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Can Bangkok Curb Prostitution? And Should It?


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Having read some of this thread if whores are selling sex for 2500 baht an hour to foreigners they will kill it off all by themselves, good job too.

Spot on.

That is very much the consensus between my 'monger' pals.

For many years I regularly had around 30-40 visitors a year, mainly pals from home who would stop in BKK for a few days en-route to Pattaya or even linger in BKK a while, but now they just zip right through to the Pips or Cambodia, sometimes stopping for a day or two in BKK to 'break the journey'.

When I ask why they are making so short a stay, the reply is always the same.

One Aussie pal tells me he can get a night of booze and nookie at home for way, way less than he can in Bangkok nowadays.

Long, long gone are the days when a good night out followed by a 'good night in' could be had for 100GBP (6-7000THB).

Is that a good or a bad thing?

I'm not going to pontificate though I'll say some of the best nights I've had out in Thailand have been in these 'nefarious' areas, some of the best people I've known in Thailand I've met in such areas, plus I spent many of my formative years in Thailand in such areas so I have a great affection for them.

While some of the 'culture vulture illuminati' like to sneer at such affection as it doesn't share the same imagined sophistication as their 'HiSo' night clubs/jazz clubs/wine bars cheesy.gif etc, for me, and I'm sure for many they were a great 'nursery' to expat life in Thailand if you will.

Not really sure I understand your argument.

You state that your friends spend less and less time there. You speak fondly of your previous experiences there which implies they are not what they used to be. Yet, you then "sneer" at the imagined sophistication of others. Maybe others are just fed up with what the naughty areas have turned into just like you are. They have simply chosen a different outlet as a replacement.

I think I fall into that camp. I spent a lot of time in places like Cowboy and Nana. A lot.

But it sickens me today. You used to be able to go out and have a good time. Have a few drinks. Maybe joke around with the staff for a bit. Watch some girls. And while it was never super cheap, it didn't break the wallet to go out and buy a few rounds.

But nowadays it feels like a factory. Get them in, buy a bunch of lady drinks, and either bar fine or get moving. If you're not willing to follow that script, well, you're gonna get a lot of stink eye Mr. Farang. And if you get through an evening out without making a trip to an ATM you're obviously not following that script because despite the fact that the overall rate of inflation in Thailand has remained roughly the same for nearly a decade, prices for everything on naughty streets has doubled or tripled.

Is it any wonder someone might want to go to a hi-so'ish nightclub, get treated well, and accomplish the same goal for the evening if the total spend is going to be the same?

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I really don't understand this thread many people with bad experiences of Thailand complaining but you probably let it happen to yourselves (I certainly did a couple of times but it was always better than some of the other places I have been to ;) ) if you don't like it then go home to your own country, every one has a choice! Personally i like being kept on my toes :)

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The gogo's aren't quiet because of the prices, they are quiet because of the economic situation worldwide, if everything was fine in the world they could double their prices and the punters would stil be there.

I call BS.

The prices these days are not so much cheaper than they are in Europe. And you don't have to fly half way across the world for that. And there are no barfines, lady drinks, and other fees that inflate the price.

It is greed.

My estimate is that for many services in the naughty sector, prices have increased 50% - 70% in the last 10 years. Sure, locals and experienced punters know where cheaper prices can be found (or negotiate lower prices) but asking prices are simply ridiculous these days compared to what they were. And remember, the world wide economic situation, prices should be coming down.

The worldwide economic situation certainly isn't helping and gawd knows that there are endless supplies of idiots who think they're going to find love in Nana Plaza but make no mistake that there are plenty of other places that are a far better value than Thailand.

Thailand will do the same thing to tourism as they've done in electronics and exports. They'll squeeze and squeeze until people get tired of paying and then, wait, what is that Vietnam?

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Who are the people who own the land under the nightlife areas. That's an important question. These folks make massive amounts of money by letting others do the dirty work. They are old money Thais and the ones who influence what happens in Thailand.

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The question asks should prostitution be stopped?

For thousands of years religious leaders have urged that to be the case.

Morally it almost indefensible to say otherwise.

But nothing is absolute.

Black or white.

A mother who educates her poor child by staying with a man she hates, is a form of sacrifice and sexual servitude for gain.

