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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


So what's your shout for a Trump Hail Mary?



Got nothing. Just trying to calm the increasing panic as the ship lists disastrously. Fat Jack Dawson is going down with the ship. The lifeboats left the ship a couple of months ago. They've decided not to come back to pick up survivors. Panic, panic everywhere. The band continues to play whilst the captain's lieutenants tell the passengers that the water around their feet is just on overflowing toilet. Don't count your chickens they say. There are ships in worse shape that haven't sunk they say, this after all is a very, very, unusual ship.  

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Shock Poll: Trump Gets 20 Percent of Black Vote in Florida Poll; Leads Clinton Overall 43 to 41


Twenty percent of African-American voters in Florida support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump according to a poll released Wednesday by Florida Atlantic University.

The poll hit as Trump is visiting Tampa for a mid-day rally at the State Fairgrounds.

The poll shows Trump with a two point lead of rival Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, 43 to 41 percent, within the poll’s 2.7 percent margin of error. Clinton has the support of 68 percent of African-American voters in Florida. 1200 registered Florida voters were surveyed from August 19-22"

The Washington Post reported in 2014 that incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott received twelve percent of the Black vote for his reelection bid, noting that was an eight point improvement over 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s performance with Florida’s Black voters and Scott’s 2010 support.


Donald's on a roll all the way to Big White! :clap2:


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This headline says it all:


TRUMP Donates $100,000 to LA Flood Victims – Hillary Takes Selfies with Justin Timberlake



REPUBLICAN DONALD TRUMP donated a truckload of supplies to Louisiana flood victims.

Trump also donated $100,000 to Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which lies to the northeast of Baton Rouge, in a zone affected by floods.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton took selfies with Justin Timberlake in Hollywood.






Now who is the better candidate for the People's welfare we ask? :whistling:

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This whole media effort to make it seem like the Trump tent is folding is combined with the Clinton campaign pounding away with unsupportable charges against Trump for the purpose of driving Trump down as far as possible Before the Debates so as to offset the pounding Hillary will get in the Debates with the charges of her corruption going out to the nation unfiltered by the Hillary News Media 

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29 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


Shock Poll: Trump Gets 20 Percent of Black Vote in Florida Poll; Leads Clinton Overall 43 to 41


Twenty percent of African-American voters in Florida support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump according to a poll released Wednesday by Florida Atlantic University.

The poll hit as Trump is visiting Tampa for a mid-day rally at the State Fairgrounds.

The poll shows Trump with a two point lead of rival Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, 43 to 41 percent, within the poll’s 2.7 percent margin of error. Clinton has the support of 68 percent of African-American voters in Florida. 1200 registered Florida voters were surveyed from August 19-22"

The Washington Post reported in 2014 that incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott received twelve percent of the Black vote for his reelection bid, noting that was an eight point improvement over 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s performance with Florida’s Black voters and Scott’s 2010 support.


Donald's on a roll all the way to Big White! :clap2:


I don't think it is a shock poll, in line with other recent trends, nor do I think Trump is on a roll. It is more Clinton taking a dive due to one/some of her shady dealings. Trump should do what Clinton has done: let the other bury him/her self. But he can't, and comes out now with an immigration u-turn. As bad a planning as can be.


With a worthy opponent both candidates would be toast.

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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

With a worthy opponent both candidates would be toast.

Don''t believe anybody is disputing that although it is what it is and with all the corruption and scandals surrounding Crooked Hillary, Trump is the more favorable candidate.  :)

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10 hours ago, PTC said:


It's on the internet, so it must be true. This is where Donald gets his 'information' http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2016/08/yes-melania-was-hooker-before-she.html


Since you have no actual authority to berate or admonish other posters the only basis for you presuming to draw any line is moral authority. As a Trump fanboy, you have none. Having moral indignation is not the same as having moral authority. The poster whom you abuse is owed an apology.


But of course none will be forthcoming.


