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Trump says Gulf states will pay for Syrian war


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The sad thing is that there is a chance he could win. He could change his rhetoric and actually articulate a plan that is not as radical and nonsensical as what he spouts now. This man is the ultimate flim flam man. He will sell you snake oil and you may drink.  While he may be ignorant himself on most issues he has enough money to hire the best public relations people in the business. If he starts to actually listen to them he could make this a real race. However, I believe it is really difficult for a leopard to change his spots and his personality. To me, the only way he could potentially win is some other information comes out that is really negative about Hillary or some international incident happens that reinforces Trump's position on terrorism.  Discounting any of this- Hillary will win by a landslide .

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I don't see a landslide.

If (unlikely) he starts putting out a less insane persona, it will be an  ACT.

We've seen the REAL trump and he's been revealed as a dangerously unbalanced MADMAN.

It would be tragic if he can manage to hide that and be elected because we'd still get that MADMAN as president.

There will be hard core republican loyalist states no matter what.

I'll stick my neck out to predict Hillary will win with about 325 electoral votes. 

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:



Y'all didn't read how we guess :blink:


"I’m going to get them to pay. We owe 19 trillion, we’re not paying for it. Don’t forget, without us, the Gulf states won’t exist,” he said."





How will he make them pay?

i've work in the ME 25 years and know they will be in the floor laughing at this.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't see a landslide.

If (unlikely) he starts putting out a less insane persona, it will be an  ACT.

We've seen the REAL trump and he's been revealed as a dangerously unbalanced MADMAN.

It would be tragic if he can manage to hide that and be elected because we'd still get that MADMAN as president.

There will be hard core republican loyalist states no matter what.

I'll stick my neck out to predict Hillary will win with about 325 electoral votes. 

if i was American i would most likely be a Republican....until now. This guy is insane.

The real sad thing is Clinton is 100% Evil. 
I've said before. America has a real problem.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Gulf states

Would this be states of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Missippii and Florida bordering the Gulf O Mexico or the nations bordering the Gulf of Persia such as Iran, UAE, Oman and Iraq? In Trump's world it wouldn't make any difference.

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I don't think that Trump will win but I don't see it being a landslide either.  Too much anger out there and some of it is justified.  Trump could change tack and start sounding like a real contender but it is too late.  There is certainly more to come and time will tell.  I am usually quite happy to be proved wrong but this time I really fear the consequences if I am.


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I think it has reached the point where senior figures in the Republican party are trying to figure out how to get Trump to quite as a candidate and choose someone else like  House Speaker Paul Ryan.  Supposedly other senior members Like Newt Gingrich and the Chairman of the party Mr. Preibus are trying to get directly to Trump to see if he will modify his speech and behavior. The things is that even if he softened his tone it will be obvious that it is an act and I doubt he could keep it up. I really believe he has a personality defect and if so he cannot suppress it. For him to win he would need to take Ohio (Kasich will not support him); and Florida (Jeb Bush hates him as well as the Bush clan) and Pennsylvania which has not voted Republican since 1988. Even if he won every  staunch conservative state- it would still not be enough to get the needed electoral votes. The guy is finished but if he stays in -the campaign- will be nasty.  If he got out and the Republicans chose Paul Ryan-Speaker of the House- as the candidate he could actually beat Hillary.

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1 hour ago, Katipo said:


"How" is he going to get them to pay? 



This coming from a man who has made a career out of not paying for things. Do any of his supporters have any idea how many small businesses this thug has destroyed in his storied career? He loves stealing from the little man. Imagine how much he would steal as president. Sorry, but I honestly believe his level of corruption as president would make Bill Clinton look meek. And that is not an easy thing to do considering that Clinton was accepting donations into the hundreds of millions of dollars, while president, on behalf of his foundation, for granting special favors. 


One thing we can be certain of. Whatever Trump says he will do, he will not do. Whatever promises he makes, will be broken. Whatever he says his intentions are, are the opposite of his real intentions. To label this man dishonest, devious, cunning, and thieving, would be a kind way to describe him. 

Edited by spidermike007
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38 minutes ago, dunroaming said:



I don't think that Trump will win but I don't see it being a landslide either.  Too much anger out there and some of it is justified.  Trump could change tack and start sounding like a real contender but it is too late.  There is certainly more to come and time will tell.  I am usually quite happy to be proved wrong but this time I really fear the consequences if I am.




Some of that is true. If only Clinton would begin to acknowledge some of the massive problems facing the American economy. One thing many of us know is that it is definitely not the economy being represented by the compliant media. The job numbers are as phony as the day is long. The inflation numbers are fake. The deficit numbers are fudged. Obama has a real issue with transparency and honesty. I guess most presidents do. 

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I too wish Hillary would come clean on the economy and incorporate more of what Bernie Sanders has stated in his campaign.  Some of the things Trump says are true but his answer to it is building walls; demonizing foreigners; and generally having no reasonable plan except "Trust me."  He says he will bring the jobs back from overseas- the problem is he wants to erect 45% tariffs on China and Mexico which will only cause trade wars around the World and a loss of jobs.  He rightly points out things that frustrate the American public but he uses people's stereotypes of the poor; minorities and fear of terrorism. America needs tax reform; immigration reform; redistribution of wealth; huge infrastructure  rebuilding; aid to lo low income and middle income families; a much higher minimum wage;  reform of the election process ; a balanced budget and much more.


All these serious problems need to be acknowledged and a detailed plan articulated and discussed.  Hillary can do this. She has the smarts and the advisors. Trump has some advisors but he cannot articulate  any plan that actually corrects the deficiencies because his mindset is based upon selfish self interest and he has always been insulated from the very people he needs to help.The sad thing is that Americans are so disgusted; frustrated and without hope that so many are turning to this demagogue who will do nothing for them if he is elected.

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11 hours ago, hkt83100 said:

Does anybody really believe one word from this populist blockhead?


I do, i believe every word because it's true, before making a statement,

research it first, why should the US taxpayer pay, the US rich elite

start these wars for profit (wall st) and that's it, the US is going broke

and the Clintons etc don't say a word about it because they will profit

from the misery of others, they will never go hungry, your statement is

justifying crooked, lying Hillary who will be the next US president.

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9 hours ago, dunroaming said:

It is quite incredible that anyone pitching for the big seat has no grasp of reality in the real world.  The arrogance is laughable and as there is no chance of him getting elected it doesn't really matter.  More popcorn please!


Listening to Donald Trump explain foreign policy is like listening to someone explain a plot to a movie they never seen.

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16 hours ago, ozyjon said:


I do, i believe every word because it's true, before making a statement, research it first, why should the US taxpayer pay, the US rich elite start these wars for profit (wall st) and that's it, the US is going broke and the Clintons etc don't say a word about it because they will profit from the misery of others, they will never go hungry, your statement is justifying crooked, lying Hillary who will be the next US president.

You think Trump is going to lift the phone to Middle eastern countries and tell them what to do and they will do it?

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