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Israel approves new West Bank settlements amid surge in Palestinian violence


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Israel approves new West Bank settlements amid surge in Palestinian violence


JERUSALEM: -- Israel plans to expand a settlement in the West Bank where a teenage girl was stabbed to death just last week.

The move comes despite international pleas for it to stop construction in the occupied territory, amid of surge in deadly attacks by Palestinians.

Israel approved 42 new housing units in the settlement of Kiryat Arba, where a Palestinian fatally stabbed a 13-year-old girl inside her home on Thursday (June 30) before guards shot him dead.

Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said it would send the message that every attack would only strengthen Israeli settlements.

The surge in violence also prompted Israel to send hundreds of troops to the area over the weekend and impose a closure on the Hebron district, where many of the recent attacks originated.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held an emergency cabinet on the topic.

“We are in an ongoing struggle against terror,” he said.

“There have been ups and downs in this struggle. We are using many different measures, including resolute ones we have not used in the past. These include a closure on the Hebron district – 700,000 people – and revoking all working permits in the village of Bani Naim, where six attackers came from”

Israeli authorities sealed off the city of Hebron after a Palestinian gunman killed one Israeli man and wounded his wife and two children. The lockdown is Israel’s biggest military move in the West Bank in two years.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-04
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And so it goes on, violence begets illegal occupation which begets more violence and more and more the Israeli government behaves like the German government in the 1930's and 40's and they are creating ghettos by their actions, perhaps it is time that sanctions were imposed on Israel.

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recommended viewing, about the futility of expecting this to ever end.

PBS Documentary

'1913 - Seeds of Conflict'

Yes, I second that, it's an excellent doco that is as unbiased as it's possible to be in this difficult area.

I'm a bit more hopeful though, I think the doco clearly illustrates the historical record of the players in this drama. As I recall it does not apportion blame, it sticks to the facts.

I wish TVF posters with strongly-held views in this area would watch this doco, it could change your position I reckon wai2.gif

Edited by NumbNut
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And what good will that do?

How will it help to calm things down?

The current Israeli government just seems to want to perpetuate and manage the conflict while creating facts on the grounds.

One day they will wake up to find there is no viable two state solution left, and they have inherited 2.5 million Palestinians who demand equal rights in a one state solution, with the alternative being full blown apartheid. Democracy or Jewish State...can't have both.

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Israel believes that is above the law. US congress supports Israel through Jewish strong lobby and veto EU resolutions, and in all newspapers Palestinians are guilty. Germany in the second world war did the same. They paid to Jews over $ 100 billions for that in reparation. Swiss banks paid to Jews for alleged gold stored there. They paid to avoid being anti semitic. Now Jews looking for another victim - since German money dried out. They want money from Eastern/Central European countries for losses during German occupation. They start with $65 billions and we know it will not stop there. Jewish holocaust is a good business. Now no victims left, so they got communities trying to claim these money. Where are these communities from? From all around the world. If you are a Jew, you are entitled to "forever" reparations. How about what they are doing in Palestine, the land they stole from the Palestinians? In respect to new victims of Jewish persecution for money, they forgot that those countries were themselves the victims of German and Soviet crimes of mass deportations, mass arrests, confiscations, persecution and all were done by communist party in which they play a major role. All these behind iron curtain countries were victims of huge crimes committed by ruling parties. This is why they have been called in these countries by name judeo socialism and judeo communism. Qui pro quo.

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And what good will that do? How will it help to calm things down? The current Israeli government just seems to want to perpetuate and manage the conflict while creating facts on the grounds. One day they will wake up to find there is no viable two state solution left, and they have inherited 2.5 million Palestinians who demand equal rights in a one state solution, with the alternative being full blown apartheid. Democracy or Jewish State...can't have both.

But that is the problem for the next generation - for now, the current administration can continue to grow fat on the billions of dollars of US aid they pocket every year.

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But that is the problem for the next generation - for now, the current administration can continue to grow fat on the billions of dollars of US aid they pocket every year.

Cui bono? Much of that aid is simply recycled back into the coffers of American defense contractors. There is a conflation of interests in maintaining the status quo. That is why there is such a strong affinity between the Neocons and the Israelis. But don't be fooled into thinking the tail wags the dog.

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Earth to Israel...come in over

Israel Deaf,dumb and blind because they think they can be.

Time for the world to step in once and for all.

