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Trump ready to complete improbable rise at GOP convention


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Trump ready to complete improbable rise at GOP convention

CLEVELAND (AP) — A year ago, few imagined Donald Trump as a headline speaker at the Republican National Convention — let alone as its star.

Back then, maybe the billionaire New Yorker was alone in thinking he would arrive in Cleveland this week as the GOP's presumptive nominee for president. There are still some Republicans trying to stop him, but the party's four-day coronation of its unlikely White House hopeful will complete his rise from real estate mogul to potential leader of the free world.

"It was quite a journey," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said. "Not just what he was able to do in getting more votes than any Republican in the history of our party, but do it with 16 people running. It is a remarkable thing."

Indeed, the man who opened his campaign as a late night TV punchline will face the nation as the Republican Party standard-bearer, delivering what could be the most watched convention speech of all time.

Trump will do so in a time of tumult at home and abroad, punctuated Sunday by the fatal shooting of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Earlier this month the slaying of a black man in Baton Rouge by white officers led to protests nationwide and heightened concerns about the state of race relations in America. President Barack Obama, responding to the shooting Sunday, noted that the incidents had come just before political conventions that tend to involve "overheated" rhetoric, and he urged both parties to avoid "careless accusations" intended to score political points.

"Everyone right now, focus on words and actions that can unite this country, rather than divide us further," Obama said.

But Trump, insinuating that Obama held some responsibility, earlier blamed a "lack of leadership" for that shooting and added on Twitter, "We demand law and order." Democrat Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, echoed Obama's words in a statement urging Americans not to "turn our backs on each other."

In the days before the convention was set to open, Trump's choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate was overshadowed by a terror attack in France and attempted coup in Turkey.

Protests are widely expected outside the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, where the city's police chief, Calvin Williams, said Sunday that it seems everyone is coming to town to "exercise their First Amendment rights."

The circumstances only add to the attention placed on Trump and his politically incorrect and unscripted campaign, which has successfully tapped into a wave of populist anger that few others saw as the race for president began more than a year ago.

Trump has thrilled supporters with a willingness to hurl insults at Democrats and Republican alike, tearing them down them with pet nicknames: "Little Marco" and "Crooked Hillary" among them. Yet his lack of discipline and disorganized campaign has turned off many Republican leaders. His blunt tone and aggressive approach to immigration and terrorism has done the same with key segments of general election voters: women, blacks and Hispanics, especially.

According to any number of preference polls, Trump heads into the convention as one of the most unpopular major party nominees ever.

All of it makes the convention starting Monday must-see TV.

"He doesn't have natural filters," New York GOP Chairman Ed Cox said. "Let's see about the acceptance speech. That's probably going to be the most watched acceptance speech ever, because it's going to be dramatic. People don't know exactly what it's going to be."

An estimated 30 million people watched 2012 nominee Mitt Romney address the convention four years ago. After setting ratings records throughout the Republican primary season, Trump could very well shatter that number.

But what those tuning in will see between the chairman's opening gavel Monday afternoon and when roughly 125,000 balloons fall from the rafters at Quicken Loans Arena at the end of Trump's speech Thursday night remains, to a large degree, a mystery.

"We want America to understand who Donald Trump the man is, not just Donald Trump the candidate," Trump's campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, said Sunday on the convention floor.

It wasn't until the evening before before the convention was set to begin that GOP officials released a full list of speakers or said who will speak when. The party said the first night's theme would be "Make America Safe Again," followed by a focus on jobs on Tuesday. Monday's headliners include Trump's wife, Melania, and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, while Trump's children Tiffany and Donald Jr. will speak on Tuesday. Pence will speak on Wednesday.

Plenty of Republicans are skipping the show — including the GOP's two living ex-presidents and its last three nominees. While an official printed convention program features Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Rob Portman near the front, neither will speak or even appear inside the convention hall.

The only professional athlete on the program is pro golfer Natalie Gulbis, after college football star Tim Tebow called his attendance "a rumor." Ivanka Trump's rabbi, scheduled to deliver the opening prayer, also backed out.

