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Trump ignites new firestorm: Gun backers might stop Clinton


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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

Anyone happen to have a link to a video. 

I want to see context of that statement.


Jesus wept, CC try using Google. Open a browser and type in...nevermind. 


Trump was probably joking about assassinating Hillary Clinton. Really, just joking. Everyone likes a good joke. Ha ha ha. Unfortunately,  unstable wingnuts with guns and an unhinged hatred for Hillary are listening. Maybe he meant Supreme Court Justices? This is the Republican candidate for President of the United States. Maybe we  should withdraw his Secret Service protection and see how funny he is?


Big news for you "tyranny fighters" out there. Watching fox news and the military channel while eating pizza and soaking up Trump sputum is not combat training. Bang Bang. 


Every day another self inflicted bullet goes into his foot (speaking of guns). Not much of footing to stand on anymore? 


Another day, another HRC should be assassinated speech. He just can't help himself. 

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8 minutes ago, Silurian said:


FYI - I have no problem with the 2nd Amendment. I come from a family of hunters.


I just worry about those unbalanced individuals that Trump seems to attract. Some of them have access to guns and might jump at a chance to "help" Trump in any way they can. In fact, I worry they will incite violence in any form which you can see already happening in several videos that have been posted already.


I am sorry but where do you see Trump supporters inciting violence?


I have seen highly agitated anti-Trump demonstrators incite violence and the news report state that it was somehow Trumps fault.


Where are his supporters inciting violence? I assume they are being arrested for it? 

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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I am sorry but where do you see Trump supporters inciting violence?


I have seen highly agitated anti-Trump demonstrators incite violence and the news report state that it was somehow Trumps fault.


Where are his supporters inciting violence? I assume they are being arrested for it? 


From CNN:




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2 hours ago, kotsak said:



Go to about the one minute mark of the video, which is about where Trump makes the controversial statement.  And then check out the reaction of the bearded man with the red shirt to Trump's left.  It's quite a reaction!



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25 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Anybody who attempts to shoot any candidate is 1000 times more likely to do it because of the voices in their head, or aliens, or because the cabbage in their  refrigerator told them to do it than because of this statement by Trump.







Well I see you now have an accurate description of the Trump supporter base in terms of their mental faculties. Thank you.

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10 minutes ago, helpisgood said:


Go to about the one minute mark of the video, which is about where Trump makes the controversial statement.  And then check out the reaction of the bearded man with the red shirt to Trump's left.  It's quite a reaction!



As a Trump supporter he clearly sees the remark as I think it was meant: kill her.

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The pro-Clinton press has interpreted a vague reference to their own slant. Sounded to me like he was referring to the NRA throwing their weight towards the Trump campaign rather than shooting Clinton.  

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25 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I am sorry but where do you see Trump supporters inciting violence?


I have seen highly agitated anti-Trump demonstrators incite violence and the news report state that it was somehow Trumps fault.


Where are his supporters inciting violence? I assume they are being arrested for it? 


They told the same lies about the Tea Party. Some things never change.

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34 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I am sorry but where do you see Trump supporters inciting violence?


I have seen highly agitated anti-Trump demonstrators incite violence and the news report state that it was somehow Trumps fault.


Where are his supporters inciting violence? I assume they are being arrested for it? 

You won't find any Trump supporters inciting violence. There aren't any. The anti-Trump forces are the ones inciting violence in the name of tolerance. Case in point, yesterday a Trump supporter was beaten with a crowbar by an anti-Trump protester.

Edited by Pimay1
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21 minutes ago, helpisgood said:


Go to about the one minute mark of the video, which is about where Trump makes the controversial statement.  And then check out the reaction of the bearded man with the red shirt to Trump's left.  It's quite a reaction!




Yeap, I saw that.  And don't think it was lost on the media either, everybody saw that and have commented.  Trump knew what he was doing, but as usual, is trying to weasel his way out of it.  But most ordinary Americans knew exactly what he meant.  Expect more Republican defections.

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2 hours ago, dexterm said:


He was dog whistling that someone should assassinate his political opponent.

Trump has yet again shown himself to be totally unfit to be President.


Trump is dumb but not insane enough to ask that. Please don't be as blind and nonsensical as Trump's supporters.

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This Young Turks comment nicely wraps it up.

Note his comments on the statement that "this would be a horrible day"
If the statement concerns 2nd amendment voters, then T would get a lot votes, what would be a great day.
If it were concerning violence, indeed, that would be a horrible day. 

Edited by KKr
The Young Turks comments are his, and do not necessarily reflect mine
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31 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well I see you now have an accurate description of the Trump supporter base in terms of their mental faculties. Thank you.



59 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Anybody who attempts to shoot any candidate is 1000 times more likely to do it because of the voices in their head, or aliens, or because the cabbage in their  refrigerator told them to do it than because of this statement by Trump.









I have read a number of your posts and I certainly hope you do not have any cabbage in your frig.


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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


Anybody who attempts to shoot any candidate is 1000 times more likely to do it because of the voices in their head, or aliens, or because the cabbage in their  refrigerator told them to do it than because of this statement by Trump.