A Thai farmers daughter who goes to temples and seeks forgiveness for selling her body , but wants to help her destitute family, by forwarding money?

These are not justifications , but merely observations.

They do occur without question to present us with a flip side to black and white presentations.

Money.....it's use.

In south east Asia the money does often filter down into areas that do some benefit.

Sex tourists however use these facts to attempt to exonerate often base and hedonistic thoughtless pursuits.

But again we arrive back at the social costs.

Sure it's damaging to all parties involved.

Men too.

Some men become more and more anti social and objectify woman loose family respect, and often become ensnared in sending their hard earned wages to a woman playing him.

Also , some move there and as we see end their life some years later in ruins.

Alcoholism etc.

Thailand and vice is an evil magnet.

For those reasons perhaps it can be said the right decision is to stop it.?

Then again life is fleeting .

Religious doctrine seen to be hypocritical in light of their own scandals.

The bottom line might be a man who seeks to live his life and experience high carnal satisfaction and comfort from a woman's bed is for him alone to decide.

People can judge and cast stones .

Point out harms and moral wrong doing.

Even loathe him.

But I am against religious or state intervention.

Amnesty International recognise like wise woman's choice.

And her right to sell her body if she so chooses.

Personal attacks don't highlight debate but rather bring it back to black and white.

Education , better choices , and healthier mental states can and do diminish exploitation and harm.

But within the confines of mutual agreement and two people trading commodities the state has little recourse.

Like alcohol damage is well documented and harm known.

Yet for a good percentage of users it can be a social blessing.

Ugly woman become pregnant .

Shy ones courted.

Celebrations more enjoyed.

I say this tongue in cheek.

My point is the religious people will paint the Bangkok victim ( prostitute ) always in need of rescue .

While the punter ( sex user) paint a care free strong woman making a financial choice.

Neither can be said to be true or false.

And some sex tourists are actually seeking more than sex.

In a western society they leave behind suicide is a big issue among lonely men.

The questions run deep on such men deluding themselves but surviving by going to south East Asian and exchanging money for a new life.

Often a paid one.

Prostitution isn't just on the streets.

It's in homes in marriages .

East and west.

The right for a woman to exchange her body and submit to a man for years or decades in marriage for gain is more a human rights issue.

It is in fact her right.

And the man who secretly knows money keeps the woman smiling in her kitchen and new house , lives in his third world universe content in acknowledging it to himself.

The gamble a prostitute takes when she plays.

Some land in the pay zone in more ways than one.

Land , houses , cars , money , gold, and new country of residence.

Some disparity of hope and self harm.

Their is no answer to the question other than who should decide?

With the oldest profession it seems the players only get to decide that one.

Stone them to death ...lock them up ...or build cities to egg them on and profit .

But one way or another it will only be curbed ...never stopped.

And given the Thais have a bad reputation for it all.

Maybe the question is more about hiding it .

Sweeping it under the rug .

This is in keeping with a military government doing so with most economic and social policy

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I really don't get why Thais seem to think that farangs are the reason for the existence of prostitution in Thailand. The majority of people who make use of this service, and who keep it alive, are the Thais themselves. I don't have statistics to back up what I am saying, but from what I read prior-- farang would not keep this occupation running if it were dependent on our money. Just passing the buck to us ... agaiiiin...

Foreigners are only a tiny percentage of customers for the sex trade in the Land of Smiles. It is mostly Thai men.

However it's the foreigners aspect that gets most publicity including from other foreigners with a holier than thou, I never visited / visit bars etc. attitude.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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The question asks should prostitution be stopped?

For thousands of years religious leaders have urged that to be the case.

Morally it almost indefensible to say otherwise.

But nothing is absolute.

Black or white.

A mother who educates her poor child by staying with a man she hates, is a form of sacrifice and sexual servitude for gain.

A Thai farmers daughter who goes to temples and seeks forgiveness for selling her body , but wants to help her destitute family, by forwarding money?

These are not justifications , but merely observations.

They do occur without question to present us with a flip side to black and white presentations.

Money.....it's use.

In south east Asia the money does often filter down into areas that do some benefit.

Sex tourists however use these facts to attempt to exonerate often base and hedonistic thoughtless pursuits.

But again we arrive back at the social costs.

