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Dems' opening night: Party stars, struggle to quiet disputes


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Dems' opening night: Party stars, struggle to quiet disputes

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Former rivals Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders urgently joined forces Monday to tamp down dissent among his supporters, as Democrats tried to keep infighting from overtaking a convention opening night featuring some of the party's biggest stars.

It was unclear whether the efforts would succeed. Chants of "Bernie" echoed through the arena, and boos could be heard at times when Clinton's name was raised. Outside the arena, several hundred Sanders backers marched down Philadelphia's sweltering streets. Signs carried messages such as "Never Hillary" and even in one case "Just go to jail, Hillary," an echo of the Republicans' "Lock her up."

Much of Monday's program appeared aimed at giving Sanders' backers an opportunity to express their frustration before the convention moved on to focus on speakers who strongly support Clinton, such as first lady Michelle Obama. Sanders was delivering the night's closing address, just after Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who was expected to give a fervent address in favor of Clinton as well as denouncing Trump.

For Clinton, it was a turbulent start to a historic four-day gathering that will culminate in the nomination of the first woman to lead a major U.S. political party. It also sapped some of her energy coming out of Republican Donald Trump's chaotic convention last week and the well-received rollout Saturday of her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

Sanders scored a major victory with the forced resignation of party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz following the release of emails showing her staff favored Clinton during the primary despite vows of neutrality. But Sanders' aides reached out to the Clinton campaign Monday afternoon to express concerns that the chairwoman's ouster wouldn't be enough to keep supporters from disrupting the convention, according to a Democratic official.

The discussions between the two camps prompted Sanders to send emails and text messages to supporters asking them not to protest.

"Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays," Sanders wrote.

Moments after the convention opened in Philadelphia, the DNC also apologized to Sanders and his backers "for the inexcusable remarks made over email." The statement was signed by DNC leaders, though Wasserman Schultz's name was notably absent.

The Florida congresswoman's resignation is effective later this week, though she also stepped down from her official convention duties. The mere sight of her on stage had been expected to prompt strong opposition from Sanders' backers.

Sanders was a relatively unknown Vermont senator when he decided to challenge for the Democratic nomination. He stunned the Clinton campaign with his broad support among young people and liberals, as well as his online fundraising prowess. But he struggled to appeal to black voters and couldn't match the former secretary of state's ties to the Democratic establishment that wields significant power in the primary process.

Sanders previewed his remarks during an appearance earlier Monday before supportive delegates. He implored them to vote for Clinton, generating a chorus of boos.

"Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in," Sanders said as he tried to quiet the crowd. "Trump is a bully and a demagogue."

Clinton is promising a stark contrast to last week's Republican gathering, an often chaotic affair that featured a heavy dose of pessimism about the economy and national security.

"I don't see how you run for president of the United States if you spend all your time trash-talking the United States," she told supporters at a rally in North Carolina. "We're going to have a convention this week that highlights success stories."

The controversy over some 19,000 leaked DNC emails, however, threatened to complicate those plans. The correspondence, posted by WikiLeaks over the weekend, showed top officials at the supposedly neutral DNC favoring Clinton over Sanders in the presidential primaries.

Clinton campaign officials blamed the hack, which is now being investigated by the FBI, on Russian military intelligence agencies. The campaign also accused Moscow of trying to meddle in the U.S. election and help Trump, who has said he might not necessarily defend NATO allies if they are attacked by Russia.

Trump dismissed the suggestion in a tweet: "The joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC emails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me."

A cybersecurity firm the Democrats employed found traces of at least two sophisticated hacking groups on their network — both of which have ties to the Russian government. Those hackers took at least a year's worth of detailed chats, emails and research on Trump, according to a person knowledgeable of the breach who wasn't authorized to speak publicly about the matter.


Associated Press writers Kathleen Hennessey, Catherine Lucey and Kathleen Ronayne in Philadelphia, Lisa Lerer in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Jeff Karoub in Detroit contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-26

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I was amused by the speeches by fake Native American Warren and Bernie. Much of them sounded just like what Trump was saying in his speech, about how hard it is for the middle class. Also it was hilarious to hear them saying that the 1% needed taking down and and the banks should be broken up, and that HRC would do it. News flash- HRC is in the 1% and she is owned by Wall St. No way she's doing anything about either.

Also, to hear them going on about it, one would forget that Obama has been the president for 7 years and had a majority for 2. He had the opportunity to fix it but did nothing.

Lots of lies in there too, like how Trump is going to destroy the (un)affordable health care act, and omitting to mention he said he's going to replace it with better.

Make me chuckle when his own supporters boo'd Bernie for saying they should support HRC, and they were not cheering Warren at all. Not to forget the Bernie supporters outside chanting that they would not vote for HRC. Makes me sad that he sold out so quickly though. I thought he was the one politician with integrity- I was wrong.

So, DWS got employed by HRC as soon as she was sacked. I guess HRC was in it up to her neck- just better at hiding this deceit than the others. How corrupt is that woman?

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Good speech by Michelle Obama, could she be thinking of being the first Black Woman President of the USA in a few years time?

