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Plagiarism charges mar Melania Trump's moment


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I would have thought he could have afforded a mail order bride with a bit more intelligence...

Give credit where credit's due, she probably gives a pretty good blow job ......I'm referring to her blow-drying his pretty hair, of course.

Edited by boomerangutang
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This all nonsense,

It was her moment to talk about her husband. After all no one knows him better than her. (if you don't count all the other ex-s)

Yet she did not tell as what she thought of her husband, she told us what Michelle Obama thought of her husband. Even if her speech was not plagiarized it would still had being insincere since it was not her thoughts but the thought of a writer..

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This all nonsense,

It was her moment to talk about her husband. After all no one knows him better than her. (if you don't count all the other ex-s)

Yet she did not tell as what she thought of her husband, she told us what Michelle Obama thought of her husband. Even if her speech was not plagiarized it would still had being insincere since it was not her thoughts but the thought of a writer..

"After all no one knows him better than her."

Except maybe the guy who ghost-wrote his best-selling book, and who was also with The Divider nearly every day for hours, often listening in (with permission) to Donald's many phone calls. The writer's name is Schwartz, and his insights on Donald should be heard by everyone who's going to vote for prez in November. . . . . .

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She does come off as fake, almost robot-like. I'm sure in real life in her role as mother of the appropriately named Baron she's fine. Not modern first lady material.

It is ironic that she's the wife of a candidate running on a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant agenda. Of course, she's white and trophy wife worthy, so no problema.

The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

Wonder who is spinning. She did use a copy of mrs. Obamas speech and said in an interwiev that she wrote it her self. Som nam na.
You are crediting words to me that zi did not speak in order to build your strawman agsin.

Melania did copy michlle's speech--that was admitted some days ago.

Michelle also copied those thoughts.

They are a part of our Cultursl Value System along with seversl other cultures.

Get a grip, this is a non-issue with zero importance except to the extremely emotional Liberal.

My Libersl friends have lost any sense of proportion--a common byporduct of being motivated by emotions rather than intellect.

Edited by ClutchClark
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The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

It's not the thoughts nor the concepts which are the issue. The issue is how she put the words/phrases/sentences together. Looked at in that way, it was plagiarism.

I've been a songwriter and more recently, a book writer (haven't made much $$'s from either). I have no problem if someone takes some phrases from my songs or books. The issue is; I would hope they would credit me (the author) when doing so. It only becomes a legal issue if there's money involved and/or long passages in the mix. With Melania's speech, it's not a legal issue. Instead it's loss of face for her, for Trump and their campaign. All Melania had to do was devote a few words to mention Michelle's contribution. If she forgot to do so during the speech, she could have easily done so afterwards, as soon as the copying became clear. Easy peazy. Melania could have smiled her winning smile, and simply said something like, "I'm sorry, I forgot to credit Michelle with writing parts of the speech I gave." Simple, and all is forgiven. But, because Melania is part of the Trump machine; lying, deception and non-courtesy are what's on the menu every day. It's the main course.

Lying, deception and non-courtesy?

Oh, I see.

Does it make any difference to you that Clinton does the same thing?

Its amazing how colorblind your little group of posters is. As soon as the offense is painted blue then you can't see it anymore.

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The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

It's not the thoughts nor the concepts which are the issue. The issue is how she put the words/phrases/sentences together. Looked at in that way, it was plagiarism.

I've been a songwriter and more recently, a book writer (haven't made much $$'s from either). I have no problem if someone takes some phrases from my songs or books. The issue is; I would hope they would credit me (the author) when doing so. It only becomes a legal issue if there's money involved and/or long passages in the mix. With Melania's speech, it's not a legal issue. Instead it's loss of face for her, for Trump and their campaign. All Melania had to do was devote a few words to mention Michelle's contribution. If she forgot to do so during the speech, she could have easily done so afterwards, as soon as the copying became clear. Easy peazy. Melania could have smiled her winning smile, and simply said something like, "I'm sorry, I forgot to credit Michelle with writing parts of the speech I gave." Simple, and all is forgiven. But, because Melania is part of the Trump machine; lying, deception and non-courtesy are what's on the menu every day. It's the main course.

Lying, deception and non-courtesy?

Oh, I see.

Does it make any difference to you that Clinton does the same thing?

Its amazing how colorblind your little group of posters is. As soon as the offense is painted blue then you can't see it anymore.

Reminds me of 2nd grade; when a kid got called a name, he/she would come right back with "I know you are, but what am I?"

