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No charges recommended in Clinton email probe, FBI says


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I suppose it's a great day when the FBI comes out and says they won't criminally indict the likely next President. Wonderful time for the country.

Enjoy the election!

It was predictable.

This evil bitch is as guilty as hell, a grubby evil individual yet somehow the Americans are going to vote her in.

This makes a mockery of the American justice system.

Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!


Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

The flaw in your reasoning is that there isn't anyone better than HRC or Trump to elect instead. The last statesman left the American political system when Kennedy died.

All that would happen is that there would be a civil war.

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It ain't over boys - as much as y'all would like to think it is:


Trump on Clinton Keeping Lynch as Attorney General: ‘It’s a Bribe!

Well of course it was 555


There are enough pissed-off folks at Comey to give Trump what's now being called the " You" vote.

Fat lady ain't begun to warm up...heh smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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HILLARY "There should be no individual too powerful to jail."

Unless you're a Clinton, eh? bah.gif

If a person hasn't committed an offence they don't go to Jail, right?

That is what the electorate will hear. Game over Boon Mee. No ones going to be listening to the loony far right echo chamber from here on in over the Emails. Case closed.

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HILLARY "There should be no individual too powerful to jail."

Unless you're a Clinton, eh? bah.gif

If a person hasn't committed an offence they don't go to Jail, right?

That is what the electorate will hear. Game over Boon Mee. No ones going to be listening to the loony far right echo chamber from here on in over the Emails. Case closed.

The pant suit brigade all trying to spin the story. She has well committed several offenses. But Comey did the most political thing a politician could do (along the J E Hoover line), he rode the middle of the road.

He just pulled the Clinton gang (who might be his next boss), Mr. Prez, and the horrible AG out of the pile of crap they put their self in. Since Obama's endorsement of Hillary, through the busted, secret rendezvous in Phoenix, to Hillary and Barrack heading to NC on AF1 simultaneously to Comey's "press conference" results in a simple deduction: it was all scripted. Timelines don't allow for otherwise.

However, Comey that cherishes his reputation was able to refute every Hillary claim that she made to the public during the period of the investigation. Well shown on a video attachment previously on this thread.

Nah, Comey came to the intersection: could have taken the high road and recommended a grand jury, could have taken the low road and spun the story that Hillary is exonerated. But he did neither, he states all the evidence for conviction and then recommends no prosecution. This opinion, he says was due to the precedence for the case and difficult to prosecute. He is well placed regardless of who wins the white house.

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Was Clinton given clear instruction about the security vis-a-vis email accounts before coming into office? FBI chief Comey, in that blathering address, made no reference to this crucial point.

If the FBI have such an interest in this issue, then it is clearly their responsiblity to make sure the rules are clearly stated. That point should now be investigated. If they didn't do that adequately, then it's Comey who should be charged for putting the nation at risk.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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HILLARY "There should be no individual too powerful to jail."

Unless you're a Clinton, eh? bah.gif

If a person hasn't committed an offence they don't go to Jail, right?

That is what the electorate will hear. Game over Boon Mee. No ones going to be listening to the loony far right echo chamber from here on in over the Emails. Case closed.

REALLY. Comey said she WAS guilty of posting top secret mails on an insecure server and it was probably hacked- enough to be indicted for, but he CHOSE to ignore the law and not charge her. When Trump gets elected, there are a few people that will be investigated over this and some may be serving time. Lynch will certainly be getting the order of the boot.

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Was Clinton given clear instruction about the security vis-a-vis email accounts before coming into office? FBI chief Comey, in that blathering address, made no reference to this crucial point.

If the FBI have such an interest in this issue, then it is clearly their responsiblity to make sure the rules are clearly stated. That point should now be investigated. If they didn't do that adequately, then it's Comey who should be charged for putting the nation at risk.

C'mon. If Clinton didn't know, she isn't suited to be POTUS. It's a federal employee's responsibility to know the rules.

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Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!


Bush is a war criminal, HRC is probably a crook, certainly incompetent. A pox on all professional politicians. Time for an outsider. Time for Trump.

