not. They are entitled to make up any "silly" questionnaires they like - it's their country, their rules. Just refusing is not a very smart move and I'm not surprised they asked you to fill it out again. You're lucky no one scolded you over it. How would you feel if you were the immigration officer and some foreigner acted like you did? They don't make these rules, they are handed down from above. Would you do that in your home country when filling out government forms?

I've had to fill out plenty of "silly" forms all over the world - it's just part of travelling and living in different countries.

What is the huge concern over bank account details? They could probably find out in 5 minutes how many bank accounts you owned.

Don't think they can do that, as quick as that. or at all ?

maybe a direct question or a change in the wording of the form, maybe

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Don't think they can do that, as quick as that. or at all ?

maybe a direct question or a change in the wording of the form, maybe

So you think having a centralized computer data base of bank accounts in Thailand is out of the question. It wouldn't take much computing power.

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Don't think they can do that, as quick as that. or at all ?

maybe a direct question or a change in the wording of the form, maybe

So you think having a centralized computer data base of bank accounts in Thailand is out of the question. It wouldn't take much computing power.

Ok if you want to be like that. back to to your original statement

They could probably find out in 5 minutes how many bank accounts you owned.

No immigration would not have that information in 5 minutes.

This is Thailand don't be so silly.

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Don't think they can do that, as quick as that. or at all ?

maybe a direct question or a change in the wording of the form, maybe

So you think having a centralized computer data base of bank accounts in Thailand is out of the question. It wouldn't take much computing power.

Ok if you want to be like that. back to to your original statement

They could probably find out in 5 minutes how many bank accounts you owned.

No immigration would not have that information in 5 minutes.

This is Thailand don't be so silly.

"ok, you want to be like that"....LOL.

The "5 minutes" reference is a metaphor to indicate they might easily get the information if they require it, not an exact scientific measurement of time elapsed. Once they punch the keys on a data base, it's a matter of seconds.

What I do think is silly is lying on an immigration form, assuming they won't or can't check the accuracy of the information entered.

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So you think having a centralized computer data base of bank accounts in Thailand is out of the question. It wouldn't take much computing power.

Ok if you want to be like that. back to to your original statement

They could probably find out in 5 minutes how many bank accounts you owned.

No immigration would not have that information in 5 minutes.

This is Thailand don't be so silly.

"ok, you want to be like that"....LOL.

The "5 minutes" reference is a metaphor to indicate they might easily get the information if they require it, not an exact scientific measurement of time elapsed. Once they punch the keys on a data base, it's a matter of seconds.

What I do think is silly is lying on an immigration form, assuming they won't or can't check the accuracy of the information entered.

I don't believe for 1 minute ( that's a metaphor ) LOL

that the immigration officer sitting across the desk when you do your 90 day report or extensions

has access the that level of information at his finger tips.

I believe it would take a lot of phone calls, also an officer on a higher pay grade, maybe head office in Bangkok

and days to find out., it also may require a court order ?

Unless you know other wise ?

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"ok, you want to be like that"....LOL.

The "5 minutes" reference is a metaphor to indicate they might easily get the information if they require it, not an exact scientific measurement of time elapsed. Once they punch the keys on a data base, it's a matter of seconds.

What I do think is silly is lying on an immigration form, assuming they won't or can't check the accuracy of the information entered.

I don't believe for 1 minute ( that's a metaphor ) LOL

that the immigration officer sitting across the desk when you do your 90 day report or extensions

has access the that level of information at his finger tips.

I believe it would take a lot of phone calls, also an officer on a higher pay grade, maybe head office in Bangkok

and days to find out., it also may require a court order ?

Unless you know other wise ?

I don't know anything about what access they have to bank information, however, if they decided to do a thorough investigation I do believe they could find out what bank accounts you have in Thailand rather quickly. Maybe in 15 and a half minutes.biggrin.png

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I dont get this at all.when i went to do my 90 day report in KK,i was given the form and had my photo's done.Whilst waiting,i filled in the form and gave it to the lady at the desk.She handed it back to me and said that the form was only for when renewing my retirement visa,not for a 90 day report.

Does anyone understand this 'cos i dont.

I can confirm that at Jomtien, on Friday afternoon, July 1, they did not ask me to fill out this form for my retirement extension renewal. Perhaps they will ask me to fill it out when I pick up my passport tomorrow - we will see.

They did not give me this questionnaire to fill out when I picked up my passport with retirement extension yesterday afternoon. Maybe it's something I can look forward to when I do my next 90 day reporting in September.

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