None of these people actually write their speeches, likewise neither do they plagiarize, I guess it's about who chooses the better speech writers. It's all theatre.
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It beats me how even some of the most diehard Hillary supporters are not disturbed by what will be shown in this movie. The only philanthropy Hillary Clinton knows is philanthropy to the back pockets of her and Bill Clinton

‘Clinton Cash’ doc set to stir up controversy as it debuts at Cannes

" The film portrays the Clintons as a greedy tag team who used the family’s controversial Clinton Foundation and her position as secretary of state to help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions."


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Michelle Obama was brilliant as was Elizabeth Warren. Bernie was nothing short of a Rock Star performance and bought the house down. Took about 5 minutes for the cheering to quieten down so Bernie could get a word in and then launched into what can only be described as a Kennedy-esque / 'I Have a Dream' performance. What a 'call to arms' for Democrats. Bernie sure has lit the flame of revolution that no amount of Republican fear mongering will extinguish. A liveable minimum wage, demise of Citizens United, an independent Supreme Court, investment in tuition free education, universal healthcare, government taking on the greed of big pharma, enshrining a woman's right to choose, protective rights for the minority LGBTQ community, uniting African Americans, Latino and all Americans no matter their race, creed or colour to join together and unite.

A celebration of hope and REAL prosperity for all Americans.

Finally something inspiring rather than the racism, hatred, bigotry and fear mongering of the Republican Party convention featuring Chachi.

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Michelle Obama was brilliant as was Elizabeth Warren. Bernie was nothing short of a Rock Star performance and bought the house down. Took about 5 minutes for the cheering to quieten down so Bernie could get a word in and then launched into what can only be described as a Kennedy-esque / 'I Have a Dream' performance. What a 'call to arms' for Democrats. Bernie sure has lit the flame of revolution that no amount of Republican fear mongering will extinguish. A liveable minimum wage, demise of Citizens United, an independent Supreme Court, investment in tuition free education, universal healthcare, government taking on the greed of big pharma, enshrining a woman's right to choose, protective rights for the minority LGBTQ community, uniting African Americans, Latino and all Americans no matter their race, creed or colour to join together and unite.

A celebration of hope and REAL prosperity for all Americans.

Finally something inspiring rather than the racism, hatred, bigotry and fear mongering of the Republican Party convention featuring Chachi.

I agree that it was inspiring, till the bit where he sold out to the Wall St glove puppet. No one except a fanatic HRC supporter thinks that she will go against her paymasters in the banks, or against her own class of the 1%.

Even his own delegates boo'd him for selling out.

I'm waiting for HRC to claim that she supports the LGBT community, when she takes loads of cash from Middle East dictators that kill people like that, usually by stoning them.

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Michelle Obama was brilliant as was Elizabeth Warren. Bernie was nothing short of a Rock Star performance and bought the house down. Took about 5 minutes for the cheering to quieten down so Bernie could get a word in and then launched into what can only be described as a Kennedy-esque / 'I Have a Dream' performance. What a 'call to arms' for Democrats. Bernie sure has lit the flame of revolution that no amount of Republican fear mongering will extinguish. A liveable minimum wage, demise of Citizens United, an independent Supreme Court, investment in tuition free education, universal healthcare, government taking on the greed of big pharma, enshrining a woman's right to choose, protective rights for the minority LGBTQ community, uniting African Americans, Latino and all Americans no matter their race, creed or colour to join together and unite.

A celebration of hope and REAL prosperity for all Americans.

Finally something inspiring rather than the racism, hatred, bigotry and fear mongering of the Republican Party convention featuring Chachi.

After the email hacks I reckon Berniess speech should more have been in the line of I had a BAD dream, or even more to the point, I had a WET dream when I started my campaign.

Edited by Berty100
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Good speech by Michelle Obama, could she be thinking of being the first Black Woman President of the USA in a few years time?

Well, yes, she has a path if she wants that. But there is no way she will run for president just based on being first lady. She'll have to follow in Hillary Clinton's path and get elected to political office. The Obama family is staying in Washington D.C. for awhile but will likely move after that. Not sure if it's going to be back to Chicago or not. Why not Hawaii?

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It beats me how even some of the most diehard Hillary supporters are not disturbed by what will be shown in this movie. The only philanthropy Hillary Clinton knows is philanthropy to the back pockets of her and Bill Clinton

‘Clinton Cash’ doc set to stir up controversy as it debuts at Cannes

" The film portrays the Clintons as a greedy tag team who used the family’s controversial Clinton Foundation and her position as secretary of state to help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions."


I think the reason they aren't disturbed by it is that they know it is Breitbart-funded nonsense.

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Good speech by Michelle Obama, could she be thinking of being the first Black Woman President of the USA in a few years time?

None of these people actually write their speeches, likewise neither do they plagiarize, I guess it's about who chooses the better speech writers. It's all theatre.

Well at least we know Mrs Trump didn´t.

