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Belgium machete attack: two policewomen wounded, assailant killed


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Malarkey. Only one of these religions is targeting and murdering innocent people, all over the world, on a frequent basis: ISLAM.

You ignore the many atrocities carried out by Christian terrorists such as

  • Eastern Lightning, a.k.a. the Church of the Almighty God in China
  • The Lord’s Resistance Army in East and Central Africa
  • The National Liberation Front of Tripura in India

to name just three.


Of course, as these groups rarely target Westerners the Western media tend to ignore them.


But no rational person would say that these Christian terrorists represent or are supported by the worldwide Christian community.


Just as Islamic terrorists do not represent and are not supported by the worldwide Muslim community.

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1 hour ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

I'm not generalize anybody,it's just the way it is,like I said before,the majority of muslims are probably not terrorists but deep inside they agree with the doing of IS and others.Just by the way as long you can read in the Quran over 100 verses to go to war or kill non believers,as long they will kill us.In how many states are they teaching from the Quran?Time to separate from them


If you read the Bible, you will find over 100 verses to go to war and kill non-believers.
And that is exactly what the Christians did in South America and the Philippines.
So what?


According to the bible, Abraham even wanted to kill his own son and offer him to God.

Edited by Confuscious
Grammar error
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9 hours ago, mesterm said:




12 hours ago, Scott said:

It would be my wish that the trolls would stay away from this topic, but I doubt that they will



Call them Islamophobes if you will, but don't throw around the word troll out of convenience when you don't actually have anything else to say. 


Peace be upon you :)

 Considering that Scott is a member of Admin, it is very probable that his post was made after he had deleted some troll posts.


It is difficult job for Admin and the Mods in emotive topics such as this to differentiate between posts expressing an opinion and those from trolls merely intent on provoking others.


If Scott, or others, were using the excuse of trolling to remove posts by Islamaphobes, the majority of posts in topics such as this would be long gone!

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9 hours ago, billd766 said:


Not that many it seems,


However if you look here you can see that the Ottoman empire reached into central Europe, the Moors and Berber's were in Portugal, Spain and parts of France from AD 711 up to 1492 (and I am sure it wasn't for the wine), Italy and quite a few other countries as well.




What about the conquest, colonisation, enslavement and even genocide in large parts of the world by European, Christian empires?


BTW, under the Muslim Moors, Jews in Spain were mostly respected equal citizens; that period is often referred to as "The Golden Age of Jewish Culture in Spain." It wasn't perfect, but Jews generally fared better under the Moors than they did under the Christian rulers after the Moors had been expelled.


Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition!

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13 minutes ago, Confuscious said:


If you read the Bible, you will find over 100 verses to go to war and kill non-believers.
And that is exactly what the Christians did in South America and the Philippines.
So what?


According to the bible, Abraham even wanted to kill his own son and offer him to God.

Yes correct,but how long ago?Now is 2016,we use apple,windows,benz,we are able to do heart surgeries,transplant organs,can fly in a few hours over the atlantik,most westerners get school education.In western world things changed,the muslims still think we are in last century.I don't say that's bad, but then they should stay alone and leave us alone.Muslims in Europe like to open the hands for government money,getting healthcare,education and a safe place to stay,but don't want to integrate and still hate us.Sorry,but I think they should all go home,in their home countries they can kill each other,chop the heads off or whatever cruel things.And yes the christians killed millions in the name of god but 1000years ago.In 2016 one would think there is no more space for religion but that's my own thinking

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1 hour ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

I'm not generalize anybody,it's just the way it is,like I said before,the majority of muslims are probably not terrorists but deep inside they agree with the doing of IS and others.Just by the way as long you can read in the Quran over 100 verses to go to war or kill non believers,as long they will kill us.In how many states are they teaching from the Quran?Time to separate from them


From a recent opinion poll conducted in the UK


A clear majority of British Muslims, 71%, say they have “no sympathy with young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria”. 5% had “a lot of sympathy” and 15% had “some sympathy”........

........when we polled the remainder of the British population in March, 4% of non-Muslims expressed “a lot of sympathy with young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria” and 9% expressed “some sympathy”.......


