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Poll: Most young people dislike GOP's Trump, say he's racist


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If he was really a racist why does he have so many black and hispanic supporters?


When the glue you have been sniffing wears off, note that Donald's wall that he wants to build, funded by Mexico according to him, is not popular among the Hispanic voters cheesy.gif

Oh, and the African Americans he kept from renting in his buildings, and the full page ad asking for the death penalty against black kids in Central park, well, that doesn't make him popular with them either.

Whatever nonsense Boon Mee's been feeding you, don't ingest it.

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So funny, 90-95% Trump haters here replying.

Noisy lefties just as in the USA, while the right and eyes open (many lefties also) voters stay peaceful and silent for the most part, knowing it will be Trump in November who wins.

Many many Bernie voters will choose Trump over Hillary

Anyone who supported Bernie Sanders during the primaries and who now says they will support Trump is a complete and utter idiot. Trump and Sanders are on opposite sides of most issues and Bernie himself has said a Trump presidency would be a complete disaster for the USA and the world in general. Moreover, he has now publicly endorsed Clinton and plans to campaign, against Trump, on her behalf.

These pro-Trump ex-Bernie supporters should maybe listen to the man they followed and admired for the last several months. I doubt these poor confused people amount to any more than 20%, if that, of his supporters in any case.

Trump may not be a racist himself, but he cynically panders to racists, which makes him one of the sleaziest politicians of our time.

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The term 'racist' is emotive, obfuscatory, and should be banned in all rational discourse. There is no such thing as racism as the term is bandied about by hysterical lefties. Nobody hates all other races. Does Trump hate the Japanese? Who does he hate categorically? Mexicans are not even another race. The word is useless because it completely fails to hit the mark.

It's just 'discrimination', which is rational and normal in human society - absolutely everybody discriminates - especially in times of insecurity.

Understand it in that light, then come back and continue the discussion.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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The term 'racist' is emotive, obfuscatory, and should be banned in all rational discourse. There is no such thing as racism as the term is bandied about by hysterical lefties. Nobody hates all other races. Does Trump hate the Japanese? Who does he hate categorically? Mexicans are not even another race. The word is useless because it completely fails to hit the mark.

It's just 'discrimination', which is rational and normal in human society - absolutely everybody discriminates - especially in times of insecurity.

Understand it in that light, then come back and continue the discussion.

Another Trump supporter who can't handle the truth. Trump is a racist. This is based on both words and deeds. And it appears that most of his supporters are racist as well. America can't help that some of its citizens are racist, but we absolutely cannot have a racist President.

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I think that nobody over the age of sixty should be allowed to vote wherever you live. The USA, Britain, Europe or wherever, I speak as one of them. The reason is because by the age of sixty your future is behind you. You are making choices for other people who have to live through the consequences.

This is not just a flippant remark, I really believe it. Of course we all have a few years ahead of us but our voting in the past have brought us to where we are now and it's pretty pathetic isn't it?

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I think that nobody over the age of sixty should be allowed to vote wherever you live. The USA, Britain, Europe or wherever, I speak as one of them. The reason is because by the age of sixty your future is behind you. You are making choices for other people who have to live through the consequences.

This is not just a flippant remark, I really believe it. Of course we all have a few years ahead of us but our voting in the past have brought us to where we are now and it's pretty pathetic isn't it?

What an awful idea. bah.gif What other group do you favor banning from voting?

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If he was really a racist why does he have so many black and hispanic supporters?


When the glue you have been sniffing wears off, note that Donald's wall that he wants to build, funded by Mexico according to him, is not popular among the Hispanic voters cheesy.gif

Oh, and the African Americans he kept from renting in his buildings, and the full page ad asking for the death penalty against black kids in Central park, well, that doesn't make him popular with them either.

Whatever nonsense Boon Mee's been feeding you, don't ingest it.

So you're saying he has no black or hispanic supporters? Your post does not answer my question at all. Edited by SABloke
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The term 'racist' is emotive, obfuscatory, and should be banned in all rational discourse. There is no such thing as racism as the term is bandied about by hysterical lefties. Nobody hates all other races. Does Trump hate the Japanese? Who does he hate categorically? Mexicans are not even another race. The word is useless because it completely fails to hit the mark.

