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Palestinians to sue Britain over 1917 pledge on Jewish state

Jonathan Fairfield

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Palestinians to sue Britain over 1917 pledge on Jewish state

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Palestinian president says he will sue Great Britain over the 1917 Balfour Declaration and its support for a Jewish national home in the Holy Land.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki made the announcement on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas at Monday's opening of the Arab League summit in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott.

Malki said the suit would be filed in an international court. He didn't elaborate.

The Balfour Declaration laid the vision for the future state of Israel and sparked waves of Jewish migration to the British mandate in Palestine. Israel declared its independence in 1948 after the mandate expired and won a subsequent war against its Arab adversaries.

Malki said the declaration was a "fateful promise from the ones who don't own to the ones who don't deserve."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-26

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"I began to wonder if all established reputations were founded, like mine, on fraud." - T.E. Lawrence - Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

The British were certainly pulling a fast one. I think history has buried this in any legal sense, but I hope out of compunction the British at least show the Palestinians more support now.

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Just shows how deluded some so called Palestinians are, crazy

I wouldn't say crazy but more like further proof (as if we needed it) that there is no political will there to actually seek a REALISTIC solution based on today's realities ... with ISRAEL.

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People who win wars usually keep the land.

But they usually don't stiff their allies, without whom they probably would have lost... We're still paying for Britain's broken promises and double dealings in the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia from 100 years ago.

The Palestinians may not win a thing. But if they can show the world what a bowl of crap they were served up, good on them.

Edited by impulse
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If anybody is old enough, they will remember the hard times during and after WWII. Palestinians complain about how hard life is for them while they continue to fight a war they lost and can't possibly win.

OK so you get a free TV licence.giggle.gif

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I blame the Ottomans for allowing them to create a Palestine in the first place.

They should have just created an Israel then we wouldn't have had all this fuss.

The Ottomans didn't ​create ​Palestine.

It was the Romans in 135 AD who created Syria Palaestina.

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I blame the Ottomans for allowing them to create a Palestine in the first place.

They should have just created an Israel then we wouldn't have had all this fuss.

The Ottomans didn't ​create ​Palestine.

It was the Romans in 135 AD who created Syria Palaestina.

I said "allowing them". Palestine was carved out of the Ottoman empire.

Would have been better if the Brits had simply stayed out of it.

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I blame the Ottomans for allowing them to create a Palestine in the first place.

They should have just created an Israel then we wouldn't have had all this fuss.

The Ottomans didn't ​create ​Palestine.

It was the Romans in 135 AD who created Syria Palaestina.

I said "allowing them". Palestine was carved out of the Ottoman empire.

Would have been better if the Brits had simply stayed out of it.


The Brits should have stayed out of it. But neither they nor the Ottomans created Palestine as a province. It was the Romans.

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And we have given them how many millions in international aid ? They live in poverty and have done nothing since they lost their conflict with the israelies.. Meanwhile their leaders soak up the aid money, live a lavish lifestyle and all drive luxury cars..

If they want to litigate, they should look to their own leaders first.

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Bearing grudges from a century ago instead of rolling ones sleeves up and making the best of things encapsulates the self-pity which has held the Palestinians back from the day they were first invented.

. Since the Palestinians were invented (by a terrorist born in Egypt) in the 1960s. Edited by Ulysses G.
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I blame the Ottomans for allowing them to create a Palestine in the first place.

They should have just created an Israel then we wouldn't have had all this fuss.

The Ottomans didn't ​create ​Palestine.

It was the Romans in 135 AD who created Syria Palaestina.

Which had precisely zero link with the modern Palestinians. At least Latin had a letter 'P', unlike Arabic. Hence the Balestinians selected a name for their nation which they can't even pronounce.
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Most of the problems in the region can be traced back to English and French foreign policy. As the guy says in respect of Palestine: a promise made by those who didn't own to those who didn't deserve.

No one would dispute the right of the Jews to seek to reside , in safety, in the region....either in a state of their own or on some Cyprus-like arrangement.

What is untenable though is the complete intransigence of the current Israeli govt ( and the complicit lap dog lickspittles in Washington, Hilary Clinton being one). The more they resist a negotiated settlement,the less likely it can end well for Israel. Rabin well understood that but not the loony fringe successors.