Clutch: Actually, there’s an active subgroup of Americans who congregate at websites like the Daily Stormer who literally worship Trump (the “glorious leader”) and actively listen for what they consider to be his dog whistles -- they even use that phrase. I’m sure that most posers who frequent these sites are armchair Nazis only, but the posts at the sites advocate extreme violence, and they read Trump’s almost daily hints at bigotry and intolerance as signals of encouragement.


I’m sure that you and your friends are responsible gun owners, but readers of the Daily Stormer are “Second Amendment people” too; most are probably gun owners, and, reading their posts, many seem whacked out enough to think seriously how they might pull off some act of violence. I don’t honestly believe that anyone will attempt to assassinate Clinton over the next few months, whether a neo-Nazi hearing dog whistles or someone hearing voices in his refrigerator, but Trump disqualifies himself because he makes irresponsible statements without even realizing it. He is a stupid man who is entirely unfit for public office.

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5 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

Clutch: Actually, there’s an active subgroup of Americans who congregate at websites like the Daily Stormer who literally worship Trump (the “glorious leader”) and actively listen for what they consider to be his dog whistles -- they even use that phrase. I’m sure that most posers who frequent these sites are armchair Nazis only, but the posts at the sites advocate extreme violence, and they read Trump’s almost daily hints at bigotry and intolerance as signals of encouragement.



I’m sure that you and your friends are responsible gun owners, but readers of the Daily Stormer are “Second Amendment people” too; most are probably gun owners, and, reading their posts, many seem whacked out enough to think seriously how they might pull off some act of violence. I don’t honestly believe that anyone will attempt to assassinate Clinton over the next few months, whether a neo-Nazi hearing dog whistles or someone hearing voices in his refrigerator, but Trump disqualifies himself because he makes irresponsible statements without even realizing it. He is a stupid man who is entirely unfit for public office.


Well, I will take your word for it.



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2 hours ago, volka said:

So some of you people want Clinton?

Former CIA deputy director Michael Morell, who supports Hillary Clinton and insists that Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that Russians and Iranians in Syria should be killed covertly to “pay the price.”



No great surprise the CIA would be backing Hilary, surprising though they now even admit to killing inconvenient people.


Currently NATO actually has no reason for existence, remember that Russia actually wanted to join as well but were vetoed. Join the dots, that is why Putin/Russia is the great enemy despite taking no unilateral action, even the NATO general admits they are no threat.


Without a decent enemy there is no money to be made, the US has just committed an enormous amount to upgrade all their nukes, who will be making money from that. President Eisenhower warned the world about the danger of the military industrial complex, seems though that memories are very short. As far as I recall he wasn't prone to conspiracy theories or anti-US rants.

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20 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:





I have read a number of your posts and I certainly hope you do not have any cabbage in your frig.


Well as a non Trump supporter I don't keep cabbage in my frig or even my fridge. They generally just talk to me from the garden ;)

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6 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Well, I will take your word for it.




My goodness don't do that! I'm just an over-opinionated farang who's had too much coffee this morning. But do spend a few minutes trolling around at the Daily Stormer; it's amusing and unsettling at the same time ... Cheers -- 

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13 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


My goodness don't do that! I'm just an over-opinionated farang who's had too much coffee this morning. But do spend a few minutes trolling around at the Daily Stormer; it's amusing and unsettling at the same time ... Cheers -- 


You and me both  ;-)


Have a good one.



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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:


Yeap, I saw that.  And don't think it was lost on the media either, everybody saw that and have commented.  Trump knew what he was doing, but as usual, is trying to weasel his way out of it.  But most ordinary Americans knew exactly what he meant.  Expect more Republican defections.


correct. he's utterly destroying the republican party and still the wingnuts attempt to defend him and spin his insanity. the GOP is like the woman from the omen at this point - they've given birth to a demon and now it's going to kill them. you reap what you sow. with any luck a heavy defeat for trump in november will see the GOP split entirely in two and be utterly unelectable for a generation or more.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hr was saying that they need to vote him in.

That's so disingenuous.

He was playing along with the misogynist rabid racist loons that are the core of his base.

Of course he has plausible deniability. He wants to have it both ways.

Voters won't be that stupid.


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Here is the Trump laying the ground for spitting the dummy and hiding from Clinton.




Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said he wants to “debate very badly” with his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton but will first see terms and conditions of the three presidential debates scheduled for September and October.

“I will absolutely do three debates. I want to debate very badly. But I have to see the conditions,” Trump told The Timemagazine.


Trump said that he had haggled with television networks over the terms of debates held during the Grand Old Party primary and might do so again. “I renegotiated the debates in the primaries, remember? They were making a fortune on them and they had us in for three-and-a-half hours and I said that’s ridiculous. “I am sure they’ll be open to any suggestions I have, because I think they’ll be very fair suggestions. But I haven’t (seen the conditions) yet. They’re actually presented to me tonight,” he said.

Trump also said he reserved the right to object to the commission’s choice of moderators, which have not yet been announced.




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He wasn't advocating that someone shoot Clinton. He was saying that unless people vote for him the only way to stop 2nd Amendment rights being truncated will be for someone to do so. He is very clever, a wordsmith of Churchillian calibre.

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