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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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15 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Simply your bias clouding your interpretation. 


Trump has already made his position and intention clear...you are simply nitpicking.


Trump will clarify in greater detail in his first 100 days so its a senseless effort to try and pigeon-hole now.


That's the thing, though. He did make his positions and intentions clear on some topics. Often using decisive, strong language and forceful imagery. Earlier, he was lauded by his supporters for that very thing - straight talking, says it like it is, doesn't speak like a politician. All we get now are attempts to explain away, modify, find alternate meanings and subtleties which weren't claimed before.


It's not an issue of fine detailing each and every little thing. But there's got to be more to it than empty promises and campaign slogans. Either that, or Trump the president elect is not quite the candidate people voted for. You know, that anti-thesis to a politician, which was part of his appeal.

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:




It would be radical to do but I can't put it past the Republican Party to pull off changing the votes of the Electors of the Electoral College to make Pence Potus. The Electors of the EC from each of the 50 states must choose from among the top three recipients of the Electoral College Vote by state, in a joint session of the Congress January 6th.


EC Electors must be officially chosen in each state by the state government by mid-December (regardless of which party is in government).


As I'd noted at another thread for the benefit of foreigners, each ballot in each of the 50 states Constitutionally requires voters to choose Clinton-Kaine or Trump-Pence. The names on the ballot can be full names or they can be surnames only, but they remain hyphenated. Each single vote in all 50 states is cast for the pair, the duo, the couple -- the two of 'em together.


So Pence received the identical number of Popular Votes as Trump received. Even though the convention nominated Trump for Potus, and Trump as the party-certified nominee chose Pence as his VP, the two appeared on all ballots of each state as a couple. This qualifies and certifies Pence for the office of Potus, period.


The Trump-Pence slate of EC Electors in each state are hard core Republicans (likewise for the Clinton-Kaine slate of EC Electors in each state, all of whom are Democrats). EC Electors are formally pledged to the Party, respectively, Republican or Democratic. EC Electors however are not Constitutionally bound by a pledge to a political party -- at least not up to the present election.


EC Electors answer only to the Constitution, which says they will vote their conscience. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution about a political party or political parties. Nothing. It's all about Electors of the EC and their individual conscience and the individual vote of each one. That's it.


HRC could release her Democratic Party EC Electors in some or all states she won to Constitutionally vote their conscience, i.e., to vote Pence. Absolutely so Constitutionally. (She does not even have to release them -- each one can Constitutionally vote his/her conscience period.)


It would be unprecedented but, as the old saw goes, these are unprecedented times. The wingnut Pence himself as Potus would be a sitting duck by the time of the 2020 election. A duck on a pond -- surrounded by starving and fully armed hunters, er, voters.


Was it possible for Trump to win the nomination...yes it was possible. Was it possible for Trump to be elected Potus...yes it was possible. Would this be possible in this wild election cycle.....


These otherwise bizarre notions have to be hashed out throughout the institutional Republican Party and in each of the states that would be involved. That would be a lot of personal phone calls, surreptitious meetings to include by telecom, clandestine travel -- meetings in underground garages and that sort of thing we already know do occur . So let's see if the speculation of the moment can become more than simply that.


No, I mean make it much easier than that, I really mean for the Republicans to metaphorically throw him under the bus. There is more than a truck full of dirt on Trump out there and it would be very easy for 'something' to come out now that could have him incarcerated, or at least facing it pretty quickly. The Republicans then disown Trump and Pence moves in, At that point Trump is out and the GOP have their GOP back with house in order again. The Republicans do not want Trump, all they want is what he has given them, the Senate, Congress and the White House. Trump has served his purpose and is now past his sell by date.

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32 minutes ago, SimpleChap said:




Deep in their hearts those posters know Trump will be in the oval office in January, so all they can resort to is below the belt cartoons and remarks, something they continuously accused Trump of, when they still belived their lying hero would win the election.


Pot, kettle, black.

If he is to become POTUS he had better grow thick skin quick. Can you tell me any politician who has risen to the number 1 seat in any country that has not faced the brunt of criticism from his opposition or being laid to waste by comedies. Trump is comedy gold and he will face a continuous roasting for the next 4 years if he can last, and that is nothing less than he deserves.

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57 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


No, I mean make it much easier than that, I really mean for the Republicans to metaphorically throw him under the bus. There is more than a truck full of dirt on Trump out there and it would be very easy for 'something' to come out now that could have him incarcerated, or at least facing it pretty quickly. The Republicans then disown Trump and Pence moves in, At that point Trump is out and the GOP have their GOP back with house in order again. The Republicans do not want Trump, all they want is what he has given them, the Senate, Congress and the White House. Trump has served his purpose and is now past his sell by date.


