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Germany blast: Ansbach bar explosion 'leaves one dead'


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Its allright everyone, just show your sympathy, stand shoulder to shoulder and express your sorrow, it will make a real difference!

Do not forget to change your Facebook status.

I wonder if there is already a rotating gif with EU flags available to save time?

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Obviously Germany got it right by denying this guy asylum. Where they got it wrong was not deporting him immediately.

Though members have repeatedly been informed otherwise, the same nonsense is repeatedly posted. Governments are unable to deport declined asylum seekers back to Syria as currently there are not government to government agreements in-place to do so.

The EU has an agreement with Turkey to take back failed asylum seekers in exchange for one from a refugee camp, so yes he could have been deported as soon as no was decided.

Believe you will find the agreement negotiated by the EU applies to failed asylum seekers being returned from Greece to Turkey, not from Germany to Turkey. I understand Germany is legally obligated to return rejected applicants to their country of origin which requires government to government agreement with the country of origination.

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Obviously Germany got it right by denying this guy asylum. Where they got it wrong was not deporting him immediately.

Though members have repeatedly been informed otherwise, the same nonsense is repeatedly posted. Governments are unable to deport declined asylum seekers back to Syria as currently there are not government to government agreements in-place to do so.

Guess they will just have to build internment camps for public safety for those who refuse to leave of their own volition when advised to do so.. It's not like they don't have experience.

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I wonder if the green / leftist SJW's already arranged a candle light vigil and a march against racism in Ansbach?

Like in Finland after a pizzeria fire in Tampere which killed few people. They were blaming neonazis, right wing ppl, populists and what not for this "racist fire".

Unfortunately for them it turned out to be immigrants burning their place for insurance money...


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In the words of the brilliant American soldier, Gomer Pyle, USMC; Surprise, surprise, surprise.

And the response from the affable Sergeant Schultzes of this world; I see nothing, nothing.

That's my line.smile.png

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Obviously Germany got it right by denying this guy asylum. Where they got it wrong was not deporting him immediately.

They got it wrong in the first place when they let him in.

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Time to close the borders, actually it should be done 2 years ago, but better late then never.

Living in the EU is not a human right.

Elites should finally face the reality. Vast majority of citizens don't agree with current immigration policy, otherwise there will be raise of extremist political parties ...

Welcome culture will ruin the whole continent

Pseudo humanist should finally face the reality ... Maybe leave fancy office in Frankfurt, Paris ... and look around a bit.

World is not an oyster.

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Obviously Germany got it right by denying this guy asylum. Where they got it wrong was not deporting him immediately.

Now that, sir, is a VERY good point. Asylum seekers should be returned immediately they fail to achieve refugee status if only because of the resentment the refusal inculcates.

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I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

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I mean, even the most intelligent members of this religion believe their prophet flew up to heaven on a donkey so what else can you expect from the rest...

I'm an atheist and Dawkins is a hero of mine. May I recommend "The God Delusion"? Great read.

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I mean, even the most intelligent members of this religion believe their prophet flew up to heaven on a donkey so what else can you expect from the rest...

I'm an atheist and Dawkins is a hero of mine. May I recommend "The God Delusion"? Great read.

Yes I've read it. Hopefully future generations of humanity come to realize what a sham all religions are. As it is, most young people today don't seem to care too much about it, or at least treat it very superficially, so that's a good sign. Young Muslims in the west too, a lot of them are drinking and not exactly practicing.

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I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

Which is...?

Be openly anti-Muslim. By which I mean be intolerant of their noxious attitudes customs and mores. I do not mean be openly unpleasant nor threatening but why should we permit halal meat production in our countries for example?

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I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

Which is...?

Speaking out against the Islamification of Europe, against countries who are extending a welcoming hand to the enemy of their culture under the pretense of religious freedom, even though they have no respect for others.

Speak out against the Saudi’s with their theology of Wahhabi/Deobandi and the fact that our political elite have been bowing down to them for years, and let it be known that it is now time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate.