Sure it's damaging to all parties involved.

Men too.

Some men become more and more anti social and objectify woman loose family respect, and often become ensnared in sending their hard earned wages to a woman playing him.

Also , some move there and as we see end their life some years later in ruins.

Alcoholism etc.

Thailand and vice is an evil magnet.

For those reasons perhaps it can be said the right decision is to stop it.?

Then again life is fleeting .

Religious doctrine seen to be hypocritical in light of their own scandals.

The bottom line might be a man who seeks to live his life and experience high carnal satisfaction and comfort from a woman's bed is for him alone to decide.

People can judge and cast stones .

Point out harms and moral wrong doing.

Even loathe him.

But I am against religious or state intervention.

Amnesty International recognise like wise woman's choice.

And her right to sell her body if she so chooses.

Personal attacks don't highlight debate but rather bring it back to black and white.

Education , better choices , and healthier mental states can and do diminish exploitation and harm.

But within the confines of mutual agreement and two people trading commodities the state has little recourse.

Like alcohol damage is well documented and harm known.

Yet for a good percentage of users it can be a social blessing.

Ugly woman become pregnant .

Shy ones courted.

Celebrations more enjoyed.

I say this tongue in cheek.

My point is the religious people will paint the Bangkok victim ( prostitute ) always in need of rescue .

While the punter ( sex user) paint a care free strong woman making a financial choice.

Neither can be said to be true or false.

And some sex tourists are actually seeking more than sex.

In a western society they leave behind suicide is a big issue among lonely men.

The questions run deep on such men deluding themselves but surviving by going to south East Asian and exchanging money for a new life.

Often a paid one.

Prostitution isn't just on the streets.

It's in homes in marriages .

East and west.

The right for a woman to exchange her body and submit to a man for years or decades in marriage for gain is more a human rights issue.

It is in fact her right.

And the man who secretly knows money keeps the woman smiling in her kitchen and new house , lives in his third world universe content in acknowledging it to himself.

The gamble a prostitute takes when she plays.

Some land in the pay zone in more ways than one.

Land , houses , cars , money , gold, and new country of residence.

Some disparity of hope and self harm.

Their is no answer to the question other than who should decide?

With the oldest profession it seems the players only get to decide that one.

Stone them to death ...lock them up ...or build cities to egg them on and profit .

But one way or another it will only be curbed ...never stopped.

And given the Thais have a bad reputation for it all.

Maybe the question is more about hiding it .

Sweeping it under the rug .

This is in keeping with a military government doing so with most economic and social policy

Well said. There is no black and white.

The one aspect that you may not have done enough justice to is the fact that many punters claim they're doing a service, money spent helps poor villagers, yadda, yadda, yadda. But it does sicken me when you see families put so much pressure on young women to support father, mother, brothers, sisters, perhaps even a child of her own, uncles, aunts, cousins, gambling addictions, alcoholism, materialism, etc.

It's one thing if a girl looks at her choices in life and says, "Well, I'm willing to trade my body for money" and it's something entirely different when they're taught from birth that their responsibility is to earn money for the family and the family's needs are far greater than any legit job could possibly ever cover.

That is no choice at all.

I've spent enough time traveling upcountry and have seen Bangkok and Pattaya prostitutes home for the holidays. You can spot them a mile away and there's no way that the families don't know. There is a mutually agreed upon silent contract for them never to tell anyone they are a whore causing the family to lose face (even though every neighbor knows) and the family to pretend that an uneducated farm girl working as a "waitress" can afford to throw around money and buy trucks and motorcycles for the family.

Yes, there are some girls who are doing it and scraping by. Doing it out of necessity or full well knowing that they will work until she can save up enough money to pay for the family house so her obligation is taken care of and she can go back home.

But far too often, people in Thailand are poor because they make poor decisions and then they burden their children with the costs of those poor decisions and require their children to continue funding their bad continued decisions.

For every girl doing it to make sure that her parents can put food on the table, there's another girl who is doing it so her family can finance a lifestyle well beyond their means or to pay off family gambling debts.

So every punter who thinks these girls are there voluntarily and willingly out of greed or laziness, they should rethink how they justify it to themselves. Or if they want to buy into the stories the girls tell about needing money to take care of sick grandmas, take a trip upcountry and see them dolling out the cash to perfectly abled bodied family members who will drink or gamble it away in a few days.

