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Pressuring Trump, Clinton releases 2015 tax returns


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7 hours ago, mesterm said:

Sure. Let's also have Mr. Clinton tell us what exactly he talked about with the Attorney General when he "bumped" into her at an airport.

What are you wearing under that? You know how Bill gets.

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1 hour ago, thaihome said:

The reason Trump won't show his income tax returns is obviously because he is not a "full disclosure" sort of guy.


His returns would show a number of thing he has a been evasive and flip flopped on a number of times:


1.Makes calculating his net worth more accurate.

2.Disclosure of his partnership and financial stakeas in Russia, Middle East, and potentially other less then savory characters.

3.Actual charity donations and campaign contributions to others.

4.Actual income tax paid

5.Actual corporate and ownership structure (including what is really owned)

6.Past and current "self funding" campaign method and sources

7.Current and past disputes with IRS and other US states and other countries. 

8.Financial reserves/set asides for law suit resolutions 

9.Usage of tax shelters and offshore companies to avoid US tax


That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but be assured,  it's all stuff Trump does not want commingled out.











- Tax deductions claimed for money spent on his signature hair

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I find it hard to believe that Trump will keep running.  With an ego the size of his he will surely look for an excuse to withdraw. Still, no time for gloating over his inevitable fall from grace as you are left with Clinton, far from being a suitable candidate.  Question is if Trump rolls over who can step up and would they have time to make a real challenge?  Paul Ryan was mentioned, is that a possibility?

No, he won't quit, no way, and you've identified one of the main reasons he won't. 

There is nobody credible that would be willing to run at this point that would want to.

Ryan definitely wouldn't.

It's too late. It's too messy. He's quite young and intends to run in a clean way probably in four years against Clinton. 

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From now on pretty much any statement of support for Trump will be Janus Faced and phrased in such a way that down the track it can be said that we didn't support him we supported the party. You watch. It's starting now. It's evident right here too. The ground is being laid for exculpation not unlike that around weapons of mass destruction. The intelligence was faulty they will say - though in this case it is their intelligence that was and is faulty and the intelligence of the American electorate manifestly underestimated. Now we are witness to our Republican brothers and sisters naked up there on the national stage with Trump,  cross legged and trying to cup their genitals so as to cover the fact that they've not the balls to stand up to the dangerous buffoon. Shame on them. Shame. Shame.

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The audit excuse is obviously total B.S.

His lawyers are probably stalling on resolving that until after the election.

He does have good lawyers.


They're probably cooking the books and trying to make them look reasonable and presentable. The fact that Trump still did not release his tax returns yet just shows what a trainwreck his finances really are. Probably too hard to hide all the skeletons.

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11 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

There's nowhere left for the Trumpster Train Wreck to go but further down. . . . . . . 




I certainly like the idea of a landslide against Trump..(wish it were a landslide for Bernie...mai ben rai) , and I hope the figures continue this way into November. But there's always the danger of the sympathy/protest vote..same as Brexit in UK, when the polls were predicting the opposite.


Good move by Hilary to release her returns now. Trump has 3 more agonizing months of flip flops and excuses for not doing likewise!

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Thanks for posting the Cartoon. Using the top left hand corner I was able to find legalinsurection.com and read some of the material put there by the founder of the site. Highly informative. Comments made here by our various ideological tribes are almost always the top eighth of the iceberg - we don' t see what lies beneath, what supports the comments as they float above a bottomless sea. The website shows the underlying structure, key words,  and virtue signaling tropes of our right wing comrades. I now see how many who post on this forum are the unwitting agents of a radical leftist anti-capitalist clique who, operating under the false colors of an equality of justice, simply seek to end all that is good and noble in civilization as we know it. I think it's probably a bit brainy, a bit eggheady for the majority of your Trump supporters, so the cartoon is helpful.

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Even on the "non scientific Fox News Poll", the Fox news followers don't think Trump should release his tax returns. Guess they either don't want to know or are afraid of what the returns may show.


45% - Yes (he should)

50% - No (he should not)

The rest - Unsure




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17 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Even on the "non scientific Fox News Poll", the Fox news followers don't think Trump should release his tax returns. Guess they either don't want to know or are afraid of what the returns may show.


Would you expect a Fox News poll to say anything else?



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23 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Even on the "non scientific Fox News Poll", the Fox news followers don't think Trump should release his tax returns. Guess they either don't want to know or are afraid of what the returns may show.


45% - Yes (he should)

50% - No (he should not)

The rest - Unsure






I have no problem with Donald not releasing  his tax. If he doesn't do it can he please stop pontificating on other people's tax arrangements? 

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8 minutes ago, alanrchase said:



I have no problem with Donald not releasing  his tax. If he doesn't do it can he please stop pontificating on other people's tax arrangements? 


I have. Because if it shows he's been lying about his charitable donations, or doing everything he can to avoid paying tax, he'll sink like the Titanic (i.e. overnight).

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If he has nothing to hide, just release them and be done with it. There is no good reason not to release them - unless he is hiding something. This is what he and Birther movement demanded of Obama. Good for the goose.....Romney is probably right about this - there is something truly terrible in those returns. Something incendiary, something dark and nasty. "Mr Trump, tear down this secrecy". Prove us all wrong. Just release them.

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16 minutes ago, Neurath said:

If he has nothing to hide, just release them and be done with it. There is no good reason not to release them - unless he is hiding something. This is what he and Birther movement demanded of Obama. Good for the goose.....Romney is probably right about this - there is something truly terrible in those returns. Something incendiary, something dark and nasty. "Mr Trump, tear down this secrecy". Prove us all wrong. Just release them.



