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Bar owner gets extorted by cop, calls police chief to intervene


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"The hilarious story straight out of an episode of Keystone Kops started on Friday night..."

Hilarious? Get a brain fer christ's sake. It is not frickin' hilarious if you are on the extortion end of this typical jive shakedown.

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It's time for the Army to sort out all the police in Thailand, major cause of crime itself. When I see the Police, I see mostly corruption dressed in brown.

I'm sorry but you can't say all police are corrupt. I'm tired of listening to the whining from TV members about the BIB and tea money. There are good and bad cops, end of story.

But if they turn a blind eye or ignore the activities of their colleges involved in various forms of corruption, they can hardly be considered as upholding the law.

Ignoring crime or failing to take action doesnt make them good cops.

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Great move....although for Paranisa to call Chakthip personally, she must have either been reasonably close to him, or had good connections.....but whatever, a great start, hopefully, people may see this example and start to stand up to the extortionist cops!!

Several years age in an expats bar in Pattaya one of the local bibs in uniform along with two others out of uniform tried to extort some money from an English owner when I was there.He refused to give them anything so the BIB said that how would the owner like it if the the bib came every day and see how much business would come there.So my friend took out his camera and started taking pictures and had his barmaid record what was happening.TheEven if you do not have a cct tv up ,fake it and see them scatter. owner told them if they came back he was going to put their photos on every media he could find. The bib left and never came back.

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"The hilarious story straight out of an episode of Keystone Kops started on Friday night when a plain clothes officer walked into the Nang Fa (Angel) karaoke shop on Pattaya 3 road."

Not a hilarious story at all but a deeply disturbing one.

  • Pattaya Police presumably do this routinely - it was only because of the "connection" that this group were stopped.
  • Why would a Pattaya bar owner have a strong "connection" with the Chief of police? are they related by blood or marriage, were they at school together, are their families friends, or is it some kind of "business arrangement"?
  • The people who are supposed to be at the forefront of anti human-trafficking operations regard the whole idea as a joke and an opportunity to extort money. Who is protecting the trafficked people then?
  • They entered the premises without a warrant and made arrests without a warrant - no-one was able to challenge them
  • Only CCTV prevented physical abuse by the policemen

It speaks volumes about law enforcement and the legal system in this country but no-one who matters is listening!

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It's time for the Army to sort out all the police in Thailand, major cause of crime itself. When I see the Police, I see mostly corruption dressed in brown.

I take it that you already know of the relative recent history of competition between the Thai Army and Thai Police, and who the heads, and ex training buddies, of the respective forces are/were ? If so, then you must also know why it is the police, not army, that get caned and named today. A reversal of days, and leaders, gone by. Facts far outweigh fiction.

Edited by mankondang
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It's time for the Army to sort out all the police in Thailand, major cause of crime itself. When I see the Police, I see mostly corruption dressed in brown.

I'm sorry but you can't say all police are corrupt. I'm tired of listening to the whining from TV members about the BIB and tea money. There are good and bad cops, end of story.

Spot on! But the bad ones get the most press so it looks like they are in the majority..

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What happened to the Prayut war on corruption, sorry it was only talk.

Didn't you read the report? It worked in this case so it was a little more than talk.

All we read was that the commander promised a full inquiry. It's possible they were all in on it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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What I'd give for a cute little photo montage of these particular miscreants in previous photos with their fingers pointing at various bad guys and then one of them, in all their official brown-clad glory, with fingers pointed at THEM.

Yeah, I know. 'Never gonna' happen.

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The Inactive Post station has some new people coming.

In fact there is an entire town going by that name, just beside the "Driver ran from the scene of the accident" town....

Isn't that where the "Do you know who my father is?" moo ban is located?

Edited by Just1Voice
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Ha haclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif i gotta say,this is the best and funniest story i have heard in a long time.These arrogant,self assured cops taking the piss because they dont believe who is on the end of the phone.You couldnt write a movie better than this.If it was a movie,i would have Jason Statham as the bar owner and Ralph Feinnes as the top cop.And i could probably find a place for Ray Winstone and jack Nicholson in there somewhere.This has really made my day.Lets have a few more f##k ups like this.