Watching Trump as I sometimes catch him on the news, Trump does look like he might be waiting for someone to tap him on the shoulder to say never mind, forget it, it never was real and you're outta here -- now. At which point he'd simply wave and leave.


Trump however is President-Elect. Trump is no longer the Republican party nominee. The election of course occurred as scheduled, November 8th.


It's not official until each state certifies the results, which must be by December 19th. On that date, December 19th, the electors meet in each state to find out officially the state's choice...the winner of the popular vote is declared the winner of the state's Electoral College Electors. 


On January 6th Congress convenes in a Special Joint Session and the Electors of each state enter to cast their state's Electoral College Votes, by state alphabetically. If it all holds up as of the present, Trump will get 306 and Clinton will get 232 with 270 needed to win. It then becomes certified and official -- final.


What's to worry. Anyone who foresees a different result in the process plse speak now or forever hold your peace. 

Edited by Publicus
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42 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Only he never said that. You are making things up.


Well, I stand corrected: he said in respect of Obama: " he's a very good man" and it was " a great honour" to meet him ( not much different from a great man and it looked and sounded ridiculous, even to me ...so heaven knows how his supporters would take it)

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35 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


Well, I stand corrected: he said in respect of Obama: " he's a very good man" and it was " a great honour" to meet him ( not much different from a great man and it looked and sounded ridiculous, even to me ...so heaven knows how his supporters would take it)


VERY different IMO. A good man means he is sincere about his beliefs - no matter how ridiculous they may be - and Trump is giving him respect for being the president of the US - no matter how poor his policies.


Trump was being magnanimous in victory. Very presidential.

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14 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


VERY different IMO. A good man means he is sincere about his beliefs - no matter how ridiculous they may be - and Trump is giving him respect for being the president of the US - no matter how poor his policies.


Trump was being magnanimous in victory. Very presidential.


Here is Trump talking about the man that just days before he had been calling dreadful names and woefully incompetent! Trump is a fraud.



[mag-nan-uh-muh s] 
Spell Syllables
generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulnessor vindictiveness:
to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.
high-minded; noble:
a just and magnanimous ruler.
proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character,etc.:
a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.


Trump is none of those. It is simple, he realised for the first time in 18 months that he is up to his neck in poop. Mr Magnanimous even said he wanted to speak with Obama on occasions for counsel !!!!!  If Obama is so bad then why on earth would Trump want to use him for Counsel? The one being Magnanimous according to definition is Obama.

Edited by Andaman Al
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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


If Obama is so bad then why on earth would Trump want to use him for Counsel?


Obama was just as insulting about Trump as vice versa, yet they BOTH were able to be reasonable now that Trump is the victor.

Why would Trump want his council? Obama has been president for 8 years. Despite his other inadequacies, he knows a lot more about that than a newbie. A number of ex Presidents are friendly, no matter their politics. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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" manners do matter—in tense situations, they are a matter of life and death, a thin line that separates barbarism from civilization. "


"Donald Trump was unflatteringly compared to a man who noisily defecates in the corner of a room in which a respectful drinking party is going on."






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53 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


VERY different IMO. A good man means he is sincere about his beliefs - no matter how ridiculous they may be - and Trump is giving him respect for being the president of the US - no matter how poor his policies.


Trump was being magnanimous in victory. Very presidential.

Stop being so pedantic.   


Trump is woefully unqualified and he will set the nation back a hundred years.   He'd set it back further, but he probably can't reintroduce slavery.   

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On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 7:32 PM, Publicus said:


Understand you are replying to a question from another poster so, all the same, you're not the only poster who's not a kid or who has some experience in (rather than observing) the federal government. 


Neither is this poster the only here with a significant active duty military experience. However, this poster also has professional experience employed by the Congress in Washington, to include just shy of 20 years in Washington in one capacity or another.


I voted for Clinton because she is qualified and in my estimation would have been an excellent reform minded Potus. I did not for a moment consider voting for Trump because he is an ignoramus anal cavity.


Trump won and I of course accept the process and its outcome and I commend former SecState Clinton for her concession call to Mr. Trump and for her gracious exit. She never threatened or for a moment considered doing otherwise.


I state again, Donald Trump is a uniquely American fascist. (Others of the American Right Sector who throw the word back would need to know an "ism" is an ideology with specific elements and components that define the ism as its particular and exclusive ism.)


Active anti fasc Trump components of the country have been shut out of power completely in Washington (likely for the next four years as 2018 will likely be another 'bad' election year). Our only alternative in the dissent and opposition to Trumpism is to take to the streets and to also petition the courts state and federal, to affect public opinion domestic and foreign, and to provide the needed checks and balances on absolute political party power in Washington in the spirit of the Founders.