The pre-convention show got off to a rocky start, as the addition of Pence to the ticket dragged out over a few days amid rumblings that Trump was having second thoughts. Trump called the Indiana governor "my first choice" when introducing him Saturday in New York, but spent most of his 28-minute speech talking about anything but his new running mate and spent only a few seconds with him on stage.

Trump and his allies do appear to have quashed a rebellion from the so-called "Never Trump" movement. Rebel delegates still vow to cause convention mischief, but Trump will get an immediate boost when the nomination roll call starts with Alabama. At the mic will be delegation chairman Jeff Sessions, the first U.S. senator to endorse Trump and one of his most full-throated supporters in Congress.

"This 'Never Trump' push, it's been an interesting story, but it's one of noise at this point, not of substance," Alabama GOP Chairwoman Terry Lathan said Sunday.

That moment may help Trump score what he needs most from the convention: a picture of a Republican Party united behind his candidacy. To do it, the RNC chairman suggests that for this week, the infamously freewheeling Trump would do well to follow the script.

"He does really well on the teleprompters," Priebus told The Associated Press. "It really is, I think, presidential."


Associated Press writers Bill Barrow in Atlanta and Josh Lederman in Cleveland contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-18

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I guess the question is, can a candidate win without the support of minorities, hispanics, gay, muslims, young, women, POWs, handicapped or the educated these days?

Are there enough low wage earning, undereducated, bigots, conspiracy nuts, white trash, rednecks, racists or bitter old retired guys to pull off a win for Trump?

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I guess the question is, can a candidate win without the support of minorities, hispanics, gay, muslims, young, women, POWs, handicapped or the educated these days?

Are there enough low wage earning, undereducated, bigots, conspiracy nuts, white trash, rednecks, racists or bitter old retired guys to pull off a win for Trump?

And, can a candidate win without the support of big and small business and banking, in spite of considering himself the biggest, smartest, richest and bestest businessman?

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I'm looking forward to the speech by Ted Cruz and others at the convention.

The republican nominee is the elephant in the room. LOL

They will carefully craft their speeches, targeting Hillary and probably won't be praising trump or even mentioning him at all.

Next election cycle, these politicians don't want to be on record backing trump.

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I guess the question is, can a candidate win without the support of minorities, hispanics, gay, muslims, young, women, POWs, handicapped or the educated these days?

Are there enough low wage earning, undereducated, bigots, conspiracy nuts, white trash, rednecks, racists or bitter old retired guys to pull off a win for Trump?

We are going to find out.whistling.gif

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Yup, this here example sure is Leadership, eh?

Hillary Clinton Reacts to Baton Rouge Attacks on Police Officers — Seven Hours Later


Poor tired old Grandma needed her focus group to gin up a plain vanilla response that satisfies no one but her fanboys...whistling.gif

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I guess the question is, can a candidate win without the support of minorities, hispanics, gay, muslims, young, women, POWs, handicapped or the educated these days?

Are there enough low wage earning, undereducated, bigots, conspiracy nuts, white trash, rednecks, racists or bitter old retired guys to pull off a win for Trump?

We can on;y pray he will prevail.

Vote the Donald!

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I'm looking forward to the speech by Ted Cruz and others at the convention.

The republican nominee is the elephant in the room. LOL

They will carefully craft their speeches, targeting Hillary and probably won't be praising trump or even mentioning him at all.

Next election cycle, these politicians don't want to be on record backing trump.

The articles are already coming in about Republican Senators "orbiting their own worlds" instead of the RNC so as to avoid association with Donald Trump. They will not oppose him, but will not visibly support him either. If Trump is elected, his cabinet will be filled with his family members, and one or two NFL quarterbacks, but none of the normal people we see in a government.

The convention avoiders include six of seven senators on the ballot in states where President Obama won twice. (The lone attendee, Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, has said he plans a “fast in, fast out” visit.)

Their survival strategy is to focus on home-state issues that in voters’ minds place them as far as possible from Mr. Trump.