I love it.

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Great move....although for Paranisa to call Chakthip personally, she must have either been reasonably close to him, or had good connections.....but whatever, a great start, hopefully, people may see this example and start to stand up to the extortionist cops!!

Great courage from that lady, but the picture showing from the bar street is NOT Pattaya but think

Soi Cowboy

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Hope she has got some serious protection.

Police inspector will have friends that he can call on.

i doubt that . thugs can smell a foolish ex cop walking .......

Edited by mikiea
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I think this anti bribe anti corruption talk specialy in pattaya is a absolute BS also the crack down on massage shops etc etc

I knew a businesswomen. from bkk who went to the pattaya and she opened a restautsmt there some y. ago a restaurant not a brothel or bar a simple but nice and pretty big place to eat that started out very well BUT suddenly the cops of that area come in and wanted cash but she refused to pay up soon later she told me some guys appeared in her premisse to stir up fights with customers demolished furniture even had dome shootings going on etc etc so this went on for some time till nobody wanted to eat there anymore and she had to close this her once very well going eating place this happened a few yesrs ago and nobody was there to help her or to protect her she knew very well that the cops was behind all this activitys now she keeps a low profile and runs a travel agency there to come back I think a lot of BS gets puplished around just to make people think pattaya is a good place but in real lots of places in th are Mafia area .and if you dont give up and take up the challenge u can be shot very fast

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It is a great story. One can only hope there will be a trial, and the cops will be convicted, and sentenced to prison, where they will be treated very kindly by the other inmates. Cop convictions are extremely rare here. Judges just do not have the courage, nor the moral conviction, and it appears that the government discourages the pursuit of these fools.

I'd wager a guess they dont get pursued because the government is happy to keep paying them pittance..

hence they turn a blind eye to the polices 'extra income ' activities.

Exactly the point I have been trying to make for years now. In exchange for NOT investing a trillion baht or more annually, in equipment, forensics, overseas training (required for expert forensics, detective work, CSI, etc.) trucks, cars, proper motorbikes, weapons, ammunition, and proper salaries, they choose to turn a blind eye, allow utter and complete incompetency to be the law (or lack thereof) of the land, and tolerate a complete and utter lack of public safety, traffic safety, and law and order. That is quite a compromise. And it has been made by one administration after another, especially by the little man who is a law and order politician only in his imagination, and his dreams. And the same seems to apply to the entire judicial system, which is weak by any standards.

Very valid points for sure. But what to do but observe?

I for one can say, i have little or no need for their services

dont drive, dont get involved in business, dont frequent "den of thieves" places,

Dont have wife or kids (that might eventually be impacted by policing), dont get into drunken arguments,

Dont live in a cheap run-down appartment alongside dherros

Actually, I wouldnt even have known how good or bad the Thai police are, if i didnt read these forums.

And granted, TV forums are probably a long way from providing a balanced viewpoint!!

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It's time for the Army to sort out all the police in Thailand, major cause of crime itself. When I see the Police, I see mostly corruption dressed in brown.

I'm sorry but you can't say all police are corrupt. I'm tired of listening to the whining from TV members about the BIB and tea money. There are good and bad cops, end of story.

Alert! Alert! A Newb is tired of the whining!laugh.png

i thought the same but when he said 'end of story' i felt the power and nearly stopped reading..555.....he is tired of listening, i usually read the posts, not listen. so welcome to the forum, where you can end a story with a whining post. sorry i mean cannot end ...

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Great move....although for Paranisa to call Chakthip personally, she must have either been reasonably close to him, or had good connections.....but whatever, a great start, hopefully, people may see this example and start to stand up to the extortionist cops!!

The moral of the story is - you need to be connected! Otherwise nothing happens. coffee1.gif

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