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Thai people are weird!

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What do you see as being a weird practices in other culture, not only Thai. For example, I taught some of my friends the proper way to greet people in Thailand, by "wai-ing" raising your hand in a prayer like position and lowering your head. They saw that as being weird. While, I think smacking each other on the butt is even more bizzare(American). Also, what are some dispproval you have about another cultures practices or traditions? Maybe this will help each other to understand more about why someone in a different part of the world do the things they do. Since there are lots of people from all over the world that come to this forum, hopefully we can learn more about each other.

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no Farang is supposed to WAI. Thais having a good laugh seeing Farangs WAIing.

Particularly as Farangs don't have a clue about the different ways to perform a WAI (according to the status of the other person).

I have seen Farangs WAIing waiters, bellboys and street side food vendors, how ridiculous. The Thais around did only giggle or walked away in embarrassment.

I can give you the name and contact of an excellent Thai language and culture teacher in Chiang Mai, who taught embassy staff and peace corps and others not only the language, but how to behave in Thai culture as a foreigner too. And he simply needed two words: "DON'T WAI"...... unless you are 100% part of this society since ages (there are admittedly a few such people that I know, but even they almost never WAI) Just in case you don't believe me

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^^ Absolute tosh! Apart from tourists and avoiding waiing service folk and kids, that 'Thai language and culture teacher' couldn't be more wrong. You can look daft and put yourself on the backfoot if you get your wai height wrong with the wrong people or strangers, but those with 'real' Thai friends will know that to not return a wai is just bad manners. As a default, palms together, fingers right under the nose and ever so slightly lower the head. If in doubt, don't wai unless you're wai'd. As for the op, suggest getting friends to learn something about a place before they visit. Do they know what the currency is?

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no Farang is supposed to WAI. Thais having a good laugh seeing Farangs WAIing.

Particularly as Farangs don't have a clue about the different ways to perform a WAI (according to the status of the other person).

I have seen Farangs WAIing waiters, bellboys and street side food vendors, how ridiculous. The Thais around did only giggle or walked away in embarrassment.

I can give you the name and contact of an excellent Thai language and culture teacher in Chiang Mai, who taught embassy staff and peace corps and others not only the language, but how to behave in Thai culture as a foreigner too. And he simply needed two words: "DON'T WAI"...... unless you are 100% part of this society since ages (there are admittedly a few such people that I know, but even they almost never WAI) Just in case you don't believe me

Save this one for the 'Biggest Bull$hit a Foreigner Ever Told You About Thailand' thread. Whats next? "Everyone in Thailand looks up to hookers"?

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When Australians greet each other with "Good day, how the bloody hell are you?"

It sounds like "gawawayayawaya".

Or Howzitgoinschooneranewthanxluv? And that's when we are a sober. If you really want to hear fast talking get a geed up Aussie with a gut full of turps ;) Edited by starky
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When Australians greet each other with "Good day, how the bloody hell are you?"

It sounds like "gawawayayawaya".

..we just try to cram a lot into a few words..at least our hearts are in the right place...I always return a wai..makes me feel good.

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no Farang is supposed to WAI. Thais having a good laugh seeing Farangs WAIing.

Particularly as Farangs don't have a clue about the different ways to perform a WAI (according to the status of the other person).

I have seen Farangs WAIing waiters, bellboys and street side food vendors, how ridiculous. The Thais around did only giggle or walked away in embarrassment.

I can give you the name and contact of an excellent Thai language and culture teacher in Chiang Mai, who taught embassy staff and peace corps and others not only the language, but how to behave in Thai culture as a foreigner too. And he simply needed two words: "DON'T WAI"...... unless you are 100% part of this society since ages (there are admittedly a few such people that I know, but even they almost never WAI) Just in case you don't believe me

rubbish, when my step daughter reached the age of 15 she was extremely angry that i didn't return her WAI when she went to school in the morning, which i never used to do before her 15th birthday,merely nod in acknowledgement, apparently at 15 she has the right to demand this sign of respect which i of course now give her

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no Farang is supposed to WAI. Thais having a good laugh seeing Farangs WAIing.

Particularly as Farangs don't have a clue about the different ways to perform a WAI (according to the status of the other person).

I have seen Farangs WAIing waiters, bellboys and street side food vendors, how ridiculous. The Thais around did only giggle or walked away in embarrassment.

I can give you the name and contact of an excellent Thai language and culture teacher in Chiang Mai, who taught embassy staff and peace corps and others not only the language, but how to behave in Thai culture as a foreigner too. And he simply needed two words: "DON'T WAI"...... unless you are 100% part of this society since ages (there are admittedly a few such people that I know, but even they almost never WAI) Just in case you don't believe me

Totally disagree with what I will call a (slightly) pedantic post where it's supposed we're all stupid and uneducated farangs.

My owner is an old lady she wai to me I wai back.

"I have seen Farangs WAIing waiters, bellboys and street side food vendors, how ridiculous"

Ridiculous I do not know but uncalled for certainly, but these people are tourist for sure, some of us for instance having a Thai family can be advised too, without the help of a "Thai language and culture teachergigglem.gif "

My wife told me of course you are right to wai back the owner.

