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I'm obsessive about paying my bills. In the past, I would prepay for months and in cash. Bad idea. Now I only make bank deposits.But that backfired when I failed to keep the receipt or to photograph it.

Like the previous month, I walked into my landlord's branch and deposited the rent in cash. 10 days early. Yes, he hasn't generated the invoice at that time. But I figured out his way of ripping me off by rounding up the electricity meter's reading (x 8 THB). Rounding it up to make it a nice round sum.

Surprise! End of June, I got the bill for the amount I had deposited more than a week earlier.

* LL confronts me regarding the non-payment of rent. I told him that I had deposited the rent into his account.

* LL sees me come and go for another week. Yesterday, Sunday, I get contacted by my boss. He had reported me to the employer, instead of calling my wife or asking once again (besides checking his damned statement for the exact rent amount. With Thai tenants, he doesn't play these little games, so their rents are odd amounts).

Any advice?

Am really annoyed now.

He ignored me when I returned from work. No apology! But he must have "discovered" the rent payment or else I wouldn't be allowed to stay without paying.

Q: is there a government agency one can turn to? A colleague moved out and was hit with an arbitrary 500 THB fine "for being 5 minutes late".

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Thats kinda weird, just pay when you get the bill. If you pay by bank deposit, give him the receipt.

I always pay by phone banking and send a screenshot to my landlord, never an issue


Thais must see a piece of paper - it's all that is real to them.

just like Cash, it is real when in their actual hand


Rent OCD....get a grip. looking for a hassle when there aint one. Other issues?....expiration dates on milk perhaps.


Life is too short to be dealing with people like this.....there are more decent people out there than cranks.....if you have a choice move on to a person with a bit of manners.


Have you tried showing him a copy of your statement?

What statement would that be, he paid his rent directly into the landlords bank account, and, maybe unwisely, forgot to keep the receipt. You did read the opening post didn't you?


i feel your pain. i pre-paid for 6-months so i didn't have to sign a 1-year lease and i knew after 1 week it was a bad idea.

i would move as soon as possible, you will feel a lot better. but settle this first.


Be a man and go bitch slap the tell tale piece of <deleted>. He is still a mummys boy, like most thai men. Telling tales the bloody sook. Get in his face big time.


Have you tried showing him a copy of your statement?

What statement would that be, he paid his rent directly into the landlords bank account, and, maybe unwisely, forgot to keep the receipt. You did read the opening post didn't you?

Deleted by poster


Advice: Move out and give your money to a better landlord. The guy sounds like a total dick. Nothing much you can do other than leave some bad reviews online so other foreigners will avoid that place.

Unless you want to go the dick route as well and create an infestation and plumbing problem for him to solve.....


...obviously has you marked as a big fish....

...any deposit can be traced....

...should sue the scum for defamation....

...oh sorry....nothing works for foreigners.....no rights......

...just pay pay and pay....


Always keep recipt from bank when you deposit cash to another account they have never failed to give me one no need to ask. Is this for rent or electric????. Personaly I would go talk to hin tell him you always pay upfront and if he contacts your employer again you will take him to court for deformation of character. Then make a remaek that you will contact the tax office. If non of that works find a new place to live as he is obviously an idiot.


What's it got to do with your employer, and I wonder if his report was defamatory?

Very good point, and certainly worth checking.

Personally though, I would not go to war with the landlord, especially if you are honest. You can't win with people who will simply lie or walk away without answering questions.

Best advice is simply suck it up, go and see the landlord and ask about the best way to pay so no more confusion. And whatever you pay, get receipt.

If the amount he is being charged is inflated then he can always take meter readings and ask in writing for the chargeable rate, other then that nothing can really be done.


Be a man and go bitch slap the tell tale piece of <deleted>. He is still a mummys boy, like most thai men. Telling tales the bloody sook. Get in his face big time.

Hmm, this is tongue in cheek advice right?

Confrontation works differently here as you probably know, it doesn't work the way you want it to


What's it got to do with your employer, and I wonder if his report was defamatory?

If the landlord accidentally overlooked the payment, he/she could contact you and complain. But running to your employer and a c c u s i n g you of not paying the rent is defamatory and absolutely out of place.

Do you understand now?


Always keep recipt from bank when you deposit cash to another account they have never failed to give me one no need to ask. Is this for rent or electric????. Personaly I would go talk to hin tell him you always pay upfront and if he contacts your employer again you will take him to court for deformation of character. Then make a remaek that you will contact the tax office. If non of that works find a new place to live as he is obviously an idiot.

Always keep recipt

And that applies to every single cash transaction even where you have to generate the document and get them to sign before you hand over the money.

I have had many instances where people say I will give you the receipt later when I have more time and I simply won’t accept that because it defeats the whole purpose of the receipt for cash


Why would you tell your landlord where you work?

Loose lips sink ships!

Most of the landlords ask this question where you do work, just to have that safe feeling, that they will receive their rent in time and regularly. And I do not see aproblem with it, to give them an honest answer.


Tell him if he reports you to your boss again you'll report him to the tax department.

Why not just do it? Anyone does you a bad turn then you do it back.


this story reminds me of one my first encounters with the great natives of CR....the wifi kept going out and you know how sometimes when your are using windows to check connections and resolve problems, it tells you to do various things, one of them being unplugging the router for 10 seconds.

so, one day i unplugged the router outside my doorway for 10 seconds....the landlord saw me do it with her own eyes....said nothing to me at all. the next day at work, my supervisor calls me into his office and tells me that the landlord called and said i destroyed property and that i was never to touch the router again, etc...he really enjoyed saying all of that to me as well.....

complete BS in my opinion....


My advice ... move to another place as soon as you can.

this is the start of a long term relation that will get worse and worse

thai have different idea and view.

when enter that mode you have to be thai to get the see different

just move on

the best

as soon as you can


Why would you tell your landlord where you work?

Loose lips sink ships!

Most of the landlords ask this question where you do work, just to have that safe feeling, that they will receive their rent in time and regularly. And I do not see aproblem with it, to give them an honest answer.

I'm a wealthy international jet setter, who would my landlord prefer, me or a poor TEFLer eking out a meager existence in Thailand?


this story reminds me of one my first encounters with the great natives of CR....the wifi kept going out and you know how sometimes when your are using windows to check connections and resolve problems, it tells you to do various things, one of them being unplugging the router for 10 seconds.

so, one day i unplugged the router outside my doorway for 10 seconds....the landlord saw me do it with her own eyes....said nothing to me at all. the next day at work, my supervisor calls me into his office and tells me that the landlord called and said i destroyed property and that i was never to touch the router again, etc...he really enjoyed saying all of that to me as well.....

complete BS in my opinion....

If your company takes actions on such complaints, I suspect that the someone in your company has an owning interest in that apartment building that you are staying.

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