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Thai press drop "Lady Kai" tag - now referring to her as plain old Mrs. Chicken

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Thai press drop "Lady Kai" tag - now referring to her as plain old Mrs. Chicken

Image: Thairath

BANGKOK: -- Reports online from national news group Thai Rath have now stopped referring to the alleged con artist at the center of a sensational case as "Ying Kai". As if to mark her fall from grace she is now being referred to as just Nang Kai - Mrs. Chicken.

The new moniker was the only noteworthy change in the case as police continue to gather evidence against the woman who is languishing in jail in Bangkok on charges of lese majeste and making false and malicious charges against her former employees, reported Thaitarath.

Last week she was ordered held until the end of the month.

In the last few days police in the north east have been looking into the background of the former husband of an Udon heiress who died under mysterious circumstances in 2003 with Nang Kai being on the death certificate.

The house of Piti Tangwiriyakun has been searched. He is the husband of Chaweewan Tangwiriyakun who died from liver cancer in 2003 and was hurriedly cremated.

Land owned by Chaweewan came into the hands of Piti but CSD police are still trying to get to the bottom of how Nang Kai was involved and if she benefitted.

Charn Wimonsri of the Crime Suppression Division said that land department officials have been interviewed but that more details are yet to emerge including who the land and house built upon it were transferred to.

The search of Piti's three storey townhouse uncovered a marriage certificate and an account book with numbers suggesting it related to the land deal. He has said that he got no money from the deal whatsoever and received nothing from Nang Kai.

Charn of the CSD also said that a former husband of Nang Kai - real name Monta Yokratanakan, 56 - had been interviewed regarding her reported file for bankruptcy in 2003.Chitchai Saeng-arun is a senior officer connected to the Kamphaengphet police.

Charn said that more will be known about this matter in the next one or two days.

Matters relating to Nang Kai were blown open when a 19 year old female student called Koy claimed that she and her parents had suffered at her hands being charge falsely with theft of 10 million baht in cash and gold.

Many others have since come forward and allegations of human trafficking involving neighboring countries and Hong Kong refuse to go away.

Nang Kai could face 15 years on the lese majeste charge alone after many people have claimed that she pretended to be a princess often arriving in the north east with police escorts and entourages including bodyguards.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-07-19

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A-ha! So there we have it, ladies and gentlemen: definitive proof. The egg DID come before the chicken. Consider the matter settled.

And did you notice? MRS Chicken. Which just goes to show that her husband really WAS being hen-pecked all those years, poor bugger.


as I have said before, her crimes against people are irrelevant, it is the lesse majeste that has pissed off the the powers that be.

she has to be distanced from the aristocracy before they drag her further through the mud.

She is being made an example of.

plain and simples.


Took a lot of pluck to call herself lady chicken in the first place but now she's crying foul and looks like ending up with egg all over her face.

Why did lady chicken cross the road?

She wanted to see Gregory Peck!

Ok finished. I will keep my beak out of it.


What about the defamation of the girls she has accused? Are they to be generously compensated for the accusations she has made against them?


Let's keep the discussion on-topic please.

If you wish to discuss the finer points of Thai language and pronunciation, we have a separate forum for that.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

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Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Wonder which foxes are guarding the henhouse she now finds herself in..... Want to ensure we don't hear a peep, let alone a squak. Check to see how various nests have been feathered.... sure it's not chickenfeed!


Removed off-topic posts and replies to them. As Jai Dee said, the Thai Language Forum is the place to learn about and discuss pronouciaiton guides and systems for the transliteration, transcription and romanisation of the Thai language.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



And all this this time I thought her name was Mrs. Egg. Well, either way, Mrs. Chicken now has egg on her face (hen-ce the blurred photo) as the state prepares to broil her for trying to hatch so many devious plots against unsuspecting spring chickens. rolleyes.gif


With the shedding of the cloak of respectability this old chook is now ripe for the plucking.

May the feathers fly, she won't!


What about the defamation of the girls she has accused? Are they to be generously compensated for the accusations she has made against them?

