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Is it true that most Thais believe that foreigners come here because LOS is amazing?

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The truth is that most of us are here because it is cheaper to live here than in our home country. Our currency goes a whole lot more here than it goes in our country of origin.

My deepest sympathies, Thailand.

unlike countries who hand out benefits eh?

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Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

Hmmmmm Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind zzzzzzzzz


Because spending every night in a repetitive quest for booze and hookers is fascinating?

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Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

Hmmmmm Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind zzzzzzzzz


Because spending every night in a repetitive quest for booze and hookers is fascinating?

You answered ur own question congratulations ...Hope for you yet in ur quest

Edited by Testacall
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Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

Hmmmmm Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind zzzzzzzzz


Because spending every night in a repetitive quest for booze and hookers is fascinating?

You answered ur own question congratulations ...Hope for you yet in ur quest

The age old debate, always causes turbulence between the people who rent hookers and the people who married one and think they're smarter.... :)

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Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

Hmmmmm Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind zzzzzzzzz


Because spending every night in a repetitive quest for booze and hookers is fascinating?

You answered ur own question congratulations ...Hope for you yet in ur quest

The age old debate, always causes turbulence between the people who rent hookers and the people who married one and think they're smarter.... :)

I'm not married to a hooker, dude.

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There are a great number of expats in the country that are not here for sex for money or on the hunt for a mail order bride or someone to clean their houses and wipe their asses as they slowly die in front of their computers.

There are a great number of expats living in denial. I would actually say 99.99% of male expats I've seen in Thailand came here for exactly that.

With Naam and SoiBiker seeming to be the only male posters on this forum that seem to be approaching 'normal' relationships with women.

There are tons of expats having normal relationships with women, but most of them also sneak around on the side. They can get women that they would never have any luck with back home. It is hard for most men to resist such temptation.

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There are a great number of expats in the country that are not here for sex for money or on the hunt for a mail order bride or someone to clean their houses and wipe their asses as they slowly die in front of their computers.

There are a great number of expats living in denial. I would actually say 99.99% of male expats I've seen in Thailand came here for exactly that.

With Naam and SoiBiker seeming to be the only male posters on this forum that seem to be approaching 'normal' relationships with women.

There are tons of expats having normal relationships with women, but most of them also sneak around on the side. They can get women that they would never have any luck with back home. It is hard for most men to resist such temptation.

No, it isn't.

What does seem to be hard is for some people to believe that not everyone acts the same way they do.

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I stopped reading after paragraph one.


I did not get that far.

Not worth bothering to read it.

Totally agreed waste of bandwidth.. Op get out more .. Your posts are way too long and boring.

Sent from my c64

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Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

Hmmmmm Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind zzzzzzzzz


Because spending every night in a repetitive quest for booze and hookers is fascinating?

You answered ur own question congratulations ...Hope for you yet in ur quest

The age old debate, always causes turbulence between the people who rent hookers and the people who married one and think they're smarter.... :)

I'm not married to a hooker, dude.

Dude whats wrong with marrying a hooker?

Sent from my c64

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Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

Hmmmmm Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind zzzzzzzzz


Because spending every night in a repetitive quest for booze and hookers is fascinating?

You answered ur own question congratulations ...Hope for you yet in ur quest

The age old debate, always causes turbulence between the people who rent hookers and the people who married one and think they're smarter.... :)

I'm not married to a hooker, dude.

Dude whats wrong with marrying a hooker?

Sent from my c64

Where did I say there was anything wrong with it, dude?

I'm just not married to one myself. Dude.

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I'm just not married to one myself. Dude.

How would you ever know what someone did in the past? Met my (former) husband at University, when I was a 3rd year.

I don't know about his teen years, and he doesn't know about mine. So that's 4 years as adults we didn't know about each other.

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Met my (former) husband at University, when I was a 3rd year.

I don't know about his teen years, and he doesn't know about mine. So that's 4 years as adults we didn't know about each other.


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I'm just not married to one myself. Dude.

How would you ever know what someone did in the past?

I'm pretty confident my wife has never worked as a prostitute.

u dont get off that easy we need photo proof then approval from Thai visa members, I dont believe its "Emily" I think it might be Emilys "friend"?

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It seems that many Thais believe foreigners come here because Thailand is amazing. Is that true? This was stated at least 2 times to me by Thais in the last week or so. Not much of a stats to be sure, but still ... I want to know. If this is so, maybe Thais need a reality check. How many foreigners find the 90 days' reporting amazing?