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"We don't know if this man planned on suicide or if he had the intention of killing others," Bavarian interior minister Joachim Herrmann said.

This is the reason these bombing will continue. People like the interior minister with his head in the sand but still managing to spout nonsense.

You would not strap a bomb to yourself and try to enter a crowded venue if you had no intention of killing others.

These politicians must be so surrounded by "yes men" that they no longer understand when they sound stupid.

Sounds like another politician often in the news here.........cheesy.gif

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Five terror attacks in Europe in a week, but you won't see a Muslim protesting unless you draw a cartoon.

The only time we have had a peep from them is when they lost some of their own by the truck driver.

How do the Thais say it? Som num nah

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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Obviously Germany got it right by denying this guy asylum. Where they got it wrong was not deporting him immediately.

Now that, sir, is a VERY good point. Asylum seekers should be returned immediately they fail to achieve refugee status if only because of the resentment the refusal inculcates.

Easier said than done.

The green treehuggers and commies say it's not SAFE to deport them because from where they come from is WAR going on...

In Finland there is an ARMY of lawyers (on taxpayers costs) fighting these "asylum denied" decisions.

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I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

Which is...?
Be openly anti-Muslim. By which I mean be intolerant of their noxious attitudes customs and mores. I do not mean be openly unpleasant nor threatening but why should we permit halal meat production in our countries for example?

Most western countries are now multi-cultural and allow freedom of religion. There is no turning back the clock. Unfortunately the likes of Trump and UKIP are making the situation worse for their own political ends.

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I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

Which is...?

Be openly anti-Muslim. By which I mean be intolerant of their noxious attitudes customs and mores. I do not mean be openly unpleasant nor threatening but why should we permit halal meat production in our countries for example?

Because we also offer it to Jews to slaughter meat for kosher food. I think that is the least problem that the European countries are facing. I have many Muslim friends in Berlin but they are very open minded, bang around, smoke pot and don't give a damn about Islam.

Then I know some nuts cases from Turkey that have been 3rd generation Turks and they try to tell me that Erdogan has 200,000 soldiers in Germany that could be activated within minutes if he wants it.

I grow up in Kreuzberg/Neukolln in Berlin and I can tell you a lot has changed in the past 28 years since I moved to Thailand.

Many Muslims from Turkey and Iran are very well integrated and I am still very close to some of them and its them they ring the alarm bells that Germany is going down the toilet and they even get abused by the fanatics for drinking a beer, having a German woman etc.

Kosher or Halal food is not really my problem and I am often eating out at Arab, Greek or Thai restaurants.

The real problem is those 2-5% fanatics which are walking time bombs in Germany. I am surprised that Berlin has not been hit yet but it is just a matter of time before the big bang comes.

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This great fairytale these guys read and follow justifies just about anything they do:

9:111: "Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [it is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment."

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According to Suddeutsche Zeitung, the explosion happened in front of the wine bar - not far from the entrance of a music festival.

More than 2,000 people were evacuated from that event, which has now been cancelled.


Hopefully premature detonation that possibly saved 100's of lives.

Those that refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I too think it was a lucky escape. How many more crazies are on the loose?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Merkel has allowed a couple million "refugees" to settle in Germany over the past couple years. So counting the 3 attacks this week, that leaves 1,999,997.

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I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

Which is...?
Be openly anti-Muslim. By which I mean be intolerant of their noxious attitudes customs and mores. I do not mean be openly unpleasant nor threatening but why should we permit halal meat production in our countries for example?

Most western countries are now multi-cultural and allow freedom of religion. There is no turning back the clock. Unfortunately the likes of Trump and UKIP are making the situation worse for their own political ends.

Where does it work, this "multi-cultural"? Tell me more about it and give a few examples. Is it like pocket thief's in Paris, riot police controlling immigrants on next street where you have your dinner? Someone blowing himself up for his version of "freedom of religion"?

Multiculturalism is a sham, says Angela Merkel

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