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Trump: Charges of anti-Semitism over tweet are 'ridiculous'


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Trump made three pro-Israel speech s recently, which naturally received scant attention in the mainstream press as it didn't fit their narrative. Here is one snippet.


Edit, and another


And another.


Yet you clowns are fretting about a red sheriffs badge at an angle, stars of David are never at an angle. As for dodgy supporters that's just smearing by association, HRC never has to bother with that as the press covers for her.

Apparently Mexicans love him too and Women love him and Blacks love him. It's true just ask Trump.

Delusional Republicans.

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DANGEROUS donald trump bites back.



Jonathan Greenblatt, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League, thinks these kinds of things have happened a bit too frequently to be coincidental. “The first time something like this happens, like the quote from Mussolini, it’s called a mistake. The second time it happens, like you re-tweet from a white supremacist Twitter account, that’s sloppy.
Edited by metisdead
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Well <deleted> me: I try to shield my daughter from the influence of religion and now I find out I've been sticking the Star of David all over her little books blink.pngrolleyes.gif

And teachers put "stars" on all the students foreheads. All harmless.

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So no picture of the offending tweet?


So using the star of David is now Anti-semitic ?....wow professional victims out in force again ?....i would doubt the star used in this tweet is even intended as being the star of David, the intent is very clear to me and it references law and order

Some has been drinking tainted cool aid again

that's a star.. and a very evenly spaced one at that! I don't think it references anything. It's just a star to highlight the text..

You guys are funny. Pretty much everyone agrees there were anti-semitic undertones...well, everyone except the rabid Trump supporters. You guys do know that the image was lifted from a neo-nazi site, don't you? Nevermind, I know Trump supporters see-no-evil, hear-no-evil...etc.


Pretty much every social justice warrior and regressive 'liberal' thinks it is anti-semitic.

To me it looks like a sheriff star.

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But wait.

There's more.

In case you're not familiar with trump's use of the slogan AMERICA FIRST.

It's not those words in themselves, but the HISTORY behind them, the racist, radically isolationist history that has raised concerns. But trump does not care.

‘America First’: Trump doubles down on a term that makes many Jews queasy

Created in 1940 after Hitler already had invaded Poland, the America First Committee argued that the U.S. should take a neutral approach toward Nazi Germany, and even do business with it, because the Nazi regime did not threaten America directly. Among its most noteworthy leaders was aviator Charles Lindbergh, who publicly espoused anti-Semitic viewpoints. Lindbergh warned that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence over the media, movies and government.


It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals,Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.


trump has been confronted about the offensiveness of the term in the historical context also considering trump's ISOLATIONIST politics. He refuses to back down from embracing the phrase.

Earlier (before trump) America Firster:


Edited by Jingthing
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But wait.

There's more.

In case you're not familiar with trump's use of the slogan AMERICA FIRST.

It's not those words in themselves, but the HISTORY behind them, the racist, radically isolationist history that has raised concerns. But trump does not care.

‘America First’: Trump doubles down on a term that makes many Jews queasy

Created in 1940 after Hitler already had invaded Poland, the America First Committee argued that the U.S. should take a neutral approach toward Nazi Germany, and even do business with it, because the Nazi regime did not threaten America directly. Among its most noteworthy leaders was aviator Charles Lindbergh, who publicly espoused anti-Semitic viewpoints. Lindbergh warned that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence over the media, movies and government.


It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals,Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.


trump has been confronted about the offensiveness of the term in the historical context also considering trump's ISOLATIONIST politics. He refuses to back down from embracing the phrase.

In addition to Lindbergh, other members included Sinclair Lewis, former Pres. Gerald Ford, Frank Lloyd Wright, John F. Kennedy, and Sargent Shriver.

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But wait.

There's more.

In case you're not familiar with trump's use of the slogan AMERICA FIRST.

It's not those words in themselves, but the HISTORY behind them, the racist, radically isolationist history that has raised concerns. But trump does not care.

America First: Trump doubles down on a term that makes many Jews queasy

Created in 1940 after Hitler already had invaded Poland, the America First Committee argued that the U.S. should take a neutral approach toward Nazi Germany, and even do business with it, because the Nazi regime did not threaten America directly. Among its most noteworthy leaders was aviator Charles Lindbergh, who publicly espoused anti-Semitic viewpoints. Lindbergh warned that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence over the media, movies and government.


It is extremely unfortunate that in his speech Wednesday outlining his foreign policy goals,Donald Trump chose to brand his foreign policy with the noxious slogan "America First," the name of the isolationist, defeatist, anti-Semitic national organization that urged the United States to appease Adolf Hitler.


trump has been confronted about the offensiveness of the term in the historical context also considering trump's ISOLATIONIST politics. He refuses to back down from embracing the phrase.