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Donald trump does not want to BE President of the United States, he just wants to win the office. Once he has done that, Paul Ryan will take over the government. Trump is not the fool people think he is. In spite of what people think he is doing now, he is being low key. No one will see the real Donald Trump until after the Democratic Convention. Then watch as all those so-called pundits hurdle themselves from skyscrapers in disgrace. Since his first speech concerning Latinos, they have been prophesying the early demise of his candidacy. Many still are because they refuse to believe that vox populi is alive and well and can change the destiny of a country where the people can still vote.

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Donald Trump never reads anything except magazines with his picture on the front, and never has, he admits. Who woulda ever guessed????

NEW YORK — As he has prepared to be named the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump has not read any biographies of presidents. He said he would like to someday.

He has no time to read, he said: “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”

Trump’s desk is piled high with magazines, nearly all of them with himself on their covers, and each morning, he reviews a pile of printouts of news articles about himself that his secretary delivers to his desk. But there are no shelves of books in his office, no computer on his desk


May I present to you, the Esteemed next Republican nominee for President. cheesy.gif

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I guess the question is, can a candidate win without the support of minorities, hispanics, gay, muslims, young, women, POWs, handicapped or the educated these days?

Are there enough low wage earning, undereducated, bigots, conspiracy nuts, white trash, rednecks, racists or bitter old retired guys to pull off a win for Trump?

Well, not every redneck supports Trump. The "Liberal Redneck" speaks his mind:

Check him out in other places. He's a standup comic who is from eastern Tennessee. He says grew up being a "super redneck" and that it “should be the natural inclination of most really poor people to be liberal – otherwise, you’re going against your self interests." Here's the entire article:


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I heard that after he wins. He will clone himself and send one of the clones to every country in the world. He will make every single person watch the Apprentice, learn to play golf; and change their hair style to match his. Even the women.

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I'm looking forward to the speech by Ted Cruz and others at the convention.

The republican nominee is the elephant in the room. LOL

They will carefully craft their speeches, targeting Hillary and probably won't be praising trump or even mentioning him at all.

Next election cycle, these politicians don't want to be on record backing trump.

"Next election cycle, these politicians don't want to be on record backing trump. "

It must be tough being a Republican candidate for any office. No one wants to even admit Bush ever existed and they're afraid to either approve of or to offend Trump.

It's hard to tell who to feel more sorry for, the old dears like McCain or the entire Bush family who suffered severe loss of face from the mouth of Trump or all the "principled" GOP who bad-mouthed Trump when it was assumed he was a loser, but have suddenly decided to back him "for the unity of the party." The GOP convention will probably be hilarious. I hope no one is hospitalized.

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At least because Trump verbally assaulted the Bushes they now have a fabricated excuse for not attending the convention ... a face saving snit.

It would have been awkward if that hadn't happened and still no one wanted W to speak or even be seen at the convention. Sort of like the black sheep of the family being kept out of sight in the attic.

He'll probably receive more mentions at the DNC.

Edited by Suradit69
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^That one is nowhere near as funny as the things that have been going on with this new Trump/Pence Logo, the butt of a thousand jokes on Twitter and the internet.

"What is that T doing to the P?" laugh.png

Pence: What about our logo?
Trump: I'm thinking me standing tall while you give me a big hug right at crotch level

Look I'm just saying that if one was to think of the Trump-Pence relationship a certain way, the logo would make clear who is the top.





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^That one is nowhere near as funny as the things that have been going on with this new Trump/Pence Logo, the butt of a thousand jokes on Twitter and the internet.

"What is that T doing to the P?" laugh.png

Pence: What about our logo?

Trump: I'm thinking me standing tall while you give me a big hug right at crotch level

Look I'm just saying that if one was to think of the Trump-Pence relationship a certain way, the logo would make clear who is the top.





I find it interesting that Trump had to find someone that he didn't even know to run as VP.

I thought he had all these great people available?

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What's 'improbable' about his rise?

Look around - see any leadership anywhere? facepalm.gif

Definitely don't see any leadership AT ALL when I look at Trump.

Just a con man with a big mouth and an even bigger ego.

