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It’s official: Expats in Thailand are deliriously happy!

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Its strange how many of these deliriously happy ex pats are committing suicide every year.

It must be wonderful to be deliriously happy ex pats,after being beaten half to death by Thai gangs.

As the other Op did,i tired of Pattaya and Bkk after a while and moved to Isaan.I am happy and feel much safer here.Of course there is crime,but it is nowhere near as violent as BKK and the seaside resorts.

I know that village life would not suite everybody,but it does me.We had a party in our soi on Saturday night.We had music,singers, we danced,and had great fun.All the booze and food was free,and i was welcomed as part of village life.There was no sign of fighting,shooting,stabbing,or racial nastiness.In fact every woman that spoke to my wife,wanted to know how to get a ferang husband.I enjoy it here.

The term deliriously happy,would give the image of people hopping and dancing down the street every day on their way to work.Its a false statement.Its newspaper terminology.There is no such thing as deliriously.Its a silly term.The terminology alone would indicate that if one is deliriously happy,then they have no problems.We who live here know that problems,be they major or minor,arise every day.We deal with them,from painting the fence,to keeping your kids out of harms way.

Deliriously? only children are lucky to experience that situation.

I am happy,not deliriously, but enough to want to stay here and make it my home.

Good luck to all you 'deliriously happy' folk,i hope it remains like that for you.

Your post is sad. When you find yourself in a minority group you need to stop blaming other people and look inwards and ask yourself "what is it about me that is attracting violence?"

both in Pattaya and Bangkok. 99% of tourists and ex pats cruise through life here with no issues

Are you walking around sneering and staring at groups of Thai men? that can be a trigger... looks like you love a party and a drink but are you getting aggressive when blind drunk and dont remember the next day?

Hiding up country is not the answer, its a band aid solution.

I feel safe in Pattaya and Bangkok and visit both places regularly.

I choose to live in Isaan and I very content. I have never been deliriously happy (maybe twice during to an excess of Chang beer).

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201 posts and not one person stating they participated in this survey.

Thai Visa has about as much credibility in my eyes as Thailand's government.

Make that 202. I've been a member here more than 10 years, usually check in more than once a day, try to keep up with the various posts, and this thread is the first I've ever heard about this "survey" being conducted.

Maybe this was addressed earlier. But the reason these kinds of surveys are typically done by "media" companies such as ThaiVisa is to help promote themselves to advertisers. As in, look at the results and see that we reach an affluent audience of happy Thailand residents who are willing and able to buy your products/services. And of course, the new owners are based on Pattaya, hence the focus there.

But I have just one question and dunno if it's been answered already in the 9+ pages of posts on this topic that I'm not going to read: How were the participants in this "survey" identified and selected and/or was this survey offered to ThaiVisa members at large?


Yeah sure. That's why there has been a mass exodus of westerners from the country the last couple of years. They left because they were too darn happy!

Still plenty of farang faces round here. Sure, some run home with their tail between their legs after they mess things up here. But plenty more arrive.

The expat demographic is shifting. The old guard may not be so content here any more, but Thailand isn't just a retirement home for horny westerners.

Yes the number of retired old farts is increasing. That is all I have to say because if I use up to many words I will get that cue saying I have used up my allotment of words on the subject. Its a good topic so I have to save my bullets. Yes I am long winded.

Tell me junior. aren't you planning to get old, going to neck yourself first are you, is tomorrow too soon?


Say what? It's not April 1st! Oh well, you know what they say about statistics.

"but to say we love the mods O.T.T".

I think most of the mods do a good job, but there is the odd one or two who don't know the meaning of the word discretion.

I does not matter what job a person is in, there is always that very small minority of bad apples.


I am really happy with my life here ,same as most foreigners I know!!!

I think that's a reasonable point, but I think it's also deserving of some elaboration.

One kind of question is asking people if they're happy with their personal life? And for me, basically, the answer would be generally yes.

But a related, similar kind of question would be how happy are people with the country where they're living? And that gets into other issues like what kind of government is running the place, how that government treats its own people and foreigners, is there a meaningful rule of law, is there any real sense of justice for those aggrieved, do people have meaningful human rights and rights of equality of treatment, can you rely on public and private services with some reasonable expectation of safety, etc etc etc.

And I suspect, if someone asked TV readers that second kind of question, the answers would not be so deliriously happy.

