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British man's Thai wife killed by ya ba addict - druggy was her "gik", say police

Jonathan Fairfield

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I don't know the details of this relationship like other well-informed TVF members, so all I can say is that I hope the two children will be taken care of in the best way and that the murderer will be brought to justice.

However, I am a bit puzzled by this

the deceased's white Mazda license plate กบ 1800 (Udon Thani)

why would she keep her licence plate in the bedroom, and why would the killer want to steal it?

You are either a very poor comedian or really obtuse.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

Thai women's sense of morals and ethics are very different from what we have been brought up with. They don't see committing adultery as such a big deal, especially if they think they won't get found out. That's one of the reasons why PnP is so easily available here. I have seen this happen with uni students, office girls, hiso housewives etc.

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I don't know the details of this relationship like other well-informed TVF members, so all I can say is that I hope the two children will be taken care of in the best way and that the murderer will be brought to justice.

However, I am a bit puzzled by this

the deceased's white Mazda license plate กบ 1800 (Udon Thani)

why would she keep her licence plate in the bedroom, and why would the killer want to steal it?

You are either a very poor comedian or really obtuse.


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The best is about her dismissing his threat to kill her if his drugged mind decided he could no longer trust her. Makes me wish I could see into her mind in her last moments.

But don't assume the Brit husband was an angel. If he was traveling on business a lot then I doubt he would put up with sexual frustration himself for any length of time, though I could be wrong.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

No it`s not. It just seems that many Farlang men have an attraction towards the trashy types Thai women. There are millions of decent Thai women about but some Farlangs seem to believe that by giving the lower grades of Thai women a decent lifestyle they can change their personalities and transform them into loyal little housewives that will be like obedient dogs waiting for them to come home. Sorry, but it doesn`t work that way. Farlang men should set their sights higher before making investments into relationships, otherwise what else do they expect?

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My guess is that this Thai man was her husband and not only a lover, they probably had a traditonal wedding long before she met her farang husband. And then the family knew about it and took advantage of the farang to get a piece of the cake. Who wouldn't when your pxxx poor and live in Isaan.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

all i can say is ...........well you know what there likecoffee1.gif

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

Careful, the Thai-bashing policemen are watching your posts day and night. They never miss an opportunity to pounce. They think all Thais are saints and westerners are the epitome of evil. Except themselves of course.

Edited by jesimps
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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

Anyone who has lived here knows, unless completely blinkered by rose coloured glasses, that Thais are very 'flexible' with regards to morals and loyalty.

They even have names for it

'mia noi' 'gik' as it's so prevalent it's the 'norm'. To be fair males far more than females but it's part of 'Thainess' that guys have a 'mia noi' and a few 'giks' and females are, more or less, accepting here and THAT does not happen in Western countries that I know of. Cheating sometimes yes but not a pandemic of 'flexible sex' as it is here.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

Agreed........They are just different to not only western females but other asian females!.....

but then many thai men are the same

Nasrullah---He (seajae) is talking also about Thai men----the Chart that is shown also includes Thai men----but that part goes right over your head in your rush to the keyboard to talk about Thai females.....................coffee1.gif

Edited by oxo1947
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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

"western" has nothing to do with it! Thai women are continually looking for "western" men to marry and become ATM's! I cannot count the times when a Thai woman has asked me to find her a husband, they have even told me sex, no sex never mind, they just want to get hold of that bank account, and the gullible western man gets hooked every time!

such is life when the "western" man does not do his home work or check out his perpective future wife.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

No, they are not, but Thais are number 1!

Statistics, aren't they marvellous for those trying to win an argument.

56% of Thais from a population of 70M or thereabouts compared to how many millions totalled from the countries listed, you will have to try harder than that.

What utter rubbish, ignorant drivel. Go back to school.

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"They had argued recently when the Thai man thought she might be having an affair with someone else."

gotta love the private logic of these guys. If she will cheat with you, she will cheat with others too. Just that simple.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

didnt say they didnt but it certainly seems to happen a lot more here and is bandied about with abandon, even her family knew she was doing it. Its one thing to have an affair but thais seem to take it to the next level.

Lot of times there is a large age gap or big difference in looks.. as in unattractive foreigner with cute Thai girl.. often a money thing. Could you really expect her to stay loyal to someone she just wants for the money ? Guys should think too.. is it my money.. or is it me.. if its my money.. then don't expect loyalty.

