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Germany blast: Ansbach bar explosion 'leaves one dead'


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I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

Which is...?
Be openly anti-Muslim. By which I mean be intolerant of their noxious attitudes customs and mores. I do not mean be openly unpleasant nor threatening but why should we permit halal meat production in our countries for example?

Because we also offer it to Jews to slaughter meat for kosher food. I think that is the least problem that the European countries are facing. I have many Muslim friends in Berlin but they are very open minded, bang around, smoke pot and don't give a damn about Islam.

Then I know some nuts cases from Turkey that have been 3rd generation Turks and they try to tell me that Erdogan has 200,000 soldiers in Germany that could be activated within minutes if he wants it.

I grow up in Kreuzberg/Neukolln in Berlin and I can tell you a lot has changed in the past 28 years since I moved to Thailand.

Many Muslims from Turkey and Iran are very well integrated and I am still very close to some of them and its them they ring the alarm bells that Germany is going down the toilet and they even get abused by the fanatics for drinking a beer, having a German woman etc.

Kosher or Halal food is not really my problem and I am often eating out at Arab, Greek or Thai restaurants.

The real problem is those 2-5% fanatics which are walking time bombs in Germany. I am surprised that Berlin has not been hit yet but it is just a matter of time before the big bang comes.

My point was that if you make things a little difficult in many ways, fewer will WANT to come. Ban sharia courts (yes we have them in UK), ban halal slaughter, bad religious schools (all of them), ban religious clothing in public, even ban beards if that would help! Many actions can and should be taken.

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Just a thought but I, personally, don't think crying "Wolf" (Jihadist) and "ranting" whenever there's an incident involving a Moslem helps much, it takes away from the impact when we have a real terrorist incident, as this could well be, and maybe justifies a bit of ranting. I think we need to distinguish between crazy Moslem people and ideologically inspired Moslem terrorists. I'm, of course, thinking of the recent pistol wielding Iranian and machete wielding Syrian.

It's just a case of organised terrorism or independent terror . Both are created by the neurosis of Islam. Even non terrorist Muslims are potentially damaging to our society due to their extreme beliefs. A belief in the Koran as the literal word of god is a firm of madness
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Interment camps and holding centres in Africa paid for by foreign aid budgets. Combined with the banning of Islam as an illegal political entity. The return of all Muslims to land of historical origins. Limited entry with no civic rights - in other words follow the Arab model for expats and foreign workers. Temporary residence only - not citizenship.

Edited by The manic
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BBC reports Germany suicide bombing as if suicide bomber was the victim -

He was so upset at being refused entry to festival he accidentally set off the bomb he always carried with him.. Tragic.. !

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There's one action that would stop Muslim attacks immediately. Bury the terrorists in a pigskin soaked in pig's blood.

I think we can be slightly more subtle than that....

Yep. But if stupid beliefs are used as motivation for committing atrocity, I don't see a reason for not using those same stupid beliefs to reduce the motivation.

If they think they are getting their ticket to paradise cancelled..................no tickee, no washee.

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Obviously Germany got it right by denying this guy asylum. Where they got it wrong was not deporting him immediately.

Now that, sir, is a VERY good point. Asylum seekers should be returned immediately they fail to achieve refugee status if only because of the resentment the refusal inculcates.
Or even put them in a detention centre until saying adios.

When oh when will this rear its ugly head in Canada?

Making a list of countries to go to where they don't have the likes of this.

The irony: I'm enjoying a chicken shawarma plate as I type this.

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He was sheduled to be deported to Bulgaria but obviously decided to end it all before his flight. Actually Bulgaria is not that bad really.

German Court Rules Against Sending Back Refugees to Bulgaria


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He was sheduled to be deported to Bulgaria but obviously decided to end it all before his flight. Actually Bulgaria is not that bad really.

German Court Rules Against Sending Back Refugees to Bulgaria


He'd been given asylum in Bulgaria. BBC

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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He was sheduled to be deported to Bulgaria but obviously decided to end it all before his flight. Actually Bulgaria is not that bad really.

