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Thai sex industry under fire from tourism minister, police


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I just wish the "anti-western sex tourists" brigade were as vitriolic and carping against the real majority of people who use sex workers - and that's the Thai men.

Yes I agree there are so many seedy places frequented by westerners trolling for sex that could do with a clean up. But these are mostly visible to these critics and so they aim their bile against Westerners.

As an example - Last year there was a police raid on a karaoke bar in Chachoengsao. 20 Lao girls were "rescued" by the police. These girls were brought in from Laos to work in the Thai only sex trade. They were young girls mostly 18 to 20. One hears bits of stories about how these girls are handed around first before being put into the karaoke bar for Thai paying customers.

IT TURNS OUT THERE ARE A REPORTED 257 KARAOKE BARS IN CHACHOENGSAO. I recall this figure in the police report at the time. So taking an estimate of 20 girls minimum per bar that's over 5,000 girls in the sex trade in this town. Only for Thai male customers. This would be the case in every sizable town around Thailand.

And there would be no Westerners allowed in these venues.

It's probably true to say these girls have less chance of any future than those working with the Westerners.

Any westerner ever poked your head in to a "soapy massage" place for a look? You are probably the only white person there. Filled with customers from Asian and middle Eastern countries as well as the Indian subcontinent areas. These people are not drinkers of alcohol but they still want sex.

This long post is not to sanctify the actions of Westerners who engage in the sex trade but just to put the subject in perspective. Western sex tourists are really a very small component of the whole (no pun intended) industry, but they get 100% of the shit thrown at them.

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Im a guy, i have plenty of kinks and fetishes, i lived in thailand for just over 6 months and never once felt a burning need to engage with the sex industry. Well, i did engage with it, but more like going to the zoo. Nana is hilarious. Had my ass slapped by some very gorgeous trans girls. In hindsight i probably should have got more involved, itd give me some awesome memories. But i digress.

When you read stickman a bit, you get a couple of conflicting impressions from his travels through the sex industry. The first is that obviously this is mainly voluntary and the girls seem to be gaining some serious cash and trinkets. It doesnt look like a seedy hate filled den of iniquity... until the second impression comes through. Alcohol abuse is rampant. Youre seeing wasted potential. The trouble is that Thailand appears to have little means of tapping into that potential. The education system is bananas, and the economy appears to be a basket case riddled with exploitation and wage slavery.

Im still struck by that day i saw a 20 something woman, immaculately dressed in her office uniform, coming home around midnight. Obviously she was pretty enough and sharp enough dressed to draw my eye. I watched as she looked about, she saw me, but im farang (so i suppose it doesnt matter). She then moved aside part of the steel fence and ambled off to the only place i could see - a disused and clearly abandoned hotel. It still breaks my heart. She obviously trundles to work every day in a respectable job, and comes home to literally nothing. Sure, she may have made the choice to save on rent and send as much home as possible, but its still insane. Just under the surface, the country is clearly a mess. So why am i talking about this? because until someone gets to grip with it, the sex industry will go from strength to strength. And since the police are the number one racketeers with all fingers in all pies, its hard to think how Thailand could even begin doing more than paying lip service to its existence.

Gosh weecree

Have waded though all the posts

Think so far- the most insightful post so far #1 - very good.

I too came across a boyfriend's sister- she was a bank manager at KBank.

Invited us for a drink- her place was appalling - totally useless son in some swanky place in Bangkok, family draining every penny .

She looked fabulous- really smart- but reality was very different.

As I mentioned in another post- it's social mobility and education that will make a difference.

The other thing is corruption- it undermines everything.

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Sorry boys , but I don't think one of you would want to see your sister, daughter, girlfriend on the streets ? I have no answers to this huge problem, and I think it's all a bit too late anyway to do much about it. If there had been an obligation to educate Thai kids in school , they in turn , would have their children educated. This not being the case has thrown millions of kids into brothels and bars, and turned young men into thugs, transvestism and violence. It's evidence can be seen every day on the streets of all tourist Venus, cities, and is now hitting the smaller quieter towns of the north. We've all seen the nice girl from reception, or at the 7/11 ending up selling herself for money she never dreamed of making. It's all about money nowadays. The girls all want to shop in the fancy stores and buy the latest fashion bags, which she / he will never earning normal wages. The manicure shop I use once a month is full to the top of these young Thai girls, having manicures and pedicures , extensions and all the rest, spending 1500 baht in an hour or two ! I do not mean, as some will say, I have this right and they don't !!! Just that in one busy shop doing hundreds of girls a day, 90 per cent are street/ bar girls. Have a look in any mall ! The boys/ men want the same, clothes, cars and big bikes, money to drink and smoke. So, what can the government do about all this, I have no answer.

