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She's petite and light hearted but hopeless.


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I wonder sometimes what guys seen in their TG/TW. I didn't settle and hit the ball out of the park first swing but no one is perfect so I'll lay out some faults to be honest:

She will clean but not to my level

She lives to shop (with her own money) but it's all second hand and she often resells it after a few wears for more than she paid.

She either leaves leftovers out for days or puts them in the fridge and never touches them.  

There are times I must repeat myself which I do hate.

Thats it.

Some pro's:

She's gorgeous, sexy as hell, just the right age at 32 and a tiger in the sack. She cooks like a chef anything I want any time I want. She give the best massage I have found. She works hard and long making (almost all her own money) and rarely asks for anything but my time and affection. And she makes me laugh to tears almost every day which is not easy to do. She doesn't care about any of my faults of which there are many. She is smart as a whip and loves to learn also.  Oh and her mom died when she was an infant and her dad is out of the picture, so no overwhelming family crap. 

Shall we start the bidding at say 1 million baht?? Just kidding I love her to death and know she is irreplaceable. 


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You dated this girl/woman for six years and never learned these short comings ?  I visited Thailand and stayed with my wife to be 3 to 6 months at a time over two years .

The difference in cultures can make it difficult at times even for the best suited of couples ; knowing what you are getting into is essential , before getting married .

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14 hours ago, thai3 said:

Could be mines twin sister, mine does not cook, gets her sis to do the cleaning and ironing and i have no idea how much is in her 5 bank books. Conversation gets uncomfortable if it goes beyond food, family, music and if it's raining or not. has a terrible temper, argumentative and nags. Pretty sure it was not like this 14 years ago when we met, seems like another person. :wub:

Why do you put up with it?

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Do you change or adapt? It is a question that I asked myself quite often when we started living together.


After all, we are invading the life style of the 'better half' (in most cases) and to expect the 'better half' to do as instructed is simply put, arrogance at it's best. If you are here for the long term, learn to phase out what you would expect in your own home country; if you don't, you won't make it. Or you may make it but won't be happy with life in general, possibly end up on the sauce and definitely have a bad relationship in the making. 


I have been married to the same lady for the last 17 years, so something seems to have worked. Probably one of the most important things about the marriage, and some may disagree with this, is that the age difference is only 3 years between us. We have both learned to compromise, agree (in principle anyway) on every major step or plan in our relationship, and are still good friends after all this time.


Eye candy is great, but balance is needed for the long term relationships IMO...........................;)


Oh, and just for clarity, we got married for 'face' reasons only, there is no religion involved in the partnership, simply a piece of paper.

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She's huge and grim and hopeless


True story. My friend Joe Blow has been married for 30 years to an American woman he had dated 1 year. She can cook, but usually won't, doesn't know the meaning of cleaning properly. She says cleaning aggravates her allergies, so Joe has do all the cleaning, including her bathroom. She doesn't put stuff anywhere, so their home has always been chaotic. But she's very smart, once knew how to study, has a selective memory, is careless with money and so she and Joe have always had maxed out credit cards, living from paycheck to paycheck. And has a university degree.


Any intellectual discussion is beyond her. She has a miss placed loyalty to worthless family members, has wasted a fortune on their tattooed, lazy, high school dropout daughters, and is American liberal thru and thru.


As an American liberal she has rigid stereotypical views and a million uninformed opinions on everything, which Joe has had to listen to and with which he has to agree. She's always reading books for the pleasure but all of them are rubbish novels. Can't do simple maths. Has no knowledge of world events or natural history. No interest in current events except what Stephen Colbert brings up or the cartoons in The Washington Post. The only news she watches is breaking news about, say, Bernie Sanders.


I know it's the USA and yes Joe can leave any time he likes (well, maybe just check out). But it baffles me how she can't see through the nonsense of it all. How she has been programmed to accept the daily certainty that dare not be questioned.


She's certainly got her head around pie and chips, hence the whole family look like pigs and have metabolic syndrome and take pills. In fact a doc recently told her if she doesn't diet and exercise she'll have a heart attack within five years. A nice cooked breakfast now and then is the signal to pig out. Poached egg with smoked salmon and a bit of dill is unheard of, being far too non-fattening.


Yet Joe refuses to move to Thailand and find a good Thai wife such as you have. What a relief that would be. How he has been programmed to accept his situation that I couldn't tolerate more than 5 minutes!

