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Train stabbing: Germany warns of more lone-wolf attacks


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German train stabbing: De Maiziere warns of lone attacks

BERLIN: -- Germans should be prepared for further attacks carried out by small groups and radicalised "lone wolves", Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has warned.

Five people were wounded, two critically, by a 17-year-old who went on the rampage on a train in the southern state of Bavaria on Monday.

The attacker, who arrived in Germany in 2015 as an unaccompanied migrant, was shot dead holding an axe and a knife.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36844223

-- BBC 2016-07-21

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ISIS train axe attacker is a 'Pakistani' who LIED about being Afghan to get higher immigration status in Germany - as he is pictured at a music festival wearing a pink wig

Pictured in a pink wig at a music festival this is the ISIS fanatic who went on an axe rampage on a German train and may have lied about being an Afghan refugee in order to secure asylum status after claims he is Pakistani.


What a lovely boy! facepalm.gif

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ISIS train axe attacker is a 'Pakistani' who LIED about being Afghan to get higher immigration status in Germany - as he is pictured at a music festival wearing a pink wig

Pictured in a pink wig at a music festival this is the ISIS fanatic who went on an axe rampage on a German train and may have lied about being an Afghan refugee in order to secure asylum status after claims he is Pakistani.


What a lovely boy! facepalm.gif

The common area is known as Pashtoonistan, divided into East Afghanistan and North West Pakistan, with the Khyber Pass area as a border. Those people that got tye Khyber Pass area under control will hardly stop the free flow of people and goods. Thomas de Mazierie should know about this.

The guy murdered by German police was obviously full integrated into Germany, probably hassled by neighbours. Renate Kuenast from the Green Party of Germany ("Die Grünen") dared to raise the question whether it would have been necessary to kill the guy in question, and she was immediately bashed by German (Bavarian) police. Thomas de Mazierie should stop to support Germany's obvious witchhunt against foreign immigrants immediately.

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"BERLIN: -- Germans should be prepared for further attacks carried out by small groups and radicalised "lone wolves", Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has warned."

Well no BS, wonder where Germany got this genius from. The only let in one million refugees last year, just .1% of Muslim whack jobs equals 1000 possibilities. What we don't here about is the hundreds already rounded up before committing atrocities across the west.

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ISIS train axe attacker is a 'Pakistani' who LIED about being Afghan to get higher immigration status in Germany - as he is pictured at a music festival wearing a pink wig

Pictured in a pink wig at a music festival this is the ISIS fanatic who went on an axe rampage on a German train and may have lied about being an Afghan refugee in order to secure asylum status after claims he is Pakistani.


What a lovely boy! facepalm.gif

The common area is known as Pashtoonistan, divided into East Afghanistan and North West Pakistan, with the Khyber Pass area as a border. Those people that got tye Khyber Pass area under control will hardly stop the free flow of people and goods. Thomas de Mazierie should know about this.

The guy murdered by German police was obviously full integrated into Germany, probably hassled by neighbours. Renate Kuenast from the Green Party of Germany ("Die Grünen") dared to raise the question whether it would have been necessary to kill the guy in question, and she was immediately bashed by German (Bavarian) police. Thomas de Mazierie should stop to support Germany's obvious witchhunt against foreign immigrants immediately.

Are you serious? He lied about his heritage to get into Germany. He has been there since 2015 so he will hardly be "fully integrated". His neighbours would most likely be other migrants. If you're a policeman or soldier and somebody is going at it with a machete, the time for niceties has passed. You shoot to kill. He was not murdered, he was neutralised while running amok on a train with an axe and left 4 people critically injured. You find that acceptable? Do you think the police should have emailed him or something? When an attacker injures 4 people with an axe and then gets shot, it's hardly a witch-hunt is it? Why don't you spend your valuable time telling these people to stop attacking people with axes, stop raping in gangs and generally behave like a civilised person and then they won't get in trouble? Germany opened it's doors to over a million fighting age people and these people are destroying the real refugees opportunities, not Germany.

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Lone wolves with a shared objective are in fact a pack. I suspect this 'lone wolf' flapdoodle is the new spin the media are trying to put on it to disguise the utter failure of governments to get a grip on the crisis - 'Gosh, whoever saw another attack coming?'

On the subject of media terminology, have you all noticed how the 'They are all doctors, engineers and teachers fleeing a warzone' is being quietly dropped, as has 'look at how our culture is being enriched by these fine hardworking folk'?

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These are lunatics and the lax German Government Rules for the refugees did actually make this possible and yes I believe too, there will be more.

However what really disturbs me is that the Moslems always say that this is not the Religion and it is pieceful. BUT if something like this happens noone from the Muslim Society condems this officially. Or am I missing these statements?

