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Trump accuses Obama of being the 'founder of ISIS'


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10 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

Hillary "Rotten" Clinton and Obama.

How did they manage to do that?


Obama was a student at Harvard and Hilary was a director of Wal Mart when George Bush Snr first began to destabilize Iraq.

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All politicians tell the people what they want to hear...example crooked hillary....together we are stronger....typical meaningless dribble for PC retards b


mr trumps strengths lie in telling people what they dont want to hear. 



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25 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

All politicians tell the people what they want to hear...example crooked hillary....together we are stronger....typical meaningless dribble for PC retards b


mr trumps strengths lie in telling people what they dont want to hear. 




Total BS.  Trump tells his core supporters exactly what they want to hear. 

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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

Obama was a student at Harvard and Hilary was a director of Wal Mart when George Bush Snr first began to destabilize Iraq.


George Bush senior did not destabilize Iraq. He responded to an attack on Kuwait and liberated the country. He also did the right thing and did not march into Baghdad. Too bad his son was not so wise.

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19 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


George Bush senior did not destabilize Iraq. He responded to an attack on Kuwait and liberated the country. He also did he right thing and did not march into Baghdad. Too bad his son was not so wise.


Republican President George Bush only intervened in Kuwait to prop up an archaic aristocratic regime all for sake of oil...nothing to do with democracy or liberation.

His Republican son used a different pretext...non existent WMD, then later altered the mission to regime change.


All destabilizing Saddam * which eventually led to a power vacuum, filled by the barbaric ISIS.


And Trump the next wannabe war mongering Republican President (lets use nukes this time) has the gall to blame Obama who was a student at the time this sorry train of events began.


Two Republican Presidents are the founders of ISIS, and Trump is their recruiting sergeant.


*Yes, Saddam was a monster, who could have been eliminated without 2 wars. No ISIS before the Bushes got rid of him.

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

As usual, your version of history is inaccurate and irrational.



Baloney. Dress pretexts up as phony noble causes if you wish. We all know it was all about oil, money and power. Still is. You are naive or disingenuous if you think otherwise.



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So the Russian guy (Trump) is saying what his mothercountry's current leader wishes him to say. 

I guess, even his master, the great Putin, is no longer happy how Ptrump has has performed for the past few months. Prutmp has gone too wild, even for the Russian standards. 

Hopefully Russia will find a better leader someday soon. That would also mean the end of Ptrump's economical benefits. 

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11 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Isis began in Iraq. And who destabilized Iraq?


ISIS as exists now was just another s****y little tinpot group among many scores of them. Had Obama not backed off when Russia got involved with regard to chemical weapons then they would have remained the s****y little tinpot group they were. To say that Obama created it is tenuous but ...... 

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12 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

His whole aim is to write a book after its all over titled "10 ways to lose the Presidency" It will be a best seller and he will have his 365 days of fame. Thats The Donald. I think he is a cloaked liberal helping Hillary get elected.


I like it, it fits in with "The Producers" theory": get big $$ donations then lose, not having to compensate the donors.


This time it's better than usual: the apologists/turd polishers are doing what they always do, but he's responding with "no, I literally meant Obama founded ISIS."  Good stuff!

I like it as much as Dinesh de Souza, who has been sentenced to live on a curfew at a halfway house, says that Obama has been sneaking around the back of the house trying to catch him in a curfew violation.  "Center of the World" syndrome.



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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


George Bush senior did not destabilize Iraq. He responded to an attack on Kuwait and liberated the country. He also did the right thing and did not march into Baghdad. Too bad his son was not so wise.

You do know Trump recently said "George Bush Sr should have finished the job" and marched on Baghdad. 


Maybe be you don't know that. The right wing media won't say it. 





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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Malarkey. No matter what it was about, Iraq invaded a sovereign nation and an ally of the USA. Bush had every right to defend them.


And the moron Trump says " we have to figure out what the hell is going on."


Let me clue you up. The US has been dropping bombs on the Middle East since 1991 Gulf War. 

That pisses them off.

If I lived there I'd be very pissed off too. 


In 1990, after Kuwait was invaded, Osama bin Laden went to the Saudi King, said he and the Mujadaheen would rescue Kuwait and kick out Saddam. 

The Saudi King decided to let the American troops set up base instead. 

Bin Laden went ballistic and now you know the rest of the story. 















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6 hours ago, oilinki said:

So the Russian guy (Trump) is saying what his mothercountry's current leader wishes him to say. 

I guess, even his master, the great Putin, is no longer happy how Ptrump has has performed for the past few months. Prutmp has gone too wild, even for the Russian standards. 

Hopefully Russia will find a better leader someday soon. That would also mean the end of Ptrump's economical benefits. 


To counter your point, I see it this way:


So the muslim guy (Obama) is saying what his motherreligious leaders wishes him to say.


I guess, even his master, the great ayatollah, is no longer happy how hussain has performed for the past few months.  Obama has gone wild even for Iranian standards.


Hopefully ISIS will find a better leader someday soon.  That would mean the end of clinton scandals.



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21 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

He's on a roll.