A good rule of thumb: If she has as much or more money than you its possibly "you" she likes. If she has less money than you (90% nay 95% of cases) then its most possibly "your money" she likes. Unfortunately 90% nay 95% of foriegners will go with "its me" she likes unexplainably forgetting that for most they received zero attention from women back home and believe that suddenly in Thailand they are "hunsum men". Even truly "hunsum men" get taken in Thailand and usually far worse because their egos don't even let them hesitate to think its "not them" she likes. Its a win win for Team Thailand. Im pretty sure the poor husband in this post would have left an indignant reply to such a post saying he was married happily married for 10 years to a faithful wife and have two beautiful children together and he has integrated well into the Thai culture with great support from the family and as a recent TV survey showed, is deliriously happy here.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

Yup... They all have Giks and in due time the truth comes to bite them but as long as she is gapping her legs and giving her Gik your money you won't be the wiser. And 100% of the time it will be a man a lot younger than her. Ironical when you think about it...

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

Agreed........They are just different to not only western females but other asian females!.....

but then many thai men are the same

Nasrullah---He (seajae) is talking also about Thai men----the Chart that is shown also includes Thai men----but that part goes right over your head in your rush to the keyboard to talk about Thai females.....................coffee1.gif

No shit!!!....wow....can't put nothing past you!

pity i wasn't responding to the chart post of his..........read above!!

Edited by Nasrullah
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A good rule of thumb: If she has as much or more money than you its possibly "you" she likes. If she has less money than you (90% nay 95% of cases) then its most possibly "your money" she likes. Unfortunately 90% nay 95% of foriegners will go with "its me" she likes unexplainably forgetting that for most they received zero attention from women back home and believe that suddenly in Thailand they are "hunsum men". Even truly "hunsum men" get taken in Thailand and usually far worse because their egos don't even let them hesitate to think its "not them" she likes. Its a win win for Team Thailand. Im pretty sure the poor husband in this post would have left an indignant reply to such a post saying he was married happily married for 10 years to a faithful wife and have two beautiful children together and he has integrated well into the Thai culture with great support from the family and as a recent TV survey showed, is deliriously happy here.

Speak for yourself, I choose to believe they love me for my boyish good looks. :P

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Lot of times there is a large age gap or big difference in looks.. as in unattractive foreigner with cute Thai girl.. often a money thing. Could you really expect her to stay loyal to someone she just wants for the money ? Guys should think too.. is it my money.. or is it me.. if its my money.. then don't expect loyalty.

A good rule of thumb: If she has as much or more money than you its possibly "you" she likes. If she has less money than you (90% nay 95% of cases) then its most possibly "your money" she likes. Unfortunately 90% nay 95% of foriegners will go with "its me" she likes unexplainably forgetting that for most they received zero attention from women back home and believe that suddenly in Thailand they are "hunsum men". Even truly "hunsum men" get taken in Thailand and usually far worse because their egos don't even let them hesitate to think its "not them" she likes. Its a win win for Team Thailand. Im pretty sure the poor husband in this post would have left an indignant reply to such a post saying he was married happily married for 10 years to a faithful wife and have two beautiful children together and he has integrated well into the Thai culture with great support from the family and as a recent TV survey showed, is deliriously happy here.

Guys need to know if you attract a girl with your money instead of your character / looks you will get the kind that likes money. You cant BUY loyalty.

I came here when I was young and seen girls take care of foreigners, making more money and letting them stay in their condo for free. I have been in relations where the girl pays her fair share. There are good girls out there..you just have to look and don't expect a stunner that is normally out of your range to go here without looking for compensation. There are exceptions of course (there always are). But its like winning the lottery everyone talks about it but it rarely happens.

If you want a good girl you should lower your expectations in age and looks department.

I see actually nothing wrong with paid for girls.. as long as you know what your doing and don't let your ego take over and take precautions.

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

The "Noble" foreigner would never dream of playing away?

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whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

didnt say they didnt but it certainly seems to happen a lot more here and is bandied about with abandon, even her family knew she was doing it. Its one thing to have an affair but thais seem to take it to the next level.

Exactly...Thais, especially the women, seem to adopt a holier than thou posture regarding fidelity...always complaining about "butterfly men"...but who do the "butterfly men" cheat with? amazing that everyone seemed to know she was a whore, except for her trusting husband...I feel bad for him, because so many of his perceptions about his life are shattered...but I also feel good for him, in that he now can move on and make a life with honesty...leave the trash behind.

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