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Thailand more trustworthy than the US - but lags behind UK, report from Boston says


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Can I send all those latin american and asian illegals rushing into the US by the millions to those more respectable and trustworthy countries in the top 20?

As tony Blair said" You can tell the importance of a country by comparing how many people are trying to get in,to the number trying to get out".

and anyone can trust what `Tony Blair says ..... what a joke.. him and GW lied to the world to go to war in Irak (sic)

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Time will tell won't it.

Everyone here is speculating. Europe, Asia, South America and Africa have plenty of issues and concerns to worry about too. I am diversifying my investments across markets, but by no means do I suggest disregarding the US.

I was here in Thailand 10 years ago when all I heard about was the inevitable crash of the US dollar. Never happened did it?

If the US falls from being the leading country in the world, who will replace it? China? Good luck with that.

Leading in what, printing monopoly money and acquiring debt? The US is f***ed, it's just a question of time before people realize it.

Some little statistical measurement called GDP.

Yes the US has a huge debt, and that is certainly an issue. But so does Europe, if you compare their debt to their GDP it is ridiculous. Plus all the entitlements the EU countries promise, mixed with the age demographics is very concerning. In addition, QE and printing money is not just a US problem. Fiat money is a problem worldwide.

I am not talking some nationalistic pride towards the US. But unless you plan to stuff all your money in a sock somewhere, I do not think the US market should be totally ignored as a pace to invest. Up to you however.

Just curious if you can give me an exact year by when the US will crash? And when it does, who will be top dog (in terms of GDP do be specific)?

I'm not taking any "nationalistic pride" towards Europe either, mostly based on that Europe is not one nation, as much as the EU crooks in Brussels would wish that. The current financial system is rotten inside and out, and no actual or manipulated GDP numbers are going to save it. I could go on and on about why, but will just stop at the fact that there is no actual growth found anywhere in the western world, and definitely not in the US. It's simply not sustainable.

Obviously, nobody will give you an exact year for a financial crash that will destroy the main western stock markets (read US). But looking at the S&P 500, Nasdaq and the Dow, which are held up by Fed manipulation and air, we should see something coming in the next 2-3 years, and it will make 2008 look like a breeze once that bond bubble implodes. The course for the paradigm shift is already set and this will most probably be it.

To answer your question, I would not touch the US or EU cap markets with a barge pole. And there are much better alternatives to stuffing socks ;)

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Was somewhat surprised at Eire's position. Nearly bankrupted during the financial crisis, thousands of homes empty or in default to the banks, and largely supported by EU subsidies. Also a massive rip off culture for tourists over the last 10 years - my brother used to visit for fishing and found accommodation and eating out heavily overpriced, and food indescribably bad (20 euros for dinner straight out of a freezer).

Yes Ireland also doesn't have a good name, i wonder how they ended up in the list. I never heard about Irish scandals though but they drag the euro down just like the other poorest EU countries.

Sweden sure isn't what it was in the past. My Thai friend got scammed by a taxidriver in Stockholm which costed him 250 us$ for a ride of 10 minutes.

I bet you those 250 USD that the cab driver wasn't Swedish either

He had a swedish passport probably. That makes him a full swede with the same rights as any other Swede.

Having a Swedish passport doesn't make him a Swede anymore than a Chinese passport would make you a Chinese. Being a Swede is a birth right, and can not be acquired by administrative measures.

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I am not one who believes America is the greatest country in the World but I am one who believes in the truth and fair play. Wikipedia reports that the United States is the second most visited country in the World for tourists while France is first. However, in tourist dollars spent- the United States is first. In addition, people from all over the World want to get Visas and Work Permits to go there and make money. The US definitely has its warts- but- compared to many other places on earth- many people seem to want to go there to visit and live. Love it or hate it- the statistics paint a much different picture that the survey in question.

You have to be kidding. I've visited the USA more than a dozen times, and each time I grew increasingly aware what a paranoid, violent nation it is. I never want to go there again. The root cause of the Global Financial Crisis, which robbed so many retirees of a decent retirement. Based on my observations of their business dealings with the rest of the world, I've developed the apothegm when you shake hands on a business deal with an American, count your fingers afterwards. Statistics don't convey what a danger to world peace America is.

Volkswagon allready paid the clain of many trillion us$ for the damage done.

When will the USA start paying for ALL damage done? They will be totally bankrupt if they have to.

Sorry to say .. they will never pay their Massive debts.. soon will be back to 1 Trillion dollar deficits in the near future... and 200Trillion of Unfunded liabilities in Social security and Medicare into the future .. facepalm.gif

you want to see what a US Government debt problem looks like .....


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Thailand scams a few hundred tourists every year. The US scammed the whole world by selling bad loans which caused a deep worldcrisis.