Only a small part of this problem is about education. When you invest four years of your life for a degree, and graduate with the ability to only increase your wages by 3,000-5,000 baht per month, something is wrong. It is the elite, the government, and perhaps the Japanese manufacturers (there are over 7,000 Japanese companies working in Thailand today) who have insisted that wages be kept artificially low, for all of this time, and done little to improve the lot of the workers. It creates a difficult situation for the average Thai. Work 60 hours a week, or longer, for 8,000 to 12,000 baht per month. Get a four year degree, and hopefully you can increase your pay to 15,000 per month, and perhaps work 5-10 hours per week less. Not what I would describe as an amazing choice.

I agree with you both. This is a systemic issue. Removing the industry may cause a significant down turn of the Thailand economy. I don't want to be a doomsayer. The economy in Thailand is in decline. Just look at the GDP over the last few years.

There maybe more tourist in Thailand than before, but they are Chinese. I have nothing against the Chinese. They are a strong people. But, on average, they tend to be very fugal with there money. More Chinese doesn't always mean more money. Also look at the last survey on tourism, which the Thai people ranked the Chinese on, or near, the bottom of the list.

If we estimate that the total GDP in the sex trade is 10% (most list between 10-14%, but the article I listed earlier suggested more). A drop of 10% to the economy may have dangerous implication. Then there is also the 100's of thousands on unemployed workers and there families for which they will need to deal with.

There are several long term solutions. Like education, industrial, and cultural investments. But eradication may not be the solution.

In the end it its up to the Thais themselves to make the decision. I hope they think through it. I hope they don't do something hasty. I have grow to love a lot of the Thais I have met over time. They can be the nicest and happy go lucky people.

I wish them luck, and hope they build before they destroy.

OK .... its time for me to get down off my soapbox ....

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I just wish the "anti-western sex tourists" brigade were as vitriolic and carping against the real majority of people who use sex workers - and that's the Thai men.

Yes I agree there are so many seedy places frequented by westerners trolling for sex that could do with a clean up. But these are mostly visible to these critics and so they aim their bile against Westerners.

As an example - Last year there was a police raid on a karaoke bar in Chachoengsao. 20 Lao girls were "rescued" by the police. These girls were brought in from Laos to work in the Thai only sex trade. They were young girls mostly 18 to 20. One hears bits of stories about how these girls are handed around first before being put into the karaoke bar for Thai paying customers.

IT TURNS OUT THERE ARE A REPORTED 257 KARAOKE BARS IN CHACHOENGSAO. I recall this figure in the police report at the time. So taking an estimate of 20 girls minimum per bar that's over 5,000 girls in the sex trade in this town. Only for Thai male customers. This would be the case in every sizable town around Thailand.

And there would be no Westerners allowed in these venues.

It's probably true to say these girls have less chance of any future than those working with the Westerners.

Any westerner ever poked your head in to a "soapy massage" place for a look? You are probably the only white person there. Filled with customers from Asian and middle Eastern countries as well as the Indian subcontinent areas. These people are not drinkers of alcohol but they still want sex.

This long post is not to sanctify the actions of Westerners who engage in the sex trade but just to put the subject in perspective. Western sex tourists are really a very small component of the whole (no pun intended) industry, but they get 100% of the shit thrown at them.

Yes, totally agree, those Lao girls will have no chance that a Thai guy will marry them and give them a good life..

Many of the girls working with Westerners do get married and taken out of the business, some work, some don't, but that's no different than any couple that get married... I might add that these girls will never go with a Thai guy, they say they are rubbish and broke...

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As ever, many people vastly overestimate the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

If I remember the data correctly, people are overestimating the tourist industry's impact upon the sex industry as it was estimated that only 10% of the sex workers in Thailand are involved with overseas tourists. But with the discretion that the internet allows, perhaps that number is higher now.