Earlier (before trump) America Firster:


This thread is getting just silly

And Prescot Bush help financed the Nazi's


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It's not silly. The thread is about how trump and trump's supporters are offending Jews. trump if he didn't already know it has been informed that his slogan has antisemitic baggage. So he can't claim innocence or ignorance about that. Not only doesn't he back off, as usual, he doubles down. That's his pattern for all kinds of people he has offended.

trump supporters can try to push the fiction that trump is just another republican nominee president. But the majority of people in his OWN party know tht is total B.S. He's a different kind of animal. An extremely DANGEROUS kind ... dangerous to the American nation and the world as a whole.

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It's not silly. The thread is about how trump and trump's supporters are offending Jews. trump if he didn't already know it has been informed that his slogan has antisemitic baggage. So he can't claim innocence or ignorance about that. Not only doesn't he back off, as usual, he doubles down. That's his pattern for all kinds of people he has offended.

trump supporters can try to push the fiction that trump is just another republican nominee president. But the majority of people in his OWN party know tht is total B.S. He's a different kind of animal. An extremely DANGEROUS kind ... dangerous to the American nation and the world as a whole.

I don't believe the trumpeteers don't see anti semitic meaning. Of course they do. It's not subtle.

Trump never apologizes, it shows weakness.

I assumed any avid trump supporter is an unrepentant bigot or a failed actor.
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Funny jews think they own the trademark to the most common shape there is for a star.

Funny that if you Google "star" and look up images that the vast, vast majority of stars shown are five-pointed stars and not six-pointed stars. So your presumption is in error and your attempted sarcasm says more about your feelings towards Jews than about Trump.

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What anti semitic? its words in a star....i see that all the time in the supermarket and department stores.

It's a matter of the context of the entire presentation of that graphic as well as it's origin (an anti-semitic website).

What I mean by the presentation is the classic antisemitic canard of associating Jews in negative ways with money, either having too much of it, controlling global finance too much, and/or being unusually stingy.

See graphic.

Cheers, dude.

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Dudes, get real.

The DANGEROUS donald trump movement has attracted extremist far right, "alt-right", white supremacist, Neo-Nazi American hate groups.

They are part of his CORE base of support.

Happily, these sick extremist HATERS do not comprise a large portion of the population.

But the horrible racist DEMAGOGUE trump has done very little to properly distance himself from them.

This is a long pattern now. Who wants this horrible fascist clown as their president? Nobody sensible.

Don't forget his B.S. interview where he claimed ignorance of DAVID DUKE and failed to dissaciate from him, when there is video evidence of him talking about DAVID DUKE before.

He is implicitly inviting this white supremacist, racist, Jew hating, black hating, Muslim hating, Mexican hating support.

It doesn't make any sense politically, but he does it anyway.

Sure he'll keep the extremist far right wing base, but he'll turn off the MAJORITY of Americans.

In a normal world, a nod this blatant sent to white nationalists would have been followed by a clear and unequivocal apology from the respectable, non-racist candidate. Despite the fact that many in the media, both conservative and liberal, in this paper and beyond, have been asking for Trump to simply and loudly repudiate the alt-right faction in his camp for months, he has yet to do so.

Despite Trump’s repeated assertion that he hires “the best people” as one of his main qualifications for the Oval Office these very same people are following alt-right Twitter accounts and providing anti-Semitic memes for their boss to tweet to his almost 9.5 million followers. We are left with three possible explanations: Many in Trump’s campaign have an affinity for the alt-right; or the campaign team is too stupid to understand the company they keep; or the team is too calculating to disregard any group that will support his candidacy — even from neo-Nazis.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/politics/344211/donald-trump-hires-the-best-people-for-following-the-anti-semitic-twitterve/#ixzz4DWEi1tsX

Good God, now we're getting anti-Trump sentiment right out of a rather left leaning Jewish news organization and should take it as the gospel. As many have pointed out, his daughter converted and his son-in-law and grandchild are Jewish. Trump has been much more supportive of Israel than either Obama or Clinton. The issue of the star is something made from nothing. Seems like some are always looking for a way to deem others anti-semitic even when they are not.

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Here is an article from 1997 about how Trump forced private clubs in Palm Beach to start admitting minorities for the first time...

Trump's Palm Beach Club Roils the Old Social Order
By JACQUELINE BUENO Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal
Updated April 30, 1997 12:01 a.m. ET
Last December, after the council refused to lift the restrictions, Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. The suit seeks $100 million in damages.
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Pretty much every social justice warrior and regressive 'liberal' thinks it is anti-semitic.

To me it looks like a sheriff star.

Sheriffs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern would like to have a word with you.