This is what the news will look like under a President Trump and First Escort Melania http://www.liberalamerica.org/2016/08/21/melania-trump-sex/



There is no way that I would apologise to anyone who crosses the line and that includes you.  This part re the apology is the only correct thing you have stated in your post.  You accuse me of abusing,  :cheesy: you're joking aren't you? Families are out of bounds, as Trump found out when his remarks and photograph of Ted Cruz's wife was tweeted and then statement about Cruz's father.


If anyone is indignant, then I'd say this describes you to a "T" and accusing me of berating and admonishing another, take a closer look at what you have written.  And get one thing, I really do not care but given what you are on about it is obvious you lack morals as you do not care what you post, especially when it's unsubstantiated.  It says a lot about you and the other poster, and just remember, I do not have to justify anything to anyone, least of all you. 


Also, if you want to admonish me then I would suggest you understand the meaning of words you use, not just what you put in because it sounds good.  Funny isn't it, you are doing exactly what you are accusing me of.  :wai:

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Don''t believe anybody is disputing that although it is what it is and with all the corruption and scandals surrounding Crooked Hillary, Trump is the more favorable candidate.  :)


It is Trump, that needs to tear into this media problem....


The main point is that the Clinton's feel they can do anything they want....corruption, slush funds for appointed officials who are taxing me (without representing me)....


THE WORST PART.....they do not suffer consequences for their deeds !


but the media pulls every word out of context on TRUMP.  Which is just plain stooopid.


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4 hours ago, Neurath said:

Got nothing. Just trying to calm the increasing panic as the ship lists disastrously. Fat Jack Dawson is going down with the ship. The lifeboats left the ship a couple of months ago. They've decided not to come back to pick up survivors. Panic, panic everywhere. The band continues to play whilst the captain's lieutenants tell the passengers that the water around their feet is just on overflowing toilet. Don't count your chickens they say. There are ships in worse shape that haven't sunk they say, this after all is a very, very, unusual ship.  


what in the world are you on about?


what does this have to do with the topic?

ships? lifeboats?


The topic is the Media..and how Trump is tearing into them...not boats ! 


Edited by slipperylobster
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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

This headline says it all:


TRUMP Donates $100,000 to LA Flood Victims – Hillary Takes Selfies with Justin Timberlake



REPUBLICAN DONALD TRUMP donated a truckload of supplies to Louisiana flood victims.

Trump also donated $100,000 to Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which lies to the northeast of Baton Rouge, in a zone affected by floods.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton took selfies with Justin Timberlake in Hollywood.






Now who is the better


candidate for the People's welfare we ask? :whistling:


Yet....believe it or not...left wing nutcakes will eat this up.

She looks like a groupie/roadie....   out having parties while people are homeless.


First Jimmy Kimmel...and now Justin Timberlake.....


amazing !

Edited by slipperylobster
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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Don''t believe anybody is disputing that although it is what it is and with all the corruption and scandals surrounding Crooked Hillary, Trump is the more favorable candidate.  :)

You're forgetting Trump's problem, his big mouth.

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13 hours ago, PTC said:


It's on the internet, so it must be true. This is where Donald gets his 'information' http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2016/08/yes-melania-was-hooker-before-she.html


Since you have no actual authority to berate or admonish other posters the only basis for you presuming to draw any line is moral authority. As a Trump fanboy, you have none. Having moral indignation is not the same as having moral authority. The poster whom you abuse is owed an apology.


But of course none will be forthcoming.


This is what the news will look like under a President Trump and First Escort Melania http://www.liberalamerica.org/2016/08/21/melania-trump-sex/



your off topic post is really getting annoying..


what are you inferring?  Hookers? Sex for Sale?


what garbage.



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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

You're forgetting Trump's problem, his big mouth.




A big mouth.....but one that can keep secrets...unlike your Queen Superstar..."Hillary"


You know...the pant suited lady...that broadcasts out National Secrets to anyone with a laptop.