Maybe get some antidote to the Thai women bashing here:



Edited by JSixpack
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10 hours ago, Fabricus said:




In almost all cases farangs get gold-diggers twenty or more years their junior, idle deadbeats, Thai men's rejects, manky old spinsters, divorcees with zillions of kids, and so on.


Look out for posts on this forum from a guy called RichardSmith. He seems to have a normal marriage. He talks a lot of sense, too.


All other marriages are jokes. You're just fooling yourself.



I do not usually like your posts, but I  fully agree with you about

Richard Smith.l

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9 hours ago, Fabricus said:


No. I'm not alone.


Unlike the majority of western fools (most of whom can't speak, read or write Thai) I know what goes goes on here.


Sorry if the truth hurts.


Thai men also know the truth, btw. They laugh at farangs. Do you ever wonder why?



You mean they laugh at you:cheesy:

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1 hour ago, realenglish1 said:

You hit the nail on the Head. Sounds like you have a lovely wife but "she knows nothing  other than Thailand". THis is the very reason Thailand is having problems politically and financially. A successful nation must have a bar in which to gauge its success or lack of success . That bar is is other nations and its history and culture. With Thais they are only exposed to their culture and any other culture has no merit to it . This is the root to most of Thailand problems. Ask a Thai if they know Galileo, or who invented the Telephone  or what civilization  was the first democracy  in the world . Most will not know . Its proper education and as of now its no were in Thailand


Ask a Thai if they know Galileo, or who invented the Telephone  or what civilization  was the first democracy  in the world . Most will not know .


Fair comment, but that would be true of most people in the UK under 40 and most in the USA of any age.

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8 minutes ago, freebyrd said:


Ask a Thai if they know Galileo, or who invented the Telephone  or what civilization  was the first democracy  in the world . Most will not know .


Fair comment, but that would be true of most people in the UK under 40 and most in the USA of any age.


ok ask about Nelson Mandela?  WW2?  Nixon?  Elvis?  Blair?  Mother Theresa?  the Pope?  simple things my 12 year old knows

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My wife is a champion, but alas cooking will never be her strong point. She has however improved and we always cook as a team, so its the blind leading the blind in our kitchen.


We does however have a great craik while we are cooking.


In our house she is always cleaning up and its me that leaves things in random places.


If you love someone you learn to adapt a bit and accept the good points with the points that could be improved upon.

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6 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

why any farang would 'buy' when they can 'rent' is beyond me!  just relax and enjoy them why do you want to own them?  haven't you all done enough of that back in 'farangland'? 

Own them? This isn't the cotton fields of the deep south.

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I met my wife in Bangkok, we dated for 5 years then married, we have now been together 16 years. My Dad's advise to me was "make sure she can cook"... well yes she can. To me she is beautiful, we have a 9 year age difference which I consider to be perfect, when I am ancient she will (hopefully) still be fit enough to take care of me, Ha Ha.

I was married before and also had (at a different time) a 3 year living together relationship, I can honestly say to you that I have never before met a woman who could keep me interested both intellectually and sexually before for such a long time. My old relationships all ended because the spark went out, but so far not this one. (In fact there are times when sparks really fly!!!)

I embrace the cultural differences, I think that they are exciting and a challenge, it simply gives us extra things to talk about, trying to understand each others different ways. Yes, they sometimes cause us to fight but we are mature enough to be able to talk about them when things calm down.

I treat my wife as my equal and expect the same from her, I have NEVER, referred to her as my Thai wife which I find disrespectful..... If I was married to an Irish lass I would not say here is my Irish wife same if she were French etc. I introduce her as my wife.

To those of you who are unhappy in your marriages I say to you it is not because she is Thai, it is because you simply chose the wrong girl, or the fault may lie elsewhere, try looking in the mirror if you find that you are being too judgemental.

To anybody laughing at me (Thai or Farang) for being married to a Thai, I say I don't care what you think, for me you can go and stick your own penis up your own anus!!!

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where as mine,has no more than a minimum education.has no real knowledge of the outside world.And also no idea of Thai natural,political,or modern history.But in the years i have known her,we owned a bar for 5 years and another for 2.She speaks very good English,likes ferang food,can tell a passable joke.She handled the bar accounts,ran the employee situation with  a firm hand and was very well liked by all our customers.

She tends to be patient when i don't understand,and has no love for her family,who she regards as potential vampires.Accepts the fact that her daughter is a lazy bitch and has told her to go and live with her boy friend and ask her for nothing.

She also has never read a book but can read basic English.She has her own inherited money from her father,and never puts our relationship under strain with outrageous demands.