But we're no longer in the 2nd grade any more, are we?

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The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.

It's not the thoughts nor the concepts which are the issue. The issue is how she put the words/phrases/sentences together. Looked at in that way, it was plagiarism.

I've been a songwriter and more recently, a book writer (haven't made much $$'s from either). I have no problem if someone takes some phrases from my songs or books. The issue is; I would hope they would credit me (the author) when doing so. It only becomes a legal issue if there's money involved and/or long passages in the mix. With Melania's speech, it's not a legal issue. Instead it's loss of face for her, for Trump and their campaign. All Melania had to do was devote a few words to mention Michelle's contribution. If she forgot to do so during the speech, she could have easily done so afterwards, as soon as the copying became clear. Easy peazy. Melania could have smiled her winning smile, and simply said something like, "I'm sorry, I forgot to credit Michelle with writing parts of the speech I gave." Simple, and all is forgiven. But, because Melania is part of the Trump machine; lying, deception and non-courtesy are what's on the menu every day. It's the main course.

Lying, deception and non-courtesy?

Oh, I see.

Does it make any difference to you that Clinton does the same thing?

Its amazing how colorblind your little group of posters is. As soon as the offense is painted blue then you can't see it anymore.

Reminds me of 2nd grade; when a kid got called a name, he/she would come right back with "I know you are, but what am I?"

But we're no longer in the 2nd grade any more, are we?

If that is what it sounds like to you then that is the result of my not correctly expressing what i am trying to say.

If only all of us here on TVF had the skills with words that Donald has...his words are the best.

What I am trying to express is that you keep denigrating Trump with accusations that are no less true for Hillary. I may have misread what you are saying (since you lack the Donald wordcraft every bit as much as myself) but it sounds like you can only see Trump's obvious character flaws and not those of your candidate.

Democrats revere their candidates as if they are above reproach and without sin. They protect them and idolize them as if each is the baby jesus.

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If that is what it sounds like to you then that is the result of my not correctly expressing what i am trying to say.

If only all of us here on TVF had the skills with words that Donald has...his words are the best.

What I am trying to express is that you keep denigrating Trump with accusations that are no less true for Hillary. I may have misread what you are saying (since you lack the Donald wordcraft every bit as much as myself) but it sounds like you can only see Trump's obvious character flaws and not those of your candidate.

Democrats revere their candidates as if they are above reproach and without sin. They protect them and idolize them as if each is the baby jesus.

WOW Chuck "Donalds words are best"

I guess that is why his handlers are trying to get him to use others words. "Stay on script" they are telling him..

Happily, here is Trump going off script to the dismay of his handlers and it is bad.

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If only all of us here on TVF had the skills with words that Donald has...his words are the best.

You're joking, right?

What I am trying to express is that you keep denigrating Trump with accusations that are no less true for Hillary. I may have misread what you are saying (since you lack the Donald wordcraft every bit as much as myself) but it sounds like you can only see Trump's obvious character flaws and not those of your candidate.

Democrats revere their candidates as if they are above reproach and without sin. They protect them and idolize them as if each is the baby jesus.

I have scrutinized both candidates. I have watched their stump speeches and assessed their histories. One has some flaws, the other is despicable and dangerous. I'll let you discern which is which, in my view.

If you (and others) want to see the two candidates as equally awful, that's your choice.

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If only all of us here on TVF had the skills with words that Donald has...his words are the best.

You're joking, right?

Yes, I was joking.

I think the claim by Trump that his words "are the best" has got to be one of the funniest claims I have ever heard.

A fairly large portion of Republicans will readily admit to Trump's personal character flaws.

I just think its funny how Democrats are so different than Republicans and have this need to defend Hillary as being a superior human being. Why is it so important to Democrats to idealize their candidate? Why is it that to this day a Democrat won't admit to even one flaw in obama or allow one mistske has been made by their guy?

Why is it so critcal to Liberals that their candidate be beyond reproach and why do Liberals feel such a compeeling need to defend their candidates with such ferocity?

Edited by ClutchClark
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She does come off as fake, almost robot-like. I'm sure in real life in her role as mother of the appropriately named Baron she's fine. Not modern first lady material.

It is ironic that she's the wife of a candidate running on a racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant agenda. Of course, she's white and trophy wife worthy, so no problema.
The contents of the speech that Melania/Michelle gave are universal truths that people of many walks of life identify with. They are shared values and part of the American Identity.