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Was Clinton given clear instruction about the security vis-a-vis email accounts before coming into office? FBI chief Comey, in that blathering address, made no reference to this crucial point.

If the FBI have such an interest in this issue, then it is clearly their responsiblity to make sure the rules are clearly stated. That point should now be investigated. If they didn't do that adequately, then it's Comey who should be charged for putting the nation at risk.

She absolutely signed the non disclosure agreements and went (or skipped, since that's a little people thing) the many briefings and required update meetings.

She is totally stupid, or totally arrogant, or is a total airhead, if she didn't know. Remember she is a lawyer, she is surrounded by lawyers. Comey made this crystal clear in his scathing remarks of her errors in judgement while is this position.

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Honestly, as a democrat, if there was a practical way to replace HRC with a Biden-Warren ticket, I would be more enthusiastic about our ticket. In a positive way rather than trump must be stopped at any cost way. But that's not realistic and of course Sanders supporters would freak out. Sanders supporters will disagree but I still think that the ticket we'll have, Hillary Clinton and perhaps someone like Sherrod Brown will be stronger against trump than Sanders would have been.

I think Sanders made a political mistake not pushing on the email issue from the start. He could have been nominated. But I still think he would have been weaker than Hillary Clinton against trump, so I'm happy he didn't do that.

The one thing Bernie knew he would never survive politically would have been to hit Hillary on the emails. He'd have divided the D party bitterly and he'd have run it into a November disaster by losing the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court.

The Independent Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders is now on Democratic Party overstay. Bernie's welcome in the party he's never belonged to was always tepid at best as Bernie barked his pie in the sky stuff.

Elizabeth Warren needs to throw a blanket around Bernie and walk him home. Almost everyone would anyway welcome Sen. Warren campaigning for HRC than to have Bernie out there mumbling his begrudging and sore loser support.

Let's see how it goes for Bernie at the convention the last week of this month. He needs to redeem himself then but he seems quite the sorehead.

Edited by Publicus
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Honestly, as a democrat, if there was a practical way to replace HRC with a Biden-Warren ticket, I would be more enthusiastic about our ticket. In a positive way rather than trump must be stopped at any cost way. But that's not realistic and of course Sanders supporters would freak out. Sanders supporters will disagree but I still think that the ticket we'll have, Hillary Clinton and perhaps someone like Sherrod Brown will be stronger against trump than Sanders would have been.

I think Sanders made a political mistake not pushing on the email issue from the start. He could have been nominated. But I still think he would have been weaker than Hillary Clinton against trump, so I'm happy he didn't do that.

The only thing I could imagine WORSE than HRC would be bumbling Joe and "lying" Red Indian Warren as the rulers of the ( once ) free world.

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Was Clinton given clear instruction about the security vis-a-vis email accounts before coming into office? FBI chief Comey, in that blathering address, made no reference to this crucial point.

If the FBI have such an interest in this issue, then it is clearly their responsiblity to make sure the rules are clearly stated. That point should now be investigated. If they didn't do that adequately, then it's Comey who should be charged for putting the nation at risk.

She absolutely signed the non disclosure agreements and went (or skipped, since that's a little people thing) the many briefings and required update meetings.

She is totally stupid, or totally arrogant, or is a total airhead, if she didn't know. Remember she is a lawyer, she is surrounded by lawyers. Comey made this crystal clear in his scathing remarks of her errors in judgement while is this position.

Do you know what exactly was the wording of the 'non-disclosure agreements' and whether it specifically addressed the issue of different types of email account and gave unequivocal, crystal clear instruction as to what could and could not be done as well as the legal consequences of any non-compliance? I doubt it.

She can't be expected to know technical subtleties - she's too busy doing her job, which involves relentless communication. It's for the nation's security authorities to make sure that the necessary information is properly communicated. I would like to see some evidence that it was properly communicated.

