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Thailand sex tourism crackdown targets brothels and underage prostitutes


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2 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

Destiny Rescue Facebook page has the image below of Baptism -

On its website it suggests $1500 will sponsor a rescue and also says 26 rescues last month.


The article says its hard to find underage girls in bars in Pattaya these days.

So , in reality their targets they admit are elsewhere.


Which leads us back to the closing of sex industry making them happier?


Not that this will happen.

However, the agenda is clearly influenced by dogma .


All we need now is their sponsored mouth pieces to turn up here again with the shame tactics.


Whilst they may have a role , ( Destiny Rescue) clearly a Christian fundamentalism is at work.



The question is: "Are they Christian fundamentalists or fundamentally Christian?"

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2 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

I just love this farang bashing... I am not Australian... but were I, I would be jumping up and down.


Minister of tourism should become minister of education and maybe try to educate these girls not to go down this road. However, it is obviously the farang's fault that these people resort to this kind of work.

I am a Australia and do not like it at all the way it is put .

thailand needs to clean it up , I for one not care much about it , but it is not good to look at .


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Christian do-gooder: Hi, I'm here to rescue you from those horrible Australians. How old are you


Bargirl: I'm ok thanks, I choose to work here. I'm 30 years old.


Christian do-gooder: But I can help you get a job in a factory earning 10,000 baht a month.


Bargirl: No thanks, I make that much in a week. I quit my factory job to come here.


Christian do-gooder: But I can take you away from all this.


Bargirl: I like it here, I get to party with my friends, play dress ups every night, I have a car and an iphone and send lots of money home. I get commission on lady drinks, tips, sometimes I go home with someone if I choose to.


Christian doogooder: Have you heard the word of God.


Bargirl: I'm Buddist

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:



Bless you. Many older foreign males will not like you for your compassionate honest statement.

They want everyone to be a depraved sex tourist so that they need not take responsibility for what they do. they will constantly  deflect by saying, but the Thais do it, when they should be  focused on their own behaviour(s).



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5 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Christian do-gooder: Hi, I'm here to rescue you from those horrible Australians. How old are you


Bargirl: I'm ok thanks, I choose to work here. I'm 30 years old.


Christian do-gooder: But I can help you get a job in a factory earning 10,000 baht a month.


Bargirl: No thanks, I make that much in a week. I quit my factory job to come here.


Christian do-gooder: But I can take you away from all this.


Bargirl: I like it here, I get to party with my friends, play dress ups every night, I have a car and an iphone and send lots of money home. I get commission on lady drinks, tips, sometimes I go home with someone if I choose to.


Christian doogooder: Have you heard the word of God.


Bargirl: I'm Buddist

we have some stupid christian organisation in new zealand who raised money to come over to save some pattaya bargirls. they put a car outside a bar in town. went in and tried to get bar girls to leave with them. i watched a documentary about it when i was back in nz 2 years ago. end result was not one bar girl saved. it even stated at the end of the show that the bar girls did not seem to want to be saved. many foreigners really have no idea of how things run in thailand. would be good to see a real documentary showing real interviews of girls working in the sex industry. unlikely to happen i suppose.

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1 hour ago, R123 said:

This Damien May is one of these typical do gooders who should not be allowed in Thailand; if there is a problem with under age workers let the Thai's sort it and these foreigners who are in Thailand on a moral crusade should be in there own countries sorting out problems.

Exactly!  I moved here to get away from Christian hypocrisy.  In the US the highest percentage of infidelity per religion takes place among fundamentalist Christians.

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4 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

we have some stupid christian organisation in new zealand who raised money to come over to save some pattaya bargirls. they put a car outside a bar in town. went in and tried to get bar girls to leave with them. i watched a documentary about it when i was back in nz 2 years ago. end result was not one bar girl saved. it even stated at the end of the show that the bar girls did not seem to want to be saved. many foreigners really have no idea of how things run in thailand. would be good to see a real documentary showing real interviews of girls working in the sex industry. unlikely to happen i suppose.




I have been trying to save them for over 10 years.



I fear that I am only scratching the surface.........................

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2 hours ago, riverhigh said:

To Moderators: I could not exit this message without posting. No feature to cancel message.

No Report Button either. Notice the upper case letter R

in the word report? I did not put it there. It was supposed to be

lower case.



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... And although prostitution is technically illegal in Thailand, the nation has more than 123,000 sex workers, who contribute up to 10 per cent of the country’s GDP...


Clearly both these figures are plucked from the air. The first is too low, the second is ridiculously high.

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2 hours ago, zyphodb said:


Ok lets work it out then, How many medium size & above villages, Towns & Cities are there in Thailand? take away the number of "tourist" towns, villages & cities from that number & how many are left? I think that you can pretty safely say that every medium sized village up to City has prostitutes catering for the local market, as proved by the statistic that a large majority of Thai males first sexual experience was with a prostitute? 


 And I have no problem with prostitution in tourist locations or anywhere else for that matter although I don't agree with underaged sex or human trafficking.