German Court Rules Against Sending Back Refugees to Bulgaria


He'd been given asylum in Bulgaria. BBC

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

The ruling was enacted in March this year, I assume the Court's decision overrules the Bulgarians granting refugee status

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You lost me after claiming North Korea is a "safe and prosperous society".

I am someone who does not get influenced by the western MSM and I can assure you from reliable acquaintances who went there that North Korea is unbelievably one of the safest country on the planet including for the locals, it does not have any homeless population unlike the major cities of the world such as NY, London or Paris, healthcare is free, the state subsidize many necessities, the only difference the society don't live a life of consumerism, what piss off the west about NK is its independent central bank which is not governed by the R** you know.

Yeah right, your "reliable acquaintances" had full unrestricted access to the labour camps?

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He was sheduled to be deported to Bulgaria but obviously decided to end it all before his flight. Actually Bulgaria is not that bad really.

German Court Rules Against Sending Back Refugees to Bulgaria


ONE court ruled Bulgaria as "unsafe" because they don't give handouts, like free housing, medical, and unemployment benefits. How does that become "unsafe"? Imagine not getting any freebies! Actually having to fend for yourself instead of bludging on another country's taxpayers.

The answer to the problem is simple, try again somewhere more generous. And if they don't fancy you, you can always go postal.

BTW did you notice how few the boats were coming to Oz when they offered refugee resettlement in nice safe Cambodia?

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He was sheduled to be deported to Bulgaria but obviously decided to end it all before his flight. Actually Bulgaria is not that bad really.

German Court Rules Against Sending Back Refugees to Bulgaria


ONE court ruled Bulgaria as "unsafe" because they don't give handouts, like free housing, medical, and unemployment benefits. How does that become "unsafe"? Imagine not getting any freebies! Actually having to fend for yourself instead of bludging on another country's taxpayers.

The answer to the problem is simple, try again somewhere more generous. And if they don't fancy you, you can always go postal.

BTW did you notice how few the boats were coming to Oz when they offered refugee resettlement in nice safe Cambodia?

You will note the person involved with the Court was assessed to be a genuine refugee. However, without work therefore totally reliant on welfare as well as exposure to exploitation; previously one of the primary reasons for the flood of asylum seekers from Turkey. From the article...

The court also said that the refugees had no chance to work in Bulgaria.

Off topic: Boat people stopped trying to enter Oz when the government passed laws (PNG Solution) to never permit entry, even if they are assessed as genuine refugees. Believe the current backlog for asylum seeker cases for those in Oz is around 30,000. Asylum seekers are still entering Australia by air.

Edited by simple1
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He was sheduled to be deported to Bulgaria but obviously decided to end it all before his flight. Actually Bulgaria is not that bad really.

German Court Rules Against Sending Back Refugees to Bulgaria


ONE court ruled Bulgaria as "unsafe" because they don't give handouts, like free housing, medical, and unemployment benefits. How does that become "unsafe"? Imagine not getting any freebies! Actually having to fend for yourself instead of bludging on another country's taxpayers.

The answer to the problem is simple, try again somewhere more generous. And if they don't fancy you, you can always go postal.

BTW did you notice how few the boats were coming to Oz when they offered refugee resettlement in nice safe Cambodia?

You will note the person involved with the Court was assessed to be a genuine refugee. However, without work therefore totally reliant on welfare as well as exposure to exploitation; previously one of the primary reasons for the flood of asylum seekers from Turkey. From the article...

The court also said that the refugees had no chance to work in Bulgaria.

Off topic: Boat people stopped trying to enter Oz when the government passed laws (PNG Solution) to never permit entry, even if they are assessed as genuine refugees. Believe the current backlog for asylum seeker cases for those in Oz is around 30,000. Asylum seekers are still entering Australia by air.

Again ONE court said that, others disagree, but what justifies that decision? What language skills are required for basic labouring?

And why does rejection of refugee status justify attempted mass murder?

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Looks like another case of a loser hanging his hat on the IS hatstand.

Most Islamic terrorists are losers. That is why they are willing to kill themselves. The fact that they are losers does not let Islam off the hook.

RE: Most Islamic terrorists are losers

Said the man with 44,000 posts on a public forum.

Oh, the irony!

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