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Honestly, as a democrat, if there was a practical way to replace HRC with a Biden-Warren ticket, I would be more enthusiastic about our ticket. In a positive way rather than trump must be stopped at any cost way. But that's not realistic and of course Sanders supporters would freak out. Sanders supporters will disagree but I still think that the ticket we'll have, Hillary Clinton and perhaps someone like Sherrod Brown will be stronger against trump than Sanders would have been.

I think Sanders made a political mistake not pushing on the email issue from the start. He could have been nominated. But I still think he would have been weaker than Hillary Clinton against trump, so I'm happy he didn't do that.

The one thing Bernie knew he would never survive politically would have been to hit Hillary on the emails. He'd have divided the D party bitterly and he'd have run it into a November disaster by losing the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court.

The Independent Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders is now on Democratic Party overstay. Bernie's welcome in the party he's never belonged to was always tepid at best as Bernie barked his pie in the sky stuff.

Elizabeth Warren needs to throw a blanket around Bernie and walk him home. Almost everyone would anyway welcome Sen. Warren campaigning for HRC than to have Bernie out there mumbling his begrudging and sore loser support.

Let's see how it goes for Bernie at the convention the last week of this month. He needs to redeem himself then but he seems quite the sorehead.

Respect your opinion Pub, but I see it differently. He was let in to the democrat party as it was a lineup of non competitive contenders verses hilarious Hillary (the new vids are a real blast). Bernie was an independent, who voted mostly along democrat lines, that was let in to lend credence that the process was not a coronation.

Your absolutely right in that he has worn out his welcome. I bet their looking for the idiot that let this happen with Bernie and his campaign, when he almost upset the apple cart. Not counting Hillary gagging while trying to fat lip wall street...the ones that fund the family, the corporations that pay $250,000 per half hour for a speech and fund her "win back the trust of the American People" campaign.

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Was Clinton given clear instruction about the security vis-a-vis email accounts before coming into office? FBI chief Comey, in that blathering address, made no reference to this crucial point.

If the FBI have such an interest in this issue, then it is clearly their responsiblity to make sure the rules are clearly stated. That point should now be investigated. If they didn't do that adequately, then it's Comey who should be charged for putting the nation at risk.

Let's watch the House set up yet another investigation, this time to investigate the FBI investigation of the emails stuff brought out of the woodwork by the rightwing superpatriot Inspectors General of the cloak and dagger hierarchy. It's only talk so far but I'd bet the ranch the looney Republicans in the congress maximus would do it.

Yes, let's have the Republicans in the congress maximus indict James Comey's integrity and to put the FBI and its investigators and agents on the rack in public hearings. The Kamikaze Republicans in congress would make the late Republican tailgunner Senator Joe McCarthy look like a wayward boy scout.

The past 30 years of increasingly whackjob Republican politics have produced the wildman ignoramus Donald Trump as their party's nominee so let's see how much more self-destruction they can wreak by taking on the FBI in public hearings.

Go for it !

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It was obvious HRC wasn't going to be indicted but it appears now it came really close. Of course, that would have likely been the end of her career and what happened doesn't end it. But it's politically very damaging and the republicans have a legitimate issue to attack her on this. In a normal election, she would be toast, but considering who's she's running against, she remains the favorite to win. Yes, it's an extreme case of picking the least horrible choice. Many will say HRC more horrible than trump. I think many more will say trump is more horrible than HRC. Yes, depressing as it sounds, that's the deal. Let the games (conventions) begin.

it came really close

For a successful prosecution that is an important aspect. There is not only the "beyond the shadow of a doubt" standard in US courts, there is case law to consider. The USA judicial system relies on case law or legal precedent vs common law such as used in the UK and Thailand to buttress the logic of court decisions lest they be overturned by higher courts. Prosecutors don't last long when they lose cases.

In Hillary's instance there has been no precedent case law. The prosecution would have to argue a novel and court untested theory for criminal deliberate or gross negligance. Prosecuting attorneys don't go to trial on a hope and prayer. Certainly Hillary violated internal protocol but that does not reach the level of violation of law.