This land was not gifted by God but rather at the whim of a sleazy British politician

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The Palestinians are not exactly wild about a negotiated settlement. They have been dragging their heals for 70 years. The blame is certainly not on Israel alone.

As long as the Israelis continue building illegal settlements and occupying Palestinian land outside their internationally recognized 1967 borders, then they are to blame for the current impasse.

Israel's occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem is the world's longest military occupation in modern times.

Arguments to justify it are deceptive propaganda of the most transparent kind.

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So chowny77 - are all English football supporters hooligans? Where should they f*****f to? They were there before Israel was formed.

No they were not. How far do you want to go back? Gaza was under Ottoman control, a Turkish possession until the British took over. Immediately prior to the British presence, it was depopulated due to an earthquake that levelled everything.

In respect to the territory now called the West Bank , it too was under Ottoman rule and was a Turkish possession until the British took over. At the same time there was agreement on the San Remo Agreement, Transjordan was created by the British. Will the PLA be suing the Jordanians and asking for the dismantling of Jordan? They may wish to tread carefully as the British granted the West Bank area to a proposed Arab state in the Balfour declaration. However, in the war of Israel's independence, Jordan captured it and annexed it. No arab state for those people, courtesy of the Jordanians.

These PLA arabs are so stupid. The Balfour declaration which recognized the rights of a future Israel, also proposed the creation of a new Arab state. They can't have it both ways. If Balfour is to be discarded, then the demands of the arabs to the west bank will be discarded too. They are never happy.

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Most of the problems in the region can be traced back to English and French foreign policy. As the guy says in respect of Palestine: a promise made by those who didn't own to those who didn't deserve.

No one would dispute the right of the Jews to seek to reside , in safety, in the region....either in a state of their own or on some Cyprus-like arrangement.

What is untenable though is the complete intransigence of the current Israeli govt ( and the complicit lap dog lickspittles in Washington, Hilary Clinton being one). The more they resist a negotiated settlement,the less likely it can end well for Israel. Rabin well understood that but not the loony fringe successors.

This land was not gifted by God but rather at the whim of a sleazy British politician

The Israeli intransigence is a direct result of the PLA walking away form a peace deal that had been agreed to in hopes of their getting more. The Israelis are taking a hard line because elf the years of violence. They can sit back and laugh now as Arabs and muslims bring their culture to the EU.

The PLA could have peace very easily. All they need to do is to take the higher moral ground and adopt a peaceful lifestyle for a few years. Israel would be unable to say no.

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The Palestinians are not exactly wild about a negotiated settlement. They have been dragging their heals for 70 years. The blame is certainly not on Israel alone.

As long as the Israelis continue building illegal settlements and occupying Palestinian land outside their internationally recognized 1967 borders, then they are to blame for the current impasse.

As long as the Palestinians keep up their terrorist war and refusing to sign a peace treat, Israel is justified in building settlements as well as striking back with military force. Hamas is still shooting rockets into Israel and attacking soldiers with mortars. THEY are to blame for the impasse.

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The Palestinians are not exactly wild about a negotiated settlement. They have been dragging their heals for 70 years. The blame is certainly not on Israel alone.

As long as the Israelis continue building illegal settlements and occupying Palestinian land outside their internationally recognized 1967 borders, then they are to blame for the current impasse.

As long as the Palestinians keep up their terrorist war and refusing to sign a peace treat, Israel is justified in building settlements as well as striking back with military force. Hamas is still shooting rockets into Israel and attacking soldiers with mortars. THEY are to blame for the impasse.

Yes, that's the Zionist narrative, but it is ingenuous to put it mildly.

The Israelis are provoking the resistance by their illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

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Bearing grudges from a century ago instead of rolling ones sleeves up and making the best of things encapsulates the self-pity which has held the Palestinians back from the day they were first invented.

. Since the Palestinians were invented (by a terrorist born in Egypt) in the 1960s.

Perhaps you ought actually to read the OP Balfour Declaration

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."
Palestine mentioned twice in the Balfour Declaration in 1917, where Palestinians numbered 88% of the population, and Jews 12%. Yet the British still had the hide to give away the land to Zionist immigrants.
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