We go to a temple regularly, a monk, the same one, try to joke with me some times because he knows a little English and I can answer in Thai, when I see him, I wai first because he is a monk... I never wai back to younger people, but smile back! When my dil wai me her husband too, I do not wai back.

And no, I do not try to be Thaier than Thai. Its simply natural.

Your post remind me of some Farangs too laazy to learn the language saying it's because Thai people do not like Farangs who speak Thai, but this is not true most of the time!

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If any American tries to slap me on the butt, I'll give him a smack across the chops. On the other hand I don't mind a gentle Italian pinch from time to time.

What does irritate me intensely and I just cannot get used to it, is the French habit of kissing every Dick,Tom and Harry. Even if they are meeting them for the first time. You go to the Post Office, bank or any work place and you will see all the employees have a general kiss around, before they start work. It gives me the trey bits.

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no Farang is supposed to WAI. Thais having a good laugh seeing Farangs WAIing.

Particularly as Farangs don't have a clue about the different ways to perform a WAI (according to the status of the other person).

I have seen Farangs WAIing waiters, bellboys and street side food vendors, how ridiculous. The Thais around did only giggle or walked away in embarrassment.

I can give you the name and contact of an excellent Thai language and culture teacher in Chiang Mai, who taught embassy staff and peace corps and others not only the language, but how to behave in Thai culture as a foreigner too. And he simply needed two words: "DON'T WAI"...... unless you are 100% part of this society since ages (there are admittedly a few such people that I know, but even they almost never WAI) Just in case you don't believe me

As always..... it depends on the circumstances.

As a foreigner, obviously I don't understand the intricacies of wai'ing, so when others wai to me - I bow my head in response.

The only time I wai is:

1) when an elderly Thai has been particularly nice in some way (e.g. landlord's mother sometimes gives me various food items, so it makes sense to give a respectful wai or

2) a Thai has gone out of their way to help me, which again merits a respectful wai.

My wais are probably a bit too 'high', but it doesn't matter as they know I'm expressing appreciation as well as respect.

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As to Waiing,

I once had it explained to me as follows.

In the west you greet certain people with a formal greeting, Sir, madam, Mr, Mrs. Meet the boss of your company, Mr Smith. An elderly neighbour, Good morning Mrs Jones. A waiter in a restaurant will greet you as Sir. Children will call you Mr smith etc.

Waiing is similar, anyone you would greet in a formal manner, Wai.

Outside of formal meetings, its also just hello or thank you.

Keeping in mind, the higher the Wai, the more respect.

Perfectly fine if the neighbors kids wai you, and you give a low wai back. If the police let you off for not wearing a helmet, A high wai, showing thank you.

Also similar to a handshake in the west. You wouldn't shake hands with a taxi driver at the end of a journey. You might shake hands with a tradesman who has worked at your house all day.

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"smacking each other on the butt is even more bizzare(American)"---are you for real? Where have you been hanging out?

Born & raised there - never seen it man to man or woman to woman....Somehow along the way I missed that in 50+ years....

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" all customs are evolving thru time, to think they are stationary is ridiculus. " - me

Thai's WAI people to show respect, where I come from people earn respect.

People don't automatically get -respect- because they're older, richer, better job or whatever.

Once someone has demonstrated they are worth my respect I will WAI them, before than I will not.

( Saying that, I will always -return- a WAI that is give to me, as it is only polite ).

I can tell you my stance pissed off my mother and father-in-law in the beginning... but after being in their family for 9 years now, and seeing how they treat others, their daughters, their family, people less fortunate than themselves... I WAI them often as they have most definitely earned it.

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If any American tries to slap me on the butt, I'll give him a smack across the chops. On the other hand I don't mind a gentle Italian pinch from time to time.

What does irritate me intensely and I just cannot get used to it, is the French habit of kissing every Dick,Tom and Harry. Even if they are meeting them for the first time. You go to the Post Office, bank or any work place and you will see all the employees have a general kiss around, before they start work. It gives me the trey bits.

...may as well sniff each others bums and be done with it.

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"What do you see as being a weird practices in other cultures, not only Thai."

Shouting that 'God Is Great' (Allahu Akhbar) then trying to kill and injure as many people as possible. Now that is wierd.

Ascribing the acts of a few extremists to an entire culture. Now that really is weird.

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I have no problems wai-ing now but I saw it as being too submissive at first. It's usually a nod of the head for most but some older people who make an effort to communicate with me (in Thai or English) usually get my wai.

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Why do male farang often walk around public with no shirt on?

Why do female farang often walk around the street barefoot, especially on airplanes?

Both are often disgusting, especially the latter not to mention when entering the bathroom.

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I always take my shoes off on the plane. Much more comfortable.

The feet swell while riding in a plane....Some airlines supply walking socks for use during a long range flight.....Loose fitting shoes are recommended because some have found they cannot/or struggle to put their shoes on after flying.....Some for a couple of days......

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