You don't understand Thailand.Example,lady kai says you are a thief,then in Thai law you you are a thief because you are lowso and she is hiso,if you say she is a liar,then it is defamation,because you are lowso and she is hiso.If you can proof lady kai is a liar,then she will go to temple 1week and then she is not liar anymore,because she is hiso,even you had proof she is a liar,you will sit in monkey house for defamation and made her loose face,because you are lowso and she is hiso.What do we learn from that??We learn Thailand is a nice country as long you don't talk to much

Let's get on thing clear: this topic is not about whether the Thai nickname used by Mrs Monta Yokratanakan translates as chicken or egg.

This topic is about the decision of the Thai press to stop using the Thai prefix that was romanised as Ying and translated as lady to the Thai prefix that in the news article is romanised as Nang and translated as Mrs.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



What about the defamation of the girls she has accused? Are they to be generously compensated for the accusations she has made against them?

You don't understand Thailand.Example,lady kai says you are a thief,then in Thai law you you are a thief because you are lowso and she is hiso,if you say she is a liar,then it is defamation,because you are lowso and she is hiso.If you can proof lady kai is a liar,then she will go to temple 1week and then she is not liar anymore,because she is hiso,even you had proof she is a liar,you will sit in monkey house for defamation and made her loose face,because you are lowso and she is hiso.What do we learn from that??We learn Thailand is a nice country as long you don't talk to much

Thank you for your enlightening point of view but I have been here long enough to know Thailand pretty well. From what has been said she is a self made HiSo which even in Thailand doesnt count for anything


What about the defamation of the girls she has accused? Are they to be generously compensated for the accusations she has made against them?

You don't understand Thailand.Example,lady kai says you are a thief,then in Thai law you you are a thief because you are lowso and she is hiso,if you say she is a liar,then it is defamation,because you are lowso and she is hiso.If you can proof lady kai is a liar,then she will go to temple 1week and then she is not liar anymore,because she is hiso,even you had proof she is a liar,you will sit in monkey house for defamation and made her loose face,because you are lowso and she is hiso.What do we learn from that??We learn Thailand is a nice country as long you don't talk to much

Thank you for your enlightening point of view but I have been here long enough to know Thailand pretty well. From what has been said she is a self made HiSo which even in Thailand doesnt count for anythingq

Tell that to the people she had put in prison


What about the defamation of the girls she has accused? Are they to be generously compensated for the accusations she has made against them?

Lo-so don't matter just like causing all the pain to her and her family. The only thing good coming out of this is chicken woman has been knocked off her high perch. I feel sorry that girl lost her university spot.


What about the defamation of the girls she has accused? Are they to be generously compensated for the accusations she has made against them?

You don't understand Thailand.Example,lady kai says you are a thief,then in Thai law you you are a thief because you are lowso and she is hiso,if you say she is a liar,then it is defamation,because you are lowso and she is hiso.If you can proof lady kai is a liar,then she will go to temple 1week and then she is not liar anymore,because she is hiso,even you had proof she is a liar,you will sit in monkey house for defamation and made her loose face,because you are lowso and she is hiso.What do we learn from that??We learn Thailand is a nice country as long you don't talk to much

Thank you for your enlightening point of view but I have been here long enough to know Thailand pretty well. From what has been said she is a self made HiSo which even in Thailand doesnt count for anything

No, you are wrong, it accounts for the worst of her crimes.


Okay. So what about the red bull heir who's still living it up in Singapore?

He really was hi-so, though not aristocracy.


she was 'one short of a dozen' to have expected to get away with it, forever.

but, we could go on - cracking yolks about her forever...


she has to be distanced from the aristocracy before they drag her further through the mud.

I doubt most Thai people ever saw her as part of the aristocracy.


Okay. So what about the red bull heir who's still living it up in Singapore?

He really was hi-so, though not aristocracy.

He's a prick. That's what he is.


she has to be distanced from the aristocracy before they drag her further through the mud.

I doubt most Thai people ever saw her as part of the aristocracy.
She travelled with a escort and used the title princess, have you been following her escapades?

To quote the daily news

In mid 2001 Chaweewans first husband Piti Tangwiriyakun turned up after hearing that her sister was sick. At this time a woman came on the scene who said that she was a princess and was Pitis step-daughter. She was called Princess Kai by people. She said that her husband was a policeman.

She always had a police escort and servants and body guards attending to her. Everyone believed she was really a princess. She seemed very important and influential.


If she really were a real khunying, she would be flying high, protected by the veil of the law.

Her offences against common people would be well beyond the law's toothless jaws.

Such is justice in this country.

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