 I still believe that the vast majority of prostitution in this country is Thai on Thai, It's the hypocrisy of just going for prostitutes catering for the tourist industry because it creates "good" headlines that annoys me..... 

I have to say I agree with every word on this post.

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2 hours ago, alantheembalmer said:

According to the World Bank, Thailand's GDP in 2015 was $395.3 billion. So, 10% would be $39.53 billion, divided by 123,000 sex workers, would mean that the average person would make $321,382 per year. They must be kept very busy.

this is only for the Thai lady's inside Thailand ?

because many many work abroad and send the money in Thailand

and they get very very good money,more then in Thailand

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2 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

The scam relies on no mention of Thais using Prostitutes , it must be bad Australians .
The church packs take advantage of the huge congregation 's hearing the ugly Aussies are causing all this .

i thing Thai government have problem with Australian government,

because they sent back many Thai girls  and don't let them make money

and support the Thai economy :cheesy:

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31 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Mine does not, not that I know of anyway.



There will be sex for sale in your locality.


The fact that you have no knowledge of it is testimony to your wife shielding you from such places - and your lack of desire to find them.



Rest assured - they are out there.

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31 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Mine does not, not that I know of anyway.


take a drive around the streets of your town at night, if you see a house with fairy lights strung around the entrance there is a good chance it is a 'local service centre' .... told to me by a local taxi driver  anything from straight massage to a full service is available ...

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Just now, dageurreotype said:


And virtually unknown/patronised by the average Western tourist. 


I see all to many nobs from the west that have no clue on how to act or expect from the local karaoke gets the clocks plowed.

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3 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

Why are Australians singled out?? Seems very odd.


If prostitution is illegal in Thailand, which it is perhaps not, then what has underage got to do with it?

Because the NGO is Aussie

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4 minutes ago, Fireyfish said:


take a drive around the streets of your town at night, if you see a house with fairy lights strung around the entrance there is a good chance it is a 'local service centre' .... told to me by a local taxi driver  anything from straight massage to a full service is available ...


They have Australian flags out the front, lol



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7 minutes ago, Fireyfish said:


take a drive around the streets of your town at night, if you see a house with fairy lights strung around the entrance there is a good chance it is a 'local service centre' .... told to me by a local taxi driver  anything from straight massage to a full service is available ...

it surprises me how evven people who have spent years in Thailand are unaware of how the local sex trade works -  check out those lights and then check the "love motels" - just count the number of 24hr signs you see.....

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Ok here comes the crack down by some deluded aussie does he have jobs lined up for these sex workers, nah that is too much to expect from some dogooder who doesn't have a clue. Brothels and underage workers I would associate with the Thai part ofthe sex trade. Not tosay there isn't underage workers in the farang areas

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1 hour ago, mesterm said:


You mean it's more than that?



   No, I mean it's far below that figure. I do believe the actual figure for the tourist trade as a whole is less than this number. Why do some farangs think that we are so important to the Thai economy. Check out the % of GDP for Rice,Electronics, Cars etc.

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I think that if it was made legal,it would cause problems.if legalised,and it was a controlled industry,the girls/boys/Other,would have to pay taxes.That would raise prices.The general ferang population would not be very happy about that.It would also take some of the fun out of the whole idea.What about free lancers? how would they be taxed?There would be price wars.Would the bars and suchlike be made to put a price board in or outside the bar,like they do with beer.Would there be happy whores,sorry,happy hours.doctors check ups would be raised and have to be carried out on a more regular basis(and dont kid yourselves they are)Would the labour office,if legalised,be obliged to produce an id card for the ladies as registered sex workers,wit id numbers etc.

I dont think it will happen,the BIB would lose so much in bungs that they wouldnt allow it.Also if it was legal,i would think it cause a drop in tourism,and guys would start seeking out the Philipines,Cambodia,and Vietnam,as tourist destinations.

Just wonderful idea from our minister of tourism.

Pie in the sky.

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The sex industry in the US is far, far larger than in Thailand. It probably does not contribute as much to the GDP of the nation, but it is huge. It is so far underground, as a result of inane policy, which has been put into law by generations of ridiculous men and women, who are hellbent on trying to maintain a clean, pure, "religious" image of the nation. It has driven the entire industry underground. The same will happen here. It will go underground. That is not healthy for society. Having a more transparent industry is far better in the long run.


If I had to guess, I would say nearly all of the pressure to clean up Thailand's sex industry is coming from the twisted minds in the US government, and it's less than benevolent NGO's. Both are a real terror. They are wreaking destruction all over the planet, on so many different levels. 


If you really are earnest about improving society here, go after those responsible, at the highest levels for human trafficking, the slave industry (both for sex and for the fishing industry) and underage girls. The rest is just a waste of time, and resources, and will contribute to the degradation of the Thai economy, and impose untold hardship on the lower classes of the population. 


To describe these actions, and the new policies of cracking down on the sex industry as ignorant, malicious in intent, cruel, completely lacking in vision, and childish would be an understatement. The little man is taking his eyes off the ball, once again. As independent as he likes to appear, this is nothing more than bowing down to outside pressure. 

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