Average person earns 100k a month? What?? I must be in the wrong job then, I get half that, I know maybe 1 person here who earns 100k a month, what am I missing exactly?
You must missing a lot. I know a lot foreigners with over 100,000 Baht monthly payment. At the place I work are 5 of such guys, including me.

100K isn't that much, it's less than $3,000 US a month. There are a lot of people here with considerably larger pensions.

100k a month? Should have paid more attention at school.

The average joe working here gets $750 a week? Where do I apply?

My son doesn't get that mutch, the niece is well under that. Probably both happier than complaining Ferangs.


I am content with the way Thailand is being governed now.

In fact,compared to how it was previously governed I am almost deliriously happy!


The only thing missing here are the words........................THAIVISA ADVERTISEMENT................................missing from the top of the page.

Did anyone else not see this survey?

Talk about destroying your own credibility.

I'm sure it won't be hard to start a new survey on this topic, and make sure every member

gets the chance to vote, if that happens, it should be very interesting.


I'm moving to Pattaya!

Haven't been for years. First time in Thailand it was great. Sure if you live there not quite as it is portrayed.


Average person earns 100k a month? What?? I must be in the wrong job then, I get half that, I know maybe 1 person here who earns 100k a month, what am I missing exactly?

I know more than 50 people earning over 200K a month, and maybe 100 between 100 and 200K, knowing also quite a few Thai who earn more then 100K....


Average person earns 100k a month? What?? I must be in the wrong job then, I get half that, I know maybe 1 person here who earns 100k a month, what am I missing exactly?

I have to agree with this. Perhaps a handful of farang teachers in pats earning in excess of 100k a month. The journos writing these articles are full of B.S...


I am content with the way Thailand is being governed now.

In fact,compared to how it was previously governed I am almost deliriously happy!

couldn't agree more.


My first thought was that the Webfact "robot" had a software bug, maybe the survey figures somehow got transposed.

But I suppose I'm happy (only delirious when I've had a bad curry), have a job I enjoy and earn rather more than the average, have a lovely home with my darling wife (and her assorted creatures) and generally enjoy a lifestyle I couldn't dream of in the UK.

And I love all the mods (have to say that really).

Of course you love all the mods. You yourself are one.

and you love all the posters do you Rayk?


Hmmm. 9 pgs and over 200 comments. Has there been any defense of the manner in which this "survey" (so-called) was conducted yet? I never saw any mention of it either. TAT methodology rubbing off? It would certainly seem so.


I guess when you thought you were a big a fish in a small pond, it comes as a shock to learn you're really a bottom feeder.

Most western foreigners working in Thailand appear (to me) to be 'bottom feeders'. If you are good at making money, the place to make it is in the west.

Thailand is a place to play after work is finished. (if you didn't make enough to play in the west)


Thailand was once a great place to live but sadly not anymore. The freedoms that used to be are no longer. I personally am just waiting to sell some assets here cant wait to leave after 15 years very sad about the way the country has gone and is going.

i have been in pattaya 9 years and was getting tired of it. i am now living in esan and cant believe how good it is up here. you might just need a change of venue. thailand is still a great country to live.
you are correct that it is better out of the tourist areas. Personally I have just got tired of the stupid rules that keep being brought in and the threats each time of imprisonment and big fines ie e cigarettes 3 year prison sentences threatened seems every new law here comes with stupid threats the country and most people are lovely but I just dont like the general direction its going I will probably try Cambodia many of my friends have already gone there and they say its more foreigner friendly and more how Thailand used to be. This is only my personal view.

The "we are a guest in this country" brigade are losing a lot of members I would bet.


I am content with the way Thailand is being governed now.

In fact,compared to how it was previously governed I am almost deliriously happy!

Has it been governed before? never noticed that during my 30 years here. (more like: I won ​bribed most the election and I got the right to help myself to the state coffers)


On topic though, Thailand for all its flaws is still a pretty cool country to live in. The weather is great, the people are generally pretty nice, the pace of life is good, the ease and accessibility with which one can get out and enjoy the country is top notch, the food is outstanding, the women are leagues above western women in almost every sense, and money can be saved pretty easily.

There are pitfalls sure, but if you take care of yourself, show respect and try to be a good citizen I find you have almost no problems.

A fair to topic response - think the claim of 100K may be a tad over the top or perhaps no English teachers took part ? The article may have been devised to 'stir up the possum'.

Do you mean me? Please explain.


Average person earns 100k a month? What?? I must be in the wrong job then, I get half that, I know maybe 1 person here who earns 100k a month, what am I missing exactly?