Otherwise stop all the BS chatter about all the "other" bad guys

while this one runs free to do as it pleases.

Edited by mania
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And so it goes on, violence begets illegal occupation which begets more violence and more and more the Israeli government behaves like the German government in the 1930's and 40's and they are creating ghettos by their actions, perhaps it is time that sanctions were imposed on Israel.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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a stupid and unlawful move again from Israel.

this will create more violence.

israel looks for every opportunity to steal more land from palestinians and they seem surprised when palestinians attack Israelis!!!

Israel needs to tops stealing more land. World need to wake up and place sanctions for Israel.

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Based on the saying you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb I like Naftali Bennett's suggestion of annexing the entire West Bank. At least that would get the whining over all in one go.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Based on the saying you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb I like Naftali Bennett's suggestion of annexing the entire West Bank. At least that would get the whining over all in one go.

That is the aim of israel from the beginning anyway. Isnt it?

Get all west bank, gazza and rest of palestine by doing an ethnic cleansing?

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And so it goes on, violence begets illegal occupation which begets more violence and more and more the Israeli government behaves like the German government in the 1930's and 40's and they are creating ghettos by their actions, perhaps it is time that sanctions were imposed on Israel.

Why broadcast such hate speech lies?

If anyone actually believes there is equivalency between the modern Israeli government and Hitler's Nazi regime, I sincerely feel sorry for them. But I don't believe very many people actually believe that. I do believe that the Israeli demonization agenda spreads that disgusting inflammatory lie intentionally to attempt to infect others with the disease.

Edited by Jingthing
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Israel believes that is above the law. US congress supports Israel through Jewish strong lobby and veto EU resolutions, and in all newspapers Palestinians are guilty. Germany in the second world war did the same. They paid to Jews over $ 100 billions for that in reparation. Swiss banks paid to Jews for alleged gold stored there. They paid to avoid being anti semitic. Now Jews looking for another victim - since German money dried out. They want money from Eastern/Central European countries for losses during German occupation. They start with $65 billions and we know it will not stop there. Jewish holocaust is a good business. Now no victims left, so they got communities trying to claim these money. Where are these communities from? From all around the world. If you are a Jew, you are entitled to "forever" reparations. How about what they are doing in Palestine, the land they stole from the Palestinians? In respect to new victims of Jewish persecution for money, they forgot that those countries were themselves the victims of German and Soviet crimes of mass deportations, mass arrests, confiscations, persecution and all were done by communist party in which they play a major role. All these behind iron curtain countries were victims of huge crimes committed by ruling parties. This is why they have been called in these countries by name judeo socialism and judeo communism. Qui pro quo.

Hard core hate speech. Wow. Do you feel better after unloading that garbage? The disease of Jew hating, evident everyday on this forum.

This is one topic about one story, but there it is, the extremist (and off topic) Jew hating propaganda, always waiting, always festering.

People wonder why Jews needed a national homeland with a strong defense? Because of the disease of Jew hating, with us for thousands of years. Adapted these days under the cover (and as often seen with NO cover) of Israel demonization.

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recommended viewing, about the futility of expecting this to ever end.

PBS Documentary

'1913 - Seeds of Conflict'

Yes, I second that, it's an excellent doco that is as unbiased as it's possible to be in this difficult area.

I'm a bit more hopeful though, I think the doco clearly illustrates the historical record of the players in this drama. As I recall it does not apportion blame, it sticks to the facts.

I wish TVF posters with strongly-held views in this area would watch this doco, it could change your position I reckon wai2.gif

You're wrong. It's not going to change anyone's position if strongly held. Well informed people basically already know much of what is in it and indeed there is support in it for both the pro and anti-Zionist narratives.


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Based on the saying you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb I like Naftali Bennett's suggestion of annexing the entire West Bank. At least that would get the whining over all in one go.

That seems to be what things are heading for.

But what will they do with the millions of Palestinians?

Give them civil and voting rights? That would mean the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

Keep them in bantustans? ...or drive them out of Palestine into Jordan or elsewhere?

None of the options look good for any group involved in this bloody quagmire.

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If one wishes to debate, be alert -the topic is Israel, not Jews. A further example of Israeli high-mindedness is their attacking Facebook for not actively patrolling for hateful anti-Isreal postings. Every other country accepts the status quo, that this is an unreasonable, if not a selfish request. The status quo being that FB regulates post, by asking members to report hateful/inciteful posts which they will then remove.

