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Yingluck says No to draft charter


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I thought that the PM, or was it one of the DPM's, said that it was illegal to talk about the draft charter on social media such as facebook?

Looks like somebody needs to be brought in for some attitude adjustment... :whistling:


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You see, if the Charter passes, her dear brother will never get home and become Prime Minister again or ... ; the Shins won't be able to brush all their crimes under the carpet and thereby make them all go away; they won't be able to get revenge on all those nasty people who think they are simply corrupt people; and they won't be able to access the trough. It's easiest just to complain about "Democracy".

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4 hours ago, FireMedic said:
2 minutes ago, renaissanc said:

You see, if the Charter passes, her dear brother will never get home and become Prime Minister again or ... ; the Shins won't be able to brush all their crimes under the carpet and thereby make them all go away; they won't be able to get revenge on all those nasty people who think they are simply corrupt people; and they won't be able to access the trough. It's easiest just to complain about "Democracy".

the charter passes, there is no way me or my family can continue to steal from poor people anymore. I therefore vote no."

So you approve of this undemocratic travesty simply because of your dislike of the Shins? Does cutting off your nose to spite your face ring a bell to you?

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4 hours ago, sweatalot said:

this greedy family clan voice and utterly incompetent politician should just shut up

and her gang should never be in government again

agreed. as they're saying in the U.S. about Hillary... LOCK HER UP.


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7 minutes ago, renaissanc said:

You see, if the Charter passes, her dear brother will never get home and become Prime Minister again or ... ; the Shins won't be able to brush all their crimes under the carpet and thereby make them all go away; they won't be able to get revenge on all those nasty people who think they are simply corrupt people; and they won't be able to access the trough. It's easiest just to complain about "Democracy".

In this case the complaint about "democracy" are fully justified. But it's easier to complain about people wanting access to the trough. Especially if the other side has done the same thing for decades.

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1 hour ago, bobmac10 said:

Well of course all the Junta lovers are here on this topic

not much for them to say these days when their team has a meglomaniac in charge.

Of course, they could always broaden their minds and read some Thai history ( from an independent author) which might wake them up to the reality of Thai politics.

But going on past performances, it would appear they would prefer to remain in ignorance.

As ignorant as Thailand remained when Thaksin raped the country blind.

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4 hours ago, seajae said:

what a laugh, she expects people to believe she understands it, any word with more than 3 letters in it is too much for her to understand let alone read. Big brother has told her what to do as per usual, he pulls all her strings while she dances for him


If you are going to accuse others of being illiterate, it often pays to have at least a slender grasp of English capitalisation and punctuation first. 

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The real question is not who is Yingluck or anyone else, but why are people concerned about the new constitution. I read half of it. It is not that bad but you have to really spend some time on it. So here is the shortcut way to find the bits that people add together to make it in their opinion undemocratic. The following link may or may not be allowed in the forum but I will leave it to the moderator to moderate as they see fit. But it seems that for those who wish to understand the context of the rejection this maybe a good article.


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when abihsit is against the draft charter ppl r ok with it, when yingluck is against it she is put down n discredit for it. I know she is incompetent, but try and read the draft charter and decide for yourself if it is good or not and dont bother with the politicians whoever they r.

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Having to repay 268 billion baht if the court order is issued, Yingluck is hardly going to vote yes. The reds have nothing to lose now. Beware the reds and army defiance. Talk can turn into action in the blink of an eye. Will there be innocent lives lost over this referendum? Six days to go until we find out. Remember an angry Thai is dangerous. 

Edited by Wilsonandson
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1 hour ago, renaissanc said:

You see, if the Charter passes, her dear brother will never get home and become Prime Minister again or ... ; the Shins won't be able to brush all their crimes under the carpet and thereby make them all go away; they won't be able to get revenge on all those nasty people who think they are simply corrupt people; and they won't be able to access the trough. It's easiest just to complain about "Democracy".

Yes they are really mean to look for democratic means to absolve their alledged crimes. Small players! Big players are smarter: they grant themselves in advance an amnesty for all their actions before, during and after their time in power. Hats down! ;)

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5 hours ago, WhizBang said:

Have any of you negative nellies actually read the draft?


I have, and I consider it a recipie for disaster   It is laced with far too many loopholes that only favor those in power.

Read the draft? Read the draft? Of course not. They saw her name and photo, a red mist descended and they leapt furiously to the keyboard!