Meanwhile Vanity Fair explores the inevitable fall out from the transformation of the US economy into a service economy: http://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/07/welcome-to-the-new-prostitution-economy.

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May as well close the airport then.

Or put a kid's play area in each gate area for all the families that will start visiting once the sex tourists move on to greener pastures.

Edit: I have nothing against the exchange of money for sex. But I do think that it's a poor way to draw tourists, and pretty much mutually exclusive. If sex is the draw and it's in your face, the majority of potential visitors will stay away. I'd make the same contention about the free flow of booze. The type of tourist you'll draw and the atmosphere they create will repel the majority of potential tourists.

It's obvious when you look at the statistics. Take the UK as an example - most estimates are that only 10% of UK men at the most have ever paid for sex. Which means that 90% are not interested in sex tourism. Better to cater to that majority than the niche market, surely?

Wow SoiBiker - what an excellent example of a bullshit statistic.

If 10% of UK men have paid for sex they may not have even left their suburb so they cannot be called sex tourists!!!

That covers a direct payment. How many have paid for sex indirectly - a date, a night out, drinks and food - hoping the night ends in sex or becomes a relationship of which sex is a benefit.

How many men are married and thinking they are paying a high price for the marital sex they get? If any.

How many don't have any money for holidays to be sex tourists even if they wanted to be.

How many men consider 5 - 10 pints with their mates to be more important than sex. Or they're too fat, too lazy, too poor etc etc etc

We all know with statistics the answers can be slanted in the direction the person wishes by the nature of the questions.

So it's not obvious - as you would wish us to believe,

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Yes I am sure the girls in the bars making serious money,

will be so happy to work in a factory making 10,000 baht

a month. But I guess no more marriages to farangs ,

as I am pretty sure the factory life would make it difficult

to meet Mr. Right...

Only an idiot marries a tart from a bar, most meet on the internet these days anyway

Tart ??? Is your British boyfriend helping you write posts ?

Whether a Thai girl is selling herself from a bar stool,

or over the internet, the net effect is still the same. Or

are internet girls free ????

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As ever, many people vastly overestimate the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

Wishful thinking on your part. The sex industry is related to the massive F&B industry - the hospitality industry - hotels - bars - restaurants - taxis - laundries - furnishing- clothing - outfitting - street vendors, whom I know you hate, souvenirs and a whole host of peripheral industries and services including construction. God Bless It. Without the girls Thailand would be a dull and wearisome place and not worth the effort.

Edited by The manic
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Start saving more money for holidays to Thailand. Just maybe will get more expensive for Thais and farangs, all girls guys go underground, with a lot of less safety.

Happy I am an expat done with the bars years ago.

Done with bars or done with girls?

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May as well close the airport then.

Or put a kid's play area in each gate area for all the families that will start visiting once the sex tourists move on to greener pastures.

Edit: I have nothing against the exchange of money for sex. But I do think that it's a poor way to draw tourists, and pretty much mutually exclusive. If sex is the draw and it's in your face, the majority of potential visitors will stay away. I'd make the same contention about the free flow of booze. The type of tourist you'll draw and the atmosphere they create will repel the majority of potential tourists.

It's obvious when you look at the statistics. Take the UK as an example - most estimates are that only 10% of UK men at the most have ever paid for sex. Which means that 90% are not interested in sex tourism. Better to cater to that majority than the niche market, surely?

Wow SoiBiker - what an excellent example of a bullshit statistic.

If 10% of UK men have paid for sex they may not have even left their suburb so they cannot be called sex tourists!!!

That covers a direct payment. How many have paid for sex indirectly - a date, a night out, drinks and food - hoping the night ends in sex or becomes a relationship of which sex is a benefit.

How many men are married and thinking they are paying a high price for the marital sex they get? If any.

How many don't have any money for holidays to be sex tourists even if they wanted to be.

How many men consider 5 - 10 pints with their mates to be more important than sex. Or they're too fat, too lazy, too poor etc etc etc

We all know with statistics the answers can be slanted in the direction the person wishes by the nature of the questions.