As I remember Romney harped on about minimum wage people not paying tax. His tax return proved he paid less than the 15% minimum. All perfectly legal. My understanding of Mr Trumps tax is that due to his business he can defer losses against tax for seven years. Again all perfectly legal. Why does the shyster moan about other people's tax?

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On 9 August 2016 at 3:25 PM, harleyclarkey said:


Dear O Dear Grouse.....me stupid? Look in the mirror.


As well as a few billion in aid for the Syrian refugee  crisis the EC has made promises to Turkey for accession.

The deal also includes visa restrictions to be lifted for EC travel......another obstacle on the path to accession.


It is NOT off the table. Delayed...maybe. 




Get it? 


Next time you reply try to be a bit more polite and also check your facts before responding with nonsense......or is this beyond you?


Can't even remember the discussion!


It must be August, no news to discuss.....

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It's pretty clear by now that trump knows his odds of being president are low and he also knows that releasing his tax returns would reveal very negative information.

Given that ... why would he / why should he EVER release them?

As far as the election, releasing them would likely be more harmful than not releasing and the more relevant point, assuming trump loses (as I think he's already there with that) he's got to be considering the damage to his BRAND.

Thus, I don't see him ever releasing them. 

Of course, supposing there isn't anything damaging in them ... then this might be a big game to release them really late with the hope that them being clean would help him. Not bloody likely, but you never know. 

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's pretty clear by now that trump knows his odds of being president are low and he also knows that releasing his tax returns would reveal very negative information.

Given that ... why would he / why should he EVER release them?

As far as the election, releasing them would likely be more harmful than not releasing and the more relevant point, assuming trump loses (as I think he's already there with that) he's got to be considering the damage to his BRAND.

Thus, I don't see him ever releasing them. 

Of course, supposing there isn't anything damaging in them ... then this might be a big game to release them really late with the hope that them being clean would help him. Not bloody likely, but you never know. 


Yeah, another angle he is likely playing is that what will give him the maximum benefit, in terms of book deals, TV deals etc., after losing the election. Assuming he views this as the ultimate game, he will want to end the game with more money-making potential than not. Whatever his tax returns reveal, good or bad, he will do the calculus on which state of being offers the most money: disclosure or nondisclosure.  Just a big game for this PT Barnum.

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Quote: "Sorry to get back on topic, but I rather suspect that Trump will never release his tax returns because they would probably show two things:  1 - NO charitable donations except for ones which directly benefit his businesses. 2 - He's actually less wealthy than he claims. "


3.) That he paid zero taxes.

4.) That he has off-shore tax shelters.

5.) That he employs illegal immigrants.

6.) That he has business dealings with more "Italian-American" 'businesses' in NYC than the Tattaglias, and more with Russian oligarchs than Boris and Natasha.

7.) That most of his 'businesses' (steaks, whine, university, airline, casino, hair-care products, et al.) are all losing entities.


He will never, ever release his tax returns. He'll drop out the race before he does this.


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6 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Quote: "Sorry to get back on topic, but I rather suspect that Trump will never release his tax returns because they would probably show two things:  1 - NO charitable donations except for ones which directly benefit his businesses. 2 - He's actually less wealthy than he claims. "


3.) That he paid zero taxes.

4.) That he has off-shore tax shelters.

5.) That he employs illegal immigrants.

6.) That he has business dealings with more "Italian-American" 'businesses' in NYC than the Tattaglias, and more with Russian oligarchs than Boris and Natasha.

7.) That most of his 'businesses' (steaks, whine, university, airline, casino, hair-care products, et al.) are all losing entities.


He will never, ever release his tax returns. He'll drop out the race before he does this.


He has clearly reached the same conclusion that some members here reached as well: releasing the returns does more harm than not releasing.

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53 minutes ago, stevenl said:

He has clearly reached the same conclusion that some members here reached as well: releasing the returns does more harm than not releasing.


I'm thinking that the moment the race looks irrevocably lost, that's when he will release those tax returns, which will likely show all the bad things cited above. He will then be a hot commodity for his new book "How I scammed an entire nation and the world into almost electing a complete fraud as President." Those tax returns will illuminate much and he will be a hot commodity on TV shows, interviews worldwide and best seller book deals.  Just what he loves.

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I'm already there with wondering how trump is going to spin his loss for the benefit of his business empire. The other x factor is what kind of political mess he leaves as it's clear he's already blaming the loss of "rigging" which combined with his rabid rhetoric and types of people in his base will probably mean at least some, perhaps a lot, of VIOLENCE. 


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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm already there with wondering how trump is going to spin his loss for the benefit of his business empire. The other x factor is what kind of political mess he leaves as it's clear he's already blaming the loss of "rigging" which combined with his rabid rhetoric and types of people in his base will probably mean at least some, perhaps a lot, of VIOLENCE. 



He'll sue everyone: immigrants, Mexican rapists, Islamic terrorists, Canadians, CNN, HRC, every single person who votes against him, one or more times. 


The pitchfork & torch crowd might cause problems this election, longer term they'll scurry back to their holes.

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How did Trump ever think that it wouldn't come to this? That the time wouldn't come when what is demanded of others is demanded of him; that the lights be turned on and the dark underworld of his finances illuminated? How did he ever think that this moment would not come?  A fatal lack of self-awareness? An inability to see that what he himself demands of others might be demanded of him? Whatever the cause of his blindness that moment has come, and if the lights are turned on and the swarming roach infestation of his financial dealings made manifest, the electorate will recoil like a fashion model who going to bed with a billionaire finds in the morning nothing but a toupe wearing 70 year old pauper. 

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