Muslim leaders, secular and religious, Muslim scholars, ordinary Muslims online and in the streets have been condemning the activities of ISIS and other terrorist groups claiming to act in the name of Islam as unIslamic since before 9/11.


For example: Muslims Worldwide Denounce ISIS Terrorism


But whenever this is pointed out, the Islamaphobes dismiss it as lies, or being 'the wrong type of Muslim;' despite the condemnation comeing from Muslims belonging to all Muslim sects.


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Just now, 7by7 said:

 Considering that Scott is a member of Admin, it is very probable that his post was made after he had deleted some troll posts.


It is difficult job for Admin and the Mods in emotive topics such as this to differentiate between posts expressing an opinion and those from trolls merely intent on provoking others.


If Scott, or others, were using the excuse of trolling to remove posts by Islamaphobes, the majority of posts in topics such as this would be long gone!


I see. I thought he was responding to the 2nd post on the topic. Sorry if that wasn't the case.

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19 hours ago, neverdie said:

One can only hope he died in agony and it was good that this loser was unsuccessful too in his attempt to kill.


I do hope the injured Officers make a full recovery.


I do hope this sends a message to wannabe scum bag Islamic terrorists, the west stands ready to introduce you to Mohammed, losers.

Unfortunately the injured officers will never recover.


It is sad that most of the humans are so gullible to put their fate in one of the many true fairy tales.


I know, I was brainwashed at age 10 by Catholic priests and teachers.

When my school results were poor I even burned a few candles to the virgin Mary.

But it appeared my scores did not improve.

Thus I studied harder and stopped  being an altar boy.

Virgin Mary, and holy trinity, my  *rse.... 

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16 minutes ago, tartempion said:

Unfortunately the injured officers will never recover.


It is sad that most of the humans are so gullible to put their fate in one of the many true fairy tales.


I know, I was brainwashed at age 10 by Catholic priests and teachers.

When my school results were poor I even burned a few candles to the virgin Mary.

But it appeared my scores did not improve.

Thus I studied harder and stopped  being an altar boy.

Virgin Mary, and holy trinity, my  *rse.... 



I really understand your your point and stand corrected.


i hope the injured officers are rehabilitated to the point where they can enjoy the remainder of their days with family friends and who ever else they wish to enjoy the company if.


the nightmare of the day's attack will live on forever for them.


Respect, they are societies Heros that stand to serve and protect, even in the face of evil and harm!

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9 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


So you did not hear anyone making the disgusting comments about the victims of this attack that YOU eibart quote, made up and YOU posted on this forum. 


We need to keep that in mind when you claim to have heard Muslims saying 'similar things' or when you report any views you claim to be expressed by other people, regardless of their faith. 


I say again. The comments you posted about the victims of these vile attacks are disgusting - YOU made them up, YOU posted them.




Equally relevant is many do not bother to check quoted sources in their ongoing if content appears to 'prove' their opinions.


e.g. the organisation whom Breitbart quote, MEMRI. Even though MEMRI claim very senior US politicians as their supporters read the content at the URL below.




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9 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


So you did not hear anyone making the disgusting comments about the victims of this attack that YOU eibart quote, made up and YOU posted on this forum. 


We need to keep that in mind when you claim to have heard Muslims saying 'similar things' or when you report any views you claim to be expressed by other people, regardless of their faith. 


I say again. The comments you posted about the victims of these vile attacks are disgusting - YOU made them up, YOU posted them.




Equally relevant is many do not bother to check quoted sources in their ongoing if content appears to 'prove' their opinions.


e.g. the organisation whom Breitbart quote, MEMRI. Even though MEMRI claim very senior US politicians as their supporters read the content at the URL below.




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On 8/7/2016 at 9:21 AM, Scott said:

It would be my wish that the trolls would stay away from this topic, but I doubt that they will.  


If Muslims had their way all gay people would be dead and all women would be wearing a Burka. I can't see any situation where either of us should have any love or tolerance for ANY Muslim. But I suppose the liberals have their POV to shout to the world, even if the result would be negative to their own survival.


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Didn't most of the Christians went on a crusade against the Muslims?
Screaming their 'god/prophet's' name all and sundry?

Pot calling the Kettle black?


