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"Lady Kai" woke up behind bars this morning - bail denied for alleged hi-so con artist


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I wonder what she's saying to the guard on the left...

"Wanna go Macao?? Chinese man like girl in uniform...you make big baht..."

I think she is saying " Get your hands off me , don't you remember who I was ? " Or did the one in uniform start quietly with " Hi-so , hi-so its off to clink we go "

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Can anyone enlighten me , what did this "evil woman" do ? 1,1 mill baht and still denied bail is a positive change.

If you don't follow the post's of her then go and google her name and read all the stories about her.

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The naivete of people thinking someone genuinely hi-so would suffer these indignities is charming.

More to the point she is being punished for her pretence and having the gall to have claimed to be hi-so. At any rate she deserves what ever she gets.

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Love to see a new photo of the young girl who started this on behalf of her folks. I bet she is sporting a beautiful big smile now. Good on the lovely young lass for seeing this through and getting justice for her parents.


Guess which one

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So contrary to a popular myth on here having money doesn't buy you freedom

This is the first time !!!! If you have not been here a long time you will not understand.In the past it has been the norm that if you have money enough you can buy your way out of any disaster or criminal conduct irrespective of the circumstances.However lets not get carried away now.The charge is Les Majesty and that in itself is a strange circumstance considering all the other woolies we hear are being covered up even temporary. I think we should make note of all the following procedures and my bet is that a lot of people will soon be disappointed.Maybe I have been here too long and am getting cynical in my old age----( Having just celebrated my 80th I am now an Oxygenator biggrin.png )------ I just hope and pray that I am proved wrong -- Dougal.

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Wow ! For once, a Thai court did the right thing by refusing bail to a person of power, knowing full well that bail would most probably have meant her vanishing from Thailand, pronto.

Thumbs up to the judge ! It doesn't happen that often, so let's hope it will set an example and subtly inform other courts that no, power and money don't give people an automatic right to do anything they like, break the law, and use poor people as if they were nothing but disposable articles.

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Love to see a new photo of the young girl who started this on behalf of her folks. I bet she is sporting a beautiful big smile now. Good on the lovely young lass for seeing this through and getting justice for her parents.


Guess which one

Yep. Truth is she looks scared sh*tless, and knowing how things work in this country, her fear is quite understandable.

Poor people are not supposed to fight back, not supposed to complain, not supposed to claim their own rights when faced with blatant injustice inflicted by the so called 'hiso' people. Why and how she found the courage to do that is quite a mystery, actually, and very unusual in the region.

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Can anyone enlighten me , what did this "evil woman" do ? 1,1 mill baht and still denied bail is a positive change.

I will try. They are using article 112 (I shudder and wonder what the other 111 articles contain) of the L & M law. Being charged under L & M is serious. Its the big Enchilada, the 800 lb. gorilla in the room. Its a steam roller law. Had they granted this lady the bail of a million bahts it would have been "Hi O Silver Away" or "Now you see me now you don't" In the picture she is struggling trying to understand why she is being arrested. My guess not because she has broken the law but public opinion and Facebook have made her a persona non grata in eyes of the people and well the people must be thrown a bone from time to time.

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well, if I were Judge Judy I would only impose a very heavy fine, with just one stipulation.

Every baht of the fine had to be earned the same way as the girls that she shanghai-ed.

From the look of her she would be on her back or knees for a lifetime.

The correct sentence don't you agree???


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IMHO the LM charge is a very clever move by the people in charge, the very people who could be implicated in this womans deplorable acts.

By playing the LM card they have ensured that there will be little if any press coverage of ongoing investigations. A trial, if one takes place will be held in camera, therefore protecting not only the High establishment but her hi-so connected co-conspiritors.

Or may'be I have just been here too long.

You have not been here to long you are finally getting a firm grasp of things. From time to time Facebook and public opinion trumps a policeman for a husband or other connections. From time to time the connections are severed when one brazenly stands out in the justice system and they are fed to the wolves to set an example. Even in elitism and corruption there is a line you do not cross. Keep your dirty laundry in the basket.

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Not defending that evil bitch, but what lese majeste charge? I so confew! blink.png

Misappropriating a royally bestowed title. bit like claiming a knighthood in the UK Sir Somtam.

I think she initially said she was called ' Lady ' simply by people who were grateful she had helped them.