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Honestly, as a democrat, if there was a practical way to replace HRC with a Biden-Warren ticket, I would be more enthusiastic about our ticket. In a positive way rather than trump must be stopped at any cost way. But that's not realistic and of course Sanders supporters would freak out. Sanders supporters will disagree but I still think that the ticket we'll have, Hillary Clinton and perhaps someone like Sherrod Brown will be stronger against trump than Sanders would have been.

I think Sanders made a political mistake not pushing on the email issue from the start. He could have been nominated. But I still think he would have been weaker than Hillary Clinton against trump, so I'm happy he didn't do that.

The one thing Bernie knew he would never survive politically would have been to hit Hillary on the emails. He'd have divided the D party bitterly and he'd have run it into a November disaster by losing the White House, the Congress, the Supreme Court.

The Independent Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders is now on Democratic Party overstay. Bernie's welcome in the party he's never belonged to was always tepid at best as Bernie barked his pie in the sky stuff.

Elizabeth Warren needs to throw a blanket around Bernie and walk him home. Almost everyone would anyway welcome Sen. Warren campaigning for HRC than to have Bernie out there mumbling his begrudging and sore loser support.

Let's see how it goes for Bernie at the convention the last week of this month. He needs to redeem himself then but he seems quite the sorehead.

Respect your opinion Pub, but I see it differently. He was let in to the democrat party as it was a lineup of non competitive contenders verses hilarious Hillary (the new vids are a real blast). Bernie was an independent, who voted mostly along democrat lines, that was let in to lend credence that the process was not a coronation.

Your absolutely right in that he has worn out his welcome. I bet their looking for the idiot that let this happen with Bernie and his campaign, when he almost upset the apple cart. Not counting Hillary gagging while trying to fat lip wall street...the ones that fund the family, the corporations that pay $250,000 per half hour for a speech and fund her "win back the trust of the American People" campaign.

The substance of your first paragraph is well known and documented.

Bernie's problem is that he takes himself seriously, as in super-seriously. He's the only one in the D party who has the intensity of a Ted Cruz, or a Pat Buchanan, a Newt Gingrich among other self-convinced types to include the R party Huckabees and Rick Perry, Rick Santorum etc.

Perhaps it's the lawyer in Hillary Clinton that makes her, well, lawyerly sounding, but if that would be the case, then it may be the lawyer in HR Clinton that enables her to see the game character or nature of politics and the political contest, the recognition that the game is all about winning. Lawyers after all take a case first and foremost to win it, not to find truth and justice. Still, HRC does have core principles without being a super self serious sorehead, as she demonstrated in 2008 by getting behind Barack Obama two days after she ended her own big vote getting campaign, then becoming President Obama's SecState (which certainly did serve her interests too, of course!).

Comey is a lawyer outside of a courtroom so he offends few if any of a given group...until now. Comey's time as a political lawyer working for Republicans in the Senate, then as the GW Bush appointed US Attorney in New York put him twice on the trail of the Clintons, but he came up dry. Methinks at bottom James Comey is an Irish guy who went into the upper end of the legal world as a Republican, in contrast to following his father as a flatfoot and a Democrat, and who like any Irish-American, is loyal to a fault and who knows instinctively where his loyalties lie...absolutely so

My final point is to say that Barack Obama sure knows how to pick 'em, cause when we look at his appointments across the board, few if any have gone bust on him and almost all of 'em have done well in their positions. So when Comey's number got called he sure did step stride forward.

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Other than the indictment decision, everything else in Comey's statement was completely damaging to Clinton.

Look for the Big C Money Machine™ to start choreographing a smear campaign over the next few months against Comey to marginalize those comments.....which btw would have been fatal to any other candidate.

I'm sure the Hillaryphiles will carry a jubilant, warm and fuzzy feeling to the polls with them smug in the knowledge that their hero has evaded criminal prosecution. We get the government we deserve.

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Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!

Bush is a war criminal, HRC is probably a crook, certainly incompetent. A pox on all professional politicians. Time for an outsider. Time for Trump.