It's just 'discrimination', which is rational and normal in human society - absolutely everybody discriminates - especially in times of insecurity.

Understand it in that light, then come back and continue the discussion.

Another Trump supporter who can't handle the truth. Trump is a racist. This is based on both words and deeds. And it appears that most of his supporters are racist as well. America can't help that some of its citizens are racist, but we absolutely cannot have a racist President.

Wow, I don't think I've seen anyone so comprehensively defeated in argument so easily. Your failure to respond intelligently or apparently even desire to understand basic sociology of the point I was making, I would classify as somewhat more dangerous than Trump.

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Sure, we already knew that, but the trick is getting young people out to actually VOTE in numbers in the competitive states that will determine the outcome. The endorsement of Hillary Clinton by Bernie Sanders can help especially if he actively campaigns around the country for both Hillary and other democratic candidates. I think he WILL do that.

I supported Bernie because he appeared to be against the 1%. Now that he has come out in support of the ultimate 1%er I have no respect for him anymore- hypocrite that he is.

I hope that whatever she paid him off with was worth it.

It will be a hard sell to convince the hard core Bernie supporters to sup with the devil.

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I think that nobody over the age of sixty should be allowed to vote wherever you live. The USA, Britain, Europe or wherever, I speak as one of them. The reason is because by the age of sixty your future is behind you. You are making choices for other people who have to live through the consequences.

This is not just a flippant remark, I really believe it. Of course we all have a few years ahead of us but our voting in the past have brought us to where we are now and it's pretty pathetic isn't it?

What an awful idea. bah.gif What other group do you favor banning from voting?

I never thought that I would ever agree with you, but on this I sure do.

Perhaps people that want other people banned from voting should be banned from voting.

BTW, as both HRC and Trump are over 60 would they be banned from standing?

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No. You don't get to order the terms we can use. Racism is totally on topic when talking about the trump movement.

EVERYONE is racist. To be against the outsider is embedded in our genes from the dawn of mankind. NO ONE on here can claim to be not racist.

However, most of us don't go around boasting about it, most of us keep shtum.

BTW, in my experience, the most racist people I have met are not white people.

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The term 'racist' is emotive, obfuscatory, and should be banned in all rational discourse. There is no such thing as racism as the term is bandied about by hysterical lefties. Nobody hates all other races. Does Trump hate the Japanese? Who does he hate categorically? Mexicans are not even another race. The word is useless because it completely fails to hit the mark.

It's just 'discrimination', which is rational and normal in human society - absolutely everybody discriminates - especially in times of insecurity.

Understand it in that light, then come back and continue the discussion.

Another Trump supporter who can't handle the truth. Trump is a racist. This is based on both words and deeds. And it appears that most of his supporters are racist as well. America can't help that some of its citizens are racist, but we absolutely cannot have a racist President.

Wow, I don't think I've seen anyone so comprehensively defeated in argument so easily. Your failure to respond intelligently or apparently even desire to understand basic sociology of the point I was making, I would classify as somewhat more dangerous than Trump.

So I was right--you are a Trump supporter who can't handle the truth. Your rhetoric is nonsense and largely inaccurate. We're talking about American values and beliefs. And all (well, most) Americans are acutely aware of what the term racist means. So you can keep debating yourself if you'd like.

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So funny, 90-95% Trump haters here replying.

Noisy lefties just as in the USA, while the right and eyes open (many lefties also) voters stay peaceful and silent for the most part, knowing it will be Trump in November who wins.

Many many Bernie voters will choose Trump over Hillary

Anyone who supported Bernie Sanders during the primaries and who now says they will support Trump is a complete and utter idiot. Trump and Sanders are on opposite sides of most issues and Bernie himself has said a Trump presidency would be a complete disaster for the USA and the world in general. Moreover, he has now publicly endorsed Clinton and plans to campaign, against Trump, on her behalf.

These pro-Trump ex-Bernie supporters should maybe listen to the man they followed and admired for the last several months. I doubt these poor confused people amount to any more than 20%, if that, of his supporters in any case.

Trump may not be a racist himself, but he cynically panders to racists, which makes him one of the sleaziest politicians of our time.

which makes him one of the sleaziest politicians of our time.

Young are we?

That honour would have to go to Nixon in my lifetime.

