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BREAKING: Hua Hin rocked by TWO MORE bomb explosions

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 minute ago, Lukecan said:

Maybe an alliance between red shirts and south extremists?



what happened within BRN – those who are for and against the peace-talk process – is normal,” Kasturi told BenarNews. “Inshallah [God willing], it will be resolved in the near future and it will not affect any ongoing of peace talks.”



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BBC reporting 4 dead and over 20 injured. 2 more bombs in Hua Hin this morning and and 2 more in a "public park" in Phuket injuring 1 person. Police are investigating "suspicious package." 5 provinces hit.


Stay safe everyone

Edited by phuketandsee
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1 hour ago, sitti said:

No bomb or terrorist will ever change my plan. I will go wherever I please as if nothing had happened.


You are right Sitti.


Night riot, in various parts of Thailand: 4 dead innocent.

At the same time on the roads Thailand 65 deaths, equally innocent. for more of them.


So you can go to Hua Hin if you feel like it, but caution should prompt you to avoid the road that leads there.  :wai2:

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2 hours ago, korkenzieher said:

Early test for the 'registered SIM card' idea. Perps should be locked up before lunch. In theory...


My thoughts exactly! There is a lot of discussion and debate on this new registered and track able SIM card coming in for foreigners and then these bombings and the reports that say they weed triggered by a cellphone. I'm no conspiracy theorist but it does seem pretty strange that this just starts to happen now.

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2 hours ago, chainarong said:

Thailand has many enemies within , it is not just straight forward position , if the Religious crowd from the South wanted to make a statement firstly they would have done so long ago and they wouldn't choose Hua Hin , there is a good many factions within for some reason  there has been an anti foreigner sentiment slowly creeping into the Thai system , however the aim of these would be attacks is to start at the grand money earner for Thailand, Tourism , the Junta has a carte blanche  to rule,  there are 65% that don't want them , if you equate 50% voting turnout and a 30% yes vote, you've got a problem, what a great way to cripple the economy ,  and if you have never seen a pissed off Asian,  you'd better stand back.........................................................:coffee1:

Yes. They might start throwing their toys out of the pram. Scary darey!!

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1 minute ago, Falcon said:

My thoughts exactly! There is a lot of discussion and debate on this new registered and track able SIM card coming in for foreigners and then these bombings and the reports that say they weed triggered by a cellphone. I'm no conspiracy theorist but it does seem pretty strange that this just starts to happen now.

Yes, but is there to compel a tourist to register a foreign-simmed service provider cellphone?


Maybe the system will block them, but I doubt it

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Subject: Map of Explosions in Hua Hin?
1. I was within 150 yards of both last nights explosions
            2. I was within 100 yards of both this mornings explosions.
Refer to a copy below of an E.mail I sent to friends this morning.
 Subject: Map of Explosions in Hua Hin?
  Thailand last night, Thursday, and this morning had suffered a number of 
   explosions in popular tourist area's, including Phuket and Hua Hin.
  Last night explosions in Hua Hin killed 2 people and injured 20. I was unaware 
  of the first explosion at about 10.00pm (this time is not confirmed as it was
  previously stated to be a bit later?). At this time I was having a foot massage in a shop about 150 yards away (as the crow flies) but did not hear any explosion?
 Unaware of this explosion I was walking to a "golfers bar" when the 2nd bomb exploded at about 11.07pm. and again I was about 150 yards away (if reports of where it occurred are correct?). Again I did not hear any explosion and only became aware of this when motor bikes rushed past me and this was followed by about 30 people running away and past me. If this 2nd explosion had occurred 1 to 2 minutes later then I could have been walking very near this 2nd explosion, although it was about 100 yards from the road I would have taken to the bar I was walking to up Soi Bintabaht, see map below.

Last nights explosions - according to the "limited information" I have received "I think" these explosions were"near the arrow (indicating a one-way street" immediately to the right of "Ban Hua Hin Municipal School" on the map below?

I was walking in Hua Hin 59 alley at that time last night, i.e. 11.07pm

I heard both explosions this morning, looking at the live Thai TV this morning showed a person injured exactly at the "k" in "Hua Hin Clock Tower" shown on the map.

The "blue dot" shows my hotel position when I heard the explosions at 09.00am which is less than 100 yards from the Clock Tower.
  The first explosion was at 09.00am followed by a much louder 2nd explosion within 20 seconds.
 Latest Reports on Thai TV (it's now 12.10pm) - 
 Last night - 2 dead, 20 people injured? 
This morning explosions? - bit confusing report but now reported 4 dead in total (from last night and this morning's explosions?) with a total of 30 injured? 
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According to the BBC "(Thai) Police on Friday ruled out international terrorism and said that any links to the southern insurgency were unclear."


