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Moscow ‘grateful’ for IOC decision not to impose blanket ban on Russian athletes in Rio


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Moscow ‘grateful’ for IOC decision not to impose blanket ban on Russian athletes in Rio


MOSCOW: -- Russia’s Sport Minister Vitaly Mutko has said he is ‘grateful’ to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for not imposing a blanket ban on Russia competing at the Rio Olympics.

He said he hoped that the majority of sports federations will support the right of Russian athletes to compete in the Games.

“Of course, this is a very important decision,” Mutko told local media in Moscow. “And it seems to me that it has been taken in the interest of the unity of the sport world, in the interest of the unity of the Olympic family – because doping is an evil on a world scale. It is not only a Russian problem, and of course we can address it by combining our efforts.

“We are ready, on a fair basis, in cooperation with the IOC, and with the IOC independent committee, together with WADA, to reformat the entire (anti) doping system,” Mutko also said.

With no blanket ban, it will be up to global federations to decide which Russian athletes to accept in their sports at the Rio Games.

The IOC decision follows the discovery of widespread state-sponsored doping by Russian athletes at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-25
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A total cop out and a propaganda boost for Russia which will be used to maximum effect.

Yes Russia will change their ways but only because they've been found out.

As with Fifa the IOC isn't fit for purpose.

As Dick Pound, ex-head of WADA, said if the final decisions are to be left to each individual sport what's the point of having the IOC ?

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A total cop out and a propaganda boost for Russia which will be used to maximum effect.

Yes Russia will change their ways but only because they've been found out.

As with Fifa the IOC isn't fit for purpose.

As Dick Pound, ex-head of WADA, said if the final decisions are to be left to each individual sport what's the point of having the IOC ?

Maybe the only purpose they're fit for is their own.

Amazing that a country can organise drug taking on a nationwide sports basis and escape sanction, well maybe not so amazing.

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Practically, any athlete who has been using doping for the last four years leading up to the Rio Olympics will still fail doping tests. All Russia got with the IOC decision is greater foreign intrusion into its doping detection program. Russia will be expected to have higher transparency and accountabiility standards in doping detection than in the past for the Rio Olympics.

With a blanket ban Putin can claim political bias against Russia. Without the ban Putin has only himself to blame for failing Russian citizens and depriving them from the Olympics should Russia continue to not meet IOC doping detection standards.

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IOC bottled it.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Big Time !

Wonder if any other ' considerations ' were in play ?

Wonder? I'd say it was Sochi all over again. It's amazing what a few million in the hands of the Africans, Asians and corrupt Euro federations will do.

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IOC bottled it.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Big Time !

Wonder if any other ' considerations ' were in play ?

Not going to be able to convince me otherwise. I hope Russia is forced to pay for the extra testing now required. Any medal they do win will just be suspected they got past the testers.

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War, famine, disease, slavery, dictatorships, genocide. Bigger issues than organized sports and the corruption it breeds. But then again, those "people issues" are not nicely packaged and marketed for consumption by the masses.

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The IOC, FIFA, and the UN. The big three of corruption in organizations. The IOC

was/will never make the right decision. Too much money to be made. If you can't

make the right decision with the amount of evidence available, you just never will.

From Avery Brundage , Juan Antonio Samaranch, Jacques Rogge, and Thomas

Bach (who has his head firmly up Putin's ass) you will not find a bigger group of

racists, thieves and crooks. I used to be a huge Olympic fan. Now I am a informed

jaded, critic of all of them. bah.gif

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The IOC, FIFA, and the UN. The big three of corruption in organizations. The IOC

was/will never make the right decision. Too much money to be made. If you can't

make the right decision with the amount of evidence available, you just never will.

From Avery Brundage , Juan Antonio Samaranch, Jacques Rogge, and Thomas

Bach (who has his head firmly up Putin's ass) you will not find a bigger group of

racists, thieves and crooks. I used to be a huge Olympic fan. Now I am a informed

jaded, critic of all of them. bah.gif

Partially agree with you. IOC, FIFA seems like became corrupted organizations. Olympic movement is loosing it's credibility. I would not say that UN can also be so hugely corrupted as it is technically impossible due to the Security Council. Russians should have boycotted this and all further Olympics and cancel football World Cup in Russia and stop wasting money inviting teams from the West who are shi##ing on non stop basis on Russia. Stop paying huge fees to these corrupted organizations like IOC, FIFA etc. Edited by Hammock
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I think they should keep Politics out of Sports. Politics already screw up enough other things, like National Debt, Immigration, and Private Business. In fact Politics tends to screw up anything they touch.

Somehow it also doesn't seem fare or right to ban some athlete who is training hard for 4 years for some sport, just because of something there government does. This Athlete has about as much power and control over his government as you and I do, or in some cases less. I mean just because they live in that country it doesn't mean they agree 100% with everything their country does.

If anything Sport brings countries together better than anything else. Athletes are great Ambassadors. They teach countries how to win or loose against each other without having to use guns, Unless of course you are in the Biathlon or Target Shooting, where you need a rifle to win.

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