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I recently left my Kbank ATM card behind so tried to use my bank book and passport ID to withdraw money at a KBank branch. The actual branch with account was too far away.

I am getting old and always have been rather slack on my signature styles as my hand writing is bad, but KBank insisted I couldn't get money even with ID without doing my signature to look exactly as the two I had written and are visible only under UV light in the bank book.

Somehow I managed to pass after 16 tries and two torn up withdraw slips, the young teller giving me the look of someone who has got away with it. I was wondering how they can be so critical of signatures that are not even in their native language.

Anyone else run into this problem and got stuck? I suppose had I not got away with it I would need to sort it out at my branch where account is held?


Well done K-bank

Why would one need to be native language to compare signatures anyway...in fact not being a native has its advantages when comparing things as you are only seeing the differences and your brain is not filling in any "gaps" as a native may do.


I can sympathise with the OP as I also have an ever-evolving signature and cannot write two signatures the same - even on one bank book. I have had a signature knocked back by my UK bank, but not in Thailand yet.

I think in this case K-bank offered a reasonable solution that allowed the OP to withdraw the money while at the same time covering their own behinds in case he was a fraud.


Signatures in Thailand are done in a normal script - not the scrawl that is so beloved of occidentals. That means they are highly consistent. For Western scrawl, the variability is beyond that with which Thai tellers are familiar. The solution is always to write one's name, when requested, using one's best handwriting.


Same same,My signature changed a lot in a decade and also my new passport number was different and pic was also quite different lol

Eventually I got the money but the signatures had to be done several times and eventually she let me copy it, it was a pain in the ballz....


I changed passports last year and made a point of going to all my banks to update their records. As it happened, K-Bank was the only one to ask for a copy of my old passport as well as the new one.


I changed passports last year and made a point of going to all my banks to update their records. As it happened, K-Bank was the only one to ask for a copy of my old passport as well as the new one.

This seems like a good idea? My passport I used in the OP would be a more recent one than used to open the Kbank account.

I suppose the only way to gain access to my funds in future using the "book bank" would be to show up at the actual branch where the account is held with latest and past IDs' as I cannot guarantee my own signature skills as the years pass me by and the writing skills get more shaky.

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