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We are not intimated by these kind of people. We will be filming this afternoon is the rain stops. If anyone wants to assault us, we will film that too and take it straight to the Thai police. We have god on our side.


Public photography is not forbidden and is a basic freedom, even here in Thailand.

To the people miffed about the possibility of being photographed: What are you afraid of? What are you hiding?


OP as i already said mind your own business.

Seeing your comments it appears that you think you are better than Thais.

You are not, what the hell has the US embassy got to do with how Thais drive?

Nothing thats what, absolutely nothing.

Time to get stronger medication, before you mess up your health.

Wanting to interfere, butt out.

Thank you, but we will have to agree to disagree. I certainly do not thing I am better than Thai's, the wife is Thai.

I am concerned with the dangerous driving in Thailand. Do you know that Thailand has the second highest road toll in the world.

I will photo document all instances I see and report to the Royal Thai Police.

Also as an American we should be protected by our Government. I am raising the problems with road violations with the Consulate/embassy currently.

So are you suggesting that the American government should send police over to ensure the safety of all citizens, are you for real?

I suggest you keep your eyes open whilst out on the streets and learn that the whole world is not a safe place

I take it you are not American.

We have the right to be protected in other countries.

You have the right to remain silent. Please do so.


We are not intimated by these kind of people. We will be filming this afternoon is the rain stops. If anyone wants to assault us, we will film that too and take it straight to the Thai police. We have god on our side.

do people not run red lights in the rain or something?


We have god on our side.

God is on the side of a deluded dumb arrogant self entitled yank? No wonder the whole world is so messed up lol


As a litmus test, approach the RTP and request that an official is able to accompany you to provide validation for the purpose of this exercise.

Get an assurance from the RTP that motorists captured through your media infringing the laws will result in transparent law enforcement according to the Thai Statute, (you may end up being the finger pointer in local press if capturing a fatality collision).

Without any form of commitment from RTP, I feel your endeavour will result in sunstroke and further despair.


We have god on our side.

You might do better if you had the big fellow on your team, i.e., the one with the capital G.

God is on the side of a deluded dumb arrogant self entitled yank?

Hey, he's only masquerading as a Yank, based on using "amongst" vice among, and "behaviour" vice behavior.

Doofus, give the Yanks a break -- we have enough legitimate loonies over here already.


OP, do you have connections with the BIB? Last night at the intersection of Huay Kaew and Bunrueang Rit (right before KSK) just 1 km from where the OP will be filming, there was a huge police block (about 10-15 cops!) stopping every other motor bike (the worst traffic offenders in Thailand, imo). I think I saw tea money being exchanged right then and there, or, to be fair, "trying" to be exchanged.

Unless the BIB reads ThaiVisa and they were "pre-emptying" the OP, so to speak smile.png

I say good for them. Thailand would solve its fiscal problems if they got only 1/3 of the motor bike offenders.


Public photography is not forbidden and is a basic freedom, even here in Thailand.

To the people miffed about the possibility of being photographed: What are you afraid of? What are you hiding?

You really have to be another "doofus" not to see that the OP is just a wonderous troll...rolleyes.gif

Wakey wakey man.


and aother crazy mixed up yank arrives in chiang mai,must be a sanction this place for delusional americans.

I resent that remark, we're not all delusional....

Right some of us are just nuts.


OP, do you have connections with the BIB? Last night at the intersection of Huay Kaew and Bunrueang Rit (right before KSK) just 1 km from where the OP will be filming, there was a huge police block (about 10-15 cops!) stopping every other motor bike (the worst traffic offenders in Thailand, imo). I think I saw tea money being exchanged right then and there, or, to be fair, "trying" to be exchanged.

Unless the BIB reads ThaiVisa and they were "pre-emptying" the OP, so to speak smile.png

I say good for them. Thailand would solve its fiscal problems if they got only 1/3 of the motor bike offenders.

No we have no connection with them whatsoever, other than advising them that we would be taking photos at the intersection to put on social media.


Americans are bizarre...

They want Chiangmai to be policed like in their own country, where you get shot by police quicker than anywhere else in the world.

I much prefer to drive in Thailand than in all those "developed" countries...


OP, do you have connections with the BIB? Last night at the intersection of Huay Kaew and Bunrueang Rit (right before KSK) just 1 km from where the OP will be filming, there was a huge police block (about 10-15 cops!) stopping every other motor bike (the worst traffic offenders in Thailand, imo). I think I saw tea money being exchanged right then and there, or, to be fair, "trying" to be exchanged.

Unless the BIB reads ThaiVisa and they were "pre-emptying" the OP, so to speak smile.png

I say good for them. Thailand would solve its fiscal problems if they git only 1/3 of the motor bike offenders.

there on duty at that venue most nights of the week,Good laugh watchingthe antics of thais trying to evade the road block

Americans are bizarre...

They want Chiangmai to be policed like in their own country, where you get shot by police quicker than anywhere else in the world.

Absolutely true! That's exactly what every single one of us wants. (In your bizarre world).


We are not intimated by these kind of people. We will be filming this afternoon is the rain stops. If anyone wants to assault us, we will film that too and take it straight to the Thai police. We have god on our side.

You should have some images by now. This is social media too, where are they?


Americans are bizarre...

They want Chiangmai to be policed like in their own country, where you get shot by police quicker than anywhere else in the world.

I much prefer to drive in Thailand than in all those "developed" countries...

I fully agree with your last line.

It's not so much the fear of getting shot, but the exorbitant amount of the traffic fines.

In the US this has become a form of revenue enhancement for local governments that is like highway robbery.

I was glad to leave that behind me a long time ago.


OP don't be disheartened by some of the comments here. Go to the intersection of Thipanet and Mahidol and start filming away. And don't worry, the offenders will not shoot you, not if it's daylight. Maybe try to run you over but not shoot you.

While you're at it, can you also a start a petition for Thai people to stop treating any area starting from a radius of 2 feet outside their place of residence or work as the "great garbage-dump outdoors"? After all, scientific research found that Thailand has the highest number of rats per capita and that cannot be a coincidence.

To other readers, fill in your own "beef" in paragraph 2.

I sense this is sarcasm.

Well done Sheldon. Or is it you, Mr Spock?


Americans are bizarre...

They want Chiangmai to be policed like in their own country, where you get shot by police quicker than anywhere else in the world.

I much prefer to drive in Thailand than in all those "developed" countries...

I take some advantage of lax traffic enforcement (certainly more than I did in the US), especially on my bike (though I pick my spots and don't endanger others- I like to twist the throttle a bit on an empty road, i.e.), but, truth be told, I wouldn't mind seeing people who run red lights (which I never do, and which is incredibly dangerous to others) have a bit more interaction with police (police- not local loons;)).
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