It's not passing judgement to point this out. Ultimately, these girls have a choice. She's already made a decision to sell her body. You're just making a choice of buying it and whether or not you want to believe you're doing her a favor or recognizing that you're simply a cog in a much bigger wheel.

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Seems to me that the western ideas of sexual behavior and the moral cushions supporting those ideas are not at all universal. The folks who live in Asia are generally not infused with the incredible guilt and wrongness attached to every aspect of sex as the western children have learned. So in Thailand selling the body for sex is not so wrong but pointing to a monk with your foot will land you in jail.

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The question asks should prostitution be stopped?

For thousands of years religious leaders have urged that to be the case.

Morally it almost indefensible to say otherwise.

But nothing is absolute.

Black or white.

A mother who educates her poor child by staying with a man she hates, is a form of sacrifice and sexual servitude for gain.

A Thai farmers daughter who goes to temples and seeks forgiveness for selling her body , but wants to help her destitute family, by forwarding money?

These are not justifications , but merely observations.

They do occur without question to present us with a flip side to black and white presentations.

Money.....it's use.

In south east Asia the money does often filter down into areas that do some benefit.

Sex tourists however use these facts to attempt to exonerate often base and hedonistic thoughtless pursuits.

But again we arrive back at the social costs.

Sure it's damaging to all parties involved.

Men too.

Some men become more and more anti social and objectify woman loose family respect, and often become ensnared in sending their hard earned wages to a woman playing him.

Also , some move there and as we see end their life some years later in ruins.

Alcoholism etc.

Thailand and vice is an evil magnet.

For those reasons perhaps it can be said the right decision is to stop it.?

Then again life is fleeting .

Religious doctrine seen to be hypocritical in light of their own scandals.

The bottom line might be a man who seeks to live his life and experience high carnal satisfaction and comfort from a woman's bed is for him alone to decide.

People can judge and cast stones .

Point out harms and moral wrong doing.

Even loathe him.

But I am against religious or state intervention.

Amnesty International recognise like wise woman's choice.

And her right to sell her body if she so chooses.

Personal attacks don't highlight debate but rather bring it back to black and white.

Education , better choices , and healthier mental states can and do diminish exploitation and harm.

But within the confines of mutual agreement and two people trading commodities the state has little recourse.

Like alcohol damage is well documented and harm known.

Yet for a good percentage of users it can be a social blessing.

Ugly woman become pregnant .

Shy ones courted.

Celebrations more enjoyed.

I say this tongue in cheek.

My point is the religious people will paint the Bangkok victim ( prostitute ) always in need of rescue .

While the punter ( sex user) paint a care free strong woman making a financial choice.

Neither can be said to be true or false.

And some sex tourists are actually seeking more than sex.

In a western society they leave behind suicide is a big issue among lonely men.

The questions run deep on such men deluding themselves but surviving by going to south East Asian and exchanging money for a new life.

Often a paid one.

Prostitution isn't just on the streets.

It's in homes in marriages .

East and west.

The right for a woman to exchange her body and submit to a man for years or decades in marriage for gain is more a human rights issue.

It is in fact her right.

And the man who secretly knows money keeps the woman smiling in her kitchen and new house , lives in his third world universe content in acknowledging it to himself.

The gamble a prostitute takes when she plays.

Some land in the pay zone in more ways than one.

Land , houses , cars , money , gold, and new country of residence.

Some disparity of hope and self harm.

Their is no answer to the question other than who should decide?

With the oldest profession it seems the players only get to decide that one.

Stone them to death ...lock them up ...or build cities to egg them on and profit .

But one way or another it will only be curbed ...never stopped.

And given the Thais have a bad reputation for it all.

Maybe the question is more about hiding it .

Sweeping it under the rug .