The truth is that most of us are here because it is cheaper to live here than in our home country. Our currency goes a whole lot more here than it goes in our country of origin. (Of course, this would depend who you are with and what you are doing here, but ....) Like many countries and cultures, Thailand and most of its people are nice, but like many countries and cultures, Thailand is not so nice. It is not "amazing"! No country is amazing. All countries and cultures have their annoyances. Most countries have government workers who follow laws that dont make sense, that are way too rigid. Most of these people feel that they can be rude and force people to be polite to get the most reasonable things. These workers are annoying, but they are so in most countries. One of the most frustrated annoyances (negatives) in Thailand is the inability of the culture and most of the people to accept criticism and to criticize openly. This is true of many countries, but the Thai culture has evolved to prevent people from telling what annoys them. There is difference between voicing an opinion, giving an advice, expressing a concern and criticising. How can progress occur if no one complains about anything, if it is not acceptable to complain?

If foreigners sometimes get angry, it is because some rules and some laws do not make sense. That is what some of us do. To simply be of the opinion that this is a primitive manner to react to things is clearly not seeing the result of that culture.There is a limit to what people can take, unless you have been brainwashed to think that one should always accept low standards or behaviour. If Thais prefer to not get angry, stay calm, then, maybe they could be considered responsible for the driver who will be causing a major accident on the road, for not telling the companies that burned the fields of corn waste and kill many people with diseases. Being calm is sometimes the easy way and the selfish way. If no one has grown to take criticism, then it is much harder to accept them later on, even when they are justified. How can one determine that one's behaviour or work is substandard, unacceptable in such a culture? If the feedback is so hard to apprehend, isn't it surprising that the behaviour and the work will continue to be like the one before.

Many countries have negatives. Many cultures have. I want to stress this. However, a "losing face" culture is a big negative in my opinion. Of course, changing this is like trying to move an elephant. I realize this. However, IMHO, it is preventing certain cultures from progressing. No? Maybe I am missing something.Thais are smart people as far as I can tell and as smart as any other human beings. I like many aspects of their culture. I like, for instance, the way motorcycles can merge into traffic or intersections without anyone going nuts. The smaller must mind the bigger rule is a good one as far as I can tell. No nanny state here. But. if you cannot tell drivers that, in your opinion, they are driving disrespectfully, that they are tailgating, that they are drinking and driving because you might be offended, then this is not a matter of losing face, it is a matter of losing lives. If one cannot even hunk to let people know, this is not fair to the driver and to the potential victims, of course. This is not just about driving though. It is also about selling food that will not make anyone sick or more. It is about offering air that will not cause strokes, cancers, diabetes, obesity. Yes, there are research that links bad air, pollution to those diseases. People need feedback. Of course, there are nice ways to tell someone, but no feedback is dangerous. NO? The "mai pin rai" is not a negative so much when there are small issues. We think that this is great. It is the other side of the not losing face culture though. Is tailgating a "mai pin rai" if it causes a deadly accident?

Life in Thailand would be much better if if foreigners did not have to fill so many forms so many times to stay. It could be that some Thais must do the same when you come to our country. But, we do not set those rules. Please do not retaliate. We do not like to do this anywhere. I know you don't too. Why do I have to present my passport once to get a visa, at least 4 times to get to your country, one more time to pass immigration in Thailand, and to stay, I must do this every 90 days. No foreign country imposes this kind of unnecessarily unfriendly rules. This is indeed amazing for a country that is so-called so easy going. Why is your "mai pin rai" stopping for foreigners? Why do you not understand that we do not like to "lose face" too. to be treated like criminals? How many years do people must do this to prove that they are not in Thailand to cause problem? Do you know how many documents one must give to get a drivers licence when one has one from our country? It is insane.

And some of you will say that if we don't like it, we can live. Some people in our country would say this too. But, that is too easy to not look at your culture, at your country, at your behaviour. You could be so much better. Any culture, any country, any people that can take criticism is an amazing country.Thailand is not amazing. It is just that you think it is. I wish some of you could travel and find out. No country is amazing. Ours included, but we don't pretend it is. Participation ribbons are not medals. Where is the evidence in the field of science or math that you are amazing? Sorry! Okay! I hear you do well in scrabble and badminton. My bad. I hear that you are champions in deadly accidents. Thaaaaaaaat is amazing! Why though?

Short answer - thailand is amazing.

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