So quick to rule things out. Based on what? Then again, I guess they're probably right. Probably the work of some drunk and illegal foreign workers taking the piss at their bosses.

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3 hours ago, chainarong said:

Thailand has many enemies within , it is not just straight forward position , if the Religious crowd from the South wanted to make a statement firstly they would have done so long ago and they wouldn't choose Hua Hin , there is a good many factions within for some reason  there has been an anti foreigner sentiment slowly creeping into the Thai system , however the aim of these would be attacks is to start at the grand money earner for Thailand, Tourism , the Junta has a carte blanche  to rule,  there are 65% that don't want them , if you equate 50% voting turnout and a 30% yes vote, you've got a problem, what a great way to cripple the economy ,  and if you have never seen a pissed off Asian,  you'd better stand back.........................................................:coffee1:


Your little quote " there are 65% that don't want them , if you equate 50% voting turnout and a 30% yes vote, you've got a problem, what a great way to cripple the economy."


I could understand if voting was banned by the government but if they didn't vote when they had the opportunity it is their problem and they only have themselves to blame.

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3 hours ago, poohy said:

Sounds like a good day to stay at home and play with dogs and watch Mrs Poohy gardening and let whoever it is get it out of their system

Yep, sounds like the plan. Can I come over? Haven't seen a Thai gardening before.

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3 hours ago, chainarong said:

Thailand has many enemies within , it is not just straight forward position , if the Religious crowd from the South wanted to make a statement firstly they would have done so long ago and they wouldn't choose Hua Hin , there is a good many factions within for some reason  there has been an anti foreigner sentiment slowly creeping into the Thai system , however the aim of these would be attacks is to start at the grand money earner for Thailand, Tourism , the Junta has a carte blanche  to rule,  there are 65% that don't want them , if you equate 50% voting turnout and a 30% yes vote, you've got a problem, what a great way to cripple the economy ,  and if you have never seen a pissed off Asian,  you'd better stand back.........................................................:coffee1:

I don't think this is strike at tourism as Hua Hin is mostly Thai weekend destination. Allot of upper middle class Thai's buy condo in Hua Hun / Cha Am for weekend getaways,  However I'm sure it will effect tourism. If whoever is behind this was after tourism they would hit more popular tourists destinations such as Phuket, Pattaya Koh Sumui. 

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4 hours ago, z42 said:

This is awful, it is very clear some outfit is trying to make a serious statement, but with so many potential candidates I doubt the RTP will actually get to the bottom of it, their track record is far from exemplary in such matters.

I hope very much for no further casualties. Scary times indeed

Yes scary indeed.

The RTP have a track record of quickly sniffing out bombers once a handsome reward is offered with the condition the police themselves are eligible to collect it when they nab an alleged offender.

Capturing such an alleged offender has nothing to do with him/her being found guilty of any bombing offence.

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3 hours ago, chainarong said:

Thailand has many enemies within , it is not just straight forward position , if the Religious crowd from the South wanted to make a statement firstly they would have done so long ago and they wouldn't choose Hua Hin , there is a good many factions within for some reason  there has been an anti foreigner sentiment slowly creeping into the Thai system , however the aim of these would be attacks is to start at the grand money earner for Thailand, Tourism , the Junta has a carte blanche  to rule,  there are 65% that don't want them , if you equate 50% voting turnout and a 30% yes vote, you've got a problem, what a great way to cripple the economy ,  and if you have never seen a pissed off Asian,  you'd better stand back.........................................................:coffee1:

Your figures are rubbishThe people that didn't vote are irrelevant from your equation,either way.You can't put 50% in the don't want camp because you don't know.I can say they are in the don't care to vote camp,for whatever reason.

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4 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

An act of extreme violence by whoever. Appalling, unjustifiable. 


To the Thai authorities please focus on the crime, and spare us all from your usual statement after meaningless statement to the point of a comedic circus. Then the sadly predictable round up of scapegoats.

Right back at you...

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the bombs outside the police station in Surat Thani were where our daughter was supposed to be this morning for the mothers day parade, luckily she wasnt feeling well and stayed home. Whoever did this was aiming at killing women and children again, certainly sounds like the reds as that is one of their favourite targets. They have targeted the regions where the vote was  yes as well and on mothers day too, hopefully they will catch them soon, if it the reds it will be time to start locking up all their leaders instead of just letting them out on bail. If it is by some chance the insurgents then they need to go down there in force and start killing them all, no more pussy footing around as they have been doing. Time for the army to actually start replying in force, which ever group it is.

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5 hours ago, Johnniey said:

We're going to Hua Hin tomorrow. Any idea who did it? 

Stay at Kao Takiab beach South for safety........Nicer there anyway.


5 hours ago, Johnniey said:

We're going to Hua Hin tomorrow. Any idea who did it? 


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