This is in keeping with a military government doing so with most economic and social policy

People have suggested it is a strong statement I would suggest your points are very well put - I certainly wouldn't be brave enough to discuss the government ran policies of this country that you eluded to however I agree with pretty much all your points - the main issue I have with the dictatorship getting on my nerves at the momemt is how to buy a singha beer between 2 and 5 and after midnight (thought I might try to bring a bit of humour to a fairly serious thread :) )

Edit 1 to my joke - a lot of tourists are thinking the same why would they want to visit somewhere when they can stay at home and buy alcohol during the day and not get told to go home at midnight are people over a certain age not capable of deciding when they fancy 1 or 2 cans of Singh, Chang or Leo off thread but related to the essence of a nanny state ran culture same as this thread - Thailand is a beautiful country with beautiful girls that many farang (me included) are willing to throw their money at - I am 43 years old am I not allowed to make my own decisions yet? China here we come ;)

Edit 2 - if there is no edit 3 they have located me :)

Edited by PomPolo
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one of the main reasons that this country is in a better situation than others is basically because of the amount of money

that poured into this country during the vietnam war, and they came here for the sex industry and now they are talking about

killing the goose that has laid the golden egg. If they were to close it you would see droves of people moving to other countries


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one of the main reasons that this country is in a better situation than others is basically because of the amount of money

that poured into this country during the vietnam war, and they came here for the sex industry and now they are talking about

killing the goose that has laid the golden egg. If they were to close it you would see droves of people moving to other countries


Agree with this and also it indicates that all girls in Thailand ARE NOT PROSTITUTES the Vietnam war was r+r mainly for American soldiers that lived their lives thinking they might die in a week or two - at the time a farang to be seen with a Thai lady in a social situation was hugely unacceptable, now in Bangkok especially it is the norm - the government minister that suggested she is curbing prostitution problem has actually escalated the fact they think they have one - this country had more tourists and less international travel warnings in the olden days let's get back to the old Thailand (keep the trouble makers and riff raff out) but be sensible how we do it Edited by PomPolo
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Prostitution is extremely prevalent in Thai culture and the industry attracts natives as well as tourists in droves. The chief consumers of the Thai prostitute industry are Thai men. It is estimated that at least 450,000 Thai men visit prostitutes on any given day. Lines further illustrates this point by stating that close to half of Thai men lose their virginity to a prostitute and almost 95% of them admit to making use of prostitution services at least once. Thai men may be the most prevalent patrons of their countrys sex industry.http://www.selenasol.com/selena/struggle/thai_pros.html

It's a disgrace. Why can't Thai men behave properly and try dating women or courting women like we expats in our western countries. Unbelievable, let's hope the tourism minister wipes out this industry once and for all. Whore houses on every street, even your local hairdresser's are at it! "No, I want a blow dry!". Disgrace, selling your body, control your loose women Thailand. Well done Minister of Tourism, we can change, say with me Thai men and loose women "Yes, we can", again "Yes, we can".

The Thai men that use prostitutes, and the prevalence in Thailand are not the concern of TAT though. They are trying to remove Thailand from the top of the sexpat list and make up that void with cleaner tourism. So removing the public play for pay scene of Nana, Soi Cowboy, etc. will leave the local trade like every country has. Not the worst idea if you want Thailand to move forward developmentally.
So why does the Tourism minister label foreigners as the ones who are the problem for Thai's sex industry when it is mainly the Thai's that frequent these establishments?

Personally I wouldn't care if they got rid of those mega venues, pretty much rip offs anyways and they're just good to muse at.

However, she may try for the whole enchilada by outlawing all aspects of the trade, though it's an idealistic plan, but I think that when push comes to shove someone influential will have a word with her on the real world ramifications.

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@jobin the monks haven't been squeaky clean these days do you get the Thai visa news updates? I was married in a Buddhist ceremony and converted fully so I am certainly not disrespecting buddhism but always question the actions of individuals

EDIT that was slightly off topic apologies all, I can buy a singha beer in 27 minutes so that's cool a few years ago I wouldn't be boring this forum with my gripes :) I won't go and meet any prostitutes that the latest announcement say exist but I may go and just talk to some ladies that I consider my friends as long as I am allowed to judge that they are just normal people i respect I am cool with that my wife is cool with that her mum and sister have no issues so got all the approvals I need some common sense needs to prevail ;)

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THe sex industry in Thailand has been around for well over 300 years.

Only a fool would think they can end the sex industry in Thailand now.

Back in the dsys of the Dutch East India shps Thaiand was a place the silors stuooed for "relazation" after their long voyages .

