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"Lady Kai" goes to temple - "if I did wrong may I be struck down!"


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Nothing will happen to her, the same as the killers in KT.

The authorities might pretend to care and investigate, but it will come to nothing.

You nailed that.

Too many "high ranking" officials involved.

In the worst case, she will die in an accident shortly.

Just before she can drag anybody with her in her fall.

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Did everybody see the BP article this morning, police found 20 passports in her condo.

Back to the 'official' passport, I'm hoping more will be shared about the full specifics of why she was issued an 'official' passport.

And a more recent BP article this morning about LM possibilities, it seems this case is opening up very wide...

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You just know this will just fizzle out to nothing. It will get dragged through the courts at best and the interest will die down. She will never have to answer to any of these crimes. Her victims will be left to just carry on with their lives. Maybe, just maybe they will receive some small compensation to keep quiet.

When things get too hot she will run to a temple as seen already. "may I be struck down".... Yeah, that'll work. Let's see how many postponements to report to the police there will be due to sickness.

Stop for a moment and think how much of this sort of stuff is going on in this country right now? Human rights abuses, slavery etc. All condoned and facilitated by the countries rich and powerful.

This place needs a super hero, but maybe the technology is becoming one. Everyone has a smart phone and Internet now, cctv cameras eveywhere spreading the news about these sub humans feeding off the poor.

My hat goes off to those brave enough to stand up and expose this sort of thing.

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I continue to be surprised at constant stream of metaphors in a tacitly Buddhist country that are closer to Christian beliefs than anything the Buddha was reported to have said. This women hopes "to be struck down" if she has done anything wrong. Struck down by whom; by what? My wife considers herself a serious Buddhist and prays everyday and makes merit. But her relationship to "her" Buddha is as personal as the relationship relationship between any Catholic or evangelical Christian. Somewhere along the way from India Thai Buddhism became a dualistic religion. One prays to a specific entity for the granting of specific things. There has developed a separation between humans and the godhead.

Keeping in mind that none of The Buddha's teachings were recorded until 400 years after his death. But we know from the early writings that they report that the Buddha saw himself as a man, a philosopher, a teacher of a path to enlightenment. He castigated his followers who wanted to make him a God, to set him apart from the rest of us.

There appears to be very little academic work on the relationship and influence that the 19th Century missionaries had on Thai Buddhism but simple observation of how Thai Buddhism is practiced leaves little doubt that there was some.

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You just know this will just fizzle out to nothing. It will get dragged through the courts at best and the interest will die down. She will never have to answer to any of these crimes. Her victims will be left to just carry on with their lives. Maybe, just maybe they will receive some small compensation to keep quiet.

When things get too hot she will run to a temple as seen already. "may I be struck down".... Yeah, that'll work. Let's see how many postponements to report to the police there will be due to sickness.

Stop for a moment and think how much of this sort of stuff is going on in this country right now? Human rights abuses, slavery etc. All condoned and facilitated by the countries rich and powerful.

This place needs a super hero, but maybe the technology is becoming one. Everyone has a smart phone and Internet now, cctv cameras eveywhere spreading the news about these sub humans feeding off the poor.

My hat goes off to those brave enough to stand up and expose this sort of thing.

I like your comments about super heroes:

- Technology... hope so.

- Leaders... well Thailand does have plenty of highly intelligent, capable, sincere and ethical people who want to contribute, but 99% of these people have stayed well away from politics because they don't want to be associated with the current dinosaur parties, unethical parties, and have no interest whatever in being paid lackeys of family dynasties etc.

I did have hopes that Abhisit and Korn might rise up but nothing has happened and it seems that they are hogtied to the old ways of the dem party. I suspect they are now too late to be the 'supermen'.

Perhaps that means that the 'superman or woman' must start or be part of starting a new party with no baggage whatever.

If the general needs to take some actions to totally rid the country of the nasties from the past and open the way for and encourage a new party / parties then please dear general go right ahead.

I also hope that this current case is now so wide open that nobody would dare to silence the young ladies who have been very brave to speak up and keep pushing for justice in all directions. More power to them.

Here's a thought - it seems to me that Thai people are getting more and more fed up with the very unbalanced justice of the last few years (and of course for decades): honda girl, mercedes boy, rich car dealer boy, Red bull rubbish, and more.

It seems to me that in this current case if madam is not severely punished (if she's guilty) then there will be an outcry which cannot be ignored. I hope so.

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Despite the comments above (and I fully agree this woman is Lady Scum) and despite the general outcry, isn't the ROOT CAUSE of the problem a societal attitude that even hints, let alone accepts, that "young students servicing rich businessmen in casinos abroad" is possibly a great employ?

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Despite the comments above (and I fully agree this woman is Lady Scum) and despite the general outcry, isn't the ROOT CAUSE of the problem a societal attitude that even hints, let alone accepts, that "young students servicing rich businessmen in casinos abroad" is possibly a great employ?

Do you really think it's that simple?

This country (and other countries) still has large numbers of people who don't even know the world is not flat let alone have any knowledge that there are laws about human trafficking etc. As they see it they have no mainstream job opportunities and in reality their education is small and lacking in quality that they are almost unemployable in the modern world. And many of the parents in these families have been brought up on (in terms of lying on your back) 'that's our role / that's our karma / just get on with it'.

Very sad but true.

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In her statement she is implying a lot of 'if' which to me indicates that she is aware they didn't steal from her.

Why would she say "but if these people stole from me" instead of these people stole from me.

She is a lieing sack of dog s@@t.

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20 or so passports found at her condo, from the picture most appear to be Thai (source BP).

Where are the owners? If in Thailand, why is she holding their passports? If abroad, it seems fairly indicative of something quite ugly.

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Another Hiso croc of <deleted>

Of course she won't be struck down... And therefore vindicated...!

I've noticed how successful the "rule of law" is here... And how much attention is paid to it...

Evil ...thrives...

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It is obvious she is not "titled"?? now that really bothers me. Does that mean she is just a Plain Jane? I am not titled either so I guess I am just a plain Joe. So she is going to do the old temple two step really. This should be an obvious sign that she is guilty. Did she ever really have those millions of bahts in gold? Looks like some investigative work should be done here. Anyone available.

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Did everybody see the BP article this morning, police found 20 passports in her condo.

Back to the 'official' passport, I'm hoping more will be shared about the full specifics of why she was issued an 'official' passport.

BP & July 2016 Page 3?

I suggest that you read it again....carefully......

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