Many of those "bad loans" were created due to pressure put on banks to make loans to people who would never, ever qualify. The rules and regs were created during the Clinton adminstration and then when the consequences of those terrible policies caused economic disaster, Obama and the rest of the dems blamed everything on George Bush!

End result of all of this is when your top government officials (Obama, Kerry, Clinton's - both of them, etc) are serial liars, how can you be viewed as "trustworthy"?

Watchful,Thian seems to make many hateful statements out of pure ignorance.

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I wonder that standards they used to define trustworthy. I certainly do not trust the US govt. But, I do not trust the little man either, one iota. Not only does he have alot of silly and dogmatic ideas, but he is incompetent to boot. At least the US has a semblance of competency within the judicial system. Not one iota of justice here. And at least the US has competent (though certainly overreaching to an extreme degree) law authority. Not a dog and pony show, or laurel and hardy, like they have here. At least.

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you want to see what a US Government debt problem looks like .....

And guess who owns the majority of that debt (and can start dumping it anytime they please)...

Majority of US debt is owned by US-based bondholders. China owns a majority of the amount remaining.

Treasury bonds are issued at a specified yield rate. If someone chooses to "dump" their bonds, ie., at a discount of face value, the buyer will still realize interest on the full face amount. A seller cannot adjust the interest rate.

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I think I shall have to try and come to terms with the idea of Thailand being more trustworthy than any other country. I'm sure it's true I just haven't myself been to a country which is less trustworthy.

And have no real wish to.


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what about the corruption index ?

tell me one country that allowed 600 - 700 billion baht to disappear in something like a rice scam ?

where you have to pay police to come for help, or not interested ?

where rich just don't show up after killing people with their car or machine gun that accidently goes off, at a party ...

where people are not equal at all without basic rights to be with their family without the yearly paper bullsheeze, address reporting like a criminal every 90 days

where you now have to report where you hang out and what social media you use and more ...

where you cannot start your own business in your name or own some land in your own name ?

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You just can't trust those people. Yes feel free to defend your americanship on this forum, i won't even read it. First the money back which you guys stole from our banks.

Not until you pay us back for the Marshall Plan billions....

What a waste -- all that money (Marshall plus war costs) -- and all those hundreds of thousands of American lives lost in the European (and related African and Med) theater of operations. When not one life lost was needed to protect our shores against invasion. Actually, too bad Germany didn't win. We'd never have had the Soviet problem, had Germany won. Yes, the smellier aspects of the paranoid Nazis would need to have been replaced. But probably that would have evolved too. If not -- well, realpolitik has its lumps, I guess.

No, my ancestors leaving the Old World centuries ago was fortuitous many times over. We're still not sure why Great Grand Pa had to get gassed in the Argonne, or why Grand Pa had to die on Utah Beach. Or why we still spend billions to cover the malingering European countrys' NATO payments. Trump's an idiot -- but his message about "coming home" from Europe sure sounds good to me. Bloody losers.

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I am not one who believes America is the greatest country in the World but I am one who believes in the truth and fair play. Wikipedia reports that the United States is the second most visited country in the World for tourists while France is first. However, in tourist dollars spent- the United States is first. In addition, people from all over the World want to get Visas and Work Permits to go there and make money. The US definitely has its warts- but- compared to many other places on earth- many people seem to want to go there to visit and live. Love it or hate it- the statistics paint a much different picture that the survey in question.

You have to be kidding. I've visited the USA more than a dozen times, and each time I grew increasingly aware what a paranoid, violent nation it is. I never want to go there again. The root cause of the Global Financial Crisis, which robbed so many retirees of a decent retirement. Based on my observations of their business dealings with the rest of the world, I've developed the apothegm when you shake hands on a business deal with an American, count your fingers afterwards. Statistics don't convey what a danger to world peace America is.

More than a dozen trips? Slow learner.

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I would rather live in so many other locations on this planet than the US. The US is the world leader and thus should be leading by example; however it falls short in so many areas in comparison to other developed nations.

> America has one of the worst murder rate of any developed country

> Trillions in debt

> Huge homeless problem

> One of the worlds highest prison populations

> Still uses capital punishment in many states even though it obviously not only doesn't work but makes the situation worse

> A huge obese problem

> Lack of jobs

> Has been at war for 95% of the time it has been a country

> Kills millions of innocent people overseas and has even justified in an interview that the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth the price

> Lies to own citizens and creates false flags, such events as Pearl harbour spring to mind

> Has injected own citizens without their knowledge with plutonium in the 60s as research, as well as LSD

> Has released a bacterial cloud in San Fran from a navy vessel in the 70s to see how it would travel, scared of the Russians attacking. It caused many illnesses and one death, didn't tell it's own people.