One of the wealthu Dutch bussinesmen who was a repesentative of the Dutch East Asia Company, had a Thai "girlfrirnd" who used to apear with him att official functions and parties.

"She" was what we would csll a "Ladyboy" today and she became quite wealtthy and politically influrntial in her time.

This was in the late 1600's. so well over 300 years ago.

Of course, this was long before Thsiland rxisted, it was czlled Siam then.

Many Thais as well as foreigners don't know the real history of Thailand.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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They will never close down places like Nana because nothing illegal takes place on the premises.

Girls are hostesses. A bar fine is paid by a punter because he is taking the girl away from the bar.

What they do together in the privacy of a hotel room is consensual and cannot be legislated against.

They can arrest street walkers and their customers if they have laws in place to do so.

Probably, millions of people all over Thailand would be unemployed or deprived of a means to make money if all red light areas were shut.

Will the government compensate them? Offer free education and an income while they are re-skilled?

No. It would not only take the will but also the generosity of spirit to completely deconstruct the class system, the ownership of wealth and the structure of Thai society.

The minister is merely making "face".

Interesting that in threads like this the married suckers who probably live in Ladprao with their millstones seize the opportunity to moralise and further demonise the sex pats or sex tourists without even considering "pensioners" or "old farang" as human beings worthy of being endowed with "rights" or even an exploration of the causals involved.

Chill out fellas, take your balls back out of your Thai wife's handbag. I know that your wife is almost certainly from a wealthy, Thai-Chinese background is is well educated and speaks perfect english. She's a million miles away from being an Isan bargirl (the first girl you met on arrival) That's why she picked you, right. You may be young, handsome, educated and desirable but spare a thought for those of us that are not up to your standard eh . . .

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So many western moralizers and prudes love to bash the actions of others. What other people do with their lives doesn’t bother me as long as it’s between two consenting adults. Don’t adults want the freedom to live their lives as they see fit? It doesn’t bother me to see two gay people together or two lesbians or a farang with a lady-boy or a farang with a younger Thai lady. Where does that anger come from that upsets people so? Why can’t people live and let live? Maybe it’s due to deep emotional or physical conflicts. Maybe the critical men can no longer enjoy or perform in the company of a woman or are stuck in loveless marriages which leads to rage and jealousy to see other men enjoying themselves. Maybe the critical women are angry because they are now older and fatter and can no longer attract a man like they used to. It just seems the world would be a nicer and happier place if everyone took care of their own lives and let others do the same.

“The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impeded their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental or spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest.” – John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

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They will never close down places like Nana because nothing illegal takes place on the premises.

Girls are hostesses. A bar fine is paid by a punter because he is taking the girl away from the bar.

What they do together in the privacy of a hotel room is consensual and cannot be legislated against.

They can arrest street walkers and their customers if they have laws in place to do so.

Probably, millions of people all over Thailand would be unemployed or deprived of a means to make money if all red light areas were shut.

Will the government compensate them? Offer free education and an income while they are re-skilled?

No. It would not only take the will but also the generosity of spirit to completely deconstruct the class system, the ownership of wealth and the structure of Thai society.

The minister is merely making "face".

Interesting that in threads like this the married suckers who probably live in Ladprao with their millstones seize the opportunity to moralise and further demonise the sex pats or sex tourists without even considering "pensioners" or "old farang" as human beings worthy of being endowed with "rights" or even an exploration of the causals involved.

Chill out fellas, take your balls back out of your Thai wife's handbag. I know that your wife is almost certainly from a wealthy, Thai-Chinese background is is well educated and speaks perfect english. She's a million miles away from being an Isan bargirl (the first girl you met on arrival) That's why she picked you, right. You may be young, handsome, educated and desirable but spare a thought for those of us that are not up to your standard eh . . .

Yeah, and there's "no sex in the champagne room". But regardless of upstairs and backroom activity, this is all about appearances - not law. This is part of the maturation of many cities. There used to be dedicated red light districts with strip clubs etc. all over US 30 years ago. They have almost all been closed down to make the cities more family friendly.

The argument that more thai men pay for play than foreigners is a silly argument. If you could find a legitimate statistic like the % of tourists using hookers and the % of locals I am sure the tourist would be very close or higher. How many thai men to tourists in the country, 1000:1? So 2% of the trade being from tourists would be much higher % pay for play from visitors.