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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:


Shock Poll: Trump Gets 20 Percent of Black Vote in Florida Poll; Leads Clinton Overall 43 to 41


Twenty percent of African-American voters in Florida support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump according to a poll released Wednesday by Florida Atlantic University.

The poll hit as Trump is visiting Tampa for a mid-day rally at the State Fairgrounds.

The poll shows Trump with a two point lead of rival Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, 43 to 41 percent, within the poll’s 2.7 percent margin of error. Clinton has the support of 68 percent of African-American voters in Florida. 1200 registered Florida voters were surveyed from August 19-22"

The Washington Post reported in 2014 that incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott received twelve percent of the Black vote for his reelection bid, noting that was an eight point improvement over 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s performance with Florida’s Black voters and Scott’s 2010 support.


Donald's on a roll all the way to Big White! :clap2:



Robocall polling is not credible nor has it ever been credible which is what the Florida Atlantic University does in its so-called polling.


An online poll by Saint Leo University presently shows Clinton leading Trump by 14%.


Neither poll nor its methods should be considered as credible, reliable, reputable. In the age of polling, there are a lot of dabblers who try to become real players. The marketplace sooner or later sorts out the real thing from the wannabes in whatever it might be -- always.



Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by a marginal 2 points in a new Florida poll. Ooops. Maybe not. Clinton leads Trump by 14 points in a new Florida poll. The rival surveys released yesterday by Florida Atlantic University (robopoll) and Saint Leo University (online poll) show the challenges of polling the state. Different pollsters using different methods produce wildly different results. This is why POLITICO’s main site shies away from writing about most robopolls and online surveys in favor of covering conventional polls (using live callers)




Live callers and established scientific ways and means done by reputable and respected polling organisations. The LA Times poll cited previously has its own unique features that by the paper's own statement are experimental.

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1 hour ago, slipperylobster said:




A big mouth.....but one that can keep secrets...unlike your Queen Superstar..."Hillary"


You know...the pant suited lady...that broadcasts out National Secrets to anyone with a laptop.



Anyone with a laptop?

So how many have you read then?


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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump also donated $100,000 to Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which lies to the northeast of Baton Rouge, in a zone affected by floods.


Thanks for reminding me, that was very funny.


Trump’s six figure “donation” actually went to a group called the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which is a local front for ‘interim pastor” Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council – a notorious anti LGBT entity disguised as a family values group and now disguised as a church. Perkins lost his home in the flood, a story which garnered significant headlines for its irony after so many anti-gay “pastors” had previously claimed that Hurricane Katrina had hit Louisiana as part of God’s wrath against gay people.




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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:


Shock Poll: Trump Gets 20 Percent of Black Vote in Florida Poll; Leads Clinton Overall 43 to 41


Twenty percent of African-American voters in Florida support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump according to a poll released Wednesday by Florida Atlantic University.

The poll hit as Trump is visiting Tampa for a mid-day rally at the State Fairgrounds.

The poll shows Trump with a two point lead of rival Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, 43 to 41 percent, within the poll’s 2.7 percent margin of error. Clinton has the support of 68 percent of African-American voters in Florida. 1200 registered Florida voters were surveyed from August 19-22"

The Washington Post reported in 2014 that incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott received twelve percent of the Black vote for his reelection bid, noting that was an eight point improvement over 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s performance with Florida’s Black voters and Scott’s 2010 support.


Donald's on a roll all the way to Big White! :clap2:


There was also a poll released by Roanake College that showed Clinton ahead by 16 points in Virginia. I didn't cite it because Roanoke College's polls get a low rating from fivethirtyeight.com.  A "C" grade to be precise.  As for Florida Atlantic University it gets a "C+"  

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3 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

This whole media effort to make it seem like the Trump tent is folding is combined with the Clinton campaign pounding away with unsupportable charges against Trump for the purpose of driving Trump down as far as possible Before the Debates so as to offset the pounding Hillary will get in the Debates with the charges of her corruption going out to the nation unfiltered by the Hillary News Media 


Donald will get pounded in the debates on his latest 'evolution' of allowing undocumented immigrants a path to regularization. You still gonna vote for him? Maybe he will turn on the pro 2A crowd next. He is after all trying to win the white education younger group and most of them are pro gun control.


