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Foreigner punched out by Thai...


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This is quite funny, isn't it ? like the Bar jokes.

A guy walks into a bar insults everyone, gets a slap, picks himself up and goes and sits in the next barcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Except he didn't walk in, he was outside the bar on the footpath. Anywhere else in the world the Thai would have been charged with serious assault.

Edited by giddyup
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It was a gutless, unprovoked attack on a defenseless drunk. He wasn't threatening anyone with physical harm, just being mouthy. I don't care if the attacker was Thai or any other nationality, it was a cowardly act.

It sounds like you got mouthy one and a smack in the chops for it.

What you have to understand is simply this, the finger might mean one thing to you and another to someone else.

Don't get mouthy or offensive and you'll probably have no problems with being 'silenced'.

Easy, ain't it?

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Gee Neverdie,

What happens when someone writes down their thoughts on paper ...a real believer in Free Speech are you ...or you like the current state of affairs in Thailand re that issue?

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Gee Neverdie,

What happens when someone writes down their thoughts on paper ...a real believer in Free Speech are you ...or you like the current state of affairs in Thailand re that issue?

I enjoy seeing people express their ideas. What makes u think I don't?

It's just if you're gonna talk the talk, make sure you can walk the walk.

No point offending folk if you can't defend your position.

Talk about stoooopid. For an old farang, he ain't real smart 55555


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There was no fight, and I don't see someone who is either drunk or mental shouting as provoking a fight. Was the Thai guy threatened in any way, did the falang throw a punch? No, the Thai came from the back of the bar to purposefully attack the falang, and somehow you see that as being justified. If the falang had been built like Mike Tyson you wouldn't have heard a peep out of the Thai.

quote -If the falang had been built like Mike Tyson you wouldn't have heard a peep out of the Thai.

No of course you wouldn't have heard a peep out of the Thai giddyup, and that's because all Thais are cowards aren't they.

And as you have stated your not bias about any nationality are you.

So if Mike Tyson had walked into a British bar-----now that would have been different wouldn't it giddyup........boy he wouldn't dare to try that sort of stuff in a British bar would he----soon be put in his place by the British. There would be more than a peep out of any of the those that own bars.......but I think Mike Tyson knows that giddyup, so we don't have to worry about him trying it on. He will just stick to the cowardly Thai bars.

OK giddyup---you've worn me down, my Thai wife does also.....I am tired of talking about nice quite polite old age pensioners patrons who are getting beaten up by Muay Thai Champions for no reason at all.-----So you take the next shot........and you wont get an answer from me......I'm done

... see you on the TV --Movie page sometime, I haven't been there for a while..

Edited by oxo1947
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It was a gutless, unprovoked attack on a defenseless drunk. He wasn't threatening anyone with physical harm, just being mouthy. I don't care if the attacker was Thai or any other nationality, it was a cowardly act.

It sounds like you got mouthy one and a smack in the chops for it.

What you have to understand is simply this, the finger might mean one thing to you and another to someone else.

Don't get mouthy or offensive and you'll probably have no problems with being 'silenced'.

Easy, ain't it?

Sounds like you might have punched some old weak individual who couldn't fight back, then you puffed out your chest and felt like a hero. More like a zero.

Highly unlikely but nice try.

No prizes second best giddy.....which is the same lesson old lippy learnt outside the bar 555

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Well I can't defend myself with physical fighting, and hope not to ever have to ...and I hope that by only SPEAKING that won't be a cause to have to ...

Well I guess it will all vary off what you say.

For example: don't go mouthing off about Mohammed in a mosque. Perhaps be mindful when travelling overseas in a country where you might not fully understand the cultural issues behind certain words or actions and so forth but you already knew all that, didn't you?

Giddy needs to get back to mattress flipping & build up those Bicepts ;)

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Let me understand this .... So a guy gets groped by some bar fly and he gets upset and shouts and gives the bar she is working at the finger. Then after he has been violated he gets punched and falls over some motorbikes.....

Why did the bar fly grab the guys butt ? If you say it was a joke then they should have looked at the middle finger as a joke too and laughed instead of punching him.

No reason to get violent unless you need to protect yourself. I see two problems, one is the bar girl grabs the guy and then he gets punched. And why are you judging the way the guy dresses ?