You were doing so well until the last 3 words facepalm.gif

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So, a 2 YEAR investigation culminates with a meeting forced by Slick Willie with Lynch, followed days later by an interview on a Saturday morning that lasted a brief 3 1/2 hrs DURING ONE OF THE LARGEST PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN AMERICA, followed by a "No Charges For Being Stupid" rulings the morning after the holiday ended AND we're supposed to believe that while skipping hand in hand onto AirForce1, Obama and Clinton had NO IDEA what was about to be said????!!!!!?????

SOMEBODY'S job/life was threatened. Comey may well be a republican but his boss is a democrat.

God, I'm so P*&%$@ed at the moment I can't even type more of how this makes me ashamed to be an American.

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Other than the indictment decision, everything else in Comey's statement was completely damaging to Clinton.

Look for the Big C Money Machine™ to start choreographing a smear campaign over the next few months against Comey to marginalize those comments.....which btw would have been fatal to any other candidate.

I'm sure the Hillaryphiles will carry a jubilant, warm and fuzzy feeling to the polls with them smug in the knowledge that their hero has evaded criminal prosecution. We get the government we deserve.

Other than the indictment decision, everything else in Comey's statement was completely damaging to Clinton.

Comey the lawyer made his statement in the sanctuary of his press room at the Department of Justice Building that sprawls between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues.

Hillary Clinton had no opportunity of rebuttal or response, either on the scene or elsewhere. No opportunity to question Comey, no instance to challenge Comey. No opportunity to confront her accuser in the government.

Director Comey was within his remit to state the conclusions of the FBI investigation (instigated by the rightwing superpatriot Inspectors General of the cloak and dagger agencies), which were that no charges were merited, there was no grand jury, no judge, no prosecutor...no nuthin. Only lawyers and FBI meatgrinders.

HR Clinton however had no right or opportunity of a face to face reply or response, nor did former SecState Clinton have the right or the opportunity to question Comey or to have any exchange with Comey in his influential statements. Maybe Comey is right or maybe Comey is wrong, but what we do know for certain is that -- save for the fact of no indictment -- the presentation was completely one-sided against HRC.

This is not justice. The whole of this has been and remains political in its motivation and purposes. Why? Because Clintons win November elections, going all the way back to Arkansas in the 1970s. A Clinton name on a ballot in a November is a winner. Republicans and rightwhingers can't stand it. Comey doesn't much care either way. Rightwingers can't stand that either.

Edited by Publicus
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As I have said from the very beginning...H. Clinton will not be indicted...this Democratic administration is shameless in their illegal use of the IRS and Justice Dept....now the FBI...to politicize everything they do...Conservative, Christians, Republicans, and Whistleblowers have all been targeted by the Obama administration...while criminal activity by members of the Obama administration have gone unpunished...allowed to either quietly resign or given an outright and outrageous pass from being tried for their wrong-doing...

Rule of Law, Constitution, the very fabric of American Society is being molested...changed to suit one group of people...and is causing an undercurrent of discontent that may surface in a most ugly way if they keep it up...

Mark my words...enough already...

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Other than the indictment decision, everything else in Comey's statement was completely damaging to Clinton.

Look for the Big C Money Machine™ to start choreographing a smear campaign over the next few months against Comey to marginalize those comments.....which btw would have been fatal to any other candidate.

I'm sure the Hillaryphiles will carry a jubilant, warm and fuzzy feeling to the polls with them smug in the knowledge that their hero has evaded criminal prosecution. We get the government we deserve.

Other than the indictment decision, everything else in Comey's statement was completely damaging to Clinton.

Comey the lawyer made his statement in the sanctuary of his press room at the Department of Justice Building that sprawls between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues.

Hillary Clinton had no opportunity of rebuttal or response, either on the scene or elsewhere. No opportunity to question Comey, no instance to challenge Comey. No opportunity to confront her accuser in the government.

Director Comey was within his remit to state the conclusions of the FBI investigation (instigated by the rightwing superpatriot Inspectors General of the cloak and dagger agencies), which were that no charges were merited, there was no grand jury, no judge, no prosecutor...no nuthin. Only lawyers and FBI meatgrinders.