So it's not obvious - as you would wish us to believe,

Good points - But you are responding to someone who has sexual hangups and trolls constantly when the matter of sex arises. Even to the point of criticizing vendors on Sukhumvit for selling marital aids. I can't figure out whether he has been damaged by some kind of Lutheran religious upbringing or by a Thai Bar Girl who he drove crazy with boredom and demands. Anyway- I think your response was good.

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As ever, many people vastly overestimate the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

Wishful thinking on your part. The sex industry is related to the massive F&B industry - the hospitality industry - hotels - bars - restaurants - taxis - laundries - furnishing- clothing - outfitting - street vendors, whom I know you hate, souvenirs and a whole host of peripheral industries and services including construction. God Bless It. Without the girls Thailand would be a dull and wearisome place and not worth the effort.


Some sort of commemorative dildo?

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Sex tourism: Thai trade boosted by 'repressed' tourists in Pattaya

When asked why so many young Middle Eastern men chose Pattaya for their overseas vacations, Fahad, 29, grabbed his crotch with both hands, shook vigorously, and laughed.

"Thailand is very different to Kuwait," he said.

http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-15/thai-sex-trade-propped-up-by-sexually-repressed-tourists/7413762 Edited by Wilsonandson
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As a percentage of population Thailand apparently actually rates much lower than Germany for sex workers. But I guess that in Thailand that vetishism of a sort other than bdsm has appeal.facepalm.gif

To me it is strange that Thailand continues to consider prostitution illegal while unofficially officially has provided "special " status for Pattaya in avoiding

real attempts to curtail it and yet now suggests to censure it in Bangkok!

Perhaps this is a politically correct announcement ?

In view of the fact that as one of the worlds oldest forms of business no society has effectively ever curtailed it it might be better and healthier for Thailand to consider regulating it?

Either way I doubt it will have any impact on numbers involved.

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After reading some of the posts here, it seems that the posters who justify the sex industry by saying it is impossible to do away with it, that it would hurt the economy, etc. actually want it to remain around. Others, like the minister, see it for what it is, an "industry" that exploits the poor, creates health issues for the population at large, and is mostly repugnant to the rest of the world. Sure prostitution has always existed but only in Thailand is it so in ones face.

Most, not all, of the western friends I have who have moved permanently to Thailand all are there primarily because they can get sex/relationships whereas they would not have much chance back in their home countries. They also live in a fantasy where they believe things are so wonderful and Thais so accepting of their ways. Living in Thailand is also cheaper than living at home for those on a fixed income. I am not judging, just stating a fact. I also used to go to Thailand as I had the illusion that I too could have a holiday and develop a "romantic" relationship. Fortunately, it was mostly decent people I met and I actually was able to maintain friendships with over the years without money being involved. But also looking back, I see those times for what they really were. Most of it was my fantasy. The fact that I almost bought a condo there and imagined a life there is now history when I see my friends who have moved there and the lives they really lead. Some are really enjoying their lives with a mix to interests and living and socializing among the many expats, but a good part still revolves around sex with those young enough to be their children or grandchildren. Maybe part of the problem for me is that having retained friendships with people in the sex industry, I have also seen the problems with drug usage and HIV. It is the side of the sex industry that most sex tourists never see. So when taken as an industry as we are talking of here, one certainly needs to look at all the collateral damage that occurs to the people working in it. Trying to justify it as a fact of life and helping the rural poor when not taking into account drug usage and HIV is certainly just a rationalization on ones own part as a customer in perpetuating the status quo.

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The Minister of Sports and tourism, Kobkarn Wattanavrankul doubtful doesn't know the difference betweena long and short time.

Let's have her try the following: Her sweet govvie salar disappears she gets knocked up and left by Somchai after delivering 2-3 kids in Roi Et, Mukdahan or any other Isaan muang or moobahn.

She has to borrow baht to even make the trip to Pattaya. Now her investigations can really rip!

Clueless. All govvie officials worldwide are clueless, not just in Thailand!
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As ever, many people vastly overestimate the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

Wishful thinking on your part. The sex industry is related to the massive F&B industry - the hospitality industry - hotels - bars - restaurants - taxis - laundries - furnishing- clothing - outfitting - street vendors, whom I know you hate, souvenirs and a whole host of peripheral industries and services including construction. God Bless It. Without the girls Thailand would be a dull and wearisome place and not worth the effort.