I'm sure the govt will have no difficulty in proving she used it it having claimed it had been bestowed on her.

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hahahahahahaha, looks like asking buddha to strike her down if she was guilty actually worked and quick too, she only just claimed to have asked and now this, she has been struck down and then some, jail time couldnt have happened to a nicer piece of crap.

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The probe found that of the three Pracha Chuen police investigators overseeing Ms Montha's cases, two remained at the station while another had been transferred to Tha Kham station, a source said.

Hopefully her helpers and police friends are also imprisoned.
At least five former employees have faced similar complaints from Ms Montha.
One was jailed for one-and-a-half years.

This unscrupulous abuse of power, of the officers involved must be punished with harsh prison sentences.
Immediate dismissal from the civil service.
Hopefully they stop this softener number with transfer to inactive posts.
These are highly criminals for there is only one place in society: prison.

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Not defending that evil bitch, but what lese majeste charge? I so confew! blink.png

Misappropriating a royally bestowed title. bit like claiming a knighthood in the UK Sir Somtam.

I think she initially said she was called ' Lady ' simply by people who were grateful she had helped them.

I'm sure the govt will have no difficulty in proving she used it it having claimed it had been bestowed on her.

AFAIK the appropriate honorific would be "pee" rather than "ying" which would give respect without elevating social class (for want of a better term).

I had a friend, since departed, named Rick, who was often referred to as pee Rick.

Edited by halloween
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The defamation law, Lese majeste, should be scrapped altogether.

Who cares who "Lady" Kay "insulted", book her for the crimes she is accused of by her former employees, not some BS trumped up accusation.

As long as this BS law is used, Thailand will be a lawless country.

Finally moved out of Thailand, as long as the <deleted> of a country leader is running the country down in the gutter, I will not again be a willing tax payer of the Thai childish immature society.

If at least the leaders of this could be so wonderful country act like grownups instead of the spoiled brat children they are acting like now.

The "Lady" Kay should be investigated and prosecuted for the right reasons, not this fake accusation, c'mon Thailand, GROW UP.

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The defamation law, Lese majeste, should be scrapped altogether.

Who cares who "Lady" Kay "insulted", book her for the crimes she is accused of by her former employees, not some BS trumped up accusation.

The LM law is also used for people that claim they have connections in the royal family that will help them.

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OK...it seems she is going to be sacrificed ...as I pointed out before.

Meantime, where did the Defamation and Les Majesties charges come from and based on what and who exactly is charging her??

I like the thought of "la petite rat bag" being put away, but the way that they are going about it is disturbing because once again the use of such laws very seldom has any real merit because those laws are laws that only a small percent of the people get to use...as in the truly powerful and the truly connected and most often used to effectively silence people.

In other words ....if you ( yes you) were actually defamed and slandered and publically shamed, when there was no truth to the slanderous allegations then you and I and or the average Thai person can not apply those laws as no one would take on your case....such is the way that it is rigged and only for the top 1 percent...maybe 2 percent....OK...maybe as much as 5 %

# Tell me if I am wrong.

Meantime...if she is going to go down hard I hope she is thinking about how hard she can take down some of her nefarious cohorts who are involved and complicit ...and take them down with her at the same time.

Or does she subscribe to the criminal mentality that pledges oneself to "No Snitching" or "Ratting Out" your criminal accomplices??? while we will soon see.....

If she started to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, while proving the truth with loads of revealing evidence, then we very well may see a real fireworks show here in the not so distant future.

If she truly is a cunning woman, she may just have a few card tricks of her own while over the years she may have gathered and kept secret a lot of hard evidence concerning complicity that is revealing and exposing and damaging evidence to be released in a timely manner that may put a stop to her being sacrificed.....as in, maybe some juicy, scandalous photo evidence........ I am thinking....lol


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hahahahahahaha, looks like asking buddha to strike her down if she was guilty actually worked and quick too, she only just claimed to have asked and now this, she has been struck down and then some, jail time couldnt have happened to a nicer piece of crap.

My guess is that the trip to the temple was more of an evidence disposal trip than a riligious one.
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As much as it may (or may not) be a "clever" thing to accuse her of LM...I think, this is still BS!

She should be charged on grounds of her lies, slander, slave- tactics alone!

On the day THAT happens, I will start believing, that the Thai- justice system might finally be on the right track!

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