The southern politicians were mostly racist up till Kennedy brought in civil rights laws.

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So funny, 90-95% Trump haters here replying.

Noisy lefties just as in the USA, while the right and eyes open (many lefties also) voters stay peaceful and silent for the most part, knowing it will be Trump in November who wins.

Many many Bernie voters will choose Trump over Hillary

Anyone who supported Bernie Sanders during the primaries and who now says they will support Trump is a complete and utter idiot. Trump and Sanders are on opposite sides of most issues and Bernie himself has said a Trump presidency would be a complete disaster for the USA and the world in general. Moreover, he has now publicly endorsed Clinton and plans to campaign, against Trump, on her behalf.

These pro-Trump ex-Bernie supporters should maybe listen to the man they followed and admired for the last several months. I doubt these poor confused people amount to any more than 20%, if that, of his supporters in any case.

Trump may not be a racist himself, but he cynically panders to racists, which makes him one of the sleaziest politicians of our time.

which makes him one of the sleaziest politicians of our time.

Young are we?

That honour would have to go to Nixon in my lifetime.

The southern politicians were mostly racist up till Kennedy brought in civil rights laws.

Trump easily beats out Nixon in the sleaze department. Luckily, we're aware of this before Trump ever sets foot in the White House.

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Anyone who supported Bernie Sanders during the primaries and who now says they will support Trump is a complete and utter idiot. Trump and Sanders are on opposite sides of most issues and Bernie himself has said a Trump presidency would be a complete disaster for the USA and the world in general. Moreover, he has now publicly endorsed Clinton and plans to campaign, against Trump, on her behalf.

Unless, of course, a Democrat's vote for Bernie was actually a vote against the same ol' same ol', kind of like a Repub's vote for Trump may have been. We've got disgruntled voters in both camps. How else could Trump have pulled it off, and Sanders come so close? So disgruntled, in fact that some Sanders Dems may vote for Trump rather than 4 (8?) more years of the banksters pulling the presidential strings.

As for being on opposite sides of most issues, that's a fairy tale. On the political spectrum, rich Dems and rich Repubs are so close, it really doesn't matter. The key word isn't Dem or Repub, it's rich- more accurately: entitled. Repubs want to give away our tax money in exchange for campaign contributions, in addition to contributions, Dems also want to give it away directly in exchange for votes.

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So funny, 90-95% Trump haters here replying.

Noisy lefties just as in the USA, while the right and eyes open (many lefties also) voters stay peaceful and silent for the most part, knowing it will be Trump in November who wins.

Many many Bernie voters will choose Trump over Hillary

Anyone who supported Bernie Sanders during the primaries and who now says they will support Trump is a complete and utter idiot. Trump and Sanders are on opposite sides of most issues and Bernie himself has said a Trump presidency would be a complete disaster for the USA and the world in general. Moreover, he has now publicly endorsed Clinton and plans to campaign, against Trump, on her behalf.

These pro-Trump ex-Bernie supporters should maybe listen to the man they followed and admired for the last several months. I doubt these poor confused people amount to any more than 20%, if that, of his supporters in any case.

Trump may not be a racist himself, but he cynically panders to racists, which makes him one of the sleaziest politicians of our time.

which makes him one of the sleaziest politicians of our time.

Young are we?

That honour would have to go to Nixon in my lifetime.

The southern politicians were mostly racist up till Kennedy brought in civil rights laws.

Trump easily beats out Nixon in the sleaze department. Luckily, we're aware of this before Trump ever sets foot in the White House.

Nixon though was one of the better presidents last century -- even with his lack of morals in many departments.

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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

He is not a racist. That is partisan malarkey. However, he might be some of those other things. Of course, Hillary is no better.

She is much better.

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Much better liar, thief, corrupt politician, perjurer. Also much better at orchestrating destruction of innocent women's lives. And an absolute freakin MASTER at denial. Oh.... and don't forget! TO FORGET!!!!! lol.....The Queen of not being able to recall. Completely immoral. Has no shame. The Arkansas pair have taken the Quid Pro Quo concept to unprecedented heights. The debates are gonna be fun! I wonder why her supporters aren't concerned about her ethics. To them she is flawless! Whatever else she may be ....she is an exceptional weasel.