She's no mrs mop,and only cleans what she see's,her hair fall out(which Thai's suffer from) is a problem,but i sweep it up,and its really no problem for me.

She drives our car and i have actually fallen asleep when returning home from the airport.Now we are retired,she neither drinks nor smokes,and her smile puts me to shame.

So,i am happy and i am sure here are many more out there like us.

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Just had a similar experience myself with a Thai lass, only 13 years younger than me. She was divorced from a European national a few years ago. She seemed OK at first, but quickly it became clear why she is divorced!


It proved impossible to have an intelligent conversation together in spite of the fact that she has a university degree.


She turned out to be a jealous, suspicious, controlling and rather cool and remote partner, but is clinging on like a leach in the hope that I will marry her.


This experience has been costly in more than one way I might add.


Good luck to all of you with regards a Thai relationship. In my 14 years of experience here, I can see why it is not easy to find a suitable partner. Good luck to all of you.

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1 hour ago, JSixpack said:

She's huge and grim and hopeless


True story. My friend Joe Blow has been married for 30 years to an American woman he had dated 1 year. She can cook, but usually won't, doesn't know the meaning of cleaning properly. She says cleaning aggravates her allergies, so Joe has do all the cleaning, including her bathroom. She doesn't put stuff anywhere, so their home has always been chaotic. But she's very smart, once knew how to study, has a selective memory, is careless with money and so she and Joe have always had maxed out credit cards, living from paycheck to paycheck. And has a university degree.


Any intellectual discussion is beyond her. She has a miss placed loyalty to worthless family members, has wasted a fortune on their tattooed, lazy, high school dropout daughters, and is American liberal thru and thru.


As an American liberal she has rigid stereotypical views and a million uninformed opinions on everything, which Joe has had to listen to and with which he has to agree. She's always reading books for the pleasure but all of them are rubbish novels. Can't do simple maths. Has no knowledge of world events or natural history. No interest in current events except what Stephen Colbert brings up or the cartoons in The Washington Post. The only news she watches is breaking news about, say, Bernie Sanders.


I know it's the USA and yes Joe can leave any time he likes (well, maybe just check out). But it baffles me how she can't see through the nonsense of it all. How she has been programmed to accept the daily certainty that dare not be questioned.


She's certainly got her head around pie and chips, hence the whole family look like pigs and have metabolic syndrome and take pills. In fact a doc recently told her if she doesn't diet and exercise she'll have a heart attack within five years. A nice cooked breakfast now and then is the signal to pig out. Poached egg with smoked salmon and a bit of dill is unheard of, being far too non-fattening.


Yet Joe refuses to move to Thailand and find a good Thai wife such as you have. What a relief that would be. How he has been programmed to accept his situation that I couldn't tolerate more than 5 minutes!

Maybe get some antidote to the Thai women bashing here:




but why not just enjoy?  why try to 'replicate' and get married again...? why the risk?  just enjoy and move on or is it just codependency?  I know many friends who marry here and few that work out long term and do you REALLY believe that 20/30 year age gap is about 'love'? if so go do it in 'farangland'. Mostly, I'm sorry to recount, is about economics. Thais are very good at being 'flexible' when it comes to being with an old farang.


Call me a cynic but...

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I would not have married a woman I couldn't talk with. My wife lived in France off and on for ten years, speaks French and English. She can converse about most subjects, but in my experience Thai women are not interested in any heavy subjects, they want to laugh and enjoy their worlds. Western men could converse for hours on the idiocy of countries, Trump or Hillary, beautiful women, Football British or American, and assorted beers, and probably WWII depending what country you come from.

All this is basically boring to Thai women.

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10 hours ago, Fabricus said:


No. I'm not alone.


Unlike the majority of western fools (most of whom can't speak, read or write Thai) I know what goes goes on here.


Sorry if the truth hurts.


Thai men also know the truth, btw. They laugh at farangs. Do you ever wonder why?



Yes I know why Thai men laugh at westerners.Because the majority of Thai men have the mental age of a 5 year old and giggle like little girls

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ha ha that reminded me recently i had a conversation with a very intelligent lady, about the Roman Empire, Ghengis Khan, world history and the like,  she didn't have a clue what i was on about , just live in the Thailand bubble. knew nothjing about current world affairs, 

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4 hours ago, justaphase said:

Sounds about right to me. I've had 2 as well in 16 years and never had a chat about anything.

Shallow, narrow minded, simple, brain washed...


She and others mentioned here could be poster people for the Junta. This is just the type of citizenry they wish to create and control here. One that moves along with the herd and does not try to bolt. 

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