HR Clinton however had no right or opportunity of a face to face reply or response, nor did former SecState Clinton have the right or the opportunity to question Comey or to have any exchange with Comey in his influential statements. Maybe Comey is right or maybe Comey is wrong, but what we do know for certain is that -- save for the fact of no indictment -- the presentation was completely one-sided against HRC.

This is not justice. The whole of this has been and remains political in its motivation and purposes. Why? Because Clintons win November elections, going all the way back to Arkansas in the 1970s. A Clinton name on a ballot in a November is a winner. Republicans and rightwhingers can't stand it. Comey doesn't much care either way. Rightwingers can't stand that either.

You're right there was little precedent for Comey's scolding of Clinton. I however, think it was the balanced thing to do in light of the weight of the decision and that it came down in Clinton's favor. Comey had to justify it to the Republicans and to the rest of the country. It was one-sided, and she has and will take a hit for it, but it still was not enough for Trump supporters. In spite of teams of lawyers and investigators pouring over this in minutiae, in spite of these scores of lawyers knowing their careers could end should they violate the Code of Professional Responsibility, in spite of all of these trained legal and investigative brains coming to this decision pouring over and knowing all the facts we can never know, it will never be enough for all the Trump supporters as they seem to somehow have divine guidance as to the facts.

I agree with Comey's terse scolding of Clinton. I predicted this is how this matter would end. I also predicted that whatever bad judgment Clinton exercised, it would never rise to criminality as she is too smart to have done that. She is a dangerous woman, but I hope this will serve as a warning for her not to go too far should she be elected. She is still by far the best choice of two bad candidates for President. The other orange guy is unthinkable.

Edited by keemapoot
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So, a 2 YEAR investigation culminates with a meeting forced by Slick Willie with Lynch, followed days later by an interview on a Saturday morning that lasted a brief 3 1/2 hrs DURING ONE OF THE LARGEST PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN AMERICA, followed by a "No Charges For Being Stupid" rulings the morning after the holiday ended AND we're supposed to believe that while skipping hand in hand onto AirForce1, Obama and Clinton had NO IDEA what was about to be said????!!!!!?????

SOMEBODY'S job/life was threatened. Comey may well be a republican but his boss is a democrat.

God, I'm so P*&%$@ed at the moment I can't even type more of how this makes me ashamed to be an American.

Cmon, at least be honest. You're ashamed....embarrassed to be a right-wing nutbag.

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As a starter, one simple question for Mr. Comey to answer:

Before Mrs. Clinton was entrusted with any state secrets — indeed, on her first full day as secretary of state — Mrs. Clinton received instruction from FBI agents on how to safeguard them; and she signed an oath swearing to comply with the laws commanding the safekeeping of these secrets. She was warned that the failure to safeguard secrets — known as espionage — would most likely result in aggressive prosecution.

True or false?

I'm looking forward to Mr. Comey's next press conference. Maybe he could do it together with Mrs. Clinton?

As Mrs. Clinton apparently forwarded ALL of her government emails to her home brew private server she must have assumed - to her best knowledge, of course - that there would NOT BE ONE email that could contain state secrets. Additionally, how is it possible that Mrs. Clinton thought that emails contain only then state secrets if they are "marked classified"? Who told her that; The FBI on her first day in office?

Now let's assume she had received ONE email, which was "marked classified", what would she have done to retroactively safeguard it again - After it was obviously already exposed to a not governmentally approved and protected infrastructure and she had broken the law?... What would the process have looked like if this unexpected case had happened? What exactly were the planned measures? Delete the internet?

Yes, I know, Mrs. Clinton in fact received top secret emails, even "marked" as such. But it would still be a lot of fun by playing her absurd, stupid, moronic game. Just to show everybody how unfit she already was for her "job" as secretary of state. Corrupt, post-208463-0-48696100-1452024112_thumb. Kleinmensch.

Her incompetence is only surpassed by her ignorance. And as we all(?) know, ignorance doesn't always mean strength.

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