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Happy Fourth of July - US man donates 500,000 to Thai police

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Happy Fourth of July - US man donates 500,000 to Thai police

Image: Thairath

UDON THANI: -- A wealthy American businessman has donated half a million baht to Udon police recognizing the hardships they face in their difficult job.

Jim Gebhard,59, handed over the check to police chiefs in the north eastern province along with his Thai wife who is a well known local deejay known as DJ Jum, reported Thairath.

The money will be used for an interest free emergency fund to help police officers who find themselves in financial difficulties.

Jim who comes from Kentucky fell in love after meeting DJ Jum online in 2002. He was a soldier in the US Air Force but after leaving the service he set up various businesses that operate out of Saipan and Guam.

He supplies equipment for the entertainment industry such as pool tables and video machines and also supplies ATM machines. The couple live in Tawee Villa in downtown Udon.

Jum, 46, who works at Hot Zone 91.5 said that they want to help society. They have already contributed to projects to help needy schools, country clinics and orphanages in the province but have now decided to help the police.

The couple said that they were concerned about policemen who suffer hardships in their work and personal lives and had heard stories of officers who had committed suicide to escape from financial worries.

This only put the problems on to those left behind. Jum said that they were making the donation to celebrate US independence day that fell yesterday.

Spokesman Phummiwit Wetkama of the Udon police said that the money would be looked after by the police finance department and will be added to a special borrowing fun set up in 2002 that now contains 1.3 million baht. Officers who find themselves in need of loans can borrow 10,000 per time interest free for six months, he said.

"We would like to thank Mr and Mrs Gebhard for thinking about us and thinking of us as important", he added.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-07-05

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Congratulations kind sir. You have just marked yourself for possible kidnap attempts and furthermore, you kindly gave your address and the location of your good wife at her work, if she isn't at home. Well done that man. clap2.gif


This guy's either clever or soft... bought himself potential protection or opened the floodgates. There are good uns, but most cops do alright with 'other' avenues for making money. How's about the poor hill tribes folk?


What about all the very poor people who suffer hardships in

their everyday lives,I am sure that would have been a much

better choice, Police Vs Poor who is your choice,the only

time I donate to the Police is when I have done something and

then its only 200 THB.

regards worgeordie P.S. The cops on the right of the photo don't look very happy,

they must know they are never going to see a Bhat.


Not so sure this is the greatest way to throw money about , this is indeed a noble cause, however it is the domain of the Government to ensure that officers or families are all looked after , a comprehensive insurance and retirement scheme should be held by all officers , if not why not , as we have seen the Thailand Government always puts the horse before the cart , instead of investing in Chinese sinkable submarines , having a much larger military than is required , they should be investing in their own backyard, not everyone's cup of tea, indeed there is plenty of worthy Charities out there if you want to be generous........................................coffee1.gif .


Real benevolent donations done without the fanfare and photo opp.....

the fact the donor will benefit from his generosity someday,

is not lost on anyone....


Real benevolent donations done without the fanfare and photo opp.....

the fact the donor will benefit from his generosity someday,

is not lost on anyone....

He has his benefit already. Making a show of giving. I have a lot more respect for someone who gives anonymously.


Sounds to me like he is doing a good deed and helping out some up-country cops who get paid peanuts to do their jobs, many of which find themselves in serious financial hardship (especially the ones trying to do an honest job without taking kickbacks. Yes, its true, some do not take bribes). If it was a payoff for protection, it wouldn't be a public donation like this. Come on TV'ers, put your cynicism away for one day. Not all cops in Thailand are bad. Believe it or not, you may rely on them to save your skin one day.


Real benevolent donations done without the fanfare and photo opp.....

the fact the donor will benefit from his generosity someday,

is not lost on anyone....

He has his benefit already. Making a show of giving. I have a lot more respect for someone who gives anonymously.

By making it a "show", it becomes a matter of public record and must be recorded as such. Think first before posting.


An unusual story! Still, it was his money, and he (and his wife) are free to do with it as he (and she) choose, even if it does seems an unlikely choice.

The important point from this story it that Jim and Jum have already contributed to projects to help needy schools, country clinics and orphanages in the province, and for that they should be heartily congratulated.

But, as worgeordie observes, one would think there are plenty of other potentially more needy (and deserving) recipients than Udon police with financial worries (especially as they already have access to a special borrowing fund).



They do not get paid peanuts in Thai terms, they also get pensions and free health care, that's why you often have to pay a heavy bribe to join. Then there are the other perks of course


If the Udon police get too hard up, they can always flog the Van Gogh on the wall behind benevolent Jim.

yes, but it is the real one, the fake is in lourve, somchai swapped it just before he stole the big diamond in the middle east.


"Jim handed over the check to police chiefs in the north eastern province along with his Thai wife . . . "

Some guys will pay anything to get rid of their wives tongue.png


Not so sure this is the greatest way to throw money about , this is indeed a noble cause, however it is the domain of the Government to ensure that officers or families are all looked after , a comprehensive insurance and retirement scheme should be held by all officers , if not why not , as we have seen the Thailand Government always puts the horse before the cart , instead of investing in Chinese sinkable submarines , having a much larger military than is required , they should be investing in their own backyard, not everyone's cup of tea, indeed there is plenty of worthy Charities out there if you want to be generous........................................coffee1.gif .

And I'm very sure this is not the way a police force should be funded.

IMHO all the costs of building and maintaining a quality police force, in any country, should without exception be paid for out of the public purse and should be funded at a level whereby the police and their needed resources are at a level required to properly 'serve and protect'. (And no corruption of course.)

Anything outside of that is a recipe for numerous problems.


Perhaps an investment in the future? If not, then this money is certainly not spent the right way.

There are much more worthy causes than the RTP - such as hilltribes, orphans, schools, animal welfare, healthcare etc. - even improving the welfare of a poor farang like me.


is that not a form of Bribery. could we have a reenactment please and could we all smile and

look happy ok take 2


Only read the caption and thought!!!!!


IMHO there is a specific and possible strange reason why somebody would give the police 500,000Baht and provide their full name, wife's name and addresses etc., and photos of both for all to see. Surely there is quite some risk in doing it so publicly and why didn't the police strongly advise them to not do it publicly?

What's the back story here?

And it's not like this district has a glowing unaligned reputation.

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