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Trump to Russia: Uncover, release deleted Clinton emails


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A dirt dog and pony show this is. In my country someone spouting garbage as has been done in the US in the last few months wouldn't have lasted even a week I am proud to say. And I mean both sides. This circus gives the outsiders a perfect insight in the American way and psyche. Argumentative kindergarten level to achieve the highest office doesn't make much sense IMHO.

Remember, the US is a big and very diverse country. A majority don't like Trump. He's behind in the recent polls, luckily. But yes, many are supporting him as they are fed up with the status quo.

But his basic style seems to be somewhat similar to another politician. Boris Johnson?

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Sounds like just a headline grabbing comment. Interesting with the emails though was that the Democrats cried foul trying to link them to Russia. The oldest play in the book, if the message is toxic try to create a storm around the messenger to take focus away from said toxic news. And of course the NSA wouldn't have copies would they? See also reported the IRS wants to have a close look at the very suspect Clinton Foundation.

There's some credible evidence indicating the DNC emails were stolen by Russian operatives. Research it. There were two major breaches, and it was later found that both were very likely from Russia.

Frankly, I don't give a rats ass whether it was Russia or Zimbabwe who stole them. I would just like the regular people like us to be able to see them

The fact that anyone has them are due to Clinton's negligence

Edited by NovaBlue05
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and we are barely out of the gates in the race for POTUS. God only knows what revelations will come next week.

For you Hilary haters this is just another quip to desperatly explain away - "This isn't about the Russians or Trump".. for 2/3 of Americans, this guy is looking a idiot, buffoon, but more than that a potentially dangerous one.

All this and Roger Ailes riding off into the sunset.

Now a friend e mailed saying you can get free downloads of ESPN 30 for 30 - Small Potatoes; Who killed the USFL, those evil Dems are going after the sports bar jock wanna bees. This is going to be fun biggrin.png

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Trump, whom Democrats have accused of having cozy ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, repeatedly declined to condemn the actions of Russia or any other foreign power who might be trying to intervene in the U.S. election.

Wow, just wow

Maybe this will play with the Benghazi dancers, but it will itn play with America. This is like that announcement on the Titanic about stopping to pick up Ice. thumbsup.gif

Edited by LomSak27
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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

She looks ghastly...

That's the face of America's future.

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Remember, the US is a big and very diverse country. A majority don't like Trump. He's behind in the recent polls, luckily.

I am pretty sure that he is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls or maybe they are even.

Last one I saw, a week ago, she was ahead by a mile. But, these things change and it's a long way will until November! LOL

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To me, the greater issue is information security. We have information that we can't seem to get to our Mainstream Media press corps but Assange, Putin, and who ever wants to put forth a little effort can get it. So we hide it from the American public by classifying it at some level of security. It has been a while since I was in the business but when I retired, we had more classified data than the rest of the world. That is information that we Americans would never be allowed to see.

Anybody who really believes the US has press freedom is dreaming. We have less press freedom than pretty much anybody. We censor everything by classifying it. The folks that sit in the morning press conference and ride with the POTUS on air force one are the most controlled folks on the planet. They release nothing without White House approval. Helen Thomas a few years back lost her spot at the table after some 40 years of press corps service because she suggested that Jews should have returned to the countries from which they came when WWII was over. That is some serious press freedom.

The hundreds of thousands of classified documents that Assange and crew release are just the tip of the iceberg.

Edited by Pakboong
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Remember, the US is a big and very diverse country. A majority don't like Trump. He's behind in the recent polls, luckily.

I am pretty sure that he is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls or maybe they are even.

That's probably about right. Polls don't matter in late July.

The real show is at the debates and we can see how well the media moderators can shield Hillary and whether Trump says something so outrageous that he finally crosses the tipping point

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Well I guess Russia will replace the U.K. an one of our greatest allies if Trump gets in.

Putin has gained more ground and achieved more during the last 8 years of Obama/Clinton than even he ever dreamed possible.

What makes you think he wouldn't want to keep going with a sure thing?

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To me, the greater issue is information security. We have information that we can't seem to get to our Mainstream Media press corps but Assange, Putin, and who ever wants to put forth a little effort can get it. So we hide it from the American public by classifying it at some level of security. It has been a while since I was in the business but when I retired, we had more classified data than the rest of the world. That is information that we Americans would never be allowed to see.

Anybody who really believes the US has press freedom is dreaming. We have less press freedom than pretty much anybody. We censor everything by classifying it. The folks that sit in the morning press conference and ride with the POTUS on air force one are the most controlled folks on the planet. They release nothing without White House approval. Helen Thomas a few years back lost her spot at the table after some 40 years of press corps service because she suggested that Jews should have returned to the countries from which they came when WWII was over. That is some serious press freedom.

The hundreds of thousands of classified documents that Assange and crew release are just the tip of the iceberg.


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Sounds like just a headline grabbing comment. Interesting with the emails though was that the Democrats cried foul trying to link them to Russia. The oldest play in the book, if the message is toxic try to create a storm around the messenger to take focus away from said toxic news. And of course the NSA wouldn't have copies would they? See also reported the IRS wants to have a close look at the very suspect Clinton Foundation.

