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Her turn now: Hillary Clinton makes her case for presidency


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@Post 30


And of course, in fact,

Ambassador Stevens was dragged to safety by locals and thrown into their own car in which they drove Mr. Stevens to the hospital.

Mr. Stevens expired there from smoke inhalation.

Regardless of what the ignorant, uninformed, parroting Lemmings have to say with their bombastic, hyperbole and fallacious rhetoric.

But, that just grandly illustrates how the Lemmings have been manipulated by the Bloviator.

And the essence of their own willful ignorance.

As well as their "Glorious Leader".

The Lemmings got nothin'.

But hate, fear mongering and vitriol.


Dunning Kruger. Maak.

Edited by iReason
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I watched both the Republican and Democratic conventions and in my mind there is no way Trump can or should be elected to be the President. He has no experience or depth and he does not have the intelligence to make decisions that are complicated and have far reaching consequences. His entire agenda is either based upon fear or how much something costs.

While Hillary Clinton is not my favorite person and I would have much rather had Bernie Sanders as President- she is the best of the 2 candidates. She has plans that are readily spelled out and how to achieve them. She has experience in a number of areas such as social programs and foreign affairs and she has the best advisors you can get- starting with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. vote for Trump places America on a further war footing. He will invade Syria and possibly Iran causing the death of untold thousands of Americans and the loss of a trillion dollars. Mrs Clinton will keep America out of war just as Obama has done. The better choice would have been Sanders who would have left the Middle East to the Arabs but that choice no longer exists.

Hillary Clinton is going to be a transitional President because while some of her policies will be progressive what America really needs is a real economic revolution which starts the redistribution of wealth away from the 1% to the other 99%. That day is coming but it won't be under Clinton but a Sanders like candidate who in the future will make the needed changes.

Donald Trump represents the worst in America and the worst possible choice ever for President. That leaves only one other choice.

At least he will pickup the phone, when somebody calls in from an embassy under attack.....

Hillary will just ignore the call and ask "What difference will it make"?

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I watched both the Republican and Democratic conventions and in my mind there is no way Trump can or should be elected to be the President. He has no experience or depth and he does not have the intelligence to make decisions that are complicated and have far reaching consequences. His entire agenda is either based upon fear or how much something costs.

While Hillary Clinton is not my favorite person and I would have much rather had Bernie Sanders as President- she is the best of the 2 candidates. She has plans that are readily spelled out and how to achieve them. She has experience in a number of areas such as social programs and foreign affairs and she has the best advisors you can get- starting with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. vote for Trump places America on a further war footing. He will invade Syria and possibly Iran causing the death of untold thousands of Americans and the loss of a trillion dollars. Mrs Clinton will keep America out of war just as Obama has done. The better choice would have been Sanders who would have left the Middle East to the Arabs but that choice no longer exists.

Hillary Clinton is going to be a transitional President because while some of her policies will be progressive what America really needs is a real economic revolution which starts the redistribution of wealth away from the 1% to the other 99%. That day is coming but it won't be under Clinton but a Sanders like candidate who in the future will make the needed changes.

Donald Trump represents the worst in America and the worst possible choice ever for President. That leaves only one other choice.

At least he will pickup the phone, when somebody calls in from an embassy under attack.....

Hillary will just ignore the call and ask "What difference will it make"?

....and then mutter "the peasants are so bothersome..." as she rolls back over to sleep

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Anyway, the only way she'll be president is if the voting's rigged .. Which of course will never happen laugh.png

Oh dear, the excuses are coming out already.


Correct funnier still is people who would argue that Trump is more honest or trustworthy. Now that's funny. In a 2 party system unfortunately you have to vote for the least worst option. The world is praying the silly seppos don't give us Donald. They might deserve him but we certainly don't.

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She has absolutely no standards nor principles. No moral center - just a grasping power-hungry witch who for some reason believes it's her 'right' to be the next president.

She's nothing more than a con-artist. blink.png

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She has absolutely no standards nor principles. No moral center - just a grasping power-hungry witch who for some reason believes it's her 'right' to be the next president.

She's nothing more than a con-artist. blink.png

Here is what she has to say

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The figures are in and Donald Trump received 2.4 million more viewers last week than Hillary Clinton did last night at the DNC convention in Philly.


It looks like Donald Trump is going to take the lead over Hillary Clinton this election – at least when it comes to how many people watched the last night of the Republican National Convention and how many watched the last night of the Democratic National Convention."


Face it Grandma, the people just aren't that into you any more...whistling.gif

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Did you even read the link? Just listen, then, to what the General had to say.

The headline was a gender card play so no, I did not listen to the General. The US military will follow its Commander-in-Chief regardless of the genitalia between his or her legs. Whether they respect the Commander-in-Chief may be a whole different story.

Don't think our active military or veterans aren't paying attention to our people being abandoned in Benghazi. Don't think the military isn't paying attention to the Obama cartel lawsuit trying to stifle the military vote in Ohio. Again, this is baggage Hillary Clinton will be carrying unless she can con people into believing she doesn't support it. But pretty much everyone knows she's a liar, so good luck with that.