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Now the circus focus is on the democrats and not letting up at all. What an absolute shamble these elections have become. As much as the real republican voters don't want Trump as President, the real democrat voters don't want Clinton as President either. Just what message does this send to the outside world?

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Now the circus focus is on the democrats and not letting up at all. What an absolute shamble these elections have become. As much as the real republican voters don't want Trump as President, the real democrat voters don't want Clinton as President either. Just what message does this send to the outside world?

They are not equivalent situations.

trump represents a successful hostile takeover of the republican party.

Clinton is a traditional democrat that has been pressured by a growing leftist part of the party to run on a very progressive platform and to voice policies more leftist than she would probably like. This is pretty normal for democrats. The party is shifting to the left. In my view, that's a good thing as long as democratic presidents can keep WINNING. Go too far left, and they won't.

That is basically the main reason Sanders didn't get the nomination. A strong majority of democratic voters (and caucus goers) felt that Sander's identification as a socialist meant he really had no chance of actually winning the general election. A practical, realistic decision, if not very romantic or exciting.

Edited by Jingthing
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It beats me how even some of the most diehard Hillary supporters are not disturbed by what will be shown in this movie. The only philanthropy Hillary Clinton knows is philanthropy to the back pockets of her and Bill Clinton

‘Clinton Cash’ doc set to stir up controversy as it debuts at Cannes

" The film portrays the Clintons as a greedy tag team who used the family’s controversial Clinton Foundation and her position as secretary of state to help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions."


I think the reason they aren't disturbed by it is that they know it is Breitbart-funded nonsense.

oh really ? can you please explain where exactly it is factually wrong or inaccurate?



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There were more Palestinian flags inside the convention than American ones.

The platform on the Israel Palestinian conflict is supportive of a two state solution. No big change. Hillary Clinton will be supportive of the USA's very close ally, Israel. There is a faction in the party that demonizes Israel, similar to European leftists, but they don't even have enough power (as yet) to change the platform.

I don't know how accurate it is about the lack of American flags, but you can bet your bottom dollar by the end of the convention you'll see PLENTY of them.

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Good speech by Michelle Obama, could she be thinking of being the first Black Woman President of the USA in a few years time?

Oh goody. More family dynasties lording it over the plebs.

She could try but I predict she won't. I've never seen her as ambitious that way. Cory Booker, on the other hand, he wants it.

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Good speech by Michelle Obama, could she be thinking of being the first Black Woman President of the USA in a few years time?

Well, yes, she has a path if she wants that. But there is no way she will run for president just based on being first lady. She'll have to follow in Hillary Clinton's path and get elected to political office. The Obama family is staying in Washington D.C. for awhile but will likely move after that. Not sure if it's going to be back to Chicago or not. Why not Hawaii?

As first ladies go she has been a good diplomat, and probably not really thinking of public office.

Hillary was a politician in her own right, and was well qualified to become part of the Obama administration.

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I have had a chance to watch the main speakers in full. Michelle Obama, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren and the superstar of the opening day The Bernster. All stayed perfectly on script. A faultless presentation perfectly managed. Choc full of relevant policy and political comparisons of their opponent without being hostile or engaging in hate speech. 10 out of 10 and a great start. Hillary is going to have to lift her game to outshine the lineup today.

Hard to pick the winner between Michelle or Bernie. Michelle is strikingly beautiful and Bernie just orchestrates the room with humility and both speak from the heart. You would have to say a dead heat.

Only slight criticism I would make is the Comedian Sarah Silverman when she directed comments to the Bernie supporters. She has to realise the Dems need those supporters to come across and unite to take on Trump.

It was a polished and coordinated political machine from seasoned political campaigners who showed they know their craft. A stark contrast to the hate speech, racist, bigoted pig ignorant Republican convention circus. It really does show wealthy old fat arrogant businessmen make really shiit politicians.

Well done Dems you came out strong and disciplined. A great start.

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Not sure you're right about what Sarah Silverman said.

She has been a leader of Bernie supporters and the majority of Bernie supporters I'm sure would agree that now that it's over, Bernie or Bust is ridiculous.

Of course as she said, she's a comedian and can say stuff like that. A politician wouldn't.

Yes there was a bit of a scene ... but perhaps the first night has been cathartic and the rest of the convention can be less about childish booing the party's nominee, Hillary Clinton.

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JT it just got a little awkward there. If a person is asked to 'stretch' it is unprofessional to say you have been asked to 'stretch' you just 'stretch'. Bernie supporters have to be encouraged to come on board and support Hillary not dragged along with force or admonished. Dems have to harness their passion and let them know the revolution is just getting started. When is Hillary making her entrance? They are possibly waiting to see how things go first. Maybe it needs Bernie to come on with Hillary onto the stage. I presume Obama is the next big gun to enter center stage.

Don't get me wrong Sarah Silverman wasn't anywhere near embarrassing as a bloody Chachi. On day one the Dems have wiped the floor with the Republicans. What big gun did Trump have not counting Cruz who came out and stabbed him in the back live on stage. Oh man what a shambles.

It is easy to see why the more intelligent and educated section of the electorate are Democrats

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