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Let me understand this .... So a guy gets groped by some bar fly and he gets upset and shouts and gives the bar she is working at the finger. Then after he has been violated he gets punched and falls over some motorbikes.....

Why did the bar fly grab the guys butt ? If you say it was a joke then they should have looked at the middle finger as a joke too and laughed instead of punching him.

No reason to get violent unless you need to protect yourself. I see two problems, one is the bar girl grabs the guy and then he gets punched. And why are you judging the way the guy dresses ?

The bouncer, or whatever he was, came from the back of the bar to attack the guy on the sidewalk, because he was "mouthy", and somehow the keyboard warriors on this forum seem to find that was justified.

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You guys might consider that the "crazy guy" might have been at the bar before, he might have been provoked in some way, ripped off, whatever ...then he is walking by later, the woman pinches his butt, and he yells at everyone.

But he only yelled a few things. It really is illegal to physically attack someone in those circumstances. So that is the first point. Next, isn't Thailand trying to "crack down" on bar workers beating up on patrons, or just people walking by? Especially foreigners? Isn't this bad for tourism? Shouldn't they be used to dealing with different cultures and drunks who can be rude (I am not saying he was drunk ...but in the case many are drunk)? Therefore those workers should not be operating on the standard hair trigger many Thai men are or they should have other jobs.

Amy, would it not just as well be possible that the 'victim' had indeed been to the bar before but instead of being ripped off, made a fool of himself again?

As with all these types of threads, people have already made their minds up before putting finger to key. Verdict reached based on an eye witness account, who didn't know the bar, the owner or the 'victim'.

I know this is slightly different, but until you have owned a bar here and experienced this sort of thing, sometime prevention is better than cure. In my case, I ignored the rants and raves of a 70 yo who (wrongly) thought another customer had made remarks behind his back. Until he came back to the bar waving a machette and carrying a handgun.

Who would have thought? Or more to the point, without knowing the history of the event, what would the eye witness account have been like from someone seeing the 70yo on his way to hospital after being stopped by someone using 'minimal neccessary force' preventing danger to the rest of the customers?

Not everything is alwayz black & white.....

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Let me understand this .... So a guy gets groped by some bar fly and he gets upset and shouts and gives the bar she is working at the finger. Then after he has been violated he gets punched and falls over some motorbikes.....

Why did the bar fly grab the guys butt ? If you say it was a joke then they should have looked at the middle finger as a joke too and laughed instead of punching him.

No reason to get violent unless you need to protect yourself. I see two problems, one is the bar girl grabs the guy and then he gets punched. And why are you judging the way the guy dresses ?

The bouncer, or whatever he was, came from the back of the bar to attack the guy on the sidewalk, because he was "mouthy", and somehow the keyboard warriors on this forum seem to find that was justified.

Justified? Maybe not. Inevitable? Yes.

Silly old fool should have known better.

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Let me understand this .... So a guy gets groped by some bar fly and he gets upset and shouts and gives the bar she is working at the finger. Then after he has been violated he gets punched and falls over some motorbikes.....

Why did the bar fly grab the guys butt ? If you say it was a joke then they should have looked at the middle finger as a joke too and laughed instead of punching him.

No reason to get violent unless you need to protect yourself. I see two problems, one is the bar girl grabs the guy and then he gets punched. And why are you judging the way the guy dresses ?

The bouncer, or whatever he was, came from the back of the bar to attack the guy on the sidewalk, because he was "mouthy", and somehow the keyboard warriors on this forum seem to find that was justified.

Justified? Maybe not. Inevitable? Yes.

Silly old fool should have known better.

Silly old fool? He was supposed to be 40-50, hardly one foot in the grave. Why inevitable? Perhaps it's inevitable that over-takers get shot as well, maybe a good lashing for blocking the entrance to the 7 eleven with your motorbike. Let's have vigilante justice.

Edited by giddyup
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I wonder if the Thai guy had five or six mates standing nearby in case the Faring was able to get the better of him.

It's rare they go it alone, but it was a sucker punch so who knows.

Living in Pattaya for several years allowed me the privilege of seeing MANY fights, and the one thing they ALL had, 100% of them, was they always involved multiple Thais attacking 1 person, be it a foreigner or another Thai. Weapons were often used, bottles, sticks, chains, axe, knives, and so on. Cowards, most of them.