The Right Sector and its supporters throughout the country would therefore need to brace themselves and to get used to the strategic opposition and its approaches - which are only embryonic but are organic so they will increase and expand to sustain themselves. Perhaps anyone who does not already know might well research (essentially at the least) the anti Vietnam war movement and how we facilitated turning the country against the war over the course of three or four years (although it took longer to actually stop the war).


Take comfort that this is not a 'when in the course of human events' moment, but be well aware that it is a 'four score and seven years ago' time of a different character and nature.

I understand it is your opinion, and you also have a track record of being wrong in several instances, Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman, Darren White, etc.

To your credit, you accept the process, just as I did, when Bill Clinton and Barack Obama won their elections. I would give the same advice to the left, the right supporters showed up and expressed their dissatisfaction, they are not going away.

Edited by beechguy
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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


Here is Trump talking about the man that just days before he had been calling dreadful names and woefully incompetent! Trump is a fraud.




Trump is none of those. It is simple, he realised for the first time in 18 months that he is up to his neck in poop. Mr Magnanimous even said he wanted to speak with Obama on occasions for counsel !!!!!  If Obama is so bad then why on earth would Trump want to use him for Counsel? The one being Magnanimous according to definition is Obama.

I would use him for counsel, and what ever he said, I would most likely do the opposite.

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36 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The word you are looking for is ACCURATE. 


As far as your thoughts on Trump. I imagine you know what they say about opinions.

Accurate you are not.   You know, like the remarks about Hillary being a CRIMINAL.   So stop with being so pedantic.   

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4 hours ago, Morch said:


John Bolton is a super hawk when it comes to Russia. One thing some people attribute Trump with is possibly improved relations with Russia. Not sure how that fits. Unless mistaken, Bolton said HRC and Obama were too soft on Putin. But then we have quite a few Trump supporters saying HRC would have brought about WWIII. Go figure.


It's simple, aggressive isolationism.  Get tough with the bad guys and make friends with them.  Doesn't want nuclear weapons to spread but maybe our allies should acquire nuclear weapons.  Tax cuts, spending increases and deficit reductions.  Have your cake and eat it too.  It's what he campaigned on.

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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


No, I mean make it much easier than that, I really mean for the Republicans to metaphorically throw him under the bus. There is more than a truck full of dirt on Trump out there and it would be very easy for 'something' to come out now that could have him incarcerated, or at least facing it pretty quickly. The Republicans then disown Trump and Pence moves in, At that point Trump is out and the GOP have their GOP back with house in order again. The Republicans do not want Trump, all they want is what he has given them, the Senate, Congress and the White House. Trump has served his purpose and is now past his sell by date.

Very cynical, and unlikely.  But not impossible. 

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

Accurate you are not.   You know, like the remarks about Hillary being a CRIMINAL.  


All you have to do to be a criminal is commit a crime. It does not matter if political connections prevent an indictment. Let's see what happens now that the DNC have thrown her under the bus.

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It's simple, aggressive isolationism.  Get tough with the bad guys and make friends with them.  Doesn't want nuclear weapons to spread but maybe our allies should acquire nuclear weapons. 

Which of the USA allies shall acquire nuclear weapons? Saudis? Poland?
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15 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



According to a loony far left website. Who do you think is buying that. :spamsign:


Donald Trump Lawsuits: President-Elect Faces 75 Lawsuits For Discrimination, Racketeering, Defamation.



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7 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Donald Trump Lawsuits: President-Elect Faces 75 Lawsuits For Discrimination, Racketeering, Defamation.




Stop worrying yourself to a frenzy. Trump will likely last 6 months, soon to be replaced with Mike Pense and hopefully, Trey Gowdy.

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13 minutes ago, MJP said:


Stop worrying yourself to a frenzy. Trump will likely last 6 months, soon to be replaced with Mike Pense and hopefully, Trey Gowdy.


Yeah.  I heard that he's going to run off and elope with Hillary.  They'd be such a nice couple. Though I'm sure she has Bill's blessing.

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1 hour ago, Gene1960 said:

Which of the USA allies shall acquire nuclear weapons? Saudis? Poland?

The ones Trump mentioned by name were Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Japan.  Of course if Saudi Arabia (source of 15 of the 9-11 hijackers and a major funding source for terrorist groups) acquires nuclear weapons, we can expect other countries in the region to do the same, and they will spread from there.


To be fair, Trump said it then tried to unsay it. http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/03/29/trump-i-hate-proliferation-but-it-would-be-better-if-japan-saudi-arabia-and-south-korea-had-nuclear-weapons/    He does that a lot, and seems to be doing more of it now that he's President-elect.


BTW, I used the Breitbart link because I assume the Trump supporters won't dismiss it as crooked, fixed and lamestream.

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