Of course, the rules of engagement have gotten many in our military killed as well. Hillary Clinton not only has her own baggage to carry, but that of her party's current president, Barack Hussein Obama. These issues are probably at least a good chunk of the reason the military supports Trump 2-1 over Clinton.



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Let's sincerely hope not! facepalm.gif

More to the issue is the lunacy of the Democratic Party's reasoning re Crooked Hillary

To wit:

Clinton Campaign Manager: Hillary Will Earn Trust After She’s Elected President


Sound kinda similar to "We have to pass it to see what's in it"?

These people are lunatics! thumbsup.gif

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Serves her supporters well....

What were they thinking? If you want a woman president....wait for a good one. Not Hillary.

Nothing offered except an old lady with lots of emotional baggage. Look at her eyes. Listen to those who worked with her. She is an awful person.

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Have had to stop following these threads, the right wing ignorance is just too much.

Good luck with your new GW Bush's you numbsculls, the GOP is the dog&hit of the nation, and you boys supporting them are imbeciles.

<deleted> Trump, overrated businessman as well as traitor (enlisting the Russians in this), Hillary is flat out a 100% better option than that dic*head.

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Her only "case" to be President is that she is a woman

Indeed. Surely even the most rabid HRC supporter would admit that if she had male genitalia she would never have defeated Bernie.

I watched her speech, and if she had stopped at the bit where she accepted the nomination she would have done herself a big favour, but no, she had to go on, becoming more and more desperate to put the Donald down.

As a clever person said afterwards, Trump inhabits her brain now.

The whole thing was a farce anyway, with Bill saying she was going to be a "changemaker" and everyone else saying she was going to be the steady continuation of Obama- he certainly thought so. Can't be both.

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If one wants to know how HRC did as Secretary of State, one should speak to those who worked with her. It would be much more reliable than listening to Trump or other uninformed wingnuts. For example, I would think a 4-star General who was actually in-theater would be much more credible....


So we should listen to those that work with her? OK. The person who knows her best work-wise, Huma Abedin, says that Hillary Clinton is "often confused". How about we ask Chris Stevens? Oh, that's right. We can't. He's dead. Hillary ignored his pleas for security and was murdered by savage terrorists.

Yes, let's listen to those who work with her and elect someone who's "often confused" and watches her own people get murdered for eight hours while doing nothing but worrying about how it will effect the next election. Great idea!

Did you even read the link? Just listen, then, to what the General had to say.

I'd rather listen to what the guy who guarded her for 8 years has to say. He even wrote a book about how bad she is.

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I see the future Mrs. President has gone ahead in the polls...well done.

At this point, what difference does it make?

BTW, the average is that they are equal in the polls. HRC should be way ahead by now. That she isn't speaks much about her untrustworthiness and lack of charisma.

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It looks like Donald Trump is going to take the lead over Hillary Clinton this election – at least when it comes to how many people watched the last night of the Republican National Convention and how many watched the last night of the Democratic National Convention."


Face it Grandma, the people just aren't that into you any more...whistling.gif

That's no real surprise though.

Trump definitely wins comedy fans over.

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I'd rather listen to what the guy who guarded her for 8 years has to say. He even wrote a book about how bad she is.

And who would buy if it it wasn't scandalous?


It's going to take a real humdinger of a scandal to beat this one boys! smile.png


11 Explosive Clinton Cash Facts Mainstream Media Confirm are Accurate

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Have had to stop following these threads, the right wing ignorance is just too much.

Good luck with your new GW Bush's you numbsculls, the GOP is the dog&hit of the nation, and you boys supporting them are imbeciles.

<deleted> Trump, overrated businessman as well as traitor (enlisting the Russians in this), Hillary is flat out a 100% better option than that dic*head.

Your post is the most inflammatory post I have ever seen on ThaiVisa. I am in shock and awe.


we are not numbsculls....perhaps you meant numbskullsl/numskulls.

know the difference....at least.

Typical Democrat post/attack. I guess when you are a loser, you get mighty ticked off. Lighten up and learn to play the Trumpet...or do something challenging (like checkers).

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When you compare the two conventions, the Democrats pissed all over that mishmash of D-list celebs and non-entities painting a miserable picture of doom and gloom and offering nothing by way of solutions.

And is there ANYTHING Trump doesn't make with cheap foreign labour?

The Trump Home glassware line is made by Steklarna Rogaska, a Slovenian company.

The Trump Home furniture collection is made by Dorya Interiors, a Turkish company.

"I create jobs", yeah Donald, sure. In Turkey, Slovenia, China, Mexico, Bangladesh you do.


So all of his buildings in the US were built in other countries?

clap2.gif He built them overseas and then imported them for free. Good Trade deal.

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Hillary's Convention speech slapped Trump around the chops which is crucial Democrats take the fight to Trump. Now the hard part to keep selling their message and if it is as disciplined as the Convention then it will be a very difficult campaign to beat.