A roll down a rocky hill.  Plus his name branding money is drying up and going to get worse as the weeks roll by.   Only one person in the world attributes Trump's wealth to name band:  The Divider himself.  In awhile, he'll have as much success peddling his name as Bernie Madoff has had peddling the Madoff name.   Trump's name will increasingly be attributed to LOSER.


21 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is not anti-American. He just thinks that Obama's policies have been disastrous and a lot of Americans agree with him.


A lot of Americans think the world was created several thousand years ago.  Obama's popularity is rather good.  He's proposed and supported many sound policies.  Unfortunately for the American people, Republicans in congress have been putting roadblocks up every place they could.  Republican politicians shouldn't even get any paychecks, because they haven't been doing anything in Congress, other than foot-dragging.   


21 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

So who created and financed ISIS then?


Crazed Muslims.


19 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Isis began in Iraq. And who destabilized Iraq?

Iraqis and their crazed neighbors.

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Well, the left wing Guardian seems to agree with Trump.  And I remember quite a few TVF lefties claiming the US created ISIS, too, although now they've changed their tune.  

That didn’t only include the “non-lethal assistance” boasted of by the government (including body armour and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of “arms on a massive scale”. Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a “rat line” of arms transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the Gaddafi regime.


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18 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Well, the left wing Guardian seems to agree with Trump.  And I remember quite a few TVF lefties claiming the US created ISIS, too, although now they've changed their tune.  


Your link describes events in 2012. Trump in the OP accused Obama of founding ISIS, which was established  6 years earlier in 2006 as a result of the power vacuum created by Republican Presidents Bushes. Therefore, another Trump lie.


"That doesn’t mean the US created Isis, of course, though some of its Gulf allies certainly played a role in it – as the US vice-president, Joe Biden, acknowledged last year. But there was no al-Qaida in Iraq until the US and Britain invaded.[in 2003]" 5 years before Obama became President.



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3 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Your link describes events in 2012. Trump in the OP accused Obama of founding ISIS, which was established  6 years earlier in 2006 as a result of the power vacuum created by Republican Presidents Bushes. Therefore, another Trump lie.


"That doesn’t mean the US created Isis, of course, though some of its Gulf allies certainly played a role in it – as the US vice-president, Joe Biden, acknowledged last year. But there was no al-Qaida in Iraq until the US and Britain invaded.[in 2003]" 5 years before Obama became President.




Cherry picking.  Look at the TITLE of the piece.  

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq

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4 minutes ago, Usernames said:



Cherry picking.  Look at the TITLE of the piece.  

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq

Not cherry picking...fact checking. Something journalists  and interviewers should be challenging Trump with on a daily basis.


Does Trump ever speak to anyone other than Faux News?


I notice you don't challenge the year of ISIS founding. Better ask Trump for his latest flip flop "only kidding" explanation.

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1 minute ago, dexterm said:

Not cherry picking...fact checking. Something journalists  and interviewers should be challenging Trump with on a daily basis.


Does Trump ever speak to anyone other than Faux News?



Why are you so upset?  These are your guys.

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11 minutes ago, Usernames said:



Why are you so upset?  These are your guys.

Trumpists, just like their guru, full of baloney, innuendo and lies, attempting to besmirch the messenger. It's what Trump apologists do. It's all they got.


Cast your eyes up this thread a few posts for my comment on ISIS


"All destabilizing Saddam * which eventually led to a power vacuum, filled by the barbaric ISIS."



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29 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Trumpists, just like their guru, full of baloney, innuendo and lies, attempting to besmirch the messenger. It's what Trump apologists do. It's all they got.


Cast your eyes up this thread a few posts for my comment on ISIS


"All destabilizing Saddam * which eventually led to a power vacuum, filled by the barbaric ISIS."




Huffing and puffing and hysteria and hyperbole and twisting and ranting.

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3 hours ago, Usernames said:


Well, the left wing Guardian seems to agree with Trump.  And I remember quite a few TVF lefties claiming the US created ISIS, too, although now they've changed their tune.


It's one columnist in the Guardian. He doesn't speak for the Guardian.  This reminds of the time not long ago when someone in a thread claimed that Forbes had come out in favor of Trump when in fact it was just someone working for his campaign who had written a column.

And as for the Guardian being left wing, it supported the UK's participation in George W. Bush's excellent adventure in Iraq.

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Hey trump.

Whatever you're doing.

Keep it up!

It's working really well!:cheesy:

Of course he has skilled advisers but he's unwilling to listen to them.

What a relief!


The most telling, however, was that while these women were less than enthusiastic about supporting Hillary Clinton themselves, they were nearly unanimous in their belief that she’d ultimately win the election. Overall, these women don’t trust Hillary Clinton, but Trump scares them. And, the unpredictability and rashness of Trump seems to be a bigger problem for them. If Trump had shown a side that was less impulsive and more focused, these women would likely be more open to him. But, as one woman in Phoenix remarked: “I think he could change, but he doesn’t want to change.” That, more than anything, underlines how difficult it is going to be for Trump to get these women - and those like them - to vote for him. And, while this race may tighten, Clinton’s lead with these types of  traditionally GOP voters may endure.



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