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Thai drama! 7-11 manageress stands up to irate cop


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6 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:


May be hard to obtain a warrant to chase someone accused of riding a motorcycle without a helmet.... but you never know I guess!


The alleged failure to not wear a helmet is not a criminal offence. In fact no  crime was alleged. As such, even in Thailand, the police cannot enter and search. The copper should have been more professional and polite. I have a lot of respect for the manager. We all want Thais to take a stand for good government and integrity. Well she did and deserves support.

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On one hand he is on private property and can be asked to leave if no warrant is provided


On the other hand  he is just following in someone who saw police checkpoint, stopped and ran into 7-11, nothing wrong with following that person in


HOWEVER, if this was anywhere in the West, the manager would have been arrested and charged with obstruction or interference


I do not think manager was right to interfere, the only thing she could ask and ask nicely is to remove that person outside to deal with the matter, so it does not interfere with the business. 

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2 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

There is a time an place for everything, you do not do Traffic Policing in a convenience store, just way until the person comes outside.


What the hell it is not a felony to not wear a helmet.

So in your expert opinion if this was in US or UK or Oz and one seeng police check point decided to me smart , pull over or uturn and go into a shop, cops would be waiting outside ? And if manager tell them to get out they would oblige ?

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2 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

There is a time an place for everything, you do not do Traffic Policing in a convenience store, just way until the person comes outside.


What the hell it is not a felony to not wear a helmet.


Have you ever seen all the comedy happening at a police checkpoint against motocy's without helmets??


It's really funny, better than a movie! Half of them doesn't wear a helmet and just escapes one way or the other. 

Even when the officer has stopped one and holds his arm i 've seen them pull up and escape...Even with a (helmetless) girl on the back.


But mostly they just turn around and drive back against traffic or they just steer around the policemen and disappear. Nothing happens, even not when the police are in a group of 8 men trying to stop them.


So this policeman chased the guy/girl into the shop to find out that the owner wouldn't coorperate....


And we still don't know the real reason why he wanted to see the id.

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13 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:

Seems many people are suspicious about the behaviour of Police at the moment...if we go by all the TV headlines, I guess there is some reason to be!


That is mistrust of the police, nothing new.  But these days the BiB are humbled a bit by the military.  I sense the boldness of the woman as conveying the message "enough of this police bs."


Of all the things he should be looking out for he puts his priority in pursuing someone who violated the helmet law.



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14 hours ago, colinneil said:

Just another smart a..e cop, who thinks he can demand what he wants.

It would have been so easy for him to ask, say please!!!! so sorry Thais never say please.

they say 



na khrap

in case you were not aware yet ?


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10 hours ago, Thian said:


I don't care if it's a he or a she was hiding for the police and what he or she did. 


Fact is that the police ordered her to do something which she refused. He was investigating something and on duty.


I don't see what he did wrong, he was still polite and shouldn't start such long discussions. If he has no right to arrest in a shop then he should leave and tell his boss about it. 

If he has the right to arrest then just do it, don't let a lady stop you.

Your attitude is as bad as the cop's, no wonder you support him. If he detailed why he needed to speak to someone, and was refused he should have contacted his superior, NOT get into an argument, this is where he lost it, the manager remained calm, we see male attitude far too much, as they are brought up as spoilt little brats.

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4 hours ago, Mook23 said:

they say 



na khrap

in case you were not aware yet ?


Think you will find the poster was writing in English, not transliterated Thai, assume you can see the difference ?

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18 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:


May be hard to obtain a warrant to chase someone accused of riding a motorcycle without a helmet.... but you never know I guess!


...well they seem to have power of arrest for everything here!

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15 hours ago, Rorri said:

Um, where does it say the the person is a boy, or where does it say the person was her son, geez, why do some people just make things up, so they can say something, personally, I think she was hiding one of the bombers, but hey, I could be wrong, but at least it's a better story than  yours.

the cop would never had gone into the 7/11 if he suspected it was a bad man.

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23 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:


May be hard to obtain a warrant to chase someone accused of riding a motorcycle without a helmet.... but you never know I guess!


My point exactly.  His demands were wrong.

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22 hours ago, Nasrullah said:

no......he was santa claus!!:rolleyes:

It was a rhetorical statement based on the many false BIB posing in Thailand, or don't you keep up to date on daily happenings? 

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On 2016-08-12 at 6:00 PM, smedly said:

manager is quite correct, bring a warrant and justify why you want to search, this cop should be sacked


I don't know about Thailand but in America like many western countries a warrant is NOT needed to enter a private residence (whether the individual is related or not) during "hot pursuit").  It is one of many exceptions that exist.  In fact if the staff in America had obstructed police in hot pursuit they could be arrested.  That being said, all this over the lack of wearing a helmet is a little silly.

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6 hours ago, borisloosebrain said:

CP wouldn't give a rats @r$$


Actually, I would not be surprised if the staff are dismissed.  This does not affect the corporation, therefore it would be of no interest to them to block.... and likely more of an embarrassment.

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21 hours ago, borisloosebrain said:

CP wouldn't give a rats @r$$


its not about cp giving a rats ass. its about police knowing who is behind 7 11. there is a reason police do not shakedown any 7 11 store and there are thousands.

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