You try to give it a spin to support your position rather than admit such an obvious truth.

Michelle does not have a monopoly on those thoughts.
Wonder who is spinning. She did use a copy of mrs. Obamas speech and said in an interwiev that she wrote it her self. Som nam na.
You are crediting words to me that zi did not speak in order to build your strawman agsin.

Melania did copy michlle's speech--that was admitted some days ago.

Michelle also copied those thoughts.

They are a part of our Cultursl Value System along with seversl other cultures.

Get a grip, this is a non-issue with zero importance except to the extremely emotional Liberal.

My Libersl friends have lost any sense of proportion--a common byporduct of being motivated by emotions rather than intellect.
So Trumps supporter is intellectuals? To me it seems they are 'rednecks'and 'hillbillys' Edited by Scott
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So Trumps supporter is intellectuals? To me it seems they are 'rednecks'and 'hillbillys'

And though they're in the minority, they have a lot more guns (and fear and paranoia) than liberals. Thier fear was fed by RNC speeches, like Newt saying, "you should be terrified."

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Rudy Giuliani apparently suffered a debilitating stroke on the convention stage, while Melania Trump had the crowd on its feet when she discussed the many challenges of growing up as a black woman in America. LOL

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What I can't understand is why have the “predominantly liberal" media not rallied and driven the Melania plagiarism bit into the ground? Are the liberal media sympathetic to the wife of the conservative candidate for president, or are they not really liberal?

Further questions arise: Did Melania simply copy it from Michelle's speech? Was the speech given to her by one of Trump’s right-wing staffers? Or did Melania research first-lady speeches, found Michelle’s, and copied it all by herself; as she claims. Of course, that would mean she simply forgot her academic integrity lessons from college, if she went to college.

Was her speech not checked by Trump staffers—hell, why was it not checked by Trump? All you have to do is copy and paste the speech into google to check for plagiarism—so very easy. Or if the speech was checked, were the Trump staffers incompetent? Or if it was checked, was one or more of Trump’s staff a liberal double-agent? Let’s face it, the faux pas is not so much Melania’s as it is Trump’s staff—they are the professionals, not her.

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The candidates wife is a plagiarizing, communist foreign supermodel, half his age, lied about her education, lied & cheated on her Federal tax form, sends jobs offshore by operating sweat shops in China to produce her fashion line and is probably in the USA on bogus citizenship paperwork..

FOX should be on DEFCON 1 with this type of news !

Edited by Buzzz
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So Trumps supporter is intellectuals? To me it seems they are 'rednecks'and 'hillbillys'

"So Trumps supporter is intellectuals?

Yup, they "is" intellectuals.


Many of us on TVF is not does´nt have english as a native language. Live with it!

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The candidates wife is a plagiarizing, communist foreign supermodel, half his age, lied about her education, lied & cheated on her Federal tax form, sends jobs offshore by operating sweat shops in China to produce her fashion line and is probably in the USA on bogus citizenship paperwork..

FOX should be on DEFCON 1 with this type of news !

Any chance you majored in Drama back in your college days?

I can appreciate the hate against Trump but aren't family members of politicians supposed to be off limits?

You are angry she is a super-model?

You are angry she is half his age?

The only people who get angry over that are other women.

The issue of plagiarizing is the fault of Trump's professional handlers...they dropped the ball.

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The candidates wife is a plagiarizing, communist foreign supermodel, half his age, lied about her education, lied & cheated on her Federal tax form, sends jobs offshore by operating sweat shops in China to produce her fashion line and is probably in the USA on bogus citizenship paperwork..

FOX should be on DEFCON 1 with this type of news !

Any chance you majored in Drama back in your college days?

I can appreciate the hate against Trump but aren't family members of politicians supposed to be off limits?

You are angry she is a super-model?

You are angry she is half his age?

The only people who get angry over that are other women.

The issue of plagiarizing is the fault of Trump's professional handlers...they dropped the ball.

Sadly Trump has been bringing spouses, parents, kids and relatives into the fray because he likes to "hit hard" He thinks it's funny.

FOX should be wrecking her by now. Deport her! You know she hates America.....right?

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I can appreciate the hate against Trump but aren't family members of politicians supposed to be off limits?

What, when they stand on a political stage and give a speech in front of millions?

Get real.

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It’s no surprise that the Bloviator’s wife is a proven liar and plagiarist.

She’s just following in her Sugar Daddy’s footsteps. thumbsup.gif

All of The Bloviator’s core slogans are stolen.