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I think this presidential outcome was manufactured and known

while Bill Clinton was in office, its a closed club for the very few

run by big wealthy influential families, what has the people got

to do with it, NOTHING, they are the clowns in the circus, if the

elections in the US were democratic then voting would be made

compulsory for everyone, its all a big joke and the joke is so

many people believe the circus masters.Trump = never, they just

won't let him, its already been predicted.

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He's racist. It's really not debatable. He may personally not be a racist, you never know what Trump really is.

Balderdash, pure spin. You have blatantly contradicted yourself once again. If he is a "racist" and it is not debatable, there is no doubt about it. You claim that, "He may personally not be a racist", because you know damn well that he isn't.

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He's racist. It's really not debatable. He may personally not be a racist, you never know what Trump really is.

Balderdash, pure spin. You have blatantly contradicted yourself once again. If he is a "racist" and it is not debatable, there is no doubt about it. You claim that, "He may personally not be a racist", because you know damn well that he isn't.

If you don't think he is a racist or sexist it is most likely because you yourself are also.

He once said "Let's make the white house the "White House"!"

He also told a female reporter to get a man to ask him a question.

Oh, please tell me how many black friends that you have so it is ok to say/defend racists.

Do you believe that David Duke is open minded?

The fact is that Trump regardless of political view point is extremely offensive and says racist, sexist and narrow minded things too often to be allowed a legitimate seat at the table.

yes, for you over the hill types, you find it refreshing to have someone who isn't "politically correct". What's wrong with being a decent person and saying things politely to people?

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He's racist. It's really not debatable. He may personally not be a racist, you never know what Trump really is.

Balderdash, pure spin. You have blatantly contradicted yourself once again. If he is a "racist" and it is not debatable, there is no doubt about it. You claim that, "He may personally not be a racist", because you know damn well that he isn't.

If you don't think he is a racist or sexist it is most likely because you yourself are also.

Horse manure. I don't think he is a racist, because it is obvious - to anyone with common sense - that he is not. And speaking of common sense, it is foolish to claim that people you don't know - me - are "racists", with no evidence to back it up.

The left-wingers are lamely trying to claim that he is an anti-Semite even though his daughter and her family are Jewish, so are some of the top people in his organization and he is a vocal supporter of Israel. What utter nonsense.

Kushner Defends Trump As ‘Not An Anti-Semite’

Kushner’s letter described how his wife’s father embraced him and his Judaism since he began dating Trump’s daughter Ivanka. The two wed in 2009 after Ivanka underwent an Orthodox conversion. He highlighted Trump’s comment last week that “Israel is a very, important ally of the United States.” He also criticized those who hold the Republican nominee accountable for the “utterances” of his most “fringe supporters” and accused those who do so of enforcing an “insane standard.”

Read more at http://www.thejewish...XuIr5ZdwuT81.99

Edited by Ulysses G.
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He's racist. It's really not debatable. He may personally not be a racist, you never know what Trump really is.

Balderdash, pure spin. You have blatantly contradicted yourself once again. If he is a "racist" and it is not debatable, there is no doubt about it. You claim that, "He may personally not be a racist", because you know damn well that he isn't.

Of course he is a racist. Everybody knows that.

Go ask a black guy.

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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

It is hard to figure out if he is really racist since he basically say anything that will get him attention - not because he believes it. I mean, he is running for the GOP when he is definitely not a conservative (not a social conservative - though he can act like one; and not a small government conservative since he just loves things like unrestricted expropriation).

I keep on trying to remind Americans that they still have an option... Gary Johnson - Libertarian....

I have pretty much given up having any good president of the United States this century.... certainly none so far, and probably none in the next 4 or 8 years.

Why waste a Vote...
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Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

It is hard to figure out if he is really racist since he basically say anything that will get him attention - not because he believes it. I mean, he is running for the GOP when he is definitely not a conservative (not a social conservative - though he can act like one; and not a small government conservative since he just loves things like unrestricted expropriation).

I keep on trying to remind Americans that they still have an option... Gary Johnson - Libertarian....

I have pretty much given up having any good president of the United States this century.... certainly none so far, and probably none in the next 4 or 8 years.

Why waste a Vote...

I consider a vote for Trump or Hillary a waste of a vote.

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