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Bangkok-Chiang Mai bus crash leaves one dead, three missing


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Bangkok-Chiang Mai bus crash leaves one dead, three missing


BANGKOK: -- One passenger died and three were missing after the bus they were travelling in hit a roadside tree and overturned into a ditch on the Asian Highway in Chai Nat province.

The interprovincial bus belonged to Pornpiriya Tour Co and was on the way from Bangkok to Chiang Mai last night.

Chai Nat police said the accident occurred near Kilometre marker 132 of the highway at about 11.00pm

It was raining at the time of the accident.

Bus driver Prinya Kampa told police that he was driving the bus to Chiang Mai with 23 passengers.

As the bus arrived near Kilometre 132, there was heavy rain.

He then put the brake to slow down the bus.

But the brake locked up, causing the bus to sway and hit a roadside tree before falling into the ditch, he said.

Passing vehicles alerted highway police who later rushed to the scene with rescue team.

19 passengers were pulled out of the partly submerged bus and sent to hospital.

One woman passenger died at the scene, and three others went missing, believed to be underneath the overturned bus.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bangkok-chiang-mai-bus-crash-leaves-one-dead-three-missing/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-25

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Sadly, it just wouldn't be a new day in Thailand with yet another of these terrible, preventable bus/van accidents that leave so many dead and injured.

The only constant here, besides more deaths and injuries, is the authorities doing absolutely nothing to prevent more of these senseless tragedies in the days, weeks, months ahead.

The only reasonable response to this kind of situation is to simply not use these forms of transport, especially for long and evening/overnight travel, when most of these crashes seem to occur.

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How many times do thr brakes get the blame?

This whole industry needs a overhaul from the ground up. Drivers, vehicles checking stations etc etc.

Bugger the bloody billion dollar plus on submarines. Put the money to better programmes like this where it might actually save lives instead of a useless program that won't save one.

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I don't know about not using the overnight bus.... I really like it as I never want to be in Bangkok longer than I need to so by using the overnight bus I can attend a meeting or other arrangments without having to stay there overnight and not have to go in and out 4 times of airports versus the bus station..... and I really don't like air travel in principle as well because it is so government subsidized in 10,000 different whichways.

Edited by maewang99
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"brakes locked up" - skidded more like - combination of heavy rain, excessive speed, and driver error. Of course I'm just speculating, but if you're going fast and jam the breaks down hard in those conditions, you're likely to lose control, and it takes some skill and presence of mind to recover it, assuming you have the time.

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He then put the brake to slow down the bus.

But the brake locked up, causing the bus to sway and hit a roadside tree before falling into the ditch, he said.

ABS anyone?

Probably going too fast, hit the break because of heavy rain and standing water on the road. Aquaplaning feels like the breaks lock up, but in fact the wheels are just not touching solid ground, he panic and this is the result.

My guess

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The school my 3 year old attends are going on a trip to the zoo in Chaing mai in the school bus,so I asked are child seats or safety belts available, of course not is my daughter going no way hozae no way. smile.png

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Child seats and seat belts are readily and cheaply available/fitted, but I am the only parent I know at my child's school in their 1,000,000 baht plus cars who has spent the extra 5000 baht on child seats and uses them. Suffer the little children!

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I don't know about not using the overnight bus.... I really like it as I never want to be in Bangkok longer than I need to so by using the overnight bus I can attend a meeting or other arrangments without having to stay there overnight and not have to go in and out 4 times of airports versus the bus station..... and I really don't like air travel in principle as well because it is so government subsidized in 10,000 different whichways.

Every one makes their own choices about their life and safety considerations. But convenience isn't going to matter much if you end up dead or in the hospital.

If you look back at the history of all these kinds of crashes, I think you'll find that the vast majority are occurring late in the evening or the early morning hours -- when it's dark outside, visibility is less, and presumably the drivers are tired and/or wasted.

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They should stop fitting these buses with brakes, they are causing too many

problems. of course it would not be the drivers fault,going too fast in very

bad conditions.

regards worgeordie

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How many times do thr brakes get the blame?

This whole industry needs a overhaul from the ground up. Drivers, vehicles checking stations etc etc.

Bugger the bloody billion dollar plus on submarines. Put the money to better programmes like this where it might actually save lives instead of a useless program that won't save one.

Poor people use buses.

Rich people order dubious 'defence' toys like subs and skim off a handsome 'fixers fee'.

Everyone else jets to comment piontlessly on news story fora.

And I think to myself. What a wonderful world.

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That's the very same excuse the guy used when he knocked over my bike was that his brakes failed. Not that he was loaded drunk but that his brakes failed. Same thing he told the police when he crashed for a second time in their parking lot was that his brakes failed.

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Sounds to me like aqua planning a very scary experience. To much speed possibly more likely not concentrating on road conditions and hitting the brakes to hard and to late. Best practise in wet is candice breaking (foot on and off break in quick cycles ie on brake off brake) wheels will not lock then and aqua planning is less probable.

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Public transport in Thailand....buy a ticket...and hope!...A: you get to the destination....B: if not...then in reality, no-one care..no-one is accountable......C: .the authorities don't give a rats arse.... zilch!

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That's the very same excuse the guy used when he knocked over my bike was that his brakes failed. Not that he was loaded drunk but that his brakes failed. Same thing he told the police when he crashed for a second time in their parking lot was that his brakes failed.

It's always convenient and customary here to blame anything that goes wrong on some inanimate object or force that isn't going to feel bad or have the potential for being punished/held responsible. Much easier on everyone except the dead and injured that way.

No, the driver is never the one to blame. It's

--the brakes failed

--the road was slippery

--there was a sudden rain storm

--the road had a curve that the bus couldn't handle

--one or more of the tires gave out

etc etc etc.

Of course, if the drivers drove safely and the buses and vans were properly maintained, most of the time, nothing bad would result.

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So he was going too fast braked too hard/late and lost control and crashed his bus killing people

Now isn't that a better explanation Mr Driver!

he was going to fast then heavy rain, did not slow down, then oh,oh a vehicle in front had to slam it on ect ect maybe better

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The school my 3 year old attends are going on a trip to the zoo in Chaing mai in the school bus,so I asked are child seats or safety belts available, of course not is my daughter going no way hozae no way. smile.png

Sorry to say I have seen some school busses, kids on the top deck ...on a single decker bus. facepalm.gif

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And my wife wonders why when a trip up country to the home village in Udon Thani is planned I insist in travelling by either overnight sleeper train or flying. I won't go any other way, even in our car.

Amongst the many biggest problems are, other drivers, the general condition of the roads & the total 'tools' using the roads. Enough reasons to find an alternative form of transport.

But really, I try & avoid going up there now anyhow. What is the point - every member of the family has their hand out for gifts as soon as you appear in the village. Sponges, all of them! Go & work in Banggers yo lazy so & so's!

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