> Biggest consumer in the world and thus is the most damaging country to the world on many levels

> Spies on it's own citizens like no other, and not only that but other people around the world

> Has spent over 700 billion on war in the past decade

> Only country to ever set off nuclear bombs on another nation in war

> Has set off most nuclear bombs in total

.. and so forth

​I would not trust the US government, I am physically not able to do that. The fact that recently the FBI director stated they would not be charging Hillary Clinton over something many others have done and have been punished for in a immense manner is just one drop in the ocean of problems there. All of these false flag events, the recent sniper incident who was killed by a robot with a bomb! I still have to shake my head at the many people still asleep and who are not able to see through the smoke and mirrors. The elites want a race war, they want chaos so they can come and swoop in to take over. Tomorrow the 15th is going to be a bad bad day for the US as the BLM movement (which is ran by a black dude paid by Soros) is going to cause much destruction. This is all part of the plan

Simple Jack i.e. OP,

When there's a problem in the world all you guys come hat in hand to the USA to suckle on our the teet. Yea some idiot named Bush <deleted> EVERYONE. Lots of broken lives here for our soldiers for nothing but lies.

It's beyond me why someone would write an asinine post with very little correlating facts.

If your stupid enough to put one cent into Thailand vs the USA... I'm wasting my time.

Edited by Praematura
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What a complete load of bullocks.

Descriptives such as misleading, click bait, dishonest, false come to mind.

Can I send all those latin american and asian illegals rushing into the US by the millions to those more respectable and trustworthy countries in the top 20?

The "study" is intended for people like you who spew lies. There are not millions of latin and american and asian illegals rushing into the USA. Go look at the DHS numbers. They have been falling over the past 3 years. Despite all the claims of illegals rushing the southern border, it is difficult to cross illegally thanks to the electronic monitoring and the harsh environment. The growing problem is the flow of illegals from the USA into Canada. There is a serious problem with violent criminals and gun runners on the northern border and it forced the Canadians to arm their border officers with firearms.

Does anyone really believe this lists ?

No, but it gets the web traffic numbers up.

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Trustworthiness? Investment decisions. Not concerned how each country fares in treatment of citizens and foreigners. Another BS survey....what wise investor would trust a military government.

Edited by jerojero
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I would rather live in so many other locations on this planet than the US. The US is the world leader and thus should be leading by example; however it falls short in so many areas in comparison to other developed nations.

> America has one of the worst murder rate of any developed country

> Trillions in debt

> Huge homeless problem

> One of the worlds highest prison populations

> Still uses capital punishment in many states even though it obviously not only doesn't work but makes the situation worse

> A huge obese problem

> Lack of jobs

> Has been at war for 95% of the time it has been a country

> Kills millions of innocent people overseas and has even justified in an interview that the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth the price

> Lies to own citizens and creates false flags, such events as Pearl harbour spring to mind

> Has injected own citizens without their knowledge with plutonium in the 60s as research, as well as LSD

> Has released a bacterial cloud in San Fran from a navy vessel in the 70s to see how it would travel, scared of the Russians attacking. It caused many illnesses and one death, didn't tell it's own people.

> Biggest consumer in the world and thus is the most damaging country to the world on many levels

> Spies on it's own citizens like no other, and not only that but other people around the world

> Has spent over 700 billion on war in the past decade

> Only country to ever set off nuclear bombs on another nation in war

> Has set off most nuclear bombs in total

.. and so forth

​I would not trust the US government, I am physically not able to do that. The fact that recently the FBI director stated they would not be charging Hillary Clinton over something many others have done and have been punished for in a immense manner is just one drop in the ocean of problems there. All of these false flag events, the recent sniper incident who was killed by a robot with a bomb! I still have to shake my head at the many people still asleep and who are not able to see through the smoke and mirrors. The elites want a race war, they want chaos so they can come and swoop in to take over. Tomorrow the 15th is going to be a bad bad day for the US as the BLM movement (which is ran by a black dude paid by Soros) is going to cause much destruction. This is all part of the plan

All that rant. Well, you mightn't be able to live there, but millions of immigrants, many of whom literally risk their lives to get there, even in an illegal status, definitely find your logic complete rubbish. And rather than a lot of hot air, THEY'RE voting with their legs! I personally know a number of legally immigrated persons who consider themselves incredibly lucky. 'Always a few whiners in every election cycle who lamely imagine anyone cares about their petulant threats to leave the US if they don't get their way. The US most definitely DOES have its share of spoiled, entitled, brats who could use a nice month off in some garden spot like N. Korea, or Iran, or Venezuela, or Syria...