To be fair I did see 1 Thai guy take on about 8 other Thais. Round 1 they got the better of him. He ran off and came back with 2 chains and beat the snot out of the lot. It was epic. Wish I had it on video. The guy was fearless.

Two things I never get tired of here. Road carnage involving some young punk, and a good Thai on Thai fight.

Unlike some posters, you have something interesting to say, and yes, I agree with you.

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If it's an old guy and you give him a sucker punch and he goes down, you don't have to hit him

again while he is on the ground in case he gets back up and does you harm like a younger one may be capable of doing.

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Believe what you like, I don't discriminate. If you want to keep trying to justify an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight, keep going. As I said, I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy who was being mouthy, the outcome may have been quite different. A gutless attack IMO is when the attacker already knows the outcome and only picks on a weaker individual who he knows is going to be an easy mark. Kind of gives away the character of those who defend the actions.

You really need to drop this whole "Thai men are gutless" line / approach. You've got it wrong.

A lot of Thai men are incredibly strong and can handle themselves way better than the average westerner.

Instead of bashing Thai men, why not get to know them and make some new friends?

You must know by now that little girlies come and go, male friends generally don't.

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Believe what you like, I don't discriminate. If you want to keep trying to justify an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight, keep going. As I said, I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy who was being mouthy, the outcome may have been quite different. A gutless attack IMO is when the attacker already knows the outcome and only picks on a weaker individual who he knows is going to be an easy mark. Kind of gives away the character of those who defend the actions.

You really need to drop this whole "Thai men are gutless" line / approach. You've got it wrong.

A lot of Thai men are incredibly strong and can handle themselves way better than the average westerner.

Instead of bashing Thai men, why not get to know them and make some new friends?

You must know by now that little girlies come and go, male friends generally don't.

Give it a rest, I've heard the sermon before. I wasn't singling out Thai men, it just happens to be a Thai guy involved in this incident, and it was the act that I took umbrage with, not that it was a Thai guy who was the aggressor. I'd have been just as outraged if it had been a falang. So get off your high horse.

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Gee Neverdie,

What happens when someone writes down their thoughts on paper ...a real believer in Free Speech are you ...or you like the current state of affairs in Thailand re that issue?

Geez, enough with the Free Speech nonsense already. How about enter the real world for a second? If someone started yelling profanities to my face and flipping me off, I may feel the need to smack somebody. But it certainly doesn't mean I don't believe in the rule of law, democracy, and freedom of speech.

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Gee Neverdie,

What happens when someone writes down their thoughts on paper ...a real believer in Free Speech are you ...or you like the current state of affairs in Thailand re that issue?

Geez, enough with the Free Speech nonsense already. How about enter the real world for a second? If someone started yelling profanities to my face and flipping me off, I may feel the need to smack somebody. But it certainly doesn't mean I don't believe in the rule of law, democracy, and freedom of speech.

How about if that someone yelling profanities and flipping you off was a Maori All Blacks forward? Still going to give him a smacking?

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Gee Neverdie,

What happens when someone writes down their thoughts on paper ...a real believer in Free Speech are you ...or you like the current state of affairs in Thailand re that issue?

Geez, enough with the Free Speech nonsense already. How about enter the real world for a second? If someone started yelling profanities to my face and flipping me off, I may feel the need to smack somebody. But it certainly doesn't mean I don't believe in the rule of law, democracy, and freedom of speech.

How about if that someone yelling profanities and flipping you off was a Maori All Blacks forward? Still going to give him a smacking?

It doesn't happen.

Most of the mouthy idiots around Thailand are silly old fools, aged 45-55.

Younger guys retain far more control; pensioners may get cross, but are seldom abusive.

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Believe what you like, I don't discriminate. If you want to keep trying to justify an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight, keep going. As I said, I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy who was being mouthy, the outcome may have been quite different. A gutless attack IMO is when the attacker already knows the outcome and only picks on a weaker individual who he knows is going to be an easy mark. Kind of gives away the character of those who defend the actions.

You really need to drop this whole "Thai men are gutless" line / approach. You've got it wrong.

