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The US Democratic National Convention: Buried hatchets and party unity


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The democrat fiasco is burning out of control. Negative vibes and alarms going off in every direction. Funniest thing is...they are doing it to themselves. Self destructing their own party. The lies and scandals are just to big for anyone...with even a lick of sense, not to wonder why they are supporting this Hillary character.

Circus in town.

And ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, in the center ring! The Bernistas are booing their own hero!

And to think.... this email release of nearly 20,000 is "part one". The worst is probably yet to come for corrupt Hillary and her corrupt party.

Maybe we should say the best is yet to come. The hacked contents of her personal server would be potentially far more damaging, but releasing it now wouldn't inflict maximum damage. Wait until a week or two before the election. At that point there isn't enough time to lie and spin your way out of it. Hillary is exactly the kind of phony, self-obsessed, deceitful person that Wikileaks and all the hacktivists love to target. It could be a killer for Bill and the Clinton foundation too. If you think about it for too long it starts to sound like an episode from Homeland. Why are Americans so stupid that they let people like the Clintons rise to power? Are we that gullible? Do we have some sort of self-destructive inclination? All it took to get Obama elected was to suggest he might offer free phones. What else did he have to offer?

There's no proof yet that her server was hacked, but that's pretty hard to determine after you've wiped it.

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It's been fact that for thirty years the Clinton name on a November ballot is a winner. This is the basis of Republican and rightwhinge hysteria and madness about Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton each and every day for three decades.

As of the moment Hillary Clinton is the formally certified nominee of the Democratic Party for Potus. After the recorded vote of all states and territories, HRC was nominated by acclamation after the motion of Senator Bernie Sanders, so it is the unanimous vote and decision of Democrats at their quadrennial national convention that Hillary Clinton is the nominee.

The future's so bright we gotta wear shades. thumbsup.gif

The rightwhingnoids will have to continue to make it up as they go along. The vote total on November 8th will however be the real thing again.

Madam President. clap2.gif

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Blame it on Putin.

No ... REALLY!

"There's evidence Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole those emails, and there are experts saying they are releasing these emails for the purpose of helping Donald Trump," Mook told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview that aired Sunday on "State of the Union." "I don't think it's coincidental these emails were released on the eve of our convention here."

Mook said the idea that Russia leaked Democrats' emails to possibly help Trump was "disturbing."

Just when you thought this election year couldn't possibly get any stranger!


Tin foil hat brigade is out and about. Russians everywhere.....we are all doomed! Right, jingthing?

Now it is the Democrat left bag of nuts that are screaming conspiracy.

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If, with all the info swirling around, more Americans vote for Trump than for Hillary, then Americans pretty much deserve the tsunami of problems they get with a Trump presidency.

When I watched the Republican debates last fall, I thought for sure that Americans (yes, even most rednecks), would clearly see what a mean-spirited uninformed liar Trump is. I was wrong. Trump was name-calling, shouting down others, avoiding tough questions, right there on stage, in front of tens of millions of viewers. Yet (and this is the most amazing part) more Republicans voted for Trump than any of the others on that stage. Were the other Republican contenders so awful?! Apparently so, according to Republican voters (about 23% of overall voters).

"39% of voters identify as Independents, and 32% as Democrats." source / people-press.org

Edited by boomerangutang
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Trump got a bounce after the convention, something that has not happened since 2000.

And the bounce goes higher.

47-40 in favor of Trump

B.S. Convention bounces are expected. Ignore the polls until 2 weeks after the dems finish. Then if trump is ahead time to panic.

Significant bounce has not happened since 2000. Trump is pulling into the lead big time.

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Trump got a bounce after the convention, something that has not happened since 2000.

And the bounce goes higher.

47-40 in favor of Trump

B.S. Convention bounces are expected. Ignore the polls until 2 weeks after the dems finish. Then if trump is ahead time to panic.

Never panic. One thing I know from watching presidential elections since Goldwater vs Johnson is that the best and the worst presidents failed to make most of the changes that were promised. Yours and my views of best and worst would probably be quite different, but the nature of our three branch system precludes rapid change. Presidential candidates can promise and threaten all they want, but if Congress and the Supreme Court don't cooperate nothing happens. Congress and the pork barrel are our real problems. Some of them will accept the most offensive legislation in exchange for a new bridge.

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Brought to you by those who magically made #DNCWALKOUT disappear from top trending on Twitter. Not to mention hastily produced ads on Craigslist offering $50 for people to turn up and fill the empty seats. Cue the sombreros.

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Protester at convention catches himself on fire after trying to stomp on burning American flag. Something about "the <deleted> white cop" that I can't quite make out.

I would love to nominate him for the Darwin Award, but I think the competition will be stiff this year so I will withhold decision

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Trump got a bounce after the convention, something that has not happened since 2000.

And the bounce goes higher.

47-40 in favor of Trump

B.S. Convention bounces are expected. Ignore the polls until 2 weeks after the dems finish. Then if trump is ahead time to panic.

No need to wait. Two out of three democrats will not understand the questions....and the other one cannot read anyways.