Make America Great Again: Ronald Reagan

The Bloviator says he trademarked that one: ( whining that others were using it )

"I've actually trademarked it,"That is my whole theme."

"That's my expression, I was the first by a long shot."


The Silent Majority: Tricky Dick Nixon

The Law and Order Candidate: Again, Tricky Dick Nixon



America First: America First Committee

An isolationist group which was peppered with notorious Nazi sympathizers and anti-Semites

such as poster boy Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford and vocal Hitler admirer, Avery Brundage.

(David Duke is now running on that one.)

Trump's 'America First' has ugly echoes from U.S. history



And who knows what the Bloviator gleans from the book of Hitler’s collected speeches;

“My New Order”, that he keeps by his bedside.


The Bloviator has plagiarized the whole Nixon model of fear mongering.

One of Nixon’s Doom and Gloom ads. Replete with scary music:

This Time Vote like your Whole World Depended on it

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What I can't understand is why have the “predominantly liberal" media not rallied and driven the Melania plagiarism bit into the ground? Are the liberal media sympathetic to the wife of the conservative candidate for president, or are they not really liberal?

Further questions arise: Did Melania simply copy it from Michelle's speech? Was the speech given to her by one of Trump’s right-wing staffers? Or did Melania research first-lady speeches, found Michelle’s, and copied it all by herself; as she claims. Of course, that would mean she simply forgot her academic integrity lessons from college, if she went to college.

Was her speech not checked by Trump staffers—hell, why was it not checked by Trump? All you have to do is copy and paste the speech into google to check for plagiarism—so very easy. Or if the speech was checked, were the Trump staffers incompetent? Or if it was checked, was one or more of Trump’s staff a liberal double-agent? Let’s face it, the faux pas is not so much Melania’s as it is Trump’s staff—they are the professionals, not her.

The liberal media broke the story, and ran with it for awhile. But it's not the Hindenberg. It's Trump's pretty wife giving a speech which was partly written by Michelle my belle (I wish. I think Michelle Obama is a dish). So, it's really not a big deal. Probably the biggest deal about it is the lying afterwards by Trump and Melania - to try and cover it up. Why can't Trump say anything truthful? He's like Thaksin: everything he asserts - turns out either untrue, highly exaggerated or the opposite is true. If he says the fruit is purple, one can assume it's yellow. If he says he eats lunch, you can assume he doesn't eat lunch, ....and so on.

His credibility level is zero.

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I can appreciate the hate against Trump but aren't family members of politicians supposed to be off limits?

What, when they stand on a political stage and give a speech in front of millions?

Get real.


Whatever happened to your keen intellect? Now you are resorting to intentionally removing the post I was responding to so you could take my message out of context.

The proper context was my response to a poster who had this to say about Melania--obviously this is a very personal attack and not limitied to the issue of plagiarism:


The candidates wife is a plagiarizing, communist foreign supermodel, half his age, lied about her education, lied & cheated on her Federal tax form, sends jobs offshore by operating sweat shops in China to produce her fashion line and is probably in the USA on bogus citizenship paperwork..

Edited by ClutchClark
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What I can't understand is why have the “predominantly liberal" media not rallied and driven the Melania plagiarism bit into the ground? Are the liberal media sympathetic to the wife of the conservative candidate for president, or are they not really liberal?

Further questions arise: Did Melania simply copy it from Michelle's speech? Was the speech given to her by one of Trump’s right-wing staffers? Or did Melania research first-lady speeches, found Michelle’s, and copied it all by herself; as she claims. Of course, that would mean she simply forgot her academic integrity lessons from college, if she went to college.

Was her speech not checked by Trump staffers—hell, why was it not checked by Trump? All you have to do is copy and paste the speech into google to check for plagiarism—so very easy. Or if the speech was checked, were the Trump staffers incompetent? Or if it was checked, was one or more of Trump’s staff a liberal double-agent? Let’s face it, the faux pas is not so much Melania’s as it is Trump’s staff—they are the professionals, not her.

The liberal media broke the story, and ran with it for awhile. But it's not the Hindenberg. It's Trump's pretty wife giving a speech which was partly written by Michelle my belle (I wish. I think Michelle Obama is a dish). So, it's really not a big deal. Probably the biggest deal about it is the lying afterwards by Trump and Melania - to try and cover it up. Why can't Trump say anything truthful? He's like Thaksin: everything he asserts - turns out either untrue, highly exaggerated or the opposite is true. If he says the fruit is purple, one can assume it's yellow. If he says he eats lunch, you can assume he doesn't eat lunch, ....and so on.