"The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy LandTraditionally, they took place between 1095 and 1291 "

Clearly they didn't do their job well enough.[emoji11]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer
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13 hours ago, 7by7 said:


What about the conquest, colonisation, enslavement and even genocide in large parts of the world by European, Christian empires?


BTW, under the Muslim Moors, Jews in Spain were mostly respected equal citizens; that period is often referred to as "The Golden Age of Jewish Culture in Spain." It wasn't perfect, but Jews generally fared better under the Moors than they did under the Christian rulers after the Moors had been expelled.


Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition!


How did the Spanish fare under the Muslim Moors?


The Spanish Inquisition was started in 1480 after the Moors were kicked out.




The Inquisition was originally intended primarily to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. The regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain.[1] The Inquisition was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign of Isabella II, after a period of declining influence in the preceding century.

The Spanish Inquisition is often cited in popular literature and history as an example of Catholic intolerance and repression. Modern historians have tended to question earlier and wildly exaggerated accounts concerning the severity of the Inquisition. Henry Kamen asserts that the 'myth' of the all-powerful, torture-mad inquisition is largely an invention of nineteenth century Protestant authors with an agenda to discredit the Papacy.[2] Although records are incomplete, about 150,000 persons were charged with crimes by the Inquisition and about 3,000 were executed.

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31 minutes ago, billd766 said:


How did the Spanish fare under the Muslim Moors?


The Spanish Inquisition was started in 1480 after the Moors were kicked out.




The Inquisition was originally intended primarily to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. The regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain.[1] The Inquisition was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign of Isabella II, after a period of declining influence in the preceding century.

The Spanish Inquisition is often cited in popular literature and history as an example of Catholic intolerance and repression. Modern historians have tended to question earlier and wildly exaggerated accounts concerning the severity of the Inquisition. Henry Kamen asserts that the 'myth' of the all-powerful, torture-mad inquisition is largely an invention of nineteenth century Protestant authors with an agenda to discredit the Papacy.[2] Although records are incomplete, about 150,000 persons were charged with crimes by the Inquisition and about 3,000 were executed.

Doesn't surprise me at all consdering a recently published book concluding the so called golden age was also a myth, so history may well have exaggerated Catholic intolerance as well as Muslim tolerance.


Returning to topic, the Jihaddist was an Algerian who only recently arrived but had already got himself a criminal record though no obvious links to terrorism.

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15 hours ago, simple1 said:


Equally relevant is many do not bother to check quoted sources in their ongoing if content appears to 'prove' their opinions.


e.g. the organisation whom Breitbart quote, MEMRI. Even though MEMRI claim very senior US politicians as their supporters read the content at the URL below.







Well you would hardly use a source that doesn't support the point you are trying to make would you? As for Memri, who I cited and you have issues with I would observe that the Guardian article you used to support your views did not have an issue with the accuracy of Memri's translations.


Which brings us onto the content of their article. It dealt with voices within the Muslim world who opined Islam does have a problem and some aspects need to be reformed to bring them into line with the modern world. I find myself chuckling as I type at the realization that the notion of Muslims taking ownership for their own behavior offends you so. Perhaps you should email them all instructing them to shut up whilst you and your ilk whine about the Balfour declaration, the crusades, the neocons, or whatever else you normally invite them to hide behind. After all the status quo is just hunky dory and doesn't need changing at all does it?



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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

Well you would hardly use a source that doesn't support the point you are trying to make would you? As for Memri, who I cited and you have issues with I would observe that the Guardian article you used to support your views did not have an issue with the accuracy of Memri's translations.


Which brings us onto the content of their article. It dealt with voices within the Muslim world who opined Islam does have a problem and some aspects need to be reformed to bring them into line with the modern world. I find myself chuckling as I type at the realization that the notion of Muslims taking ownership for their own behavior offends you so. Perhaps you should email them all instructing them to shut up whilst you and your ilk whine about the Balfour declaration, the crusades, the neocons, or whatever else you normally invite them to hide behind. After all the status quo is just hunky dory and doesn't need changing at all does it?




I provided the links to underline the massaging of content by MEMRI which apparently has undue influence with neocons circles and individuals such as you to encourage bigotry against Muslims in general.