Edited by attrayant
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As kids we were taught the easiest way to draw a star was to make an uoside down triangle and then a standing triangle over it.

I did not know the jews owned the patent on this.

All this crap of jews and money....trump has a lot of money too....whats the ooint....always playing the poor jew card.


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As kids we were taught the easiest way to draw a star was to make an uoside down triangle and then a standing triangle over it.

I did not know the jews owned the patent on this.

All this crap of jews and money....trump has a lot of money too....whats the ooint....always playing the poor jew card.


I could say always playing the trashing Jews card which would be fair to say about a particularly enthusiastic segment of the core base of trump's supports:

American NAZIS

White supremacists

David Duke types

KKK types


American fascists

This base is apparently too important to trump for him to clearly dissociate himself from them.

These sick haters also of course are racist against Latinos, blacks, Muslims, etc. and typically anti-gay and misogynist as well.

What a SICK political movement trump has started. Decent Americans need to CRUSH it.

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Dems really grasping at straws here. If that is the best you guys can do given the current economic and social challenges in the country then Hillary is in some serious trouble.

Dude, it's not one time.

It's a LONG pattern now.

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@Post # 46 attrayant

No, no, no, that won't do.

According to Steely Dan ( Post # 29 ) :

"stars of David are never at an angle." laugh.png

One does wonder though, if the image was so innocuous, why did the the Bloviator's people change it so quickly? whistling.gif

And, quite a track record they have for scouring racist websites:

His Racism Is No Accident: Trump Has Retweeted White Supremacists 75 Times

"An analysis of Trump's Twitter account revealed that his racism is no accident. Donald Trump has retweeted white supremacists 75 times since his campaign began."



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One does wonder though, if the image was so innocuous, why did the the Bloviator's people change it so quickly? whistling.gif


a. It's not a big deal to change it….it's easy to fix….unlike, say, setting up a private email server and have have half the world's intelligence community read your classified mails.

b. Mr. Trump's campaign did not want to be insensitive to jews who immediately (and mistakenly) thought they were being persecuted by a starburst of text.

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Dems really grasping at straws here. If that is the best you guys can do given the current economic and social challenges in the country then Hillary is in some serious trouble.

Dude, it's not one time.

It's a LONG pattern now.

Speaking of patterns. The democrats have a long history of using lies and slander against republican presidential candidates. This is just more of the same.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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JHolmesJr Post 52

Regarding your wildly unsubstantiated, baseless, slanderous claim :

"unlike, say, setting up a private email server and have have half the world's intelligence community read your classified mails." ( Just made up nonsense. ) thumbsup.gif

( While of course, conveniently ignoring that the image came from a neo-Nazi source.) facepalm.gif

Oh, and please review Post 51.

And guess what?

F.B.I. Recommends No Charges Against Hillary Clinton for Use of Personal Email

"WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that the bureau would not recommend criminal charges in Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information,

lifting an enormous legal cloud from her presidential campaign, hours before her first joint campaign appearance with President Obama."

"To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally sent or received classified information,

something that the F.B.I. did not find."

“Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” he said at a news conference.


Y'all can put that to bed with 8 Benghazi hearings that provided nothing.
Read here to see what that partisan gibberish caused in terms of person hours, time and money:
Dunning Kruger.
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As kids we were taught the easiest way to draw a star was to make an uoside down triangle and then a standing triangle over it.

I did not know the jews owned the patent on this.

To all of you offering up this BS excuse, the nazis don't "own the patent" on the swastika either. Therefore Donald should feel free to use it in his future tweets, right?

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This is all meaningless unless they can prove Trump intentionally tried to be racist.

No intent, no crime.

You're still playing games with this, even though the entire country knew what his intent was. Heck, even the senior Republican in the country knew....


[u.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday sharply criticized Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's Twitter post depicting Democratic rival Hillary Clinton against a backdrop of cash and a Star of David, saying anti-Semitic images have "no place in a presidential campaign."]

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Had he used an actual star of David with overlapping triangles then you could legitimately claim antisemitism.

But he didn't, he used a generic RED star in a style that a 5 year old might have drawn.

Nobody owns the shape of a star! Stop searching to be offended!

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Funny…jews think they own the trademark to the most common shape there is for a star.

No, Jews don't think that.

But I guess it serves the purpose of people who want to diss Jews to spread lies like that.

Anyway, there is a context to the trump tweet. It came from Nazi types and that is a fact.

He has a long record now of retweeting such memes. Be honest and deal with that reality.

So everyhing that Nazi types produce is automatically anti-semitic??? Do they just spend 24 hours a day hating (or do the have other aspecta of life i.e. jobs, family, sports etc.) I'm sure Nazi teachers give out gold stars in class :rolleyes: Edited by SABloke
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