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I saw this poster in the background of a news report from the convention...

Democratic National Convention? ...


...or the National Congress of the Communist Party of China?


Clearly, it sends the wrong subliminal message.

I wonder if the designer is aware of the similarities? I wonder if the Hillary campaign is? I wonder if any of them care?

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I really hope Hillary Clinton will become the first female president of the United States. All the news channels around the world , except Fox News are very positive to Barack Obama's speech today . It was great . The world needs a leader like Hillary . We do not need hate , racists and a multi billionaire as a president.

Donald Trump, I got a message for you: You're fired!

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I saw this poster in the background of a news report from the convention...

Democratic National Convention? ...


...or the National Congress of the Communist Party of China?


Clearly, it sends the wrong subliminal message.

I wonder if the designer is aware of the similarities? I wonder if the Hillary campaign is? I wonder if any of them care?

The poster is from the 2008 primary campaign. Nothing do with Mao. Just more rehash of the same desperate shit



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I really hope Hillary Clinton will become the first female president of the United States. All the news channels around the world , except Fox News are very positive to Barack Obama's speech today . It was great . The world needs a leader like Hillary . We do not need hate , racists and a multi billionaire as a president.

Donald Trump, I got a message for you: You're fired!

Trump works for himself. The only one you can fire is Hillary, she has been on our payroll for 40 plus years.

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BBC now involved in the selective and biased reporting: the website has a 30 year old pic of Bill and Hilary in a warm embrace, one of Obama looking very presidential and yet they choose one of Trump that makes him look like a rabid wolf frothing at the mouth. It just gets up my nose that they are so blatant in their bias ( all funded by taxpayers)

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I kind of liked Bernie...you can see his sincerity.

Too bad they threw the baby out with the bath water......

At least he earned my respect.......instead of that old pantsuit lady.

I think Bernie was the most sincere candidate from either party this year. Too bad he is so wrong on so much. But in the USA's world of politics, you gotta give credit to sincerity- even if you don't agree with the beliefs.

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The convention reality that the Clinton media such as CNN, NBC, NY Times, and ABC will not report to you.

Soviet flags, calls for collectivism, silencing dissent- gee, this is really tough math to figure out!

Then there's this: Harvard study shows even brief exposure to American flag furthers Republican beliefs. I do recognize the party is in shambles and suspect the study means supposed Republican beliefs. But essentially the study is saying the American flag repels Democrats.


No wonder the DNC convention had no US flags. And big government liberal Democrats sometimes scratch their head and wonder why people say the hate America.

Edited by MajarTheLion
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The poster is from the 2008 primary campaign. Nothing do with Mao. Just more rehash of the same desperate shit



Oh yeah, nothing to see here. Hillary has surrounded herself with radical leftists for five decades, beginning with an internship at a Communist party law firm in 1971. Her book, It Takes A Village- pure collectivism. Soviet flags flying at the convention but no American flags. Hillarycare was a complete government takeover of healthcare- by a government that can't even balance a checkbook.

Nope, nothing to see here, people! How dare you connect Hillary Clinton with communism!

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I really hope Hillary Clinton will become the first female president of the United States. All the news channels around the world , except Fox News are very positive to Barack Obama's speech today . It was great . The world needs a leader like Hillary . We do not need hate , racists and a multi billionaire as a president.

Donald Trump, I got a message for you: You're fired!

The people who will ultimately be in charge of who gets hired don't see it that way right now. As the Democratic convention continues, more and more are turning to Trump.


Edited by mesquite
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Father Of Muslim American War Hero To Trump: ‘You Have Sacrificed Nothing’

PHILADELPHIA ― The father of a Muslim American war hero addressed the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, delivering a brutal takedown of Donald Trump and his inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Khizr Khan spoke about the heroism of his son, Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq by an advancing vehicle loaded with hundreds of pounds of explosives. The 27-year-old soldier, who was born in the UAE, ordered his unit to halt while he walked toward the vehicle, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers.
With his wife standing beside him, Khan brought Democratic delegates to their feet by denouncing Trump and his proposed ban on Muslims.

Amazingly, Fox cut away from this address. I wonder why? FWIW, The Donald has some of foot problem so he couldn't serve. Maybe he started putting it in his mouth early on?

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Father Of Muslim American War Hero To Trump: ‘You Have Sacrificed Nothing’

PHILADELPHIA ― The father of a Muslim American war hero addressed the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, delivering a brutal takedown of Donald Trump and his inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Khizr Khan spoke about the heroism of his son, Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq by an advancing vehicle loaded with hundreds of pounds of explosives. The 27-year-old soldier, who was born in the UAE, ordered his unit to halt while he walked toward the vehicle, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers.
With his wife standing beside him, Khan brought Democratic delegates to their feet by denouncing Trump and his proposed ban on Muslims.

Amazingly, Fox cut away from this address. I wonder why? FWIW, The Donald has some of foot problem so he couldn't serve. Maybe he started putting it in his mouth early on?

Maybe he started putting it in his mouth early on?

Probably from birth.

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