A lot of Thai men are incredibly strong and can handle themselves way better than the average westerner.

Instead of bashing Thai men, why not get to know them and make some new friends?

You must know by now that little girlies come and go, male friends generally don't.

You ain't from the UK and have obviously never been there! facepalm.gif

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What is it with people trying to justify a local attacking a foreigner who was quite clearly provoked in the first place?

You all need to grow a pair and stop saying 'I'm sorry for having white skin and more money in your country,it's perfectly acceptable for you to molest me then physically assault me afterwards for reacting!' facepalm.gif

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I left Thailand last year as I was sick of hearing about unprovoked attacks,scams and unexplained murders of foreigners and I'm very glad I did.
A lot of expats in Thailand seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome,constantly blaming themselves for all and any attacks such as the one here and even unbelievably the brutal,horrific Koh Tao murders!
If everyone here thinks it's ok for a local to assault an innocent guy walking past his bar is it any wonder that the Thais have no respect whatsoever for foreigners in Thailand?

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I left Thailand last year as I was sick of hearing about unprovoked attacks,scams and unexplained murders of foreigners and I'm very glad I did.

A lot of expats in Thailand seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome,constantly blaming themselves for all and any attacks such as the one here and even unbelievably the brutal,horrific Koh Tao murders!

If everyone here thinks it's ok for a local to assault an innocent guy walking past his bar is it any wonder that the Thais have no respect whatsoever for foreigners in Thailand?

Wouldn't it have been better just to stop reading and listening to news incl Thaivisa
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Change one detail -to a good looking foreign woman reacting that way to being groped by some random Thai guy- and we'd have the TVF keyboard troopers ready to mount a Crusade to protect her honor against the Thai hordes.

Ugly guy gets groped, he ought to be grateful? If it was Pattaya, he ought to be checking to see if he still has his wallet, watch and jewelry. Maybe he did...

Darling, i would never let my bottom be groped. My booty guards would already be sitting beside me. Protecting my assets from those pesky natives.

Otherwise, a good elbow in the ribs does the trick.

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Gee Neverdie,

What happens when someone writes down their thoughts on paper ...a real believer in Free Speech are you ...or you like the current state of affairs in Thailand re that issue?

Geez, enough with the Free Speech nonsense already. How about enter the real world for a second? If someone started yelling profanities to my face and flipping me off, I may feel the need to smack somebody. But it certainly doesn't mean I don't believe in the rule of law, democracy, and freedom of speech.

How about if that someone yelling profanities and flipping you off was a Maori All Blacks forward? Still going to give him a smacking?

Its got nothing to do with the colour or size of the man its about his behaviour. The only guy I ever feared in my life was about 5'8, he was like a little wiry rooster and I saw him level 5 or 6 big men one night and I was starting to wish I wasn't on the night shift as I approached him. 5555555

Most of the loud mouthed morons about the place seem to have BIG mouths, not big bodies.

As I said before incidents like this happen every night in most big cities around the world, but the anti Thai sentiment like to get the extra mile out of it here. Really, if your not happy in Thailand because the folk are too 'hard' for your Li,ing, have you thought about living somewhere else, like Mexico or something. Nothing bad ever happens in Mexico.

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Change one detail -to a good looking foreign woman reacting that way to being groped by some random Thai guy- and we'd have the TVF keyboard troopers ready to mount a Crusade to protect her honor against the Thai hordes.

Ugly guy gets groped, he ought to be grateful? If it was Pattaya, he ought to be checking to see if he still has his wallet, watch and jewelry. Maybe he did...

Darling, i would never let my bottom be groped. My booty guards would already be sitting beside me. Protecting my assets from those pesky natives.

Otherwise, a good elbow in the ribs does the trick.

I've given it a few 'virtual' gropes over the years :P

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I left Thailand last year as I was sick of hearing about unprovoked attacks,scams and unexplained murders of foreigners and I'm very glad I did.

A lot of expats in Thailand seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome,constantly blaming themselves for all and any attacks such as the one here and even unbelievably the brutal,horrific Koh Tao murders!

If everyone here thinks it's ok for a local to assault an innocent guy walking past his bar is it any wonder that the Thais have no respect whatsoever for foreigners in Thailand?

Poor didums.

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