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As a Thai explained it to me, the charter as drafted provides for the military to be allowed to step in and override any decision an elected government makes. Basically the military remains in the background and any elected government is not fully in charge. I have not read the draft.

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Compared to the good general, she is a prize, a real statesmen.  Had she not done the silly rice scheme and not tried to get her brother pardoned, life in Thailand would be better.  Sadly she chose poorly. 


What she said does carry weight in Thailand as does Abhisit.  They are two Hakkas with a lot of sway in Thailand and they are in agreement. 

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19 hours ago, sweatalot said:

this greedy family clan voice and utterly incompetent politician should just shut up

and her gang should never be in government again

Go tell that to the Thai citizens who elected her rather than from an anonymous soap box in this forum.

Regardless of your disenfranchised opinions on the matter, the majority of voters over 15 years preferred the flavour of Shinawatra to the foul taste of the Army and the "Democrats" under the direction of the kakocracy.

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19 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Some members own businesses here, with contacts at relatively high places in the government.  Some members have family that are also relatively high up in the government.  What's going on here has already affected our daily lives.  And potentially our families and investments.  Investments Thailand is supporting.

Your comments could also be applicable to your home country.  Other than the right to vote.


No doubt, but I would wager that 99% of posters will not be affected one way or another. After all, this charter is about internal Thai politics and not about the lives of foreigners here in Thailand.

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1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:


No doubt, but I would wager that 99% of posters will not be affected one way or another. After all, this charter is about internal Thai politics and not about the lives of foreigners here in Thailand.

You've taken a poll of 99% of TVF members?  So far, these charter proposals have kept the junta in power.  Thus, effecting everybody's life here.  For better or worse.

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3 hours ago, than said:

Lol YL have an opinion, she never understood anything about politics
She thought that democracy was used taxpayer money for shopping in France


Lets say that is cheaper than shopping for military hardware.

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And still it is obvious from these posts that there are many who realise that Shinawatra is the name most revered and wanted, to run this country, the only ones to do it with consideration for the general population, the only ones to win election after election. The anti Shinawat's are terrified that when Thaksin comes back that the likes of Prayuth, Suthep and the corrupt Hi-so of the Democrat party will be finished forever, and once again Thailand will enjoy the progress that it was enjoying under Khun Thaksin.

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On 2 August 2016 at 2:53 PM, sweatalot said:

this greedy family clan voice and utterly incompetent politician should just shut up

and her gang should never be in government again

Shouldn't it be the choice of the Thai people if they do or do not want "her gang" in government again?


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20 hours ago, than said:

Lol YL have an opinion, she never understood anything about politics
She thought that democracy was used taxpayer money for shopping in France

She seems to have enough political understanding to know a dud charter when she sees one.

This is certainly more that can be said for a significantly shrinking number who actively post on these boards.

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25 minutes ago, oldsailor35 said:

And still it is obvious from these posts that there are many who realise that Shinawatra is the name most revered and wanted, to run this country, the only ones to do it with consideration for the general population, the only ones to win election after election. The anti Shinawat's are terrified that when Thaksin comes back that the likes of Prayuth, Suthep and the corrupt Hi-so of the Democrat party will be finished forever, and once again Thailand will enjoy the progress that it was enjoying under Khun Thaksin.

The Shin clan is definitely popular.  But just as corrupt as the other parties.  And like many of the others, only concerned about their bank accounts.  They employ populist programs to get the votes.  Populism is getting the masses fired up about the corrupt "elites". Many countries have, and are, using this policy.  Some with great success, some not (research Venezuela).  But there's a dark side to it.


Interesting article:



The main bad is that populism is a monist and moralist ideology, which denies the existence of divisions of interests and opinions within “the people” and rejects the legitimacy of political opponents. As the populists are the vox populi, ie the voice of all the people, anyone with a different view speaks for “special interests”, ie the elite. Given that the key distinction is between the pure people and the corrupt elite, any compromise would lead to the corruption of the people and is therefore rejected. This uncompromising stand leads to a polarised political culture, in which non-populists turn into anti-populists.


If the Shin's really care about the people, how about donating some of their money to help the poor?  Or those who got into trouble trying to help their "cause".


Plus, Thaksin was PM during one of the greatest economic expansions in the history of the world.  We are now in one of the greatest depressions ever seen.  Easy to do good when the money is flowing in.

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