Hillary doesn't want a large bump in the Polls. Better to stay just slightly ahead or 5 points behind. It would be disastrous if she got too far ahead in the Polls and that triggered a low turn out on the day. If it looks like Hillary is going to walk away with it then Dems may not decide to vote and that could lead to disaster. Underdog is a better position going into the last two weeks.

One thing I did notice at the DNC Convention was the lack of 1000 American flags. It is about time America stopped all the flag waving nonsense. Very smart by the Dems. When an election hangs on Mexican Latino Hispanic African American vote the last thing you want is to be waving 10000 flags in people's face. It consolidates Republican white racists but alienates ethnic minorities.

Also key was Hillary moving to the Left and taking on board Bernie's popularity and attacking Wall Street, Corporate America and the wealthy elite. Also Healthcare, education, Justice, liveable minimum wage and addressing income inequality.

Overall a very disciplined, positive, uplifting and a show of unity throughout the convention.

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Hillary's Convention speech slapped Trump around the chops which is crucial Democrats take the fight to Trump. Now the hard part to keep selling their message and if it is as disciplined as the Convention then it will be a very difficult campaign to beat.

Hillary doesn't want a large bump in the Polls. Better to stay just slightly ahead or 5 points behind. It would be disastrous if she got too far ahead in the Polls and that triggered a low turn out on the day. If it looks like Hillary is going to walk away with it then Dems may not decide to vote and that could lead to disaster. Underdog is a better position going into the last two weeks.

One thing I did notice at the DNC Convention was the lack of 1000 American flags. It is about time America stopped all the flag waving nonsense. Very smart by the Dems. When an election hangs on Mexican Latino Hispanic African American vote the last thing you want is to be waving 10000 flags in people's face. It consolidates Republican white racists but alienates ethnic minorities.

Also key was Hillary moving to the Left and taking on board Bernie's popularity and attacking Wall Street, Corporate America and the wealthy elite. Also Healthcare, education, Justice, liveable minimum wage and addressing income inequality.

Overall a very disciplined, positive, uplifting and a show of unity throughout the convention.


The best part was no flags. The only flag there was the one the left wingnuts were burning outside.

When the media took note of the flag burning....boom. Thousands

What jerks

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Have had to stop following these threads, the right wing ignorance is just too much.

Good luck with your new GW Bush's you numbsculls, the GOP is the dog&hit of the nation, and you boys supporting them are imbeciles.

<deleted> Trump, overrated businessman as well as traitor (enlisting the Russians in this), Hillary is flat out a 100% better option than that dic*head.

Your post is the most inflammatory post I have ever seen on ThaiVisa. I am in shock and awe.


we are not numbsculls....perhaps you meant numbskullsl/numskulls.

know the difference....at least.

Typical Democrat post/attack. I guess when you are a loser, you get mighty ticked off. Lighten up and learn to play the Trumpet...or do something challenging (like checkers).

That's you dream, is it? To play the Bloviator's trumpet?

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She's not the only one making her case. We're with her! thumbsup.gif

(Against the angry nutcase trump. Yes, he's a DANGEROUS madman. Who can't see that?)


These are unsettling times that require a steady hand: That's not Donald Trump.
Houston Chronicle Editorial Board endorses Hillary Clinton

Any one of Trump's less-than-sterling qualities - his erratic temperament, his dodgy business practices, his racism, his Putin-like strongman inclinations and faux-populist demagoguery, his contempt for the rule of law, his ignorance - is enough to be disqualifying. His convention-speech comment, "I alone can fix it," should make every American shudder. He is, we believe, a danger to the Republic.
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When you compare the two conventions, the Democrats pissed all over that mishmash of D-list celebs and non-entities painting a miserable picture of doom and gloom and offering nothing by way of solutions.

And is there ANYTHING Trump doesn't make with cheap foreign labour?

The Trump Home glassware line is made by Steklarna Rogaska, a Slovenian company.

The Trump Home furniture collection is made by Dorya Interiors, a Turkish company.

"I create jobs", yeah Donald, sure. In Turkey, Slovenia, China, Mexico, Bangladesh you do.


So all of his buildings in the US were built in other countries?

clap2.gif He built them overseas and then imported them for free. Good Trade deal.

I'm glad you folks brought this up.

Where do you want to start? With his stiffing subcontractors who built them, or employing illegal foreign workers?

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The topic being about Clinton we should all be aware of how Crooked the entire Democratic Party and their enablers are with respect too 'winning' any way they can.

To wit:

Pat Caddell Blasts Reuters' Back-Rigging Polls to Show Clinton Up

“This comes as close as I have ever seen to cooking the results,” said the legendary pollster and political consultant.

“I suppose you can get away with it in polling because there are no laws. But, if this was accounting, they would put them in jail.” The decision comes on the heels of a Breitbart News report that shows a 17-point swing towards Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump and away from Democratic nominee Hillary R.Clinton. "


Dead voters on the rolls.  Rigged polling.  Will they stop at nothing? :blink:

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