Same old,same old Israeli government sentiment of 'we are special'. I grew up in Ireland, thinking we were Gods special people, until that Euro Cup handball incident by France. Just saying.Cheers

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Based on the saying you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb I like Naftali Bennett's suggestion of annexing the entire West Bank. At least that would get the whining over all in one go.

I probably wouldn't mind either. It would hasten the reality of a binational state that Israel will inevitably one day become anyway.
If Israel annexed the West Bank and then did not give equal citizenship rights to the 2.5 million Palestinian residents, the world would then well and truly see Israel for the apartheid state that it would then de jure be.
Of course, the racist/religionist card that Bennett would then probably play is some chicanery such as: only residents who swear allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel could be citizens, thus relegating the majority non Jews to 2nd class citizenship.
Actually if I were a Palestinian I would play the hardcore Zionists at their own game; swear allegiance to anything, then when you form the majority in parliament, change the constitution.
Israel seems to be painting itself into a one state solution corner.
Edited by dexterm
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Based on the saying you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb I like Naftali Bennett's suggestion of annexing the entire West Bank. At least that would get the whining over all in one go.

That seems to be what things are heading for.

But what will they do with the millions of Palestinians?

Give them civil and voting rights? That would mean the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

Keep them in bantustans? ...or drive them out of Palestine into Jordan or elsewhere?

None of the options look good for any group involved in this bloody quagmire.

How about disbanding UNRWA, who have not settled a single Palestinian anywhere and encourage the Palestinians to get on boats headed for Europe. It is evident Germany can't get enough third world Muslim migrants, so why not take Palestinians as well as their Northern brothers in Syria?
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Based on the saying you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb I like Naftali Bennett's suggestion of annexing the entire West Bank. At least that would get the whining over all in one go.

That seems to be what things are heading for.

But what will they do with the millions of Palestinians?

Give them civil and voting rights? That would mean the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

Keep them in bantustans? ...or drive them out of Palestine into Jordan or elsewhere?

None of the options look good for any group involved in this bloody quagmire.

How about disbanding UNRWA, who have not settled a single Palestinian anywhere and encourage the Palestinians to get on boats headed for Europe. It is evident Germany can't get enough third world Muslim migrants, so why not take Palestinians as well as their Northern brothers in Syria?

In other words, no answer at all. Just hot air to mask the fact that neither you nor the current Israeli right wing government have thought through the consequences of annexing the West Bank.

>>so why not take Palestinians as well as their Northern brothers in Syria?
..... because they already have a home to go to..it's called Palestine. But interestingly you have highlighted the fact that it would not be barbaric terrorists such as ISIS causing a refugee problem, but Zionists and their colonization.
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But interestingly you have highlighted the fact that it would not be barbaric terrorists such as ISIS causing a refugee problem, but Zionists and their colonization.

Of course, it is all Israel's fault. We are well aware that - according to you - Islamic terrorists can do no wrong. whistling.gif

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Actually to be serious for a moment, I gave you a caricature of the Israeli far right position and that was the one esteemed members already portrayed as Israel's official position. The so called Quartet released a more balanced document on the conflict recently. It called on the Israelis to curtail settlement construction but it also called on the Palestinians to stop violence and incitement. It also failed to mention the 67 borders, which have sailed away a long time ago. Abbas of course spat his dummy out big time as any responsibility or action points for himself are unthinkable. I applaud the more balanced document, which is the next best thing to telling the two sides to sort it out bilaterally whilst exiting stage left.


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Actually to be serious for a moment, I gave you a caricature of the Israeli far right position and that was the one esteemed members already portrayed as Israel's official position. The so called Quartet released a more balanced document on the conflict recently. It called on the Israelis to curtail settlement construction but it also called on the Palestinians to stop violence and incitement. It also failed to mention the 67 borders, which have sailed away a long time ago. Abbas of course spat his dummy out big time as any responsibility or action points for himself are unthinkable. I applaud the more balanced document, which is the next best thing to telling the two sides to sort it out bilaterally whilst exiting stage left.


Israel's 1967 borders haven't "...sailed away a long time ago." That's just wishful thinking on your part.

​They are the boundaries that are recognized by the UN and the international community.

Everyone in fact except the radical Zionist leadership of Israel.

Those borders define the state. Anything beyond them is Palestine, and if Israelis want to survive in a Jewish majority state they had better live within those borders or continue to be the target of bloody resistance in occupied territory.

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