His credibility level is zero.

No, she did not burn and crash in Lakehurst in 1937, it was Cleveland in 2016.

You have made some fairly inaccurate statements, e.g., " Why can't Trump say anything truthful?" Please, although truth may not be his strong suit, he does sometimes speak the truth. For example, Trump said, “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

However, you missed my point; why was her speech not checked before she gave it? Who is running the campaign? That faux pas is a blatant basic mistake; whether you appreciate the inappropriateness of plagiarism or not. Using the words of others without proper citation, especially in a public forum, can get you dismissed from employment or from school, and may hold you liable for lawsuit.

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What I can't understand is why have the “predominantly liberal" media not rallied and driven the Melania plagiarism bit into the ground? Are the liberal media sympathetic to the wife of the conservative candidate for president, or are they not really liberal?

Further questions arise: Did Melania simply copy it from Michelle's speech? Was the speech given to her by one of Trump’s right-wing staffers? Or did Melania research first-lady speeches, found Michelle’s, and copied it all by herself; as she claims. Of course, that would mean she simply forgot her academic integrity lessons from college, if she went to college.

Was her speech not checked by Trump staffers—hell, why was it not checked by Trump? All you have to do is copy and paste the speech into google to check for plagiarism—so very easy. Or if the speech was checked, were the Trump staffers incompetent? Or if it was checked, was one or more of Trump’s staff a liberal double-agent? Let’s face it, the faux pas is not so much Melania’s as it is Trump’s staff—they are the professionals, not her.

The liberal media broke the story, and ran with it for awhile. But it's not the Hindenberg. It's Trump's pretty wife giving a speech which was partly written by Michelle my belle (I wish. I think Michelle Obama is a dish). So, it's really not a big deal. Probably the biggest deal about it is the lying afterwards by Trump and Melania - to try and cover it up. Why can't Trump say anything truthful? He's like Thaksin: everything he asserts - turns out either untrue, highly exaggerated or the opposite is true. If he says the fruit is purple, one can assume it's yellow. If he says he eats lunch, you can assume he doesn't eat lunch, ....and so on. His credibility level is zero.

No, she did not burn and crash in Lakehurst in 1937, it was Cleveland in 2016.

You have made some fairly inaccurate statements, e.g., " Why can't Trump say anything truthful?" Please, although truth may not be his strong suit, he does sometimes speak the truth. For example, Trump said, “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

However, you missed my point; why was her speech not checked before she gave it? Who is running the campaign? That faux pas is a blatant basic mistake; whether you appreciate the inappropriateness of plagiarism or not. Using the words of others without proper citation, especially in a public forum, can get you dismissed from employment or from school, and may hold you liable for lawsuit.

Smotherb asks; "why was her speech not checked before she gave it? Who is running the campaign?"

Trump runs a scrappy campaign. He appoints/hires inept people to run various departments. For example; I've seen his 'spokespeople' (usually pretty young women) speaking officially for him in interviews. They crash and burn. Trump, with pressure from his kids, has fired several campaign staffers. Trump says he doesn't need any outside money and he disdains using a teleprompter - yet he does both now with gusto.

He's woefully underfinanced. If he's a billionaire ("I'm worth many many billions of dollars, believe me.") .....then financing his own campaign should not be difficult. Actually, he does finance portions of his campaign, and it gets spent on Trump properties. For months, while he's been traveling, he's been paying rents on two mansions (FL and NY) using campaign funds. Q: why does he pay rent at all? If I was that rich, I would buy properties, not rent them. P.S. I'm poor, but I built and own my own house. Ok, straying from topic, sorry.

In sum: there was little if any checking of his wife's speech. No surprise. Many facets of his campaign are in disarray.

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Looks like Melania was lying about her degree, quelle suprise. Web-site taken down.

With Degree Debunked, Melania Trump Website Is Taken Down

PHILADELPHIA — Melania Trump’s cribbing last week of Michelle Obama’s lines was not the first time she claimed something that was not hers.
For months now, reporters have noted that Ms. Trump, who grew up in the small Slovenian town of Sevnica, did not obtain an undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Ljubljana, as her professional website claimed she did. Instead, she left after her first year to pursue a modeling career in Milan.
As recently as a week ago, Ms. Trump’s website stated that she had obtained a degree before going on to become a philanthropist and skin care entrepreneur.
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