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I am American and I choose to live in Thailand because I am happier here. While I may criticize my birth country and make positive suggestions to improve it- I do not denigrate the country or its citizens- Many Americans do not have the means to travel or visit other countries because they are too busy working and trying to help their families. Too many people on this board like to put people down because they are different from them but offer nothing positive . In addition- some of the things people on this board say about America and its people are so wildly wrong and biased that they deserve no response.

American? Is that south , mid or north? The Americas are massive.

Or is it to be presumptiuosly accepted that "American" automatically implies the United States of America:?

Because in reality it is as ambiguios as pronouncing " I am European" or " I am a Pacific Islander".

Australians are the only nation to have an exclusiviity because they are the only ones to have an unshared continent ( dismissing the Aboriginals naturally!) .

United States citizens are rarely aware of the percieved arrogance of their arrogance in this and many other presumptions. Sadly that is the result of unrelenting propagandist dogmatism easily maintained because the vast majority of US citizens rarely ever travel outside of their home State. Raise the flag and salute and all is well ! .

Thailand is Thailand in the very midst of South East Asia. And right or wrong it holds up it's middle finger to avert any who would prefer it join the ranks of submissive compliance .

America and American means the USA and people of that country. You seem upset about something and angry about nothing.

USA means the United States of America. America is a generalization. But the USA education system denies geographical and continental reality in the interest of propaganda in this. A Hawaiian is an annexed citizen of the USA but not from the Americas. A Hawaiian of ethnic originlity is a Pacific Islander.

I am not angry. And the upset is not originated by me. It is the assertion that centric USA influences are to be considered dominant.whollistically.

If the general public of the USA are content with that then perhaps it is why they suffer varying degrees of contempt outside of home territory?

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I am not going to defend Thailand, but the survey maybe makes sense.

It is not done to please the average sexpat who wants to buy a condo or a land they can't legally own anyway. It is probably done by surveying big corporations who do business in Thailand.... and let's face it there are many of them here.

This has to be the most retarded post I have seen today.

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When they say Boston, I presume they mean boston bun. Because that is farcical. (Unless it came from the Dusit quarter in Boston.) Thailand has always had a glowing reputation in the foreign affairs and trade area as being right up there with the best regarding trustworthiness. Please stop.

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I am American and I choose to live in Thailand because I am happier here. While I may criticize my birth country and make positive suggestions to improve it- I do not denigrate the country or its citizens- Many Americans do not have the means to travel or visit other countries because they are too busy working and trying to help their families. Too many people on this board like to put people down because they are different from them but offer nothing positive . In addition- some of the things people on this board say about America and its people are so wildly wrong and biased that they deserve no response.

American? Is that south , mid or north? The Americas are massive.

Or is it to be presumptiuosly accepted that "American" automatically implies the United States of America:?

Because in reality it is as ambiguios as pronouncing " I am European" or " I am a Pacific Islander".

Australians are the only nation to have an exclusiviity because they are the only ones to have an unshared continent ( dismissing the Aboriginals naturally!) .

United States citizens are rarely aware of the percieved arrogance of their arrogance in this and many other presumptions. Sadly that is the result of unrelenting propagandist dogmatism easily maintained because the vast majority of US citizens rarely ever travel outside of their home State. Raise the flag and salute and all is well ! .

Thailand is Thailand in the very midst of South East Asia. And right or wrong it holds up it's middle finger to avert any who would prefer it join the ranks of submissive compliance .

Oh stop. You're just being silly and pedantic. Edited by hawker9000
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I am American and I choose to live in Thailand because I am happier here. While I may criticize my birth country and make positive suggestions to improve it- I do not denigrate the country or its citizens- Many Americans do not have the means to travel or visit other countries because they are too busy working and trying to help their families. Too many people on this board like to put people down because they are different from them but offer nothing positive . In addition- some of the things people on this board say about America and its people are so wildly wrong and biased that they deserve no response.

American? Is that south , mid or north? The Americas are massive.

Or is it to be presumptiuosly accepted that "American" automatically implies the United States of America:?

Because in reality it is as ambiguios as pronouncing " I am European" or " I am a Pacific Islander".

Australians are the only nation to have an exclusiviity because they are the only ones to have an unshared continent ( dismissing the Aboriginals naturally!) .

United States citizens are rarely aware of the percieved arrogance of their arrogance in this and many other presumptions. Sadly that is the result of unrelenting propagandist dogmatism easily maintained because the vast majority of US citizens rarely ever travel outside of their home State. Raise the flag and salute and all is well ! .

Thailand is Thailand in the very midst of South East Asia. And right or wrong it holds up it's middle finger to avert any who would prefer it join the ranks of submissive compliance .

Oh stop. You're just being silly and pedantic.

Yes, yes. Of course. whistling.gif

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