I know more than 50 people earning over 200K a month, and maybe 100 between 100 and 200K, knowing also quite a few Thai who earn more then 100K....

Can you give me a reference? Need some pocket money. Hopefully not too intense work, do like to relax.


So I'm all for this, except I'm now back in America and my wife thinks this is a joke. My wife being Thai....

I guess people are happy until they don't have money to pay for girls?


Average person earns 100k a month? What?? I must be in the wrong job then, I get half that, I know maybe 1 person here who earns 100k a month, what am I missing exactly?

I know more than 50 people earning over 200K a month, and maybe 100 between 100 and 200K, knowing also quite a few Thai who earn more then 100K....

Can you give me a reference? Need some pocket money. Hopefully not too intense work, do like to relax.

Me to. Im retired but that 200 k looks tempting and being just your 'average" expat I should qualify..oh and can I work from home? That parts not negotiable


Actually, taking a survey on walking street at 2am when the OLD men like have a 28 year date on the way back to my condo that I've been trying to sell for years to pay for the hospital bills that my insurance won't pay and first I MUST pay and wait several months for a reimbursement.

As for owning a car, bike or house which as we all know is in your Thai's wife name and will always be hers and her families. It's Official but hey watch your bags when riding in a Tuk-Tuk.

Nice to have a poster on who is not a member of the "we are "guests" in this country" brigade.


I lived in Thailand for nine years. Got tired of all the b.s. THEN I moved to Mexico and couldn't get my happy ass back fast enough with a renewed appreciation. Blissful? No. Happy? You BET!

It took me 10 years in Mexico to figure it out. The Mexicans will take your money but they out and out do not like you. Never mess with their wimmen. You stole 40% of their country and they are crossing back in the millions to reclaim it.

If they are earning 100k a month in Pattaya they must be pimps

if that's all a pimp earns iam glad i chose not to become one, i cannot imagine life in pattaya on such a paltry income

Don't forget the fringe benefits though.

I dont consider sexually transmitted diseases to be a fringe benefit but hey if that's your thing who am I to criticise


Thats a no brainer the ones who are not happy or have a problem with Thailand have gone. And many have gone, some like myself are happy to visit and glad to get back to there norm.


At the time of about 2007I was asked how much I was paid a month, sat at the local swimming pool. Had no idea. Gave it some thought, exchange rates etc. Couldn't believe the figure. Have no problem with how difficultly rich other posters are


I guess when you thought you were a big a fish in a small pond, it comes as a shock to learn you're really a bottom feeder.

Most western foreigners working in Thailand appear (to me) to be 'bottom feeders'. If you are good at making money, the place to make it is in the west.

Thailand is a place to play after work is finished. (if you didn't make enough to play in the west)

Oddly enough when I was an expat working for Motorola I was earning on average 50 to 75% (and sometimes 100%) more than I ever earned working for Motorola in the UK.


I guess when you thought you were a big a fish in a small pond, it comes as a shock to learn you're really a bottom feeder.

Most western foreigners working in Thailand appear (to me) to be 'bottom feeders'. If you are good at making money, the place to make it is in the west.

Thailand is a place to play after work is finished. (if you didn't make enough to play in the west)

Old-fashioned thinking. The idea of working your whole life for a reward few years before you die no longer appeals. Young professionals like to work hard and play hard, and Bangkok is a great place to do so.

It's interesting how unaware the older expats are of this demographic. I suspect you simple dismiss any farang under 40 you see as a backpacker.


I guess when you thought you were a big a fish in a small pond, it comes as a shock to learn you're really a bottom feeder.

Most western foreigners working in Thailand appear (to me) to be 'bottom feeders'. If you are good at making money, the place to make it is in the west.

Thailand is a place to play after work is finished. (if you didn't make enough to play in the west)

Old-fashioned thinking. The idea of working your whole life for a reward few years before you die no longer appeals. Young professionals like to work hard and play hard, and Bangkok is a great place to do so.

It's interesting how unaware the older expats are of this demographic. I suspect you simple dismiss any farang under 40 you see as a backpacker.

All my old friends in London (or their husbands) were looking for a 100,000+gbp bonus each year.

Some saved, some didn't, hardly any spent 'all their lives' working.

So you're in you mid 40s and not set for life?

No house in London, no investment portfolio, no corporate pension.

Too bad.

As for work hard, play hard, I preferred not to work at all and have someone else provide.

Men are so silly.

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