There's some credible evidence indicating the DNC emails were stolen by Russian operatives. Research it. There were two major breaches, and it was later found that both were very likely from Russia.

Glad you realize this. Hillary and her crew have no intellect for guarding their own emails. Total idiots. They would just release the codes for nuclear strikes to the Russians as well.

Let's hope Hillary never gets in power.

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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

Put her in line with Condoleeza Rice and Merkel. Great people in high positions. God help us all.

Yeah, plus the Bushs and Trump. Lift me up, Scotty.

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To me, the greater issue is information security. We have information that we can't seem to get to our Mainstream Media press corps but Assange, Putin, and who ever wants to put forth a little effort can get it. So we hide it from the American public by classifying it at some level of security. It has been a while since I was in the business but when I retired, we had more classified data than the rest of the world. That is information that we Americans would never be allowed to see.

Anybody who really believes the US has press freedom is dreaming. We have less press freedom than pretty much anybody. We censor everything by classifying it. The folks that sit in the morning press conference and ride with the POTUS on air force one are the most controlled folks on the planet. They release nothing without White House approval. Helen Thomas a few years back lost her spot at the table after some 40 years of press corps service because she suggested that Jews should have returned to the countries from which they came when WWII was over. That is some serious press freedom.

The hundreds of thousands of classified documents that Assange and crew release are just the tip of the iceberg.

A lot of the information given to Assange should not have been leaked. No country in the world publishes such classified information. And for good reasons. Just like your private information should not be made public. There has to be limits.

You're trolling with the statement the US has less freedom than pretty much anybody else. And no, not EVERYTHING is censored by classifying it. Terrible blanket statement.

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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

She looks ghastly...

That's the face of America's future.

Yes, or this face.


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Hilay leads in 48 polls .... Trump on 11 of the top 50 polling news and websites 1 a toss, heh

Trump needs continual national or and International Chaos to beat Clinton. Might happen, might not. I'm sure the boys rattling spears, chanting around the fire, "Benghazi Benghazi" will remain convinced Clinton will lose. oh and sure she is the Antichrist ... Anyone, Trump, Putin, Franco ..... Mugabe ... will be thought of as a preferrable POTUS biggrin.png

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Ladies and Gentlemen, this is classic Trump, something he has been using since he got in the race.

When his opponent has good news, he will say something that sucks all the press coverage.

Remember last year how whenever Cruz, Jeb, any of his primary opponents would have a good news day, Trump would say something controversial and knock them out of the news.

Now, it is in the middle of the Dems' convention and a big chink of news time is discussing not only Trump, but also revisiting Hillary's email scandal. No way he planned that. He must have just gotten lucky.

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Specifically to Trumps call to Russia to find those missing emails...

1) Russia doesn't need to be asked to spy on anyone.

2) Trump asked them to find the 30,000 emails Hillary deleted.

3) Those deleted emails were on her private server (now gone) not a gov't one.

4) Hillary has said, there was nothing at all classified. In fact, they were all about weddings, grand children and yoga class.

Trump is crazy,,,crazy like a fox.

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Two things:

First, the 50 percent of the country that didn't know about the emails just woke up and said, "what emails?" The story lives on............"

The average Clinton voter will quickly dismiss this with "what's the big deal about email....I use it all the time...?"

And that's as far as their inquiring little minds will take it.

5555555! A Trump voter accusing Clinton voters of having "little minds".


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Two things:

First, the 50 percent of the country that didn't know about the emails just woke up and said, "what emails?" The story lives on............"

The average Clinton voter will quickly dismiss this with "what's the big deal about email....I use it all the time...?"

And that's as far as their inquiring little minds will take it.

5555555! A Trump voter accusing Clinton voters of having "little minds".

Personally, I don't like Trump. I agree in principle with a number of his positions although not necessarily the means or methods of accomplishing it. Wish there was a better spokesperson.

Clinton however, is human filth and would be more dangerous because Congress no longer exercises their solemn duty to act as a check against Executive overreach in a non-partisan manner.

In this sense, I believe Trump would have more Republicans challenge his initiatives than Clinton would ever have member of her own party....who would have zero resistance as the democrats in Congress are hyper partisan drooling lapdogs. Obama demonstrated them to be as such during his 1st term. This alone makes Clinton more dangerous once you get beyond any emotional "dislike" of Trump.

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Hillary beware.. Trump is Columbo. Trump is Monk. He is the guy who makes you think he is a buffoon and before you know it, you've lost.

How many people know what Trump said yesterday? Now, how many people know that Hillary's VP pick gave a speech at the convention last night?

Doh! The Democrats just fell for Trump's Russian email-hack bait

"Instead of ignoring the story or simply scoffing at the obvious distracting attack, the Clinton campaign has fallen into the same kind of trap all those Republican candidates Trump defeated in the primaries fell for: misdirection.

"So again, what we're witnessing here is a presidential candidate stealing the other party's thunder just when it needs your attention the most.

Grand Theft Convention isn't a game, it's the real thing. And Trump just won it."

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