Some sort of commemorative dildo?

I think you just proved BM Manic's point about your sexual hangups!!

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If tourists from Western countries stopped coming to Thailand entirely, there would be a slight, but noticeable decrease in tourism numbers and revenue. However, the idea that the country would be abandoned entirely is obviously false.

.., well, not only Westerners.

Most Westerners do not know that the 2nd biggest brothel next to Pattaya is in Hat Yai province, mainly frequented by Malaysians (the 2nd biggest tourist group).

And who never lived in Singapore would have no idea, how many Singaporeans due exactly the same as the "dirty" Westerners in Thailand.

And regarding Indians, Pakistanis and Arabs filling up capacities in low season in Pattaya? Just look on Soi VC, Soi 16 near Walking Street and Beachroadvat night...

And Chinese? It's not their major objective... but they aren't leading 1000s of tour tourists through Walking Street every night from 7pm to midnight. - Not to talk about the huge sex shows catering only for Asians, like Big Eye and 69, where endless caravans of coach busses are blocking the streets around those venues.

And if she is really targeting the Thai: most "quality" Tourists aren't even aware of their venues...

Edited by BernieOnTour
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After reading some of the posts here, it seems that the posters who justify the sex industry by saying it is impossible to do away with it, that it would hurt the economy, etc. actually want it to remain around. Others, like the minister, see it for what it is, an "industry" that exploits the poor, creates health issues for the population at large, and is mostly repugnant to the rest of the world. Sure prostitution has always existed but only in Thailand is it so in ones face.

Most, not all, of the western friends I have who have moved permanently to Thailand all are there primarily because they can get sex/relationships whereas they would not have much chance back in their home countries. They also live in a fantasy where they believe things are so wonderful and Thais so accepting of their ways. Living in Thailand is also cheaper than living at home for those on a fixed income. I am not judging, just stating a fact. I also used to go to Thailand as I had the illusion that I too could have a holiday and develop a "romantic" relationship. Fortunately, it was mostly decent people I met and I actually was able to maintain friendships with over the years without money being involved. But also looking back, I see those times for what they really were. Most of it was my fantasy. The fact that I almost bought a condo there and imagined a life there is now history when I see my friends who have moved there and the lives they really lead. Some are really enjoying their lives with a mix to interests and living and socializing among the many expats, but a good part still revolves around sex with those young enough to be their children or grandchildren. Maybe part of the problem for me is that having retained friendships with people in the sex industry, I have also seen the problems with drug usage and HIV. It is the side of the sex industry that most sex tourists never see. So when taken as an industry as we are talking of here, one certainly needs to look at all the collateral damage that occurs to the people working in it. Trying to justify it as a fact of life and helping the rural poor when not taking into account drug usage and HIV is certainly just a rationalization on ones own part as a customer in perpetuating the status quo.

I'm glad you woke up and seen the light of day....thumbsup.gif .......agree with post!

But thailand is what it is to those who've visited regularly and partake in whatever tickles their fancy!...The foreigners may justify the sex scene but let me tell

you something......the thai 'money men' justify it a lot more in their close-nit circles.....

Play the game ...don't let the game play yousmile.png

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It will be the beginning of the end for the foreign gay community in Thailand. There are very few gay bars that are not a part of the sex industry. To put it in perspective every bar you go to in Thailand is basically straight. Gay bars are the exception to the rule and you can count on one hand how many normal gay bars exist. They are all huddled around the edges of the red lights with very few exceptions.

I am not sure that gay people use prostitutes more than straights, but gay people have and continue to be at the forefront of sexual liberation. I didn't articulate that very well but Thailand will be saying goodbye to the pink dollar if the crack downs get bad enough. Every conversation around prostitution centers around bar girls on this site but in many ways Thailand moving towards sexual repression will have a bigger impact on the gay community here.

I am struggling to explain myself clearly here but I think just about any gay guy reading this will know what I mean. If Thailand becomes less tolerant about sex it will extend to sexuality in general. Coupled with lack of recognition for gay marriage or couples of the same sex, it doesn't leave much. Don't go to a brothel but we won't recognize legitimate couples either.

I can't clearly express myself but I am guessing many gay people will see what the implications are if Soi Twilight, Jomtien Complex, Boyztown etc. are shut down. There would really be nothing left.

