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Muslims mourn their dead after Bastille Day truck attack in Nice


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Muslims mourn their dead after Bastille Day truck attack in Nice


"A four-year-old boy has died...It is his first time in a mosque and he entered in a coffin"

NICE: -- All 84 people killed in the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice have now been identified.

Around 30 of them were Muslim including Franco-Tunisian Olfa Khalfallah and her four-year old son Kylan. Before their burial in Tunisia, they and a third victim were mourned at a mosque in Nice.

Among those present at Tuesday’s memorial service was Kylan’s grief-stricken father, Tamar Mejri.

“I only found my wife, on the ground, not moving, not talking, not doing anything: she was sleeping. I stayed with her all night until ten o’clock in the morning,” he said.

“And like a lunatic, I looked for my son from one hospital to another. I asked everywhere, I telephoned everywhere, even to Paris, even to Marseille and there was no sign of my son. There was a woman who had seen the firefighter who carried him away. I asked her: ‘For Pity’s sake, tell me if my son is alive or not? I want to know. Tell me!’ Now I am happy. I know where my son is. He is with God.”

Imam, Abdelkader Sadouni, was also visibly moved.

“A four-year-old boy has died,” he wept.

“A four year old boy…It is his first time in a mosque and he entered in a coffin. So, please, stop. Stop it all. Everyone is grieving. Everyone is suffering. Let’s stop the speech that spreads hatred. Lets stop speech that stirs up trouble.”

As the Promenade des Anglais reopened fully for the first time since Thursday’s bloodshed, claimed by ISIL, the French parliament began moves to extend the country’s state of emergency, which gives police greater search and arrest powers, for up to six months.

French authorities remain vigilant.

A driver on a watchlist of people suspected of posing a security risk has just been taken into custody near Paris. Authorities say that sticks of dynamite, cables and detonators were found at his home as well as a picture of the ISIL flag on his mobile phone.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-20

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It's the hate speech that caused all these deaths. Nothing to do with islam at all.

I wonder if the hate speech stopped, would anyone believe that the murders would. Hmm.

"Nothing to do with Islam at all" "hate speech"? ....??? How does hate speech cause deaths? I watch youtube, I hear "hate speech" constantly and I am still alive. I think the cause is "hate beliefs" that are found in a HATE BOOK. ... you figure it out.

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It's the hate speech that caused all these deaths. Nothing to do with islam at all.

I wonder if the hate speech stopped, would anyone believe that the murders would. Hmm.

"Nothing to do with Islam at all" "hate speech"? ....??? How does hate speech cause deaths? I watch youtube, I hear "hate speech" constantly and I am still alive. I think the cause is "hate beliefs" that are found in a HATE BOOK. ... you figure it out.

Whoa. I know what goes on. I was alluding to the muslim blaming hate speech for the death of his son. Easy to see it was another muslim, but they quick to bkame what someone said, rather than the murderer.

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To the people not sympathetic to the Muslims killed here, if you want to understand the mindset of Islamic terrorists you just have to look at yourselves. Islamic fundamentalists condone the murder of innocent people because they're angry about the actions of completely different people. When you celebrate the deaths of Muslims because of the actions of the terrorists you are doing the same thing. The primary victims of Islamic terrorism world wide are other Muslims, and most of the people out fighting against groups like IS in actual battle rather than talking shit on the internet are Muslim too.

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Kinda stings don't it?

What do you or anyone of us Westerners know about such stings? Don't you know that the vast majority of people killed by muslim extremists are themselves muslims living in muslim countries? They know how that hurts far more than Westerners.

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If you can't tell the difference between these 2 statements, you probably should go back to school, or at least stay out of politics:

Most terror attacks nowadays are perpetrated by Muslims.

Most Muslims nowadays perpetrate terrorist attacks.

Fill a stadium full of random Muslims, and you may find 5 or 10 terrorists. Fill that same stadium full of random Jews or Christians or Hindus or atheists and you'll probably find just about as many murderers.

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No Religion, far less violence in the world.

Appart from the fact that the secular wars and pograms of the last century killed more people than all the wars in human history combined, religeon exist so how are you going to get rid of it - gas chambers?!

Or are we going to accept religion exists and desl with it?

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You reap what you sow

The little boy did not sow anything.

His father did not sow anything.

His mother did not sow anything.

Think before making cracks like that,

I did

We are all entitled to our opinion whether you agree or not

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

Edited by Caps
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You reap what you sow

The little boy did not sow anything.

His father did not sow anything.

His mother did not sow anything.

Think before making cracks like that,

I did

We are all entitled to our opinion whether you agree or not

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

That's correct. Even if, as in your case, it doesn't make any sense and is just downright nasty.

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No massacre of presumed infidels on a day of national significance would be complete without the obligatory 'Muslims fear backlash' type of story. There are many nationalities and members of other or no religious identity also mourning.

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No massacre of presumed infidels on a day of national significance would be complete without the obligatory 'Muslims fear backlash' type of story. There are many nationalities and members of other or no religious identity also mourning.

It might be possible to not have these 'Muslims fear backlash type stories' if the Islamophobes didn't exploit these massacres to rant against all Muslims.

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No Religion, far less violence in the world.

Appart from the fact that the secular wars and pograms of the last century killed more people than all the wars in human history combined, religeon exist so how are you going to get rid of it - gas chambers?!

Or are we going to accept religion exists and desl with it?

Liberalism is the death of religion. Education is the death of religion. Consumerism is the death of religion.

How many people turn up to church in the UK these days? Why is the Catholic priesthood and nunneries so starved of adherents? Why is atheism the 2nd largest 'religion' in the US? - and you can be sure that not everyone owns up to atheism or even deism.

We should foster the ongoing decline of religion through a variety of means. More liberalism. More education. More satisfying spiritualism. Let it fade away and not give zealots any excuse to commit atrocities in its name.

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The world would be a much better place without religion of any kind.

If god did not exist, we would have to invent her.

Oh wait...

Much of humanity is too insane to cope with life without their fantasies.

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The world would be a much better place without religion of any kind.

Not necessarily. Religion keeps much of mankind's baser instincts somewhat in check. It causes a lot of problems, but, IMO, the world would be even more screwed up without it.

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I don't see a contraction here. He was a mentally disturbed man inspired to act out a Jihadist terrorist attack in a western nation upon a large crowd of random people on a major national holiday. Of course there were Muslims in the crowd, as it was in France, and he certainly knew that too. Since when do Jihadists avoid Muslims as terror victims?

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