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Bad time to be poor in Thailand. You can't beg, you can't sell your body, seems like the wicker basket and dried food wrapped in cellophane businesses will boom in Thailand soon. Another nail in the coffin for the hopes and dreams of poor villagers wanting an easy route to big money.

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BANGKOK: -- Tourists flock to Thailand for its temples and beaches, but also for its sex workers

I'm sure that all of use came to Thailand for the first time to see all the temples.

​ Ask the bar stool guys at Nana if they'd still sit there without girls and ladyboys.

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They will never close down places like Nana because nothing illegal takes place on the premises.

Girls are hostesses. A bar fine is paid by a punter because he is taking the girl away from the bar.

What they do together in the privacy of a hotel room is consensual and cannot be legislated against.

They can arrest street walkers and their customers if they have laws in place to do so.

Probably, millions of people all over Thailand would be unemployed or deprived of a means to make money if all red light areas were shut.

Will the government compensate them? Offer free education and an income while they are re-skilled?

No. It would not only take the will but also the generosity of spirit to completely deconstruct the class system, the ownership of wealth and the structure of Thai society.

The minister is merely making "face".

Interesting that in threads like this the married suckers who probably live in Ladprao with their millstones seize the opportunity to moralise and further demonise the sex pats or sex tourists without even considering "pensioners" or "old farang" as human beings worthy of being endowed with "rights" or even an exploration of the causals involved.

Chill out fellas, take your balls back out of your Thai wife's handbag. I know that your wife is almost certainly from a wealthy, Thai-Chinese background is is well educated and speaks perfect english. She's a million miles away from being an Isan bargirl (the first girl you met on arrival) That's why she picked you, right. You may be young, handsome, educated and desirable but spare a thought for those of us that are not up to your standard eh . . .

A long Thread rawbone who was your response directed at? These forums should not be disagreements amongst people personally for sharing opinions right or wrong it is obviously a sensitive topic that many people have an opinion on, constructive opinions/retorts are usually the way to go as opposed to personal attacks on people's life status, if you find a 7 open in just after an hour could you let me know :)

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Last Sunday i checked, Suckers in Nana still open at 10PM.....giggle.gifgigglem.gifclap2.gif


That takes me back to the good old days. When even a geriatric Cyclopse was greeted with the velly hansum tag. It's very therapeutic for lost souls wanting a genuine loving experience as long as they can afford being ripped off with ludicrous over charging from beautiful young girls pent on emptying your wallet.

Great memories at a cost.

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I really don't get why Thais seem to think that farangs are the reason for the existence of prostitution in Thailand. The majority of people who make use of this service, and who keep it alive, are the Thais themselves. I don't have statistics to back up what I am saying, but from what I read prior-- farang would not keep this occupation running if it were dependent on our money. Just passing the buck to us ... agaiiiin...

What makes you think Thais think this? In my experience most Thais have little idea about the farang scenes at Nana, Cowboy, etc.

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It’s clear many officials and law enforcement have turned a blind eye for decades

Well...not really because it is the many officials ( as in not all but all too many ) and law enforcement personal that profit from it so rather than turn a blind eye they regulate prostitution in a somewhat sensible manner while profiting from prostitution as they know it can not be easily eliminated while there is far more to it than simply outlawing prostitution and all that is entailed including the social aspects of prostitution and male to female social interaction that is going to occur anyhow with or without laws concerning prostitution

The police do not want it to be fully legal nor do they want it to be cracked down on, as the way it is now is relatively suitable for the officials and the law enforcement concerns.

Besides, if you outlaw prostitution and criminalize prostitution then the whole affair goes further underground, so to speak and becomes all the more illegal and all the more sleazy and all the more interconnected to criminal organizations, many being pretty ruthless and down right nasty while taxes are not paid all the more while all the more girls and women are left all the more vulnerable and or condemned by society and treated with all the more distain.

Obviously a conflict of interest with the reality of human interaction and the subject of sex amongst humans and all that is entailed.

Meantime...It is OK that she is letting everyone know what is on her mind as she can talk...but she can not change anything to the extent that she is stating and or implying.


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