So far as the accusation of my 'invite them to hide behind ', that is a blatant lie.


Your last sentence is valid & I agree with the efforts of the likes of El Sisi, political figures in Pakistan the French government etc etc in identifying the sources and taking political and security agency action against Islamist extremists. On the other side of the coin I strongly dispute the messaging of so many on this forum who present extreme generalised bigotry, encourage violence against all Muslims, sneer about deaths at sea (remember?) and so on.

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57 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I strongly dispute the messaging of so many on this forum who present extreme generalised bigotry, encourage violence against all Muslims, sneer about deaths at sea (remember?) and so on.


When Muslims stop wanting me to be someone's property and wear a Burka, I'll stop disliking them.

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1 hour ago, MissAndry said:


When Muslims stop wanting me to be someone's property and wear a Burka, I'll stop disliking them.


I just checked with my friend Hadi and he confirmed that he has no interest in owning you. Can he go onto your like list?


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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

On the other side of the coin I strongly dispute the messaging of so many on this forum who present extreme generalised bigotry, encourage violence against all Muslims, sneer about deaths at sea (remember?) and so on.



Thats because people don't want them and people don't like them.  Call it racist, xenophobia or what you want but if thats the way it is then tough.  

If you are expecting all people to like/tolerate them then you are badly mistaken.  

People want to feel safe going out and visiting the shops or venues without the fear of being killed or maimed.  People don't want to be slow pushed out of their own areas/countries because others breed like rats and are slowly taking over.  People don't want other peoples will forced on them because they come to a country and expect everyone to do it their way, (women not wearing correct clothes, gays not being allowed, women being pieces of meat, etc).


Yes and maybe you will say well we started it in the middle east, yes maybe we did, and we probably went in to Iraq etc for the wrong reasons and over lies.  But at the end of the day things need sorting unless you think its ok for leaders to try and systematically eradicate a race (Saddam and the Kurds),  or may be we should have sat back and done nothing just like we did for a while in Bosnia, Kosovo etc.  Damned if you don't damned if you do.





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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


I just checked with my friend Hadi and he confirmed that he has no interest in owning you. Can he go onto your like list?


Is he OK with me walking around in short shorts and a crop top with no bra while eating a bacon roll?  

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29 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

Is he OK with me walking around in short shorts and a crop top with no bra? 


I showed him your avatar and he did turn a bit pale, but I have shared many a rack of ribs with him so I think you should be safe, although he may try to take a bite of your bacon roll.

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1 hour ago, Caps said:



Thats because people don't want them and people don't like them.  Call it racist, xenophobia or what you want but if thats the way it is then tough.  

If you are expecting all people to like/tolerate them then you are badly mistaken.  

People want to feel safe going out and visiting the shops or venues without the fear of being killed or maimed.  People don't want to be slow pushed out of their own areas/countries because others breed like rats and are slowly taking over.  People don't want other peoples will forced on them because they come to a country and expect everyone to do it their way, (women not wearing correct clothes, gays not being allowed, women being pieces of meat, etc).


Yes and maybe you will say well we started it in the middle east, yes maybe we did, and we probably went in to Iraq etc for the wrong reasons and over lies.  But at the end of the day things need sorting unless you think its ok for leaders to try and systematically eradicate a race (Saddam and the Kurds),  or may be we should have sat back and done nothing just like we did for a while in Bosnia, Kosovo etc.  Damned if you don't damned if you do.



Can't be bothered with your entire post, but your comment 'others breed like rats ' perfectly captures the ugliness of comments by some to which I refer.

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33 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Can't be bothered with your entire post, but your comment 'others breed like rats ' perfectly captures the ugliness of comments by some to which I refer.

It wasn't meant to appease you.

The point I make is true, they have a lot more children than Europeans, do a search, they will breed us out eventually

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1 hour ago, Caps said:

It wasn't meant to appease you.

The point I make is true, they have a lot more children than Europeans, do a search, they will breed us out eventually


off topic:


If as you claim you've carried out factual research you will note, at least so far as Europe is concerned, your claim is a fallacy.


As a comment it is clear the ultra bigots have no concerns using language in clear breach of forum rules in this and many other topics

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