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"Tourists don't come to Thailand for such a thing. They come here for our beautiful culture," Kobkarn told Reuters

Beautiful culture? Dirty beaches, filthy canals, taxi thugs on every street corner; thieves, cheats and scammers hiding in the shadows, rude and surly immigration officials, overpricing, and the list goes on. She obviously stays at home a lot.

Yes, why can immigration officials not at least pretend that that we are welcome.

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"Tourists don't come to Thailand for such a thing. They come here for our beautiful culture," Kobkarn told Reuters

Beautiful culture? Dirty beaches, filthy canals, taxi thugs on every street corner; thieves, cheats and scammers hiding in the shadows, rude and surly immigration officials, overpricing, and the list goes on. She obviously stays at home a lot.

Yes, why can immigration officials not at least pretend that that we are welcome.

Because government officials in this country are honest to a fault.

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As ever, many people vastly overestimate the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

As ever, the government Minister vastly underestimates the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

I'm guessing she's probably a little better informed on the subject than you are.

I'd put the minister in the hiso category and I suspect her knowledge of the sex industry is limited to the ' look down the nose ' attitude that people of her status have.

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There is an answer for this situation about sex industry they should adopt the same principal that Germany has or still have is to legalize porn or sex commodity and have it checked out by authority every month.

I was in Germany in the 60's and it was like going shopping the choice was nice and huge I was only a kid at the time and it did opened my eyes on the way people react to this situation.

It should be done all over the world perhaps we would have less killings and the world would be more peaceful.

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Apparently most contributors to this thread think that Thailand would suffer without the blossoming sex industry.

From my extended trips to Thailand, I observed many people - couples or families or singles - travel all across Thailand just for its culture.

What percentage of the total amount of tourists, I have no idea. One makes decisions based on statistics.

I bet she's done her homework and concluded that a crackdown on sex industry is necessary.

But what does that mean exactly? Remove shameful signs of "Free bj's for the second beer" in Pattaya?

Forbid girls to go out in the streets almost naked ? Raids on massage parlors? Or?

That won't go too far anyway.

Maybe she feels concerned as a woman that young women are prostitutes? Or is it just propaganda dedicated to foreign media?

Anyway I hope pedophilia, underage prostitution will be eradicated. A good start.

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Thailand will only hurt its economy...... it won't end sex tourism in the world at all.... The sex tourists will simply go someplace else...

If the sex industry in Thailand dies... here is were the sex tourist will go, according to studies and released this year. From information on the internet as of 2016.

Brazil, South America: Number of prostitutes there are increasing rapidly. It's been probably the number 1 sex tourist destination in South America for some time now.

Spain, Europe: Prostitution decriminalized in 1995... and ranked as one of the best destinations in the world now for sex tourism.

Indonesia, South East Asia: Probably now has the most efficient sex tourism system in the world.

Columbia, South America: Again in South America, Prostitutes there even lower their rates if the customer is handsome and kind. Columbia is enjoying a high level of sex trade now, with men visiting from all over the world.

Philippines: In spite of prostitution being technically illegal, most law enforcement looks the other way, and the sex trade is actually a well run business there. 40% - 60% of tourism there is for the sex trade, with most male customers being from Western countries and East Asian countries like Japan and Korean businessmen.

Kenya, Africa: Has a flourishing sex trade due to poverty... with prostitutes as young as 12 or even 10 years of age servicing men in order to help feed their families. There is also a very high incidence of AIDs in Kenya.

Netherlands, Europe: Legal... and relatively safe, due to cleanliness laws and health laws that regulate the sex industry. The Netherlands draws a lot of men...

Cambodia, south east Asia: Remains a popular sex tourist destination... also with child sex workers in a similar situation as child sex workers in Kenya, Africa.

Dominican Republic, Caribbean Sea: Although technically illegal, like in the Philippines,,, the sex trade seems to be in full swing... with hundreds of thousands of women.... maybe as many as 1,000,000 in the sex trade... and about 30,000 children and adolescents also working the sex industry selling themselves on the streets and in the bars.

Thailand will only hurt its economy...... it won't end sex tourism in the world at all.... The sex tourists will simply go someplace else...

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