This is comedy gold: Imagining Donald Trump's Cabinet

And don't let that word "imagining" fool you into thinking this is some sort of satire. This clip is full of nothing but Donald's own words.

Interviewer: Who are you consulting with consistently, so that you're ready on day one?

Trump: I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things [...] I'm like a really smart person!

It's getting to the point where we can't even do satire about him because the things he says are already hysterically beyond belief.

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What's 'improbable' about his rise?

Look around - see any leadership anywhere? facepalm.gif


"Around midnight last night, and so this morning, Donald Trump was on the phone with senior advisors trying to see if he could get out of this," Bash told Wolf Blitzer.

"And if it is possible to not actually pick Mike Pence, and this is after he offered the job to Mike Pence, and they flew him to New York, and they had him sitting in a hotel room, and in Manhattan thinking that he is going to be the vice presidential pick.



...Trump told CBS, "I don't care," when asked about Pence's support for the war.

When pressed by Stahl on the issue, Trump added, "It's a long time ago. And he voted that way and they were also misled," apparently alluding to bad intelligence employed by the U.S. government to push for an attack on Iraq.

Stahl said, "Yeah, but you've used that vote of Hillary's that was the same as Governor Pence as the example of her bad judgment."

Trump responded that, while Pence was "entitled to make a mistake every once in a while," Clinton was not.


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What's 'improbable' about his rise?

Look around - see any leadership anywhere? facepalm.gif


"Around midnight last night, and so this morning, Donald Trump was on the phone with senior advisors trying to see if he could get out of this," Bash told Wolf Blitzer.

"And if it is possible to not actually pick Mike Pence, and this is after he offered the job to Mike Pence, and they flew him to New York, and they had him sitting in a hotel room, and in Manhattan thinking that he is going to be the vice presidential pick.



...Trump told CBS, "I don't care," when asked about Pence's support for the war.

When pressed by Stahl on the issue, Trump added, "It's a long time ago. And he voted that way and they were also misled," apparently alluding to bad intelligence employed by the U.S. government to push for an attack on Iraq.

Stahl said, "Yeah, but you've used that vote of Hillary's that was the same as Governor Pence as the example of her bad judgment."

Trump responded that, while Pence was "entitled to make a mistake every once in a while," Clinton was not.


Trump will just say anything. A New York shyster.

The other day, Trump was moaning, acting incredulous that unflattering things were said about his wife.

"They should leave the family members out of it " he says. LOL

Of course he says Ted Cruz's dad was in on the Kennedy assignation, and insulted his wife. He calls Bill Clinton a child rapist. He even attacked Chelse Clintons husband.

Trump is a piece of garbage.

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Circus in all it's glory! It will be entertaining watching the squirming republicans desperately trying to find something good to say about the Trumper. Lots of carefully worded statements trying to both support the party and distance themselves from Trump

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Donald trump does not want to BE President of the United States, he just wants to win the office. Once he has done that, Paul Ryan will take over the government. Trump is not the fool people think he is. In spite of what people think he is doing now, he is being low key. No one will see the real Donald Trump until after the Democratic Convention. Then watch as all those so-called pundits hurdle themselves from skyscrapers in disgrace. Since his first speech concerning Latinos, they have been prophesying the early demise of his candidacy. Many still are because they refuse to believe that vox populi is alive and well and can change the destiny of a country where the people can still vote.

Interesting. Paul Ryan and trump disagree on key policies. I agree trump doesn't actually want the job or to live in the dumpy old white house. But yes he wants to WIN. Sometime about small hands.

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It is terrific entertainment. Deeply depressing that Cheeto Jesus has got this far, but terric entertainment.

I'm excited about the Republican Convention. Open Carry! Open Carry! Open Carry" Is there an emoji with a smoking gun?

Closest thing to it, I guess hit-the-fan.gif

The Republican party traded the higher principles of our better angels for the belief in party identity politics. That doesn't bother some people. It should, because of how he did it. How easy it was. That's is the scary part.

Conservative writer Ben Domenech, "The Republican Party is going to Cleveland to die." clap2.gif

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