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"Lady Kai" woke up behind bars this morning - bail denied for alleged hi-so con artist


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IMHO the LM charge is a very clever move by the people in charge, the very people who could be implicated in this womans deplorable acts.

By playing the LM card they have ensured that there will be little if any press coverage of ongoing investigations. A trial, if one takes place will be held in camera, therefore protecting not only the High establishment but her hi-so connected co-conspiritors.

Or may'be I have just been here too long.

Maybe to keep the case low profile or maybe the LM charge results from her self appointed title of 'Lady' which is a strict no-no.

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IMHO the LM charge is a very clever move by the people in charge, the very people who could be implicated in this womans deplorable acts.

By playing the LM card they have ensured that there will be little if any press coverage of ongoing investigations. A trial, if one takes place will be held in camera, therefore protecting not only the High establishment but her hi-so connected co-conspiritors.

Or may'be I have just been here too long.

Like many long enough to know how things really work.

If she keeps her mouth shut she is out in 5 years (arranged by her hi so buddies) if not expect a sudden illness.

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has some one alerted america? sounds like it as thailand is worried about being knocked off its tier 2 rating, what ever that means. justice must (be seen to) be done. she is rich, she has very little to worry about even if she is a red shirt.

Quite right, America has blundered raising Thailand's status to tier 2 instead of leaving them where they belong and LOS is laughing.

And yes justice must be seen to be done, which is occasionally the case but usually the accused are of the poor and unconnected kind.

But I don't see what her political persuasion has to do with her alleged crimes? but ok lets play, Is she a red shirt? And the pass port in question was issued in I believe March 2014, But the Yingluk government was dissolved in December 2013, So the question should be Who issued the pass port to her and under who's authority and why?

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This is outrageous! Where is the consistency in the Thai legal system? What will become of the Thailand we know and love if the rich and well connected can no longer expect to get away with murder, assault, human trafficking etc with absolute impunity? It sets a dangerous precedent for society if Hiso Thais are treated just the same as everyone else and actually punished for their crimes. What is this country coming to? ohmy.png

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Hey guys, while I too applaud this result it's too early to 'bring out the flags' as it were. Those higher up that are/maybe involved are not going to let her 'sing' and, IMHO, I think she'll be sacrificed so that the Hi So trafficking system will remain largely untouched. Many years ago I became aware how just well organised and brutal it was then (Krays, Richardsons etc) and I suspect it is no different now perhaps even more efficient. If other countries can't eliminate it I don't see the RTP being able to do it. Sad, but I think true.

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1.1 million?

Is that all they could muster?

I thought she routinely had 10,000,000 strewn around her house.

That is exactly what the court registrar asked. "Is that all you can manage? What about all that jewelry?"

She replied "It kept getting stolen and now I am very poor."

Edited by The Deerhunter
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This is outrageous! Where is the consistency in the Thai legal system? What will become of the Thailand we know and love if the rich and well connected can no longer expect to get away with murder, assault, human trafficking etc with absolute impunity? It sets a dangerous precedent for society if Hiso Thais are treated just the same as everyone else and actually punished for their crimes. What is this country coming to? ohmy.png

The difference being she isn't Hi-So, and would assume the reason for the LM charge.

A smart move, nail's her arse to the wall and a means of protecting her "innocent" lackeys and contacts from further close scrutiny.

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Everybody can trump up charges against anyone if they pay the right people's at Pracha Chuen Police Station.

My guess her hubby worked at the Police Station in Bangsue and he keeps now a very very low profile. The dices have been rolled already and she is gone for a long time as to many people's are involved and needs to be protected.

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Remember the case of the police general who fell from grace very, very quickly ?

Yes there were lost of corruption cases against him but LM was in there too and of course a situation that can't be discussed.

It was highly unusual for someone of his status to be charged with anything but there he was in court pleading guilty like a hero and keeping his mouth shut, well in public anyway.

Yes he was sentenced to a serious amount of jail time whatever that may actually mean and we will never know what deals were done.

How much will a similar situation apply to this disgusting woman who know too much and who, apparently, can implicate many senior people.

She's facing an LM charge which is serious stuff so will she try and fight or will she too decide that acceptance of her fate, perhaps in a deal, is the only way out and go QUIETLY ?

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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Love to see a new photo of the young girl who started this on behalf of her folks. I bet she is sporting a beautiful big smile now. Good on the lovely young lass for seeing this through and getting justice for her parents.

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Time for the prosecutors to start making deals to get at the next level up, or is that NOT what they want?

Accusing her of lese majeste makes the whole testimony and court proceedings top secret so the evidence will not be made public.

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Hey guys, while I too applaud this result it's too early to 'bring out the flags' as it were. Those higher up that are/maybe involved are not going to let her 'sing' and, IMHO, I think she'll be sacrificed so that the Hi So trafficking system will remain largely untouched. Many years ago I became aware how just well organised and brutal it was then (Krays, Richardsons etc) and I suspect it is no different now perhaps even more efficient. If other countries can't eliminate it I don't see the RTP being able to do it. Sad, but I think true.

I will join you and not pop the champagne too early. She is just to well connected to be convicted without spilling the beans. My advise to her is to stay away from ropes and high building. Or the case go limp and she sneak out between the cracks of the law unnoticed.

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