Where will you go now I wonder?


You should pay more attention to your bible teachings. Psalm 146:3

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25 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Thanks for reminding me, that was very funny.





Tony Perkins' latest post to his Facebook 


Clearly God is unhappy with Pretty Tony. Clearly God is pro LGBTQ to target the Family Research Council nutbag so directly. I wonder what will happen to NC Gov McCrory?



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2 minutes ago, PTC said:




. . . . Clearly God is unhappy with Pretty Tony. Clearly God is pro LGBTQ to target the Family Research Council nutbag so directly. I wonder what will happen to NC Gov McCrory?



So now you've brought yourself down to Tony's level.  

I know, I know, sarcasm and all . . . just sayin'   :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:



There is no way that I would apologise to anyone who crosses the line and that includes you.  This part re the apology is the only correct thing you have stated in your post.  You accuse me of abusing,  :cheesy: you're joking aren't you? Families are out of bounds, as Trump found out when his remarks and photograph of Ted Cruz's wife was tweeted and then statement about Cruz's father.


If anyone is indignant, then I'd say this describes you to a "T" and accusing me of berating and admonishing another, take a closer look at what you have written.  And get one thing, I really do not care but given what you are on about it is obvious you lack morals as you do not care what you post, especially when it's unsubstantiated.  It says a lot about you and the other poster, and just remember, I do not have to justify anything to anyone, least of all you. 


Also, if you want to admonish me then I would suggest you understand the meaning of words you use, not just what you put in because it sounds good.  Funny isn't it, you are doing exactly what you are accusing me of.  :wai:


That's right. Make it about me.


Still think you have some authority to say what is 'out of bounds'.


When will you apologize to the poster you abused?

Edited by PTC
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2 hours ago, slipperylobster said:



your off topic post is really getting annoying..


what are you inferring?  Hookers? Sex for Sale?


what garbage.




Why can't you defend Melania's pre Tump chastity? I have no problem with women working as sex workers. There are all sorts of reasons why sex workers choose this occupation. I also have no problem with women of a certain type and look allowing themselves to be purchased by fat old rich men. After all the benefits outweigh the few minutes of distaste and wrinkles.


I infer nothing. Inference is for the observer. I imply. My implication is quite clear. You're annoyed. Tough.

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12 minutes ago, Fookhaht said:

So now you've brought yourself down to Tony's level.  

I know, I know, sarcasm and all . . . just sayin'   :rolleyes:


I didn't do anything to Tony Perkin's house. God did. If he wants to play in the mud like Trump then that's up to him I guess. But I do want to see what He does to McCrory.

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2 hours ago, slipperylobster said:




A big mouth.....but one that can keep secrets...unlike your Queen Superstar..."Hillary"


You know...the pant suited lady...that broadcasts out National Secrets to anyone with a laptop.


My queen, where did you get that from? She's way to far to the right for my liking :)

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4 minutes ago, PTC said:


That's right. Make it about me.


Still think you have some authority to say what is 'out of bounds'.


When will you apologize to the poster you abused?


Gee, offended you have I, sorry but if you can dish it out, learn to take it.  It is not authority to say what is out of bounds, just an opinion, nor is it abuse  If you only knew the meanings of words before you use them then it might be a reasonable argument but it's evident you have no idea.


I also see that you have adopted the approach of the mainstream press and the Clinton campaign, where they take things out of context, twist words, add words, change it around to suit their agenda, or as a last resort, make it up.  As no abuse occurred, no apology forthcoming.



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