BUT try to say something against Mohammed and you know how that will end.....

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It is virtually impossible to successfully resettle people who have experienced long-term trauma from war torn areas, without having a lot of services available to assist them. Even with close monitoring and services, it's problematic. As a general rule, those who are fleeing fighting early on are not so likely to be a problem. Young men who have experienced a lot of violence have a greater chance of being violent. Combine that with low education, poor work skills and a vast cultural difference and you have the making of some serious problems.

Some of these young men and boys are of fighting age and there is no good reason to believe they have not been involved with the various factions and war lords in these countries. They need to be treated as child soldiers in some cases.

As nice as it is to be helpful, it's not really in anyone's interest to allow this type of mass influx and turning them lose in a strange country, language and culture and not expect problems.

Many of the protocols on Human Rights are against the detention of asylum seekers and refugees, but in my experience it sometimes needs to be done for the protection both of the refugees and the citizens of the receiving country.

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ISIS train axe attacker is a 'Pakistani' who LIED about being Afghan to get higher immigration status in Germany - as he is pictured at a music festival wearing a pink wig

Pictured in a pink wig at a music festival this is the ISIS fanatic who went on an axe rampage on a German train and may have lied about being an Afghan refugee in order to secure asylum status after claims he is Pakistani.


What a lovely boy! facepalm.gif

The common area is known as Pashtoonistan, divided into East Afghanistan and North West Pakistan, with the Khyber Pass area as a border. Those people that got tye Khyber Pass area under control will hardly stop the free flow of people and goods. Thomas de Mazierie should know about this.

The guy murdered by German police was obviously full integrated into Germany, probably hassled by neighbours. Renate Kuenast from the Green Party of Germany ("Die Grünen") dared to raise the question whether it would have been necessary to kill the guy in question, and she was immediately bashed by German (Bavarian) police. Thomas de Mazierie should stop to support Germany's obvious witchhunt against foreign immigrants immediately.

Nice one - but sarcasm can be misconstrued on this forum - some folks might not understand the enormous benefits of diversity and multiculturalism . Edited by The manic
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It is virtually impossible to successfully resettle people who have experienced long-term trauma from war torn areas, without having a lot of services available to assist them. Even with close monitoring and services, it's problematic. As a general rule, those who are fleeing fighting early on are not so likely to be a problem. Young men who have experienced a lot of violence have a greater chance of being violent. Combine that with low education, poor work skills and a vast cultural difference and you have the making of some serious problems.

Some of these young men and boys are of fighting age and there is no good reason to believe they have not been involved with the various factions and war lords in these countries. They need to be treated as child soldiers in some cases.

As nice as it is to be helpful, it's not really in anyone's interest to allow this type of mass influx and turning them lose in a strange country, language and culture and not expect problems.

Many of the protocols on Human Rights are against the detention of asylum seekers and refugees, but in my experience it sometimes needs to be done for the protection both of the refugees and the citizens of the receiving country.

"Combine that with low education, poor work skills and a vast cultural difference and you have the making of some serious problems."

This is the sentence which most stood out for me. I remember a flight a few months ago when I was sat next to Ahmed, a Sudanese gastroenterologist, discussing the current situation. He said the same as you: "You must understand a good number of these arrivals have an education level of that of a six year old in Europe and will do the bidding of anyone who screams Koran passages the loudest. It is all they know".

Alas, he was gloomy about where this will all lead as am I, but it was nice that the two of us could shake hands and part as friends despite it all.

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Germans should be prepared for further attacks carried out by small groups and radicalized "lone wolves"

And the Germans are just going to coward in their homes waiting for the ''lone wolves'' to attack, let me think.


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Nice one - but sarcasm can be misconstrued on this forum - some folks might not understand the enormous benefits of diversity and multiculturalism .

Well I don't mind a pizza or a kebab, but I'll pass on the axe attack on my morning commute.

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Already, in February 2016 it was known.
Warning of up to 5,000 jihadists in europe.

Rob Wainwright , the europol boss says (February 2016) Europe faces its biggest terror threat in over 10 years and warns of large-scale attacks by IS and others.

So after Paris, Brussels, Nice, Würzburg, Köln and countless rapes and assaults in whole Europe, now this clown warns of lone wolf attacks!

These stupid politicians allow that millions of young islamist men from crisis areas, with the demographics of an army, can uncontrolled invade europe.

And now these same politicans, the perpetrators of this radical islamic terror crisis, warn us from the consequences of their committed stupidity.

These politicians do not realize that they are the ultimate promoters of islamic terror in Europe with their inability, shortsightedness and failures to act